18 •
Newark, NJ 📍
4:42 AM
Justice sat up in the bed scrolling endlessly on her phone through the replies that were coming in from her tweets. Apparently Miss Nina had amnesia and wanted to act out on the internet as if she couldn't remember the last fight they had.
Zoey covered her mouth letting out a yawn. "Yall still going back and forth?"
Justice shook her head "Nope she didn't reply to my last tweet" she turned her phone screen so her sister could see the lastest tweets between them.
Zoey just shook her head "Didn't yall already fight outside of the club? Stop responding to her ass she just trying to get some clout at this point Justice" The younger sister voiced.
"You know I hate anyone that talks shit about me " Justice was good for holding grudges which was something she was aware of and haven't addressed yet.
"You're literally in the middle of the spotlight right now. You can't get mad at everyone that says something about you." Zoey hopped up from the bed and went into the bathroom to put her bonnet on.
Justice only hummed in response to what she was saying because it was true. Her problem shouldn't even be with Nina anymore it should be towards Durk because what could be the reason she called him twice yesterday.
Their room fell into a comfortable silence which was short lived because now someone was continuously knocking at the door. Zoey leaned back so she could look at Justice. "Go open the door you know he's not going to leave until you do" Truth be told she was getting fed up with them and was ready to go to sleep.
Justice flipped the covers back and got off of the bed. Slowly but surely making her way through the suite. When she reached the door she knew it was useless to check the peephole because she knew exactly who it was she could hear his voice on the other side of the door.
She lowly laughed at the threats he was voicing and cracked the door open enough for him to see her face and body only. "What's up?"
He scrunched his face up "Whats u- man watch out Justice" he pushed the door open and walked into the room looking around. "Why you on twitter entertaining that weak ass bitch. I told you to stop doing that"
Justice shrugged and crossed her arms still standing by the door. "I don't know what you're talking about? I was having some friendly conversations on twitter with some fans" she watched his every move as he made his way to the couch. His eyes were noticeably low and red. "Why are you here and not with everybody else?"
He closed his eyes and let his tired body sink into the couch. "Why you not answering my calls? You mad at me?"
Justice gasped "Me?" she unfolded her arms and walked over to the couch sitting next to him. "Of course not why would I be mad at you?" she sarcasm laced in her voice. "But since we are doing the whole question game why was she calling your phone yesterday?"
"Alot of people call my phone Justice who you talking about?"
"That 'weak ass bitch' that you just mentioned" Her eyes shifting back and forth from his face to his neck as she contemplated on which one she wanted to punch first if he continued playing with her.
He chuckled and opened his eyes again "That's why yall arguing? You think im fucking with her? Why you ain't say that instead of ignoring me and having a attitude" He was genuinely confused since he thought she was mad about something deeper than Nina.
"I mean I'm just trying to see why she would need to call you"
"Here you go. Ion know why she calling me why do it matter?" His look of irritation only made Justice even more mad because she was really the victim here not him.
She uncrossed her legs and stood up "It matters because just the other day you called me talking about am I cheating but yet you got her and who knows how many other girls calling your phone. You always preaching about how don't nobody want a bitch that's friendly yet you probably around here with community dick giving it to any and every bitch"
"You fell in love with it so welcome to the community" he smirked.
Zoey let out a low whistle from the bedroom "Let me just go ahead and close this" she shut the bedroom door. She couldn't take another minute of listening to the two arguing.
Without responding to what he just said she went to the front door and opened it "Just leave because you about to piss me off, deadass"
He shrugged and stood up from the couch walking over to where she was "Why? I'm just tryin' to see why you so mad at me and you brining up Nina. I might as well go fuck ha forreal since that's what you always thinking" His mind wasn't thinking straight. As he poured out words he would regret as soon as he sobered up.
She waited till he was completely outside of the to continue with him. Although Justice was sober she still recklessly didn't mind let anything slip from her mouth, fighting fire with fire. "You might as well because I already fucked my ex, I was just waiting on you to catch up" She slammed the door before he could get ahold of her. . Justice just needed her words to hurt as deep as his did.
He chuckled on the other side of the day "Ian gone lie. Yo ass a hoe, I swear on my-"
She had her back against of the other side of the door listening to him go on and on "You swear on what? Yo dead homies? Stop talking to me before I diss they ass too"
Zoey opened the bedroom door with her jaw dropped. "Justice that's so disrespectful, stop it forreal"
Justice ignored her sister and turned to look through the peephole when she didn't hear his voice anymore. He wasn't there. Now she'd seen enough movies and she knew that if she opened the door to see if he was really gone he would be right on the side of the door waiting
She sighed and walked away from the door, the sun now rising as the time was now 6:00am. Justice walked back into the bedroom sliding her body under the cover. "Damnn!" She sat up against the headboard.
"What now?"
"Nothing I just thought of some shit I should've said during the argument" she pouted.
Zoey put the cover over her body and turned the other way. "Goodnight Justice"
Three Days Later
Chicago, IL 📍
"Ouuu I knew that was going to happen!" Justice pointed at the Tv while walking into the living room with a bowl of fresh fruit. Her eyes were glued to the screen as 'All the Queens men' played. The exact scene where Babyface pushed Ms.Patty over the balcony railing. She shook her head and placed one of the cut up pieces of pineapple in her mouth.
It's been three days since Justice and Durk spoke. Durk sent her over 300 text messages saying he was sorry. Even though the both of them knew that they were wrong he took it upon himself to apologize first. Justice purposely did not check the messages or even open them. She wasn't even mad anymore she was just being petty at this point.
Only her sister and Chris knew about the argument and they both said that she was the one being childish. With her being stuck in her stubborn ways she dismissed their opinions and ultimately planned to block everyone out for the next few days. Chris of course, popped up unannounced to spend the day with her.
"Now Amp know he too damn fine whew. I couldn't have been on the show I would've been fired the first twenty minutes on set. I would've been stretched out like a old rubber band holding on for dear life" Chris fanned himself.
"Something is seriously wrong with you" Justice sat the bowl on the coffee table in front of her and picked up her water bottle. "I need a massage" she swung her body to the side and put her feet in Chris's lap.
"I know damn well.." He paused to look down at her freshly done white polished toes. "You better pick up that phone and get your man back. I don't do massages" He politely moved her feet out of his lap.
Justice ignored him and her eyes stared at her phone for a few minutes. Repeatedly listening to the *Ding* notification sound . It seems as if it got louder and louder with each text message that came through.
Chris kissed his teeth and grabbed her phone surprising Justice when he put the code into her phone. His eyes scanning over the screen a small smile formed on his face as he scrolled through most of the messages in their thread. "He said if you don't answer his messages he's trapping you with a baby"
Justice sat up and grabbed the phone out of his hand typing the word 'Heyyyy!!' and pressing send. "You know I don't even play like that" she frowned while waiting on his response. Three dots appeared at the bottom indicating that he was typing and then they sudden went away.
"I need to go home, I been away for too long. Plus I need more clothes I went through the ones I packed" She hopped up off the couch and let out a yawn.
"Thank God! Now my man can come over. You need help packing your stuff?" Chris got up and went over to her suitcase unzipping it. He enjoyed his friend's company and really loved being there for her but he was ready for her to get out of her feelings and get on.
"Damn you was ready huh?" She went over to her bag stuffing in the few things she had surrounding the area. Her mind immediately went to the thoughts of what he could be doing and why he stop responding the moment she finally said something back. "Bye Chris's house, bye Chris's tv, bye Chris's pantry that had all of the snacks" she pouted walking backwards to the door.
"Oh so fuck me huh?" Chris widened his eyes at the audacity of Bye's she got through before finally getting to him. "Drive home safe love and let me know when you get home" he pulled her into a hug and lightly squeezed her.
Once she was on the other side of the door she looked around at the people carelessly walking up and down the street. She mumbled a few words to herself while making her way down the stairs to the side walk where her car was parked. Just go home Justice. She repeated over and over. She closed the trunk after putting her suitcase and went to get in the driver's seat. After arguing with her self like maniac she pressed the push to start button and headed in the direction away from her apartment.
Durk raised his fist hitting it against the solid Mahogany front door. It was now nine-thirty at night and the he needed to be back on the road at seven in the morning. He had one free day today and took it upon his self to come home to get shit straightened out with Nina but to also see Justice he couldn't keep his mind right if she wasn't talking to him. He loved her too much to continue to let this go on.
A shadow slowly approaching the door could be seen through the glass. The elderly lady opened the door and fixed the glasses on her face. "Hey. I haven't seen you in a while how are you?"
Durk was uninterested in holding a conversation with her but definitely respected his elders without a doubt. "I'm good Mrs.Jackson is Nina here?" he got straight to the point.
Mrs. Jackson smiled dropped at his tone and she moved to the side so he could come in. "She's upstairs getting ready to go out" she walked past him going back to return back to her reclining seat that sat in front of the Tv she watched that had a rerun of Family feud playing at a unnecessarily loud volume.
He headed straight upstairs to the room he regretted ever going to in the past. Pushing the door open he could hear the shower running and her singing horribly, didn't sound shit like Justice. He slowly closed the room door and went to sit at the edge of her bed to wait for her. As mad as he was he still remained patient as she took another twenty minutes in the shower. Once the shower was no longer running.
Her singing stopped when she walked back into the room. "Hmm I should've known you would be back" She walked around the side of the bed with a sly smirk on her face. "She must've left you huh?" her smart comments came to a halt when his hands found their place around her neck firmly gripping it.
"Ian about to keep telling you to stop calling my phone Nina. I already know you doing that shit to piss my bitch off." He towered over with his hand still grasping her neck in the most insolent way. He honestly hated her, he hated anyone who messed with his happiness for that matter.
Nina's hands pulled at his wrist since she couldn't speak. This was the last thing she was expecting from him. From the time he started fucking with Nina he made it known that he wasn't going to take her serious and she was okay with it as long as money and sex kept coming her way. To see him serious about Justice really triggered her because she wanted to one day be in that position.
"Don't say shit else to her, don't even look at her Ion give a fuck if yall sitting right in front of each other. You hear me?" He looked in her distressed eyes and tears that ran down her face. "You hear me?" he repeated.
Nina closed her eyes and nodded her head as best as she could. She deeply gasped when her neck was free from his grip. Her feelings were beyond hurt "I can't believe you. You out here giving this bitch the world and had the nerve to have me at the clinic not once but twice! You don't even deserve a good woman at all because you ain't shit." She cleared her throat so her voice wouldn't be so raspy. "I fucking hate you!" she gripped the towel that was around her body and sniffled.
"You'll be iight" he fixed the chains on his neck and made his way to her bedroom door. His mood did a complete 180 as he jogged down the stairs stopping at the bottom to face her grandma "It was nice seeing you" he nodded and smiled at her.
She returned the smile and shook her head once he was out the door. "I don't know why that child continue to mess with these men. You don't like lawyers or doctors?" She yelled out so Nina could hear her upstairs. The sound of the room door slamming was the only response she got and she was absolutely fine with that.
On his way home he planned to grab some more clothes for the last days he had remaining for this tour and then he would go see Justice. Counting down the hours he had left that he wanted to desperately spend with her. He made it home in twenty minutes top thanks to him speeding.
When he pulled into his driveway he smiled seeing Justice's range rover parked. She didn't tell him or anyone that she would be stopping by, she actually was planning on going home but she thought he would still be away and missed him too much so his bed was the closest she would get to his presence.
He cut the engine and hopped out. He eagerly went into the house and up the stairs to find Justice. She was sound asleep with her entire body under the covers. It was like perfect timing because she rolled over and pulled the covers back from her face but her eyes were still closed.
Durk kicked off his shoes, pulled off the Amiri shirt he was wearing and walked over to the bed, emptying out his pockets. He got under the covers and pulled her body close to his, wrapping his arms around her body. He placed kisses on her neck expecting her to be still asleep.
"I'm sorry Derrick, I should've never said all of that. I was just mad at the moment and as you can see I'm still working on my anger" she placed her hand on top of his.
He shook his head "You ain't gotta apologize. I'm the one that's sorry I should've never put you in the position where you had to even question why somebody else calling me. I should've had that shit handled a long ass time ago. But I promise, you ain't never gotta worry about any other bitch calling me again. I ain't gone play about you and definitely don't wanna lose yo spoiled, mean, smart mouthed, goody pussy having ass."
Justice chuckled and turned to face him. "Was the last part necessary?" She always truly took in every word he had ever said to her from the first day they met. Mainly because she had never heard anything like it before. Someone who was serious about her and made her feel special. It felt like a fantasy.
"Na real shit. I truly love you, it was never about no pussy. I could go out and get that from any bitch but they ain't gone do the shit that you've done for me. I appreciate it fasho. I really Love you Justice. I'll give you the entire world if I could"
One thing about Justice's character, she has a smart ass mouth and I love it 😭
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