16 •

Justice spaced out as Bleu spoke to the child's mother giving her some updates and improvements from their last visit. Her body was physically there but her mind was else where. considering the fact she lacked sleep since Durk wanted to have sex every time he laid his eyes on her. The examining room door opened and she blinked snapping back into reality.

"Thanks for coming in and it's good to see you're doing way better" He spoke to the child and nodding towards the receptionist desk to assure that she could set up another appointment there. As they walked away his smile faded and he went back into the room closing the door. He leaned against the door and clicked the pen in his hand while staring Justice down.

"May I help you?" she furrowed her eyebrows together.

"What's going on with you? I feel like you're a whole new person today?" His eyes traveled down her body looking at how her body filled her scrubs and then back up to her face.

She rolled her eyes "I'm fine, Just tired." she gathered her things and walked towards the door but he didn't move.

"You know I heard one of your songs, You have a beautiful voice that matches that beautiful face I would love to hear you sing in person sometime"

Justice scoffed "This ain't American Idol" she tried to reach for the door handle but he put his hand on top of hers. By now everyone around Justice knew that she hated to be touched or grabbed without consent.

"Your wife know you always tryna touch on your employees?" She looked up at him with the most disgusted face ever.

He shrugged "What she don't know won't hurt her"

Justice quickly smacked his hand away "Yeah but I'm about to hurt you if you don't stop touching me. The fuck is wrong with you?"

Bleu was shocked he had never heard her talk like that since she usually used her 'corporate' voice around patients and in the office. A smile flashed across his face as he moved out of the way so she could leave the room. His eyes followed her backside before he went back to his office closing the door behind him.

As Justice approached the front desk Chris stopped gossiping with the janitor about the new workers and walked over to her. "Stop frowning it will cause wrinkles when you get older" he sat next to her. The door opened and a young white lady came in with a lot very obvious plastic surgery.

She walked up to the desk and smiled "Hey I'm here to see my husband" she smiled and leaned on the desk a little showcasing the ring that sat on her ring finger. Chris looked over at Justice as they exchanged a confused look.

"Oh-Nevermind there he is" She smiled and the two friends looked over at Bleu who had a stupid grin on his face as he grabbed her hand walking her to his office.

Chris let out a low whistle and turned to face his friend. Who was watching a video on her phone with a mug on her face. She sat the phone down aggressively and then snatched the airpod out of her left ear. "I guess it's fuck with Justice day huh?" she laughed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Since the office was about close and no more patients were scheduled and it was quiet in the front area. Chris picked up the phone and squinted watching the video and then turned the volume up a little so he could here. "Ooop bitch he is cute who is this??" He looked at Justice and she rolled her eyes.

"My ex boyfriend.. well Bestfriend.. My ex bestfriend same shit" She said waving off the subject of who he was and instead thinking about what he said.

Chris sat quietly listening to the interviewer question him about his love life. Jay sat up in the chair "I mean. What yall tryna know?" The rapper laughed.

The interviewer nodded and looked down at the card that she was reading some questions from "Well we heard from someone that you used to date Justice Zions. Who is now dating another rapper at the moment I'm sure you've seen it on the blogs"

Jay furrowed his eyebrows "Who is that?"

The interviewer used the card to cover her mouth laughing "Don't play with our girl Justice like that. We like her and she looks happy from what we've seen"

Jay shrugged "Cap!" he looked dead at the camera and shook his head. "Don't let everything yall see on the internet fool yall she'll come running back if I called for her right now Trust me I just seen her not too long ago. But until then she just another one I checked off my list" He cracked a light smile and make a check motion with his index finger and did a lil dance.

"I know you lying!" Chris said out loud and looked at Justice who was bouncing her leg out of anger. Chris locked the phone and handed the phone to her while shaking his head "You know he only saying that because you in a relationship. You know how niggas be"

Justice grabbed the phone and tossed it in her purse "That's the thing he's in a relationship his damn self with a whole ass new born baby! I just hate that he's making it seem like he can have me if he wanted to. That ship has sailed a long ass time ago" she closed her laptop as the both of them started cleaning their areas.

Justice felt betrayed because she knew Jay was only acting like this because he didn't want her to be with Durk. But to go on the internet and act like that was another level of disrespect. It hurt her even more because she couldn't even go to Dessi to talk about it.

Two Days Later

Durk sat in the studio chair nodding his head. Although he just put out an album he was already locked into the mode of making another one which is why he tuned out the rest of the world for the past two days. He dug into his pockets pulling out both of his phones. His work one full of unnecessary notifications and his personal one had thirteen missed calls and three voicemails from Justice. He felt bad for not returning her call yesterday but his head was everywhere.

He paused the music and listened to her voicemails first.

"Hey Babe, I'm just calling to check on you and see what you was doing. I miss you already so call me when you can. Love you, Bye!"

He went to the next voicemail

"I'm not about to keep calling your phone all night, Like call me the fuck back drop your location or something. You got me fucked up call me back now!"

He laughed and didn't listen to the third voicemail instead he went to her contact and started a Facetime call to her. He waited for her camera to connect while he got up from the seat leaving out of the studio. Justice who was out with her friends answered the call and pulled out her AirPods from her purse, putting the right one in her ear. "Weh yuh been?" She said with a lace of attitude in her voice. 

He loved hearing her voice especially when she unintentionally let her accent slip out. "Damn, why you spazzin'?" he cracked a smile while leaving out the studio and hopping in his car.

Justice looked down in the camera and rolled her eyes. In the inside she was happy to be hearing his voice and seeing his face. "Answer my question Derrick, the fuck" she rolled her eyes.

"I was in the studio you already knew that tho, so why you talkin' crazy on my phone Justice" he watched as she sat her phone down on the table and thanked the waiter as her plate of food was placed on the table. Her makeup and hair freshly done "Aye where you at?" he asked while fixing the bucket hat that sat on top of his locs.

"On a little brunch date. I look good don't I?" She picked her phone up again moving it around to catch the perfect lighting in the restaurant.

"Date!? What type of flowers you want?" He asked with a straight face.

"Huh? flowers"Justice swiped out of FaceTime to respond to a text.

"You heard me. What flowers yo ass want me to put next to the casket ima put you in? Talkin' about a fucking date"

She put a finger up to her chin as if she was thinking "Hmm pink roses please wrapped in hundreds please" she smiled "I'm out with Chris "

"You about to get Chris killed Ion play like that"

She smiled and grabbed her purse " I told you to stop threatening my friends. Byeee" she pressed the end button before he could even respond.

About Twenty minutes later Justice and Chris walked out of the restaurant. "I can't wait for the weather to get completely hot outside. I'm ready to put my hoe clothes on" Chris laughed and moved his imaginary hair behind his ear.

"You wear hoe clothes all year round Chris so hush" she laughed and pulled out her key to unlock her car door while Chris waved her off.

Once the two were inside Justice looked down at the phone that rested in her lap and stared at the contact name that flashed across the screen. 'Jay' Chris leaned over the center console a little and scoffed looking at the name. "Oh he has some nerve calling you" he sat back in his seat shaking his head.

She looked over at him and he motioned for her to answer and put it on speaker. Once she did she immediately regretted not blocking his number days ago after she seen the interview.

"Yo!" His voice spoke through the speaker normal as if nothing every happened.

"Wassup Jayson?" She pursed her lips looking around the parking lot of the restaurant.

"I just wanted to check on you"

Are you serious? Justice chuckled "I'm cool Jayson about to go home to my man so let's make this conversation quick" Chris nodded approving of her response.

Jay kissed his teeth on the other end "You just saying that to get me tight Justice, you think you really like that nigga huh?" Justice and Chris shared a look before she shook her head "Nah I don't think I like him, I love him. But since we're on that topic, Do you love your bitch Jayson? Because if so you wouldn't be on my phone checking on me. Don't make me call her up"

The two friends busted out laughing when her lock screen popped up again indicating that he had hung up. Without another second passing by Justice went to his contact and blocked it there wouldn't be any need for her to speak to him again.

Justice straddled Durk's lap as she focused on re-twisting his locs since he would be gone for the next  three weeks he had shows all over. She attempted to do his hair earlier when she got home but of course he was too horny to let her do so. He rested his face into her chest according to him it was comfortable. He could feel the vibrations against her skin as she hummed and partially sung along to "Too Deep" By Dvsn that played in the background.

She put a clip on the loc she just finished and moved on to the next one. Her lips parted as her favorite part of the song came up and she couldn't resist singing it outloud. Durk moved his head away from her chest and looked at her. Justice had her eyes closed feeling every word. This is when it hit him that this was her first actual time singing in front of him since all of the other times she was playing.

When she opened her eyes she looked at him playfully mushed his head back "Don't be a creep. Are you excited to be leaving me?" She adverted her eyes back to his hair. Since the semester came to an end about a week ago Justice was sad for two reasons. One being that she would have more open time but couldn't spend it all with him and two, her Birthday was approaching.

"I'm not leaving you, Ima be back quick as hell you damn nea' won't even notice im gone" He moved his hands under her shirt and placed them on her waist. He didn't want to leave either but money talks. "Stop looking like that"

"Like what?" She looked down at him.

"Like a sad ass puppy pouting" He chuckled and she mocked his laugh.

"Comparing me to a dog is crazy. I wonder if it'll be funny if I pop you in the face with this comb" she pointed at him with the end of the comb she was holding.

"Yea iight, Ima whoop yo ass like yo parents should've.But forreal you'll be on tour too soon, you gone be ready for allat?"" He moved his head forwards burying his face right between her breast again taking in her scent.

Justice smiled she loved when he was clingy always needing to touch her and being in her personal space. "I haven't thought about it honestly but I'm sure even when it's my turn I'll miss you" She put the clip on the last loc. "Okay I'm done. Now where my money at so I can go eat" she held her hand out.

He looked down at her hand and then leaned back letting both of his hands slide into the band of his joggers with a smirk on his face.

She climbed off of his lap and got out of the bed. "Nope dick is not a payment option this time. But I'll accept another pair of Dolce and Gabbana Keira heels"

"I got you but aye hurry up and go eat. I gotta leave in ten hours I need ten mo' rounds with you" he said while bringing his bottom lip in between his teeth as he watched her walk away.

The Next Morning

Justice sat on laid on the couch with the throw blanket wrapped around her while season four of How to get away with Murder played on the tv. Her eyes glued to the show, as if she haven't watched it multiple times now. Durk left a hour ago and she was already missing him.

Her phone dinged and she groaned at whoever was interrupting her show. Reaching over she picked up the phone and stared at the number. It was a New York area code which made her reject the call. The number called back immediately and she closed her eyes sighing before answering it. " Jayson why are you calling me from other numbers cut it the fuck out"

"Jayson? Eww" Dessi's voice caught her by surprise. Justice sat up and pressed pause on her show and then put the phone on speaker.

"D?" She asked.

"Hey I just called because I seen the shit with Jay on the internet and just wanted to call because I know his ass is just trolling"

Justice still confused as to why she was calling her didn't say anything in a few seconds. "U-um yeah I'm fine you know I don't take him serious"

Dessi agreed "Mhm" letting the line fall silent.

"Is.. that all you called for?" Justice leaned back on the couch.

"No. I miss you Justice, I miss my friend can we meet up and talk?"

Jayson know he wrong af 🥱

Go check out my two new books if you haven't already 'Letter From Chicago' and 'Ruthless'

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