14 •


"I can't believe yall had me in there doing hard labor. I'm way too pretty for that" Zoey came into the living room, sighing heavily. The labor she referred to was only shredding cheese for the Baked mac and cheese. Justice's Mother wanted to have a huge Sunday dinner at the house they were renting while they were in Chicago. Between Justice and her mother they both loved to cook. For dinner they've prepared  Oxtails, cabbage, baked mac and cheese, rice and peas and plantains. For Desserts they made Grater cake and Gizzada, both were Justice's favorites.

"You're the laziest seventeen year-old I know" Justice mushed her head before sitting next to her.

"When are the rest of your friends coming? You acting boring right now all in your phone. Matter of fact who you texting?" Zoey popped her head right in front of Justice's screen and smacked her lips when she seen Durk's name as the contact above the message thread. "Should've known"

"They should be here any minute now, and chill out" Justice locked her phone and let it drop to her lap.

"Is Dessire coming?"

Since that night at Justice's apartment Dessire has kind of been distant and would only talk to Justice only if she hit her up first. Justice didn't really pay it any mind because she knew her friend would always have her up and down moods. She really thought it was because Dayvon and Dessi weren't with each other anymore.

"Yeah she said she was coming later" she shrugged and looked up once she heard the doorbell. "Go get the door"

Zoey scrunched her face up "I look like the maid to you or something?"

"Yes, I see you got yo maid outfit on like you always do" She laughed.

"Ha Ha" Zoey sarcastically laughed walked away going to let the guests in.

"Hey boo!" Justice stood up when she seen Dearra enter the living room. The two exchanged a strong hug.

"Damn I hope I get a hug too" Chris scoffed playfully. Justice went up to him giving him a hug as well. "Stop complaining I just seen you yesterday"

"Mhm whatever where should I set this?" Chris held up two bottles of wine. Justice motioned for them to come into the kitchen.

"Yall this is my mom" She looked between her friends and her mother. "Ma this is Chris and Dearra"

Chris smiled "Period Mrs.Zions the waist is snatched" he said as she came from around the kitchen island and pulled them into hugs while laughing. "Please you can call me Jackie or Ma". About twenty-minutes in to meeting Justice's Mom and Dad her friends felt super comfortable already and were making their plates. Hearing the doorbell again Justice parted from the group to go open the door. A smile appearing on her face when she seen Dessi "Hey I was just about to text you again"

"My bad girl I damn near overslept" Dessi walked inside giving Justice a hug. Justice blinked a few times thinking of the conversation they had earlier and how Dessi said she would be busy but now she said she was sleeping. Brushing off her overthinking she led her into the kitchen.

"Okay Dessi you already know my parents. This is Chris and Dearra" she finally introduced them. Dessi nodded at them and tried to hide the fact that she was wearing a fake smile when she seen Dearra.

Justice waited until everyone made her plate while every one else conversed. Jackie approached her daughter and watched her closely Justice was so used to cooking for Durk she didn't even realize she made two plates. "Him nuh like Oxtail?"(He doesn't like oxtail?) she asked her daughter as to why she didn't put any on his plate.

Justice shook her head "No" she laughed when she seen her mother look so surprised.

Jackie grabbed Justice's hand and her eyes widened at the ring that was noticeably shining She didn't see it earlier since Justice took it off to help cook. With a nod of she looked up at her daughter "Make sure you add extra of everything on there for him. Why didn't you just invite him Mei?"

Justice looked back at her dad and then returned her glance to her mother "You know he does too much" she rolled her eyes.

Jackie shrugged "Yeah well atleast I want to meet him before we leave"

Justice put the lid back onto the pot "When did you become so...nice and openly interested in my relationships?"

Before her mother could respond Zoey cut them off  tapping her fork on a glass cup. "Okay y'all settle down y'all. I just wanna say my sister really did her sh... Thing with these next few songs she's going to put out. Karma has reached five million streams and she's putting out another tonight"

"Purrrr" Chris snapped.

Justice walked up to her sister holding her arms open still holding her plate in one hand "You're so sweet, come here" she kissed her cheek and laughed when Zoey moved her head, she was the sibling that always hated physical touch.

A few hours later Justice's parents left the house saying they were going out. She was now laying her head on her sisters shoulder as she was on live with the camera propped up in front of them. Chris picked the camera up "And for y'all raggedy hoes that ain't download my girl song I'm coming for y'all" as Chris continued to takeover her live Dessi, who had been into her phone the entire time finally got up and stretched "I'm about to go J, I'll text you when I get home"

"Wait" Justice got up following her to the front door. "You okay? You been acting off"

Dessi gave her a blank stare "I'm good" her eyes traveled down Justice's body and stopped at the ring that sat on her finger.

"You're not good Dessire just tell me what's wrong" Justice crossed her arms over her chest willing to hear what's wrong with her friend.

"I said I'm good J, Bye" she walked past her and out of the door. Justice frowned and slammed the door closed "Bitch!" She said before heading back into the living room and plopping down on the couch next to Zoey.

Chris ended the live and looked at her "Uhn uhn don't let that negative energy take over. She will be alright" he tossed her phone over to her.

The Next Day

"You're lucky I love you" Justice mugged Zoey as she handed her sister her bag of Chick-fil-a and her credit card before leaving the drive thru window. Earlier yesterday Zoey made a bet that Justice was going to give in and couldn't spend a full twenty four hours away from Durk. Luckily Zoey was up in the middle of the night when she seen her sister silently leaving the house and hopping in the car with him.

Zoey nodded and entered the card number in, checking out all of the items in her cart from Neiman Marcus. Once she was done she handed the card back and looked over at Justice "I love dealing with a rich nigga" she laughed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm not making anymore bets with you ever" she placed her card back into her wallet once she came to a redlight. "What all did you get?"

Zoey shrugged and looked out the window "Just some Prada boots and two new Bottega handbags" she looked out the corner of her eye to see Justice's reaction while trying to hold her smile. "What? I had to have them plus you know I needed some new boots"

Justice furrowed her eyebrows together "I've never heard anyone say that they need Prada boots what the fuck. Yeah let me go drop you off to your parent's expeditiously. Why don't you like Shein and Fashion Nova?"

Zoey scoffed "I mean they are decent sites. I only go to Fashion nova for my chill clothes but I'm more of a Chanel girl ya know?"

Justice just shook her head in response and changed the subject "Last night was I tripping or was Dessi acting mad weird?"

Zoey nodded and pulled out her food "Nah she was definitely acting all quiet and like she didn't want to be there. Wassup with her?"

"Okay good I wasn't trippin' I don't know she been acting like that since the night she came back from Florida. Everything was all good until I got on live with Durk and that's when this whole attitude shit started"

Zoey put one of the waffle fries in her mouth and sighed "She's probably feeling some type of way because you're spending hella time with him. Orrrr she's mad you have new friends you seen the way she was looking at Dearra?"

Justice pulled up to the studio and parked. "Mhmm, I didn't want to address it because I didn't want it to be awkward. I'm about to text her now to see if she's alright" she cut the engine and grabbed her food before getting out.

Zoey followed behind her "Well you know how she is about you. She selfish, wanting you all to herself"

Justice's let her worries die down when she went into the studio seeing Durk in the booth. Once he seen her he took the headphones off and came out of the booth and walked up behind her. "Aye where yo phone at?"

Justice furrowed her eyebrows and pulled out her phone "Right here, why?"

He grabbed her phone and swiped down turning the 'Do not disturb' option off and then handed it back to her. "You be pissin' me off with that dnd shit" he kissed her cheek and nodded at Zoey who was now sitting on the couch next to Booka "Wassup lil folks you quiet as hell now. You be talkin' shit on tha phone all the time"

Zoey nodded back at him "Wassup big folks. Nah we cool now" she laughed and then frowned when she seen Booka take one of her waffle fries. "You wildin' don't play with me" she mugged him.

Justice turned to face Durk throwing her arms around his neck as he pulled her into a kiss. "I just wanted to stop by and see you before I go home." She used her thumb to wipe off her clear lip gloss.

"Damn you finna go already?" Although he seen her this morning he still wanted her to be around. He moved his body to the other end of the couch and pulled her onto his lap.

"Yes I need to finish studying and go stop by Dessi house I wanna check on her" She pulled her phone back out seeing that Dessi responded to her text telling her that she could come over. She liked the message and then started to play with the chains around his neck

He nodded "iight ima help you study right now. Finna quiz yo ass hold on" he pulled out his phone looking up common Pre-med terms.

"You probably don't even know what to search" she rolled her eyes and picked up her cup of lemonade taking a sip.

"iight what is Pathology" Durk looked at his phone and then back at Justice.

"That's easy. Pathology is... a cause and effect of a disease or injury"

Durk sighed and unbuckled the Gucci belt he had on, pulling it through the loops and then folded it "If johnny has two damn apples Justice.."

Looking at how he had the belt folded Justice started laughing "You look like somebody damn mama. Move!" she took the phone from him and smacked her lips "Oh wow I forgot to say it's the scientific study of the causes and effects of a disease or injury big difference"

"iight last one, NPO"

Justice smiled "It means 'Nothing By Mouth' the patient can't have any fluids or food. These were easy as hell freshman year level ass terms" she smiled confidently.

"Nah you got lucky hold on lemme fine another one" he squinted scrolling through the non-familiar words.

Justice and Zoey stayed in the studio with them for an hour before they finally headed out and went over to Dessi's house. Zoey looked over at Justice as they approached the building "You want me to stay in the car or come in?"

Nodding her head "Come in with me" Justice didn't want her waiting outside since she wasn't sure how long they would be there. As soon as she pressed the button on the side of her front door her body was now flushed with worries as she didn't know how this conversation would, of course she wished for the best.

Dessire opened the door with a unreadable expression on her face. "Hey Yall" she moved to the side so the both of them could come inside immediately feeling the warmth of her apartment. Zoey got comfortable taking off her coat and sitting on the couch, while Justice followed her friend into her bedroom.

She didn't take off her coat she just unzipped it instead before taking a seat in the chair located in the corner of her room. "Soo.." she watched as Dessi sat at the edge of her bed the two of them facing each other.

"Wassup Justice?" she asked with a hint of attitude, which made Justice slightly jerk her head back.

Not wanting to escalate the conversation just yet "What's going on with you Dessire? You been moving mad funny lately. Then you lowkey were acting weird at the dinner, Like..what's to you?"

She shrugged and broke eye contact looking down at her legs that were now crossed in the bed "Nothin', I'm cool I just ain't know your other lil friends so I just stayed in my lane"

"Okay but you get along with almost everybody so why was it a difference when you met them? Was I not showing you enough attention or something?  I felt like I was trying to include you in every conversation and joke yet you was sitting there with your face scrunched up looking very uninterested matter of fact you've been looking uninterested for a while now especially when I bring up Durk or how I'm happy"

Dessi scoffed and rolled her eyes looking around the room.

"See you're doing it now"

"I just don't wanna hear about you and him that's all"

"Why not? Because you and Dayvon aren't together anymore?" Justice raised an eyebrow.

"Girl I broke up with him for a reason, so you can stop bringing it up"

"Okay so what is it?" she sat up in the chair "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" Dessi laughed "Jealous of yall? Hell nah. I love to see YOU happy" she stopped for a second "But I would rather see you with me"

Zoey who was listening with her ear up to the door covered her mouth "Ouuu"

Justice on the other end was stuck "So this is all because I'm in a relationship with him and not you" she squinted her eyes and then stood up "Dessi you introduced me to him! I'm confused why bring me around them or to that studio in the first place"

"Because I didn't think yall would actually get seriously, I didn't think he was your type. Thought maybe you could just use him to trick off. But once I started to see that you was falling for him that kinda' fucked me up, not gone lie"

Rubbing her temples she didn't want a headache to come along from this "You know im not that type of female to just be with men for money so what sense does that make? You could've just avoided all of this by speaking up sooner"

Dessire tilted her head to the side "Are you fucking serious? I told you numerous times that I wanted you even before we came to Chicago. Every single time you tried to brush it off first it was you didn't want your family judging you for being with a female, then it was you was getting back with Jay, you completely said fuck my feelings huh? But you seem to only take me serious whenever somebody do yo ass dirty and you're left with no choice but to come to me. For what? A sexual relief that's it"

Getting up from the bed Dessi placed her right hand that was making a fist into her left palm "Look I'm off you right now. So gone head and be with yo nigga"

Justice who was trying her hardest to fight her tears took in every word she was saying knowing that it was nothing but the truth. "I can't believe you're literally letting this come between our friendship."

Dessire shook her head "No, I'm trying to save our friendship I just don't know how because I ain't never had the chance to ever love anyone else but you and that's the problem. I love you a little too much definitely beyond a friendship. I've dealt with niggas all my life and that was because I was mainly using them to fill in gaps I was missing in my life. You're different you touch a part of my heart nobody else has ever been able to get near"

Justice zipped her coat up and sighed heavily walking towards the bedroom door "I can't do this right now" The many emotions that were running through her body made it overbearing for her at the moment.

Zoey quickly moved away from the door and sat back down on the couch pretending to be on her phone until she heard the door swing open "You're ready already?" She looked over and acted shocked as she stood up.

Justice nodded and headed to the front door with Dessi following behind them. "There you go again running away from every situation"

Without turning around or acknowledging what she had just said Justice gave Zoey the key to her car as she went to the passenger side and got in looking straight ahead not knowing what to say. Zoey got in the driver's seat and looked over at her sister "I hate to interrupt your thoughts right now and I know this is a serious situation but umm you remember when we made a bet some years ago that Dessire was gay? Yeah.. umm...Ima need you to let me swipe that card again" she smiled when she seen her sister's expression change.

Justice used the back of her hand to wipe the tear that streamed down her face and laughed. "You're so unserious, Let's go"


Durk and Justice both laid next to each other looking up at the ceiling. Her left leg laying across his as he placed both of his hands behind his head. Justice insisted on smoking with him when she arrived at his house. It had been two days since her conversation with Dessi and her mind consistently ran uncontrollably until she was two woods in a few minutes ago. Now her mind was at ease.

Turning his head to look at her,  Durk admired her features. She was beautiful in her naturalist state. "You cool Mei?"

She continued looking up at the ceiling and nodded "Yeah..I haven't felt this good in a long time. Can I tell you something without you judging me?"

"Fasho wassup?"

She sighed fighting with her consciousness on what she was getting ready to rant about. "I fell out with Dessi seriously two days ago"

"Damn. Ian gone lie Justice I seen the shit comin'. Yall two different people Ion see why you hang with her" he spoke up truthfully. To be honest Durk never really cared for Dessi he only tolerated her because that was Justice friend.

Justice's low eyes met his when he said that.

"What? Im just bein' real" he shrugged as he kept eye contact with her.

"No it's just...You sound exactly like my pops" she laughed.

Durk shook his head "Nah yo pops sound like me. Nigga copied my whole fucking flow. Word for word"

"Bar for bar" Justice finished the reference. "You play too much but seriously"

"What happened tho?"

She turned on her stomach and clasped her hands together "Basically.. DessireWannaDateMeandIcantdothat" she exhaled after quickly saying all of that.

Durk furrowed his eyebrows and then covered his mouth shocked "Justice you in the LGBT alphabet community??"

"Oh my god!" Justice put her head down so she could laugh loudly into the sheets.

"I'm deadass folks you be scissoring and shit? That's why you'on wanna fuck huh? You scared of real dick"

She now pulled her face up to look at him. "Be forreal Derrick"

"Nah I'm fuckin' with you" He moved his right hand from behind his hand and let it roam down her back stopping at her ass before he gave it a loud smack.

She winced before moving her head closer to his "I just feel like as soon as everything starts going well a whole new situation or problem comes up. I'm over it"

"Man fuck ha, put yourself first ain't that one of the things you said you wanted to work on right?"

She nodded her head at the question. 

"iight, so do it then.Put yourself First"


I was 🤏🏾 close to giving yall a sex scene 🙄😭

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