11 •
"I should fuck you up for this last minute appointment Justice" Chris placed the hot comb on top of my head and I slightly flinched which made him look at through the mirror. "Girl would you stop moving I need this to lay flat. You finna eat the gworls up with this one"
I smiled "I'm sorry you just heavy handed as hell"
Chris worked with me at the medical office but also did hair on the side. He was one of the best stylists up North but due to his work and school schedule he was hard to book with. I, of course had to beg him to fit me in this afternoon after work. Tonight was Durk's concert and I of course waited to the last minute to change my hairstyle.
"Oh whatever, anyways What's the tea with yall?" He pointed the end of the rat tail comb towards my phone since I was watching Durk's Instagram story.
I pressed the lock button on my phone and smiled "We cool.."
"Uhn uhn stop all that 'we cool' shit. Yall been cooling for a lil while now. How cold does it need to get? We know that's your man" he laughed and ran the comb through the piece of hair he just straightened.
I pursed my lips and played with the one of the two diamond chokers around my neck that Durk gave to me two weeks ago. "Ehh Okay I do like him. I spend damn near everyday with him and we're definitely locked in but I'm just having a hard time understanding a lot of the things he do"
"Whatchu' Mean?" Chris came around to the front of the chair focusing on the middle part as he moved further away from the chair and nodded "Yup! See that's what you call a middle part. This better than when Moses parted the Red Sea" He stuck out his tongue and grabbed the edge control.
"You are something else. But I mean like he's open with me but at the same time so restrained like unemotional at times, to an extent."
"Well Justice you dealing with a man from the Southside of Chicago, with a rough ass background and a mental mind of people being disloyal around him. Did you really expect him to be a open book?" Chris spoke truthfully.
I nodded "No you're right, I just have this thing that I do where I like to figure people out and expect them to be comfortable with me asap" This was something that I always did, I loved being the person for someone to vent to. All of my friends and family members could vouch for it. The older I got I realized that this was just a way for me to hide my own feelings and emotions.
"Well he's obviously somewhat comfortable with you to be at his house and gifting you jewelry and shit. Mhm you must got some power between your legs huh?"
I looked up at him and smirked shaking my head.
"Oop you ain't give it up yet?" Chris gasped holding his chest.
"Just some head that's it. I'm waiting on the right time for me to really take it there with him" I put my index finger up to my freshly done mink lashes from this morning and lightly brushed my finger against them.
"Oh yeah he definitely like you because he waiting for you. You better show the fuck out when you finally get some. Because a bitch like me" He pointed at himself. "Oh Ima hoe If I like you and you got that money I might just throw it back on the first night"
"Chris!!!" I laughed holding my stomach.
"What? I'm just saying but I like that you're being patient. Also have you asked yourself if you're fully openly emotional with him as well?" He shrugged"Yall probably are thinking the same thing. The two of you need to have certitude that yall can lean on each other"
"Okay Chris with the advice. Speaking of advice have you heard from Dearra?" I unlocked my phone and went back to our text message thread looking at the last message I sent her. Which still had the delivered message under it. I'm not sure if she turned off her read receipts but she hasn't been answering lately.
"Not lately but the last time I seen her she was at the office and she ain't clock in or nothing she went to talk to Bleu's ass and whatever he said to her must've been enough for her to quit because she did that same day. I forgot to tell you because you were in New York for the break" He turned my chair to the large mirror behind him so I could see the finished product.
"Did she talk to you before she quit or seemed a little off?" I asked not wanting to tell him that she had an abortion.
"Her ass always in a bad mood so I couldn't really tell. But I do know she was looking a lil thick and the stomach was definitely poking a little"
I moved my head back some at the statement "She looked pregnant?"
"Chile, either that or bloated as fuck I couldn't tell"
"Hmm. We should check up on her one day this week. She might not like it but if anything was wrong with me I would want yall to do that same thing" I opened my purse pulling out the money plus a tip for my hair. Handing him four of the hundred dollar bills before getting up to hug him.
"Sounds good, Thank Boo. Make sure to tag me if you take pictures tonight" He hugged me back and put the money on his table before walking over to the front door to let me out.
I quickly got into the car and started it up. The Winter in Chicago was nothing to play with I didn't mind the snow though it reminded me of home. "Should've took my ass to a school in Florida or Texas" I mumbled to myself and finally decided to call my dad back.
"Hello" he answered I could hear music playing in the background so I knew he was in the studio either working on his new album or helping someone write.
"Hey my bad I was getting my hair done. What's wrong?" I looked into the facetime camera and then back up at the streets as I pulled off and headed to my apartment. I was about to be running late to this concert but it was normal for me so I knew he wouldn't be tripping.
"I sent you the final song. I just want you to hear it first you should drop it right now" He turned the music down in the background.
"Today!?" I raised my voice a little as I focused on the road, I hated sitting in traffic so I decided to take the streets.
"Yes today why you say it like that?" He laughed.
"I don't know it's just so sudden.. don't you think?"
"No it's perfect timing. Just listen to it" He sat the phone up and I could see my mother sitting next to him waving at the camera. "You sound so good sweetie"
That shocked me. I never really told her about my passion for music mainly because she was so focused on me following her footsteps in the medical field."Thanks Ma, Okay wait give me two minutes I'm almost at my building I don't want to be driving while I hear the song"
"Yall know she already drives crazy" I heard Zoey's voice in the background.
"She gets a brand new car for Christmas and think she's the best driver in the world huh?" I kissed my teeth and pulled up to my apartment's garage using the fob to open the door.
Zoey came to the camera and held her key fob into the camera displaying the Benz logo. "Yeah Big Body Benz"
After parking in my designated spot I looked at the camera "Okay I'm ready"For some reason my heart was beating fast as the song started. I sat back in the driver's seat and smiled big listening to my voice.
"Please don't fear me, I'm just Karma" Zoey and my mom sang together along to the lyrics while my dad nodded to the beat. I was glad I studied my dad's voice control when I was younger because I completely mimicked it with my outro vocals.
Once the song was over I agreed to letting my dad and his team release the song tonight. Zoey even went live as they replayed the song for me letting her viewers hear a snippet. She had a nice amount of followers so I wouldn't be surprised if people would flock to my page. "Make sure your page is public so I can tag you" Zoey said to me before walking away from the camera.
I looked up at the time and cursed to myself "Okay I'll let you guys handle that for me. I need to get dressed" I said before saying bye and hanging up. I cut the car off and hopped out heading up to my apartment. On the elevator I tried to time out how much I had to get dressed and I hope I could pull it off.
A about an hour and thirty minutes later, I was completely dressed and ready. I looked a look in the mirror and admired my outfit. I turned around and looked back at the mirror while dancing making sure my outfit was twerk-proof.
I got a text from Dessi letting me know she was downstairs. I grabbed my purse and keys before locking up and leaving out. On the way to the club I took a few shots. I didn't mind drinking today as long as no one pissed me off I would be good.
I finished this performance and shit now I was ready to go. "All these hoes out there screaming yo name and you sitting over here like a lame ass nigga" Booka said in the section while some groupie smiled in his face. It was a few thirsty ass girls in the section and I wasn't worried about none of em.
"Yo ass tweakin'" I looked over at Justice and then back at Booka
"My bad gang I forgot you tryna be a changed nigga and shit" he nodded and laughed
"Exactly so stop talking to him before I beat both of yall ass" Justice sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and laughed "You drunk as hell Mei" I looked at her eyes.
"Yeah folks ass actin like simp ain't he" Von shook his head.
Justice put up her middle finger "Don't worry about what he got going on".
"Damn You been talking shit all night Manhattan, fuck you on?" Von and Justice went back and forth.
I zoned out looking at the bitches in the section and then it hit me where I knew shorty from. This was shorty from the threesome I had with Nina. I couldn't think of what her name was but it didn't matter. She locked eyes with me and then I seen Nina walk past the section looking at Justice.
Justice and Dessire looked at each other and then across the section "The fuck yall looking at?" Justice sat up some and turned her attention Nina while leaning down and unstrapped her heels.
Nina walked away smirking and her friend got up leaving the section without saying anything.
"Both of them hoes scary" Dessi shook her head and put out the blunt she was smoking.
Justice looked at me and then moved my arms from around her waist "Fuck wrong with you?" I grabbed her waist so she couldn't get up.
"Nothing" she reached over to the table grabbing her cup and finishing it. I looked at her crazy she been throwing shots back all night. She moved my hands from around her again "I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom" She turned away and looked at Dessi. "You ready?" she looked at her friend and blinked three times. Dessire nodded and blinked twice.
"Fuck yall talkin in Girl code or sum shit?" Von looked at the both of them.
Justice kissed her teeth "mind your business, twig legs" She stood up and Dessi grabbed her hand holding her close. I nodded at one of the security guards so he could follow them.
I ain't never seen Justice drunk before not like this. The most she did was hit that fucking vape pen and hookah. "I'm finna head to the studio when they get back" I stood up.
"Shit we gone twin" Von got up too. Ion no what's what with Justice but ima let her attitude die down before talking to her.
Walking through the crowd, I clutched my gun in my hoodie just in case. When I looked up at the exit door I could see the same nigga I sent with Justice now holding her up in the air while the other security held Dessire.
I moved quicker through the crowd pushing past a few people. "Mei, the fuck is you doing out here?" I looked over down at her hand she held her heels one of them covered in blood.
"Damn I ain't gone lie yo shit leakin' like a fountain" Von laughed at Nina who had blood dripping from her forehead down her face.
"Come on Justice before the police come, you wildin" Dessire grabbed her and pulled her to the car.
It was only a matter of time before I would finally give her the drama she was looking for. I'm not about to keep letting this bitch say slick shit to me. I really tried to keep my cool but the liquor got the best of me. I sat in the passenger seat of Dessi's car with the window down. It was cold as hell outside but the air was the only thing keeping me from throwing up.
"You going home or coming to my house for the night?" She hopped on the highway heading downtown.
"You can take me home" I looked down at my phone as multiple text messages from Durk came in.
"I'm not going to lie Justice but.."
I held my hand up "If you're about to judge me right now please save it. I don't want to hear it"
"I was just going to say you fucked that bitch up" Dessi looked over at me with a smirk and I laughed. Her phone rang and she looked down at the phone before ignoring it.
I sat and grabbed my things as we approached my building. "Thanks Girl, I'll call you tomorrow and I'll drop these off" I reached into her backseat grabbing her ugg slippers to put on. Thankfully we wore the same shoe size.
"No problem and you better not forget to call me. I'm serious" She yelled as I got out of the car. I probably wasn't going to call anyone tomorrow. When I'm not in a good mood I'm always quick to say 'Fuck Everybody' and just like to be left alone.
I felt so relieved to get off of the elevator as I walked to my apartment front door. I opened the door and rolled my eyes immediately seeing Durk standing in my living room looking out one of the huge windows like he was a villain in the dark. He was actually the last person I wanted to see right now.
"Ima need you to get out" I hit the light switch and threw my heels to the side before walking further into the apartment.
He turned around "Put me out Justice" he smirked and walked closer to me grabbing my waist. His cologne alone made me want to melt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips a few times before removing them from his neck. "You need to get out. My new man about to come over"
His smirk dropped into a frown as he reached for his waistband. I grabbed his hand and laughed "I'm just playing.. Don't pull out the nine. But seriously I think I need to be alone right now. Whenever I'm mad I just like to reflect"
I furrowed my eyebrows together when he grabbed my hand pulling me to the bedroom and moving my body to the full body mirror I had.
"You can reflect right here" He nodded at the mirror.
"You think you so funny huh?" I walked away from the mirror and went into my closet. I stepped out of my dress that I was wearing and walked back into the room feeling his eyes watch my every move.
"Aye why you be letting lil shit get to yo head that quick tho'?"
I scanned the room looking for my bonnet. "Because nobody.. and I mean NOBODY will ever get away with fucking with me. You should've let me beat her ass the first time at that gas station" I grabbed my bonnet from the bed and walked into the bathroom standing in the mirror as I put it on.
Durk leaned on the doorframe "Ian tryna hear that shit Mei. You don't need to be out here fighting and shit"
I shrugged and turned to face him "Mkay...Why do yo still have your clothes on?
"I'm finna go to the studio real quick Ima slide back thru here when I'm done" He looked down at his phone.
I closed my eyes while putting my back against the wall and started to slowly slide down "If you hate me just say that!"
The Next Morning
I groaned and rolled over in the bed with little to no space since Durk was always so close to my body. I looked down at the shirt I was wearing and went into a deep thought. When did I change? Everything started to come back to me. The fight, getting home, convincing Durk to not go to the studio and then showering together.
I flipped the covers back and got out of bed. I went straight into the kitchen to grab my phone out of my purse and plugged it up to the charger in the socket. I then made my way into the bathroom to go pee and do my morning oral hygiene. In the midst of this I could hear the numerous notifications going off.
After brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror while talking to myself "Face pretty? Check" and then I turned around lifting up my shirt some "Ass still Fat? Check" I chuckled to myself and then went to the kitchen to retrieve the phone that was becoming annoying.
I had so many Dm's on Instagram and missed calls and text messages. Damn what happened? I hope it wasn't a video of the fight I definitely didn't wanna be all over the internet fighting. Especially clockin' her ass in the face with a stilleto
'Spoiled Ass Brat' flashed across the screen. I hesitantly answered since I had the most missed calls from her. "Wassam?"
"Where the hell you been at Justice? Have you been on Instagram?" She said in a happy tone which was a good thing.
"No I just got up. Hold on" I put the phone on speaker and then opened the app. Cringing at the hundreds of likes and messages in the apps. I liked attention but no too much attention.
"All of this is from that one song?" I asked scrolling through the messages. Some were asking if I could make a longer version while some other dm's were completely off topic asking if I was dating Lil Durk.
"Mhm. I played it while on Instagram live and then did the same on TikTok. I told you the song sounds good as hell so when are you going to stop playing and record another one. Also whatever money you make from this I should get fifty percent of don't you think?" I looked back into the room as I heard the bathroom sink running again.
I laughed "I think you're a comedian" I closed out of the app and went to my text messages.
"Dessi' called me this morning since you didn't answer your phone"
I smiled at the text messages from my parents sending a screenshot of the different reactions to the song. "Yeah my bad I got home and let my phone die I didn't want to deal with anybody else last night"
"Which brings me to my next point. She said you was drunk.. I thought you stopped drinking Justice"
I lowered my phone a little as my now happy mood was fading away. "I did stop a while ago but I mean when I'm out at a club or party I will occasionally do it. So don't start"
"I'm not trying to do too much I'm just saying I don't want you to go back to that person you were when.."
I cut her off "It's literally nothing like when Nell died so don't even try to compare it. Matter of fact let me call you back" I hung up before she could even respond.
Durk came into the kitchen and I sat my phone down entirely not in the mood to even continue reading the message. "What's wrong with u now?" He kissed on my neck and I didn't even react.
"Nothing" I lied. I was honestly pissed that was a point of time I never wanted to talk about and I hated whenever Zoey brought it up. I'm not embarrassed of it I just wanted to erase it all and move on with my life.
Durk stood in front of me so he could see my face "Forreal Justice what's wrong?"
My mind went back to the conversation I had with Chris yesterday "Yall probably are thinking the same thing. The two of you need to have certitude that yall can lean on each other"
Maybe he was right, maybe I needed to be the one to initiate what problems I have and maybe he would do the same.
Not gone lie, the next chapter might be a little emotional.
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