4.10 | The Fellowship Falls

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An elegant ship, carved in the likeness of a swan, flows through a river. Galadriel stands in it. On shore, cloaks are fastened around the Fellowship with green, silver-veined leaf brooches. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes," Lord Celeborn informed them, his eyes on Boromir. Elves prepare for the departure of the Fellowship. Legolas is among them, shifting parcels into a set of boats provided by the Galadhrim. He holds up a thin wafer for Merry and Pippin to see, as they sit in a boat, "Lembas! Elvish Way-bread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."

He walks up onto the shore, leaving the Hobbits by themselves as Merry turns to Pippin, "How many did you eat?" Pippin shrugs, "Four." Maristela shook her head having heard the two before she turned to Haldir. "The grief will hurt for a while but Gandalf would want you focused," Haldir told Maristela in Sindirin. "I will do my best," Maristela replied to him before they shared a hug, Haldir noticed Legolas' lingering eyes. "You seem to have an admirer," Haldir whispered to Maristela in an ancient language that Legolas couldn't understand with his heightened hearing.

Maristela pulled back and followed his gaze to Legolas who was helping Gimli onto the boat, she bit her lip before turning back to Haldir, "I am scared." Haldir frowned as he rested his hands on her shoulders, "Do not be afraid of love. Fili would want you to be happy and if he is happy for you then do not waste it." Maristela nodded her head before moving to join Gimli and Legolas in the boat, the Woodland Elf quickly offered his hand to her and she graciously accepted it. Once she was settled in the boat, Legolas climbed in and sat down as Celeborn and Aragorn spoke quickly.

A paddle splashes into the water, Boromir controlling the boat with Pippin and Merry leaving Aragorn with Sam and Frodo; Legolas steering the boat he shared with Gimli and Maristela. The Fellowship rows through the river, past the Elves onshore. The sun is reaching its rosy fingers over the hills; Caras Galadhon rises far away, in the mists. A song of the sorrow of the Elves, of Lothlórien. As the boats move further downstream, Legolas's eyes stare distantly. He smiles, remembering Galadriel's gift, "My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin."

Merry and Pippin think back to their gifts, "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage." The Hobbits remember the meeting as they sail downriver. Sam also recalls the Lady's gift to him, "And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain." Gimli sits in his boat with Legolas, a far away look in his eyes, a faint smile upon his face. From another boat, Aragorn glances towards them, then away.

He too is remembering the farewell on the shores of Lothlórien, "I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear. Am meleth dîn. I ant e-guil Arwen Undómiel...pelitha. (For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar... will diminish.)" Maristela lowered her eyes to the pendent hanging around her neck given to her by Galadriel, "Your father was meant to pass this on to you. You will learn of its purpose when needed the most." Frodo sits in his boat with Sam and Aragorn. He hears the echo of her voice in his mind, "Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star."

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The Fellowship sails out onto the river and leaves Lórien behind. White mountains rise starkly beneath blue skies and green trees. In the boats, Gimli talks to Legolas, "I have taken my worst wound at this parting, having looked my last upon that which is fairest. Haugh, henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me." Maristela smiled at the Dwarves new view on Lady Galadriel, "What was it?" Gimli smiled at her, "I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three." Maristela giggled at the grin on her friend's face, Legolas smiled at the two.

The Fellowship passes out onto a larger branch of the Anduin beneath sheer cliffs. Soon darkness falls and the Fellowship rests on a small island where they had spotted Gollum who was still following them. Maristela moves to sit by Legolas, her eyes turning to the sky as she twisted a dagger in her hand. "That's a beautiful dagger," Legolas complimented gaining Maristela's attention. "It was the last gift Fili had made," Maristela told him before holding out the small dagger, the Woodland Elf took it in his hands and admired the craftsmanship.

"He had planned to give it to me as an official engagement gift. Balin had told me he was so excited for it, he worked on it while I betrayed Thorin handing over the Arkenstone to your father and Bard," Maristela informed him with a wistful smile on her face. "He truly loved you," Legolas replied as he carefully handed the dagger back to her. "And I loved him. But I didn't get the chance to fall in love with him," Maristela told Legolas as she looked into his blue eyes, "And I promised Bofur and the others that I wouldn't let his death deter me from love. I'm just... seeing what the journey gives me."

Legolas smiled at her words, hope blossomed within his chest that he may actually get the chance to be with the woman that he loved. Even after sixty years, he still adored her and admired the way she carried herself. He knew that the journey was long and they had many challenges to face but any moment could be their last and he did not wish for a fate as tragic as Kili and Tauriel. As Maristela laid down by him rather than by Aragorn, Legolas made a promise to himself that he wouldn't shy away from his feelings; He laid down next to her and smiled as he closed his eyes to rest for the night.

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After passing the towering splendour of the Argonath, Aragorn's kin; Two majestic statues proudly stand on each side of the Anduin with their left arms are held aloft, their palms facing outwards in gesture of warning. The Fellowship sail towards a great, roaring waterfall. As they disembark on a gravel beach, Boromir looks troubled and appears to be fighting a conflict within him, and Frodo glances at him, looking afraid. The Fellowship starts to make camp as Aragorn speaks, "We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north."

"Oh, yes?! It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better!" Gimli exclaimed causing Pippin to look up alarmed as Gimli continues, "Festering, stinking marshlands, far as the eye can see!" Maristela sighs as she grabs her bag from the boat, opening it to pull free a few items to keep on herself. "That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf," Aragorn replied to Gimli who was offended. "We should leave now," Legolas warned Aragorn.

"No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness," Aragorn told Legolas who was looking towards the woods. "It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near... I can feel it," Legolas expressed to Aragorn as Maristela walked closer to them. "I feel it too," Maristela added, her body feeling consistently as though she was being watched. Legolas's gaze wanders over the dark pine woods, with a dark, brooding statue nestled amongst their needles. Merry, returning with some wood for the campfire, looks around, "Where's Frodo?"

Sam, who was half-dozing, rouses with a start. Aragorn looks over the camp. His gaze stops on Boromir's shield, lying with his baggage. He turns his eyes to Maristela who immediately picked up her sword and headed into the words in search for Boromir and Frodo, hoping to find them before something went wrong. Aragorn was quick to follow her leaving Legolas and Gimli with the remaining Hobbits. Frodo wanders into the forest. He stands by an immense stone head, long aged and lost from its body, lying with its side in the ground. Boromir, gathering wood, sees Frodo and approaches him across the leaf-littered earth.

Aragorn and Maristela found Frodo sitting on a high structure on the cliff edge, surrounded by the pines. A stairway runs up through its centre, to a seat dwarfed by stone eagles on top. "Frodo?" Aragorn calls startling the young Hobbit. "Huh?! It has taken Boromir," Frodo informed the two. "Where is the Ring?" Aragorn asked him. "Stay away!" Frodo exclaims as he scrambles up and retreats from Aragorn but Aragorn follows after him. "Frodo!" Aragorn shouts stopping Frodo, "We swore to protect you!" Frodo looked him in the eyes, "Can you protect me from yourself?" Maristela stayed back as Aragorn moved forward.

Frodo holds the Ring upon his palm, "Would you destroy it?" Aragorn, looking at the Ring, slowly approaches Frodo. The Ring begins to whisper the man's name in a teasing way, he reaches out towards the Ring and with both hands, Aragorn closes Frodo's hand over the Ring and pushes it to the Hobbit's chest. "I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor," Aragorn expressed softly to the young Hobbit. "I know. Look after the others, especially Sam. He will not understand," Frodo replied as he glanced at Maristela who smiled as she spoke. "It seems our journey ends here. Remember Frodo, even the smallest of beings are capable of big things. Have faith."

Frodo rushes away after a troop of Uruk-hai alert them, Aragorn and Maristela pull their swords free and walk towards the enhanced beasts, touching their swords to their foreheads; sparing a glance before they rush the Uruks, slicing them down quickly and efficiently. Aragorn cuts several down, but they force him and Maristela up the stairs of the seat. Sam is searching frantically for Frodo in the woods while Lurtz, the Uruk leader ordering his troop to find Frodo. Legolas and Gimli run forward from behind the the ruin. Legolas shoots several Uruk-hai; Gimli lands blows with his axe. "Aragorn, go!" Legolas calls.

Frodo runs and hides behind a tree. Across the way, Merry and Pippin hide in a space under some fallen tree trunks calling for him to join them but Frodo looks at them, then shakes his head. Merry and Pippin assist Frodo in his escape, Both Hobbits run away from Frodo. The Uruk-hai troop follows them. Frodo makes a break for it, running in the opposite direction. Merry and Pippin run across an old stone bridge. At its far end, they stop and see Uruk-hai running towards them. The Uruks are closing in, both in front and behind. An Uruk runs up to them, raising his battle-axe. Boromir comes charging in, knocks the Uruk back, and kills him with his own axe. He throws a knife at another. More close in.

Back at the hilltop, Legolas, Aragorn, Maristela and Gimli continue to fight the Uruk-hai. In one smooth move, Legolas stabs one Uruk with an arrow then shoots it out at another. Gimli wields his axe. Aragorn stabs one behind his back. Legolas kills Orc after Orc. He shoots down an Uruk who has closed in on Aragorn. Three loud horn blasts are heard, Legolas turns his head, "The Horn of Gondor!" Maristela's eyes widened, "Boromir!" She runs down the slop towards the sound with Aragorn by her side, but Uruks are between them and Boromir; Boromir sounds the Horn of Gondor again as the Uruks attack him.

Maristela and Aragorn battle madly towards Boromir. Boromir kills two more. Merry and Pippin stab some Orcs. The Uruk-hai leader walks into view as Boromir fights on. Merry and Pippin continue to throw rocks. The captain aims a black-fletched bow... He shoots. Boromir jerks backwards at the blow to his left shoulder. Merry stops in mid-throw as Boromir falls. The Hobbits look at him in shock. Boromir begins to breathe hard. Uruks come closer, and Boromir gives a battle cry, rises, and swings his sword at one, who falls. The Uruk chieftain growls and walks down the slope. He lifts his bow, and shoots again, as Boromir turns to look at him.

A black arrow flies into Boromir's stomach. He drops to his knees again, gasping. Merry and Pippin still stand in shock, rocks in hand. Boromir stares into their eyes, determination building in his tired body to protect the two. Boromir gets back up and swings his sword at another Uruk. The captain shoots him one more time, in the chest. Boromir falls on his knees and stays there, swaying a little and blinking; His horn is cloven in two. Merry and Pippin look at him, aghast. They take up their swords and attack the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai lift them up and carry them off. Merry and Pippin wave their arms frantically.

The Uruk-hai troop walks away from Boromir, who looks on helplessly. The captain stops before his foe. Boromir swallows and stares back at him. The chieftain snarls and pulls his bow back, ready to deliver the final blow. Aragorn crashes into him, and the arrow flies off harmlessly. The captain and Aragorn fight. Aragorn loses his sword and is thrown to the ground; when he gets up, the Uruk-hai warrior throws a two-prong shield at Aragorn, pinning him by the neck against a tree. Before Lurtz could harm Aragorn further, Maristela let out a battle cry followed by decapitating the chieftain. She and Aragorn share a glance before turning to Boromir.

"No!" Aragorn cries as he kneels down to Boromir who was bloodied and pale. "They took the little ones," Boromir informed him. "Be still," Aragorn instructed him. "Frodo! Where is Frodo?" Boromir asked with worry in his eyes. "I let Frodo go," Aragorn told him. "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him," Boromir said to Aragorn. "The Ring is beyond our reach now," Aragorn assured him. "Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all," Boromir pleaded. "No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honour," Aragorn reassured the Man of Gondor as he reaches to pull out the arrows.

"Leave it!" Boromir ordered, "It is over. The world of Men will fall and all will come to darkness... and my city to ruin." Maristela bowed her head as Legolas stood beside her, Gimli on her other side. "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall... nor our people fail," Aragorn promised Boromir, cupping his head in his hands. "Our people? Our people..." Boromir repeated with a smile, he reaches for his sword. Aragorn places the hilt in his hand and helps Boromir clasp it to his chest. "I would have followed you, my brother... my Captain... my King," Boromir told him with his dying breath.

Aragorn touches his hand to his forehead, then to his lips in respect, "Be at peace, son of Gondor." Aragorn bends and kisses Boromir on the brow as Maristela sniffled, she wiped the tears away and sent a silent prayer for the loss of their friend. Legolas looks sadly at Aragorn and Boromir, Gimli bows his head and turns away. Aragorn stands up, "They will look for his coming from the White Tower. But he will not return." Boromir is laid to rest in one of the boats. His sword rests with him, his shield is above his head and his split horn at his side. The boat slips over the falls of Rauros. Gimli watches the boat disappear. Aragorn puts on Boromir's vambraces.

Legolas shoves a boat into the water, "Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore." Aragorn stands still and says nothing. "You mean not to follow them?" Legolas questioned their leader. "Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands," Aragorn replied to him, Maristela watched him take charge like the leader he was born to be. "Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed," Gimli exclaimed. Aragorn stepped towards Legolas and Gimli, putting his hands on their shoulders, "Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left." Maristela grins.

"Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some Orc!" Aragorn ordered the three. Legolas and Gimli look at each other, grinning. Maristela places her hand on Aragorn's cheek, "I will follow you, Aragorn. To ends of this earth." Aragorn rests his own hand over hers, "And I will do my best to lead you, Ma." Maristela rested her forehead against his before they parted, she turned to Legolas and Gimli who were smirking, eager for their journey. Aragorn runs into the woods, followed by Maristela, Gimli and Legolas. Even with just the four of them, they had faith in Frodo and Sam; they had faith in themselves.

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Rosemary Speaks

It's 3:30 AM on the 30th of December, 2023
And I just completed The Fellowship of the Ring.

This was a long finale for Act Five.
But now we are ready for The Two Towers.

Time for more romance between Legolas and Maristela along with some jealousy.
I would advise that you watch these movies as I will only be writing the scenes that involve my OC and not the perspective of Frodo or Gandalf.

Thoughts on the book so far?

I hope to see you in the next act!

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