{7} Chicken Fight



     It was an awfully awkward morning for Kirishima and Bakugou. Of course, Bakugou would make breakfast for the two, but both ate in separate places. The air was tense and little to no words were spoken. So as the surfer left for work, murmuring a "goodbye", the blonde let out a sigh of relief. It would've been weirder if they stayed in the same house the entire day. After all, would anyone want to stay with a stranger who touched their balls?

     He made his way toward the kitchen to wash his plate, accidentally glancing at the door along the way. Washing the dishes, scrubbing hard to distract himself. Bakugou decided he would just avoid Kirishima for the next 3 weeks. It's better than attempting to continue this already awkward friendship. Once all dishes were lined up in the dishwasher, Katsuki made his way to the sofa and turned on the fan.

The TV was playing his favorite show, 'Booming Bombs of History'. He laid on his side and watched the screen. For a while he relaxed there, letting his damp skin soak up the cool air.

Knock. Knock.

Bakugou couldn't hear it at first. But when the thumping progressively grew louder, he threw the remote across the room stomping to the front door.

He swung it open. Three figures were propped on one knee each holding a red rose.

     "What the-"

     "You are... my fire."

     A rose smacked his cheek.

     "The one... desire."

    A second rose smacked his other cheek.

     "Believe, when I say..."

     A final rose was gently placed into his palm. Gritting his teeth, his eyes slowly opened to find Kirishima's friends, Pinky, Weedy Long Legs, and Pikachu about to belt the final line.


     "ENOUGH!" Bakugou interrupted. He sighed, "Look, Shitty Hair's at work so come later."

Pinky giggled that annoying girly giggle. "Hey bakubro! Sorry to disappoint, but we came for you!"


Pika-man stood up. "We have a favor to ask," he said, lifting a finger gun to his chin.

Bakugou stepped back, ready to close the door on their face. "The fuck have you done to deserve a favor?" He questioned in a matter-of-fact tone.

The trio fell silent.

"Y'know, he has a point."

"Shut it Sero."

Kaminari sighed. "Look dude, some guys from university are threatening us and-"

Mina piped in, "None of us can fight for shit."

He glared at her. "Yeah... that. Anyways, we wanted to know if you would be our body guard for the day!" He said in a more cheerful tone.

Katsuki stifled a laugh. Oh this could be fun. 

"And what will you give me if I do this?" He smirked.

Again, they fell silent.


     Oh All Might...


Katsuki stared blankly at the town he was now being DRAGGED into by a bunch of idiots who were now babbling about what their "bullies" were like. Apparently, this dunce squad are self-proclaimed "Yama Island Greeters". As to do their duty, they greeted four strangers who were actually the people who harassed the group at their university. Basically, it was an unexpected game of hide and go seek except well... they found them.

"So there's this one dude!" Mina exclaimed, "He has weird tattoos all over his face and he's like really lanky with spiky black hair. Kinda like yours!"

Bakugou subconsciously reached up to his hair, feeling the spikes. "Wait, since when do I care?" He thought angrily. The blonde had been checking himself more and more often ever since Kirishima walked into the picture.

"And there's the one girl!" Added Hanta.

"Oooh... right. Her..."

Before Bakugou could even ask, Mina bursted into a fuming rage and rant full of nasty gibberish. Denki leaned to whisper against Bakugou's ear, noticing his quirked brow.

"Mina wants to rip the two space buns off her head."

Sero laughed, "There's also this one dude that's always around her. He has..." He glanced at the two others, "is it a scar or a tattoo?". They just shrug. "Any who, he has this thingie on his forehead and he has a black and white mask covering his his face."



Bakugou sighed, now a little suspicious of the circle of cackles around him. "Did these clowns actually threaten you or are you just making me beat up some lost misfits?"

"Heh, no... We actually need you to confront them for us because they said they wanted to fight so we did the only logical option!" Sero said between laughs.

Katsuki still doubted them but shook his head. "Let's get this over with."



"SHHHH keep it down Kami!!"

"Ngh, it's her... Pfft, still looking stupid I can see."

"Jeez, cool it Mina."

"What the fuck are we doing?"

They peeked around the corner, heads stacked on top of each other. The idiots were right. These guys look like trouble. Very shady looking trouble.

"Ugh! I'm going out there!" Katsuki exclaimed, fed up with this nonsense.

Kaminari grabbed the back of his shirt. " NO DONT-"

The spiky haired tattoo man looked over at them. He hit the man with the black hoodie over his head on the back, and gestured over to them, smirking.

"What the hell is his problem?" Whispered Bakugou as he escaped from Pikachu's grasp, hearing hushed protests from the three.

The black haired man stopped a few feet from him, the others in view. "Well well well, what do we have here? The little cowards decided to go get there big bad friend to help. Dawww that's so cute," He said in a sassy tone. "Hmm, you look easy. Small build, short legs, small brain. Ha." The black haired man stuck out his hand, a condescending smile growing wider. "By the way, the name's Dabi. Now kindly move so I can beat your friend's asses into submission."


     "Why the fuck would I leave?" Katsuki spat, swatting the hand away. "I'm their bodyguard and it seems you have violated their daily routine."

     The scar man walkes up to the two and puts his arm on Dabi's shoulder, closely followed by a nasty looking girl with two messy space buns. Only now did Bakugou have a good chance to look at them. The girl sported a bright pink crop top and a black skirt with fishnets underneath. All above some bright red creepers. The scar man was in a mask just like the three had said. He reeked of cigarettes and wore only a normal Hawaiian shirt and black shorts. One other person walked lazily up to the now growing group. He had unkept light blue hair, HELLA chapped lips and a little scar above them. He had a black hoodie which partially covered his face and simple black pants to match.

     "Fuckin' emo..." Bakugou thought.

     Finally, his eyes trailed up to the man in front of him. Tattoos covered his chin and under eyes. Sharp earrings dangled out of his (very) spiky hair. Long black jacket, white shirt and weird ass loafer things on his feet.

     "Oh now he checking me out ha ha ha!!" Dabi cackled. "So stupid, short and a homo!"

     You could hear a pin drop. Katsuki's face lit up like a fire. He lunged at the taller man and yanked him down to eye level by his collar. " Now listen here ya' little shit," He said in a quiet, breathy tone. "Number one, you look like a mother fucking burnt chicken strip. Who in their right mind would even glance at your lanky ass and appreciate it?"

     This clearly took Dabi aback since his eyes widened for a moment, before mimicking the smirk on his lips.

     "Number 2, these dumbasses behind me," he gestured at Pinky, Pikachu, and Weedy Long Legs, "Came to me with their tails between their legs because of you. Either your fucked-in-the-mind head can't understand kindness when you see it... or you are just dense as fuck."

     Dabi chuckled darkly. "Oh, cool it Mr. Pomeranian it's not like we actual-"


     Not even the dunce squad laughed.

     Bakugou struck him in the face with a closed fist, fuming. Dabi stumbled back, but managed to stay on his feet, looking up at Katsuki like he had just resurrected All For One as blood gushed from his nose.

     "I will take Bakubro, Homo, Blondie..." Bakugou started quietly. "But. Not. FUCKING POMERANIAN!" He yelled, each word, stepping closer the Dabi, anger practically pouring from his toothy snarl.

     Emo man rushed to his side. "DABI!" He held his arm in an attempt to help him stand. Blood started to fall into the tattoo man's mouth, making him spit.

"Hehe, I'm fine Tomura," He assured him, a devilish look on his face as his posture straightened.
He stared into Katsuki's flaming red eyes as he handed ' Tomura' his jacket and stepped forward. Bakugou could hear the whispers of "oh shit" and "its happening" from behind both himself and Dabi as a small crowd formed around the 2.

     "Hey! Why are all those people gathered by the dock?"

     "I dunno... should we check it out after surfing class is over?"

     "Yeah we should. You see that blonde guy? OHH CRAP HE JUST PUNCHED THE GUY WITH THE TATTOOS!"


     "AWW I WANNA WATCH- Oh, H-Hi Mr. Kiri..."

     Kirishima walked up behind them, putting a hand on the kids' shoulders.

     "Now, now, boys," He laughed, "I know class is almost over but you stiiiiiii..." His voice trailed off and eyes widened as he spotted the idiots fighting on the peer. "C-Class adjourned. G-Go tell the others," He said, still staring at the fight in the distance.

     The boys looked at each other. "You ok Mr. Kiri?"

Kirishima nodded his head slightly, eyes still glued to the swarm of people. "Yes, I'm fine," He said, dropping his board and breaking off into a sprint towards the dock. "I just... That's my someone!!".

The confused boys watched their instructor run into the crowd and straight to the middle. Scar man and space buns had made their way over to Pinky, Weedy Long Legs and Pikachu, held them, and taunted them with their arms around there wrists with no chance of escaping.

     "I don't think we ever got acquainted!" The blonde girl whispered into Mina's ear, making her uncomfortable with her rather seductive tone. "I'm Toga, Toga Himiko." She said with a eerie smile. "I hope we can be friends!". She dug her fingers into Mina's arm as she tried to squirm away.

    "Call me Twice," Said the man holding Sero and Kaminari in a all two friendly tone which immediately switched to a grimmer one. "Don't try to escape."

     "Our Daboyo here has never once lost a fight so I am excited to watch this one!" Toga cheered.

     "Who's your bet babe?" Twice asked, his head turning to his... girlfriend?

     "Well of course, Dabi!"

     "Same here!"

     Kaminari sighed, then out of the nowhere, he heard rushed footsteps approaching behind him.

     "DENKI!!" Yelled a familiar voice.

     A voice Kaminari had never heard panicked before. Before he had time to think, two arms swooped around his knees and shoulders. He watched as he was carried away from confused friends and captors. As soon as they were away from the crowd, Shinsou set the blonde down and grasped onto his shoulders tightly.

     "Shinsou!? What are you doing here!?" Kami asked frantically.

     It took a moment for Shinsou to answer in order to catch his breath. "I was working my, huff, normal shift at the ice cream stand but then I see the mob, huff, and then you-" He started to pace around. "And, and I-I panicked. I... God Denki! I- I thought they did something to you." He grabbed Kaminari's hands and examined them, then, lifted his eyes to meet the gold ones staring at him. "Did they hurt you?"

     "N-No they didn't," said the blonde, averting his slightly flushed face. "A-Ah isn't this kinda gay-"

     Shinsou pulled him close, into a tight, almost desperate hug.

     "Thank God."

     Denki melted into the hug, lifting his hands and clutching them onto Shinsou's denim jacket. This was the closest they have ever been, even as friends. Of course Pikachu wanted it to last forever but...

     "Wait- SHIT SHINSOU WE NEED TO GET BACK!" Panicked Kami. Shinsou looked at him as if he had been struck by lighting. "It's Bakugou that's fighting the dude!!"

Shinsou's eyes glanced at Kami's then to the riot, then back to Kami's. He exhaled as a more serious tone spoke, "C'mon, let's go." He grabbed Denki's hand and led him back to the hoard.


"W-What... was that?" Twice asked, still in a daze of what just happened.

Mina started to snicker uncontrollably.

     "Huh? What is it new-best-friend?" Toga purred.

Ashido locked eyes with Sero, who knew exactly what she was thinking. "That, my people," She started, an evil smile covering her face, "Was a very angry boyfriend."

The two captors scoffed and dismissed their comments, looking back to the duel.

"Hey Toga?" Asked the Scar man, now holding Sero with double strength.

"Yes Jin?" Her tone turning sweet as suger.

     "Who's that guy?"

     Toga turned her attention back to the fight, specifically the red head that had entered the sideline rather dramatically. Pushing through everyone and emerging in the clearing.

Dabi threw punch after punch but Katsuki managed to either dodge or skillfully deflect each blow, all the while delivering his own damage. Dabi had a black eye, his lip and nose bled down his face, still adorned with a spit curling smirk. The same one that Bakugou tried desperately to wipe off of his face.

     All Eijirou could do was watch. It was just like in middle school. When a kid was getting attacked, it was Mina who saved him, even though the red head was only a few feet away. So desperately he tried to move his body, even just to utter a single word. But he was frozen. He couldn't do anything, and stood by, helpless.

Kaminari gasped, still clutching Shinsou's hand "Bakugou!" His eyes filling with regret that the fight was still going. He stepped forward to enter the fight, but he was pulled back into the chest of the purple haired boy. Shinsou's hand found a place on Denki's head. He did not have to even speak to tell him, "don't".

"Having fun yet?" Asked an ever so cocky Dabi, still panting despite his words.

Bakugou scoffed. "I'm just getting started," He said raising his fists once again.

Dabi grinned evilly and lunged at Katsuki with lightning speed, going for a diafram hit, which would mean KO if he hit the right spot. The blonde's feet moved faster though, maneuvering to the side as he lifted his knee in time to perfectly hit Dabi's chin with force, leaving his stomach exposed. Bakugou fingers straightened right as he landed a direct blow on his kidney. He did not want this to be over yet.
Dabi crouched down and faced the ground as he clutched his abdomen, giving Katsuki a perfect chance to push his hand down on his head just as his knee came up on his face.

"Now how about this!?" He demanded, loud enough for the crowd to hear, though it was directed at Dabi. "I'll let you go before you get hurt, though you leave my friends alone." His knee still crunching deeper into Dabi's. "What will it be?"

Dabi laughed weakly. "Not a chance."

He lifted his arms to wrap tightly around Bakugou's shoulders and in one swift motion, throwing him on to the pavement, well almost.

His wounded body prevented him from pulling Bakugou over his body, so he ended up rolling off on his back and landing on his feet. Dabi's eyes widened in disbelief as he heard dark laughter from the other boy. Arms snaked around his waist and he felt himself being lifted into the air.

" w-WAIT-"


The whole crowd got quiet. Tomura stood in disbelief. Toga and Twice's grip on the Sero and Mina loosened. Shinsou held Kaminari tighter. Kirishima stood with mouth gaped in partial amazement and partial dread. You could hear a pin drop. Bakugou stood over the unconscious body in front of him, only a few bruises tarnishing his skin. He lifted one of his feet and placed it forcefully on his chest.

"I win."

Tomura, Toga, and Twice quickly loosened their grip on Mina and Sero, running to aid their unconscious friend. Meawhike, walked away to scan the crowd in search of the three dunces.

      Bakugou could hear muffled cheers and whoops as he pushed past the people of whom he doesn't care about. Through the fight he couldn't stop worrying about the idiot squad (who were technically the ones who brought him into this mess). He saw the pained looks on their faces as they got tortured and taunted, the expression of agony and dread. His palms began to get sweaty as he anxiously looked for them.


     A jumble of familiar voices called his name in unison. As he began to turn around, he was crushed onto the ground by three large bodies.

     "WHAT THE HE-"

     He stopped himself when he felt hands wrap around his body. His eyes opened to see Pinky, Pikachu, and Weedy Long Legs teary eyed and laughing weakly.

     "Thank you, so much Bakubro!!" Mina cried.

     "Bakuhoe, we're so sorry you got so hurt!!" Sero tightened his grip on Bakugou's leg.

     Denki sniffled and looked up, tears now streaming down his face. "BAKUBOOB I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY I WAS GONNA FIGHT BUT SHINSOU HE HELD ME BACK AND-"

     "GAHH SHUT IT!" The blonde yelled, shutting all three of them up. He sighed, "It is all you three's idiot's own damn fault I'm wrecked like this but... at least, at least you don't have to see that douche bag ever again. I'll always protect my friends."

     The dunce squad looked at him, star struck. Who knew that an asshole like him, could have such a soft heart? Maybe they misunderstood him that other day. After all, they DID almost damage his camera. Plus, they called him their FRIEND. The three of them looked at each other and grinned.

     "GROUP HUG!" Mina cheered.


     As the pile of bodies rolled around in bickering and rejoice, footsteps slowly approached them.


     Katsuki looked up to see Kirishima with dried tears and fists clenched on either side of his body.


     "Are you... alright?"

     "I'm fine."

     "Good, good..." Kirishima smiled, almost distantly. He held out an outstretched arm for him to take followed by an awkward laugh. "Let's... let's get home then..."

     Once up on their feet, the group walked down the now empty peer back to the redhead's house for dinner. The blonde was pulled into an idiotic debate that resulted in being the leader of the "Bakusquad". He proceeded to tune out the rest of the conversation.

     As they walked up the steps, Bakugou looked over at the sun, whose hazy orange rays were making their last appearance of the day. He tasted and felt the cool air breeze past his fingertips, and heard the laughter erupting from the dunces beside him. Katsuki could even admit he felt at peace.

    However, there was one thing that had bothered him. And that was the fake grin and the blind eye Kirishima was giving the blonde as they entered the front door.

3281 words

- uh oh.

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