๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ 91

"Mmmm, no, that one is ugly." Haru threw the dress on your bed, turning on his heel to look in your closet, sifting through all of the articles of clothing you had. Zee sat on your bed, grabbing the dress Haru had practically thrown at him. He inspected it, holding it up by the hanger it was on.

"I think this one would look nice on her." Zee argued, looking between you and the dress. Haru poked his head out from the closet, a disgusted look on his face.

"Zee, sweetcheeks, your fashion taste sucks ass. Before you met me, it was disastrous. Put the dress down. Plus, you gotta know y/n's style!" He shook his head, going back into the closet. Laughter erupted from your chest at the defeated look on Zee's face as he threw the dress back down on the bed.

"It was not that bad!" Zee rolled his eyes, standing up from the bed. "Why are we going out to this stupid party anyway? You always wanna go to a party!" He walked up behind Haru, snaking an arm around his boyfriends waist as he grabbed another dress from the closet.

"Because," Haru turned around to look up at Zee, "it's not for me, it's for y/n. I don't want her to be sulking in the house like a wet rag." Haru smiled at Zee before pecking his lips.

"Gee, thanks Haru." You shook your head with a smirk. Haru gave you an apologetic smile before walking up to you with a basic red silk dress. "But, Zee is right. Why is it always a party? I'm down going to like the mall or something. Plus, what if Suna is there?" You wince, clenching your eyes shut at the thought.

Haru rolled his eyes, scoffing in disgust. "The mall? Do you have mall money? I sure as hell don't. Also, so what if Suna is there? He'll see what he's missing and coming crawling back on his knees, begging and pleading. Why would he be there anyway?" Haru chuckled, holding the dress up to you.

"Because he's always there! Do you not remember the other fifty times? He's always somewhere, lurking in the corner like he doesn't wanna be there!" You protested. Haru ignored your comments, shoving the dress into your hands as he ran back to your closer to search for some heels.

"She has a point, Haru." Zee agreed, rubbing the nape of his neck as he watched his boyfriend dig through your closet for some shoes. You shoved the dress onto your vanity, giving up completely at getting Haru to side with you. Once that boy is set on something, there is no changing his mind.

"Listen, you guys pass by each other all the time and nothing is said. Why the hell would a party make a difference? There's enough activities to keep you two separated. Just start talking to someone and ignore him." Haru shrugged, grabbing a pair of heels in his hand before walking out the closet with them. He gave you a cheesy smile. "These would look great with the dress!"

"You're not even listening to me!" You whined, plopping down in your chair.

Haru sighed, placing the heels down on the floor. He took your face in his hands, making you look up at him, "we will make a deal. If Suna is there and he tries to talk to you or do anything...me and Zee will get you out of there. Okay?"

You frowned, nodding. "Pinky promise?" You held out your pinky, waiting for your best friend to do the same. Haru wrapped his pinky around yours within a millisecond, sealing the deal.

"Now, get your ass dressed."


You nervously got out of the car, phone in hand as poked at the house in front of you. If you were being honest, you felt like you were overdressed for a house party, but with Haru being Haru...there was arguing with him.

"Come on! Why do you look so scared?!" Haru chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him. Squeezing his hand, you let out a shaky breath. The music was loud enough to hear from the outside, and from the looks of it, the place was packed. There were red solo cups decorating the green lawn, and couples making out on the porch for all eyes to see.

It amazed you how drunk some of these people already were. Maybe they drank before coming to the party. At least that was your guess. "Don't you think I'm overdressed?" You looked down at yourself, starting to feel a bit insecure and out of place.

"You look good! I promise no one will care! Half of these fuckers are too drunk to tell their left from right. Just enjoy the night, please!" Haru begged, opening the front door to the house. Biting the inside of your cheek, the crowds of people were either dancing, talking, drinking, or a mix of all three. There were the occasional introverts standing against the walls, surveying everyone in the room.

Immediately, your eyes were scanning the room for Suna, trying to find any excuse to get out of here. Haru had a mission of his own, getting something to drink. "I hope they have spiked punch." He giggled, still holding onto your hand tightly.

As you got dragged through the unfamiliar house with Haru, you were bumping and squeezing by people. Accidentally, you stepped on someone's shoe. With a gasp you turned to look back at them, but before you could say anything, they were already losing their shit.

"Watch where the fuck you're going!" The black haired boy turned to look at you. With the few seconds you had to look at them, you recognized the face of the boy. It was no one other than Kuroo Testuro. Your old high school boyfriend.

"Sorry!" You squealed, quickly turning away, Haru completely oblivious to the situation as you finally reached the kitchen. Did he even recognize you? If you pay no mind to it, maybe he won't either. It was only a quick glance. It couldn't have been that obvious. Right? "Haru!"

He let go of your hand, grabbing two solo cups off of the counter. "Hm?" He smiled, eyes looking down at the bowl of red punch.

Quickly looking over your shoulder, you made sure that Kuroo wasn't around before focusing on Haru who was already scooping the punch. "Kuroo's here!" You said with raised brows.

"Who?" Haru turned to you, already taking a sip from his cup. It's took a few seconds for him to process the name you just said before he almost choked on his drink, eyes going wide. He looked around the kitchen, pulling you close to him. "Kuroo?!" Haru furrowed his brows.

"I just fucking stepped on his foot! It was him!" The shakiness in your voice gave away how nervous you were. If it wasn't Suna that was going to be your excuse to get out of here, it sure as hell should be Kuroo. Not because you hated him or anything, but because it's your ex. An awkward ex.

"I'll be back I gotta get some water." A voice shouted over the blasting music. Both you and Haru looked at the entrance of the kitchen before seeing a familiar face walk around the corner. Quickly looking away, you turned your back away from him, avoiding any contact. Haru froze in place, clenching his jaw as Haru walked to the fridge on the other side of the kitchen.

He was squeezing your arms so tight you were pretty sure he was going to leave a bruise. "Hey, uh, have you guys seen anymore water?" Kuroo slammed the fridge shut, turning around to make eye contact with Haru. Your back was still turned towards him, hiding the fact that your eyes were literally popping out of your skull at this very moment. "Uh, no...no." Haru gulped, shaking his head.

"You look kinda familiar. Do I know you?" Kuroo narrowed his eyes, walking around the counter to grab a cup. As he was doing so, you kept turning away from him. Haru quickly glanced at you, seeing that you were staring at him with wide eyes, like you've been caught hiding a body.

"Mmm, I'm not sure." Haru responded, hand still gripping the flesh on your arm. He watched as Kuroo filled his cup with the punch. Kuroo smirked, nodding his head.

"There you are. I got fucking lost." Zee walked into the kitchen, catching all three of your attention. He smiled at Haru, before placing a kiss on his lips. Kuroo face twisted into a confused look. He thought the boy was with you. But he guessed wrong. "You get me something to drink?" Zee asked.

"Um, no...sorry." Haru tensed up, shaking his head. Kuroo watched carefully, sipping from his cup. Except, his gaze wasn't on the couple in front of him. It was on the girl who's back has been turned to him this entire time. Both of you looked familiar. If only he could see your face.

"Seen Suna yet, y/n?" Zee laughed, grabbing a cup from behind you. Haru quickly slapped Zee on his chest. He quickly snapped back, looking down at Haru, "the hell was that for?!"

Quickly, you snatched your arm from Haru's grip, walking out of the kitchen in a hurry. Haru sighed. But he grew frantic as he saw Kuroo follow after you from the corner of his eye. "Where is she going?" Zee asked.

"That's y/n's ex! And you just blew her cover!" Haru ran his hands down his face. Zee looked over his shoulder, trying to get a quick glance at the guy who just walked out the kitchen.

"That's not Suna." Zee gestured, pointing with his thumb. If he was being honest, Zee was completely lost.

"No, Zee! From high school! Haru sighed dramatically before grabbing his boyfriends hand. "We gotta go find her."

Making your way through the crowds of people, you needed to go outside for a breath of fresh air. All you wanted to do was go home. Maybe you should've just stayed in the kitchen with Haru instead of walking out, but you acted of our impulse. Your brain just kept telling you to get out of there, your legs moving without thinking.

The front door squeaked open, heavy footsteps hitting the wooden porch. "Thought I recognized you." The voice spoke. With a roll of your eyes, you proceeded to stare ahead, not bothering to turn around. Kuroo let out a small laugh, leaning against the porch railing. "I can't even get a hi? Damn."

The music in the house filled the silence between you Kuroo. There was a sigh from him, "I'm not trying to start anything, y/n. I just wanted to say it's good to see you. We haven't seen each other since high school."

Slowly, you turned around, arms folded across your chest. His eyes landed on you, seeing that you were looking at him for the first time tonight. "Thanks." You mumbled.

Kuroo slyly made his way over to you, hands stuffed into his sweater pockets. "How've been these past few years? Life been treating you alright? From the looks of it, it seems like it has." He commented, eyeing you up and down. Kuroo can't even remember the last time he's seen you in a dress.

"It could be better, but otherwise, I'm alright." You shrugged, recalling the conflict between you and Suna.

"You don't seem alright. Tell me what's been going on?" He reached into his pocket, pulling out a lighter and a pre-rolled blunt. You were quite surprised as he lit the blunt in his fingers. Last time you checked, Kuroo never smoked. He chuckled, taking notice of your confusion. "Picked it up in college. Don't worry, it's not a habit. I just do it sometimes." He placed the blunt between his lips.

"Oh." You muttered, looking away from him.

Kuroo rolled his eyes at your lack of conversation. Either you really didn't want to talk to him or he was boring the the hell out of you. Inhaling slowly, he blew the excess smoke from his mouth. "So are you gonna tell me or what?"

"I don't know if you wanna hear it. It's just boy problems. Ex boyfriend problems." You stated, pacing around the porch.

Kuroo's brows raised, "sounds juicy!" He teased, smiling at you. "Tell me! Stop being so shy!"

"You're always so fucking nosy!" You laughed, throwing your head back. Kuroo laughed along with you before holding his hand out to you-the one with the blunt in it. You looked down at it before looking back at him. He wiggled it in front of your face, practically begging you to take it. "I haven't smoked in months."

"Oh, come on! You can smoke while you vent about your problems. It's the best therapy ever." He smiled kindly. With a sigh, you hesitantly took the blunt in your hands, putting it to your lips. You inhaled, letting the warmth run down into your lungs before exhaled the smoke, slightly coughing. "See! Not so bad. Now spill."

"It's a really long story. Like...really really long." You warned Kuroo, shooting him an apologetic look. Kuroo grabbed the blunt from your hands, before looking onto the street that was lined up with a million cars.

"How about we go to my car and talk?" He offered, taking a step down the stairs. You shook your head, afraid that Haru might cause ruckus looking for you. Kuroo held out his hand for you to grab. "Don't be a scaredy cat, y/n." Kuroo joked, smiling up at you.

"Haru might come looking for me!" You looked over your shoulder back at the front door of the house.

"If anything he can call you. We're not going anywhere. I promise." He gently grabbed your hand in his, pulling you towards him. You gave in easily, easier than you expected. Kuroo helped you down the stairs, making sure you didn't trip over your own feet.


"Have you seen her anywhere? Where the hell did she go?" Haru looked up at Zee with a concerning look. He hasn't seen Kuroo either and it's felt like an hour since he began looking for you when in reality, it's only been five minutes. Zee looked around the room, being taller than Haru, he could see over the crowd a little better.

"I don't see her. Try calling." Zee glanced down at his worried boyfriend before looking back into the crowd. Haru quickly pulled his phone from his pocket, dialing your number. "Oh, shit." Zee pursed his lips catching a familiar face in the crowd.

"What?" Haru asked, pulling the phone away from his ear so he could hear Zee better. Little did he know, you picked up the phone.

"Hello?" You spoke. All you could hear was the music blasting through the speakers. Haru must've accidentally pocket dialed you while dancing with Zee. You hung up the phone, placing it back down in your lap as you took a drag from the blunt, laughing with Kuroo.

"Suna's here." Zee looked down at Haru, wincing slightly as his boyfriend squeezed his hand tightly. Haru tried to get poke his head over the crowd of people, wanting to get a better look.

"Is he with y/n?!" Haru asked worriedly. Zee shook his head at Haru's question. Haru looked back down at his phone seeing that the call had ended. With a grunt of frustration, Haru called you back.

"You guys are toxic as hell!" Kuroo furrowed his brows, back leaning against the driver door. He took the blunt from your hand.

"I know we are! But, he ended it. For good this time." You slightly frowned. The vibrations from your phone pulled your attention away from Kuroo, seeing that Haru was calling you again. Another pocket dial. Declining the call, you looked back up at Kuroo.

"Are sure it's for good?" Kuroo asked, eyes red and hanging low as he finished the last of the blunt. He was staring at you the whole time. Adjusting the hem of your dress, you just shrugged at his question.

"She's not picking up!" Haru rolled his eyes. Maybe Suna saw you leave? Maybe that's why you're not picking up? You guys ran into each other like you always do and some shit went down. "Bring me over to Suna." Haru tugged at Zee's hand.

Zee pushed through the crowd of people, apologies spilling from his mouth as he tried to make he way through the group of drunk young adults. There stood Suna, a drink in his hand as he talked with a random guy that Zee nor Haru recognized. Probably an old friend from high school. He was leaning against the wall, clueless as to who was standing beside him.

"Suna!" Haru shouted over the music. Suna turned to look at the person who shouted his name. He didn't know whether or not he should be worried that your best friend and his boyfriend were looking at him like they were gonna take him out back and murder him.

"Yes?" He questioned, sipping from his cup. The other dude looked Haru and Zee too, like it was his business as well.

"Have you seen y/n anywhere?" Haru asked, his phone gripped tightly in his hand. Suna quirked a brow at the question. Why would he see you? Were you here?

"No? Was I supposed to see her or something?" He asked, looking around, mostly because he was confused.

Haru sighed, "she came here with us and let's just say we ran into a little problem and now she's gone."

"Problem? What type of problem? Did you guys have an argument or something?" Suna asked. It was unlike you to just up and leave without saying anything. You'd only do something like that if you were upset. He knows all too well.

"Her ex is here." Zee bluntly stated, jumping straight to the point. Haru quickly looked at him, rolling his eyes at how quickly his boyfriend was to say anything without thinking first.

"Don't know what to tell you," he shrugged. "Maybe go ask her ex." Suna turned away from the couple, going back to the conversation with his friend. Suna wasn't going to waste his time and dabble into your trouble anymore. There's no need to. You guys are exes.

"That's the thing...we can't find him either." Haru bit the inside of his cheek, looking at Suna with pleasing eyes. He can't possibly hate that much that he doesn't even care that you're missing. Can he?

Suna took a deep breath in, ignoring Haru to the best of his ability. Your problems weren't his anymore. Suna had to keep reminding himself.

"Maybe she walked back home? Don't worry too much. We'll find her. Let's go back to the house and check." Zee rubbed Haru's back as they began to walk away from Suna. Haru nodded, grabbing his phone and texting you multiple times as they strolled to the front door.

Suna had too much to worry about right now. In just a week he'd be getting the results whether the baby growing inside of Faye was his or not. Maybe you did just go back home like Zee said. Suna had no idea who your ex was, considering you never mentioned him once during your relationship, but it couldn't be that bad.

"Hey, come outside with me to have a smoke." Suna's friend pulled out a blunt.

"I don't smoke, but I'll join you for the fresh air. Tired of the smell of alcohol." Suna shook his head, following his friend to the front door.

Little did you know any of this was going on. You were too busy talking and laughing with Kuroo to realize that Haru had texted you multiple times. And the fact they drove back to your place to see if you walked home without telling them.

"I've been meaning to tell you that you look good tonight." Kuroo smirked. He doesn't know if it's the weed or him, but he had a major boost of confidence all of a sudden.

"Thank you." You looked down at your dress, smiling. Kuroo sneakily grabbed your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. You quickly looked at him, at a loss for words.

"Hey, how about we go back inside and dance? Maybe have some more drinks?" He lazily smiled, red eyes staring into yours. With a giggle, you nodded. A part of you felt so relaxed and free right now. It's like all of your worries went out the window. Kuroo was right when he said this was the best therapy.

Both of you got out the car, giggling like high schoolers all over again as you held onto him for support. "Don't fall!" He wrapped an arm around your waist, supporting you.

"I'm not! I swear!" You looked at him, before climbing the steps to the house. As you focused on the path in front of you, there stood Suna. Your whole body tensed up as he looked at you with a blank stare, fox eyes staring you down like prey. You cleared your throat, looking away from him as you held onto Kuroo's fitting black tee.

"Hold on, pretty, someone's calling me." Kuroo reached into his pocket, taking the call outside rather than in the loud ass house party where he could barely hear. "Hello?"

It felt like eyes were burning into the back of your skull, feeling awkward as you just stood outside the porch where your other ex was only a few feet away. Looking at you phone to distract yourself, you saw that Haru had texted you multiple times. "Shit!"

Pulling away from Kuroo, you dialed Haru's number, the phone ringing before you heard his frantic voice pick up the phone. "Y/n?! Thank fuck! Where are you!?"

"I'm sorry! I was chilling with Kuroo in his car. We were just talking and smoking." You glanced over at Suna who was still staring at you. It made you feel like you were stuck between two rocks, barely able to breathe as they just kept closing in. You winced as Haru started to scold you over the phone, shouting in your ear.

Suna didn't care if you saw him staring at you. He wasn't mad, he wasn't jealous. He was simply just looking at you. He could tell you were high, eyes red and low every time they looked his way. But he also made sure to keep an eye on your ex, side eyeing him when he got a little too close. "Suna is there! Don't go back inside!" Haru warned.

"It's a little too fucking late for that. He's outside right in front of me!" You yelled in a whisper, turning away from him. Haru groaned on the other side of the phone.

"Just stay there, we'll come to pick you up." Haru stated.

"No, I'll just have Kuroo drop me off." You protested, looking at him over your shoulder with a smile.

"No, uh uh, he's been drinking and smoking. You're not getting in the car with him. That's the last thing I need." Haru shook his head as if you could see him.

"Then I'll just walk home! I'll be fine. Don't waste your gas when my house is like fifteen minutes away." You were talking loud enough for Suna to hear now.

"Y/n, do not argue with me on this! I'm picking your stupid ass up. You're not staying with Kuroo! And you're not walking home!" Haru yelled like he was the mother and you were his kid.

Before you had the chance to say anything, someone snatched your phone from your hand. Immediately turning around, you saw Suna glaring at you, placing the phone to his ear, "I'll take her home, Haru." Suna spoke.

"Suna? Not you either! You are the last person she wants to be around right now-" Suna hung up the phone, placing it back in your hands.

"Let's go. Get in the car." He placed his hand on your back, moving you towards the stairs.

"First of all, let go of me. Second of all, I am not going with you. Third of all, don't touch my shit!" You moved away from Suna which only caused him to sigh in annoyance. When were you not stubborn? It was even worse when you got high?

Kuroo walked up to you, grabbing your hand, "what's the problem?" He asked, staring down Suna.

"Nothing is the problem. I'm taking her cry baby ass home where she belongs. Let's go y/n!" Suna clenched his jaw.

"Who the fuck are you? She's not going with you." Kuroo started to grow defensive, pulling you closer to him. Suna doesn't know why he did this to himself when he specifically told himself that your problems weren't his.

"I'm her boyfriend. Get your ass in the car, y/n." Of course he was lying, but only to get your ex to stop bitching.

You laughed at Suna's words, "so now you're my boyfriend? All of a sudden you're my boyfriend?" You pulled away from Kuroo and stood in front of Suna, a slight scowl on your face. Suna rolled his eyes. He should've expected you to say some shit.

"Get your cry baby ass in the car! Trust me, I don't wanna see or talk to you either. I'm just trying to make life easier for Haru who's practically losing his mind cause you're running around with your ex!" Suna argued, eyes widening. If there's one thing he hated about you, it was how hard headed you were.

"What the hell do I gotta do with this shit?" Kuroo furrowed his brows, stepping beside you.

"What are you not getting dipshit? Her best friend does not like you and does not want her around you! Come on!" Suna snatched your hand, giving you no other choice but to follow him down the stairs otherwise you'd fall right on your ass.

"You're just jealous! Jealous that I'm happy with someone else that isn't you!" You spat. Suna ignored your words, opening the passenger door for you. He slammed the door in your face before you could get another word out. He knows you were just gonna keep talking and talking until you got a word out of him.

"Y/n, you're not happy with him, you are just high with him. Stop acting stupid. I know you're smarter than that." Suna rolled his eyes, staring his car and pulling out his parking spot on the side of the street.

"Whatever, Suna." You huffed, turning away from him as you sat in your seat, looking out the window as he drove you back home. Rain started to fall from the sky, pattering against the glass. There was silence as always. To be honest, you'd rather have silence than arguments-the sound of your voices trying to overrun one another's.

Your phone began vibrating in your lap. Quickly turning it over, you saw it was Haru calling you. "Hey." You spoke, playing with the hem of your dress.

"You on your way home?" Haru asked.

"Yeah, Suna's dropping me off." You muttered, glancing at him. All of his attention was on the road.

"Surprised you willingly went with him." Haru scoffed, adjusting in his spot on your bed.

"I didn't," You stated, rolling your eyes. "I'll be home in a few, okay? Bye." You hung up the call, laying your head against the window. Suna turned down your street, getting to your house quicker than he expected to.

Before he even stopped the car, you unbuckled your seatbelt. You just wanted to get inside and lay flat on your bed. Suna let the car come to a complete stop before he unlocked the car door. As you opened the door, he suddenly spoke up, "I'm not jealous. I'm just not gonna let you make stupid decisions."

You bit on your bottom lip, taking a deep breath in before stepping out of the car. As you walked away, you shut the car door and walked up your front steps. Suna watched from the car, making sure you made it in safe before driving off. As your door opened, he put the car back into drive. And when the door closed behind you, he drove off to his house.

๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„:
Okay so....this was a long ass chapter lmaoo. I know, I know, I'm keeping you guys waiting on whether or not Suna is the father. I'm evil. Hope y'all enjoyed! Also, ignore the mistakes bc I know there's probably a million of them.

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