- 42 -

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  - Hope's POV -


I hope I did not delay too much with this update πŸ’œ

I sat still in the living room as my mind wondered about everything Henry had said to me. He didn't want me to worry, but I did worry. How could I not? My father was never meant for my mum. Which child would be happy to hear that? Did mum take someone else's, lover? I just couldn't let that slide. It wasn't like I was planning to blame it on my parents, I wasn't. But I needed them to do at least one thing...


"Why don't you go to sleep?" Henry approached from behind as he reached for the chair I was sitting on. I stared at the TV and noticed how I wasn't concentrating on the content being shown.

"Henry," I looked to my side, meeting his gaze. "I was thinking,"

"What is it?" Henry found his way and sat beside me.

I rested my palm on his hand and decided to look him in the eye for this. "I need to speak to my parents about this. They need to know about this. They need to be aware that I'm in the know. If they're really at fault, then I need them to apologize to your mother so she'd take this curse away from my head, my family's head. My parents, siblings, and I have suffered a lot. I don't want this child my mother is about to bring to this world, to have the same fate."

"I'll talk to mother," Henry whispered with a small frown. "When are you leaving for the village?"

I never mentioned that but Henry could see through me. He could see through my unspoken words.

"I plan on going tomorrow," on a normal day, it would sound so sudden but this was anything but a normal day. For this situation, if it was possible, I could have entered the road this very minute but I knew Henry wouldn't like that.

Henry let out a small nod, knowing fully well that he couldn't stop me. "I'll get you a driver that will take you to the village with one of the cars and first thing tomorrow morning, I'll wire some money into your account."

"But I have enough already," And I wasn't lying. Henry usually places money into my account every two weeks so I wouldn't lack a thing. Now I had more than enough.

"This particular one is for your parents and siblings. Use it to get them gifts." I leaned closer and kissed him deeply on his lips as silent tears fell from my eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered, pulling away from him a little. "For everything."

That night, Henry made it unforgettable and the next morning before journeying to the village, I decided to get lots of foodstuffs, provisions, deodorant, new clothes, and shoes, for my family.

I hugged Henry so tightly that I was scared to let go, before finally getting to the back seat of the car Henry had provided for me.

I made friends with the driver during the journey. His name turned out to be Abu. He happened to be a graduate of Ambrose Alli University with a degree in Mathematics. He just happened to be one of those that couldn't find a decent job after graduating. We talked about a lot of things, especially things in the educational aspect. Then after that, we decided to talk about music and other underrated series. We sometimes pull over at eatries whenever we were starving. I made sure he was very comfortable with me.

It was already nighttime when we finally got to Akwa Ibom. It was always a one-day journey, the reason why I loved traveling at night. It didn't take long to get to my village and then finally my compound. The lights coming from the headlight, reminded me how I wanted to get my family out of this excuse of a compound.

"Mama!" I yelled while climbing down from the car. I knew my parents or probably my siblings. It was too early for my siblings to sleep. Eleven in the night was like seven in the evening for them. And this was a Friday.

"I dey hear sister's voice," That was Gloria's voice.

"Then you better clean it," The voice of Abasifreke made me roll my eyes. "She's not coming back till five years. Just know this and know peace."

"Abasifreke, shut up if you aren't going to lift their hope." Mary's voice made me smile. "All you people, how many times have I scolded you all not to speak pidgin in this house? Eh? Mum and Dad are more devoted than you guys."

"It's not easy," Jeffery's voice was next. "We're already used to it."

"Y-yes," I knew this was Afanide and he was doing well with his speech. "B-but we will t-try harder."

"Wait o, Mary," Abasifreke sounded vexed. "Did you just ask me to shut up? I'm older than you, speak to me with respect."

"Okay," Mary's voice came out dryly. "I'm respectfully asking you to shut up."

"Your family is something, Hope." Since I wanted Abu to be more comfortable with me, I'd asked him to start referring to me without an honorific. He seemed older than me though.

"You haven't seen anything yet," I laughed, moving further toward the house. "Mama, papa."

"That sounded like Hope," Mary voiced.

"So you've joined them on their delulu land abi?" Abasifreke deadpanned. "Do not wake up Destiny."

"Abasifreke, Mary!" I got to the side to make myself known. Everyone's eyes grew when they saw me. Even Abasifreke seemed so speechless.

"Does it look like we're in any delusional land?" Gloria stuck her tongue out at Abasifreke who in turn, sent her a death glare. Gloria didn't mind though, as she tapped her twin, Jeffery and both ran to hug me.

"Sister Hope?!" Mary was as shocked as Abasifreke. She walked towards me with Jessica. Faith had to tap her sleeping twin Wisdom, so he could be aware of my arrival.

"Jesus, sister?" Wisdom was quite shocked like the rest. "Did they chase you out of Lagos?"

I laughed at his words. Abasifreke held destiny securely in her arms so she wouldn't wake the latter up. "You broke your record, no one was expecting you till for five years."

"Ouch, that hurt." I feigned sadness, loving that my family was doing well.

"You won't blame her," Afanide tried to impress me with his improvement while holding Betty's- the second to the last born- hand. Betty looked tired, so I reached for her and held her in my arms.

"What about mum and dad?" I inquired.

"Sleeping," Mary informed me seconds after. "I'll go wake them up."

Mary walked passed Abu and me, as she moved into the house to inform our parents about my arrival. Abasifreke on the other hand moved towards me and whispered into my ears. "Who's this man? He's fine."

I pushed my sister while scrunching my nose at her. "You won't see man and shut up."

Abasifreke shrugged like it was no big deal. "They're free gifts of nature."

"Hope? Where is she?" Abasifreke and I future conversation got cut short when I heard both our parents' voices.

"Mma!" I walked to the front door. Mary took Betty from me after I had gotten to our parents and also directed Abu to go seat on the long wooden bench they were all once sitting on.

"Hope," Mum and Dad felt happy to see me. I moved with them after Jeffery had brought out a different bench for me and our parents. "You must be really hungry and tired."

I nodded at my mother's stqtwment. "Who's he?"

"This is Abu," I introduced, while he bowed his head respectively at our parents. "He's my driver."

"Your watin?" Abasifreke yelled, then saw the look on Mary's face.

"How would the younger ones learn when you aren't serving yourself as a good example?" Mary scolded. She wasn't letting that one-year difference between Abasifreke and her, stop her.

"Sorry," Abasifreke rolled her eyes but apologized nonetheless. "I meant your what? Wow, you're now a big girl o sister."

"I'm not big," I said to Abasifreke. "My boyfriend is."

"You're in a relationship?" Mother questioned and I smiled so wide just thinking about Henry.

I looked at both my parents staring at me expectantly. "Yes. Do you know Henry Williams?"

"Even Patrick living under a rock knows him." Faith commented. Yup, she was my sister.

"I'm dating him." My siblings' eyes widened at my reveal.

"Sister, you can lie sha o." Abasifreke waved my statement off within seconds. "Just tell us you're dating him in your head. There's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm sure half the young female population does the same. No one will judge you."

I scrunched my nose at Abasifreke. The similarities between my siblings and me were so uncanny. It was like one spirit in eleven bodies.

"That reminds me," I brought out my phone which got Abasifreke gasping. "I need to let him know I got here safely."

I dialed Henry's number and he didn't hesitate to pick up on its first ring. "Hope, I've been waiting for your calls."

My siblings gasped, immediately knowing Henry's voice. Who wouldn't? I'm quite sure they've watched his movies a thousand times. They all moved closer to listen in.

"I'm so sorry," I said. "I just arrived and immediately got distracted by my siblings. You know how ten is a huge number."

Henry let out those attractive chuckles of his and I saw how Abasifreke acted like she was melting. "Hope they are all doing well."

"Better than ever. Do you mind," I said, roaming my gaze at my siblings' faces and then my parents? "This call is on speaker."

"Oh," That took Henry off guard. "No, I don't. Can I say hi to them-"

"Hi, Henry~," My siblings all said in a sing-song voice, cutting Henry off and also waking up Destiny.

Henry laughed heartily at that. "Hey guys, I'm happy to finally hear from the legendary ten. Have you received your gifts?"

"Gift?" Mary lifted a brow, then moved her gaze to me.

"Sister?" Destiny's tired voice echoed around us. Her big doe eyes brightened knowing I wasn't just a figment of her imagination. "Sister! You came before my birthday!"

Again, I couldn't remember her birthday. I let her jump on my lap in a way it won't affect Betty. Now, both Betty and Destiny were sitting on my lap comfortably while Henry spoke to the rest of my siblings.

"Alright, my phone." I stretched out my hand toward Abasifreke to grasp my phone. "Say bye to Henry."

Of course, they grumbled but did what I asked. Henry and I spoke a little on the phone, as he told me how he was already missing me so much before I finally hung up.

"Hope, how did you catch such a big fish?" Abasifreke asked, spreading her arms wide in a demonstration. "I want to be just like you when I grow up o."

"Abasifreke!" Dad scolded with a stern face but of course, it was going to end up being fruitless.

"What?" She grumbled with a small shrug. "Will I be single for the rest of my life or will you marry me?"

Mary rolled her eyes at her immediate elder sister. "He said something about gifts."

"Yeah, it's in the trunk." The difference between Mary and Abasifreke was as clear as day, the same with the rest of my siblings. But somehow, we all managed to have similarities.

"Abu, could you help?" I asked and he nodded without complaint. My siblings were already hyper and running to the car before Abu could get there. Too bad my mother had to stop one.

"Jessica, go and boil water for your sister and Mr. Abu to have their bath, and after that, warm that porridge yam." Mother instructed with one breath.

"But Mma!" Jessica grumbled loudly. She looked at her siblings happily waiting for Mr. Abu to open the trunk and then back at my mother. When she knew the latter won't change her instructions, she lowered her head in defeat and sigh, while moving to the house.

"Sister Hope b-bought us clothes!" Afanide wasn't making things better, as Jessica groaned loudly, matching into the house with an annoyed look.

I looked at my parents and noticed how they stared at my siblings with fondness in their eyes. This act made me establish one thing...

I was glad my dad chose mum.


The next day just like last night, I was seated with my parents and siblings. Since it was a Saturday, there was no school. Abu was washing the car though I asked him not to, and Abasifreke was assisting him.

"It's no wonder I was always seeing you on the Internet. I just wasn't sure what exactly was going on." Mary said after we'd brought back the 'Henry and I, are dating' topic.

"Sister Hope," I looked at Jeffery. "I can now brag about you further."

I laughed. Once Abu was done helping with washing my car, he strolled inside to have his bath while Abasifreke moved to sit right next to Mary.

"Is Abu single?" Abasifreke leaned towards me to ask.

"How would I know?" I scrunched my nose at her while mum and dad scolded her dearly.

When I knew the atmosphere was a bit better, I decided to clear my throat and bring the bomb. "mum, dad..... Do you know Idara?"

Mum and dad stared at each other, not sure why I brought up such a topic. I wasn't sure if I was too forward, but there wasn't any other way to start. "No, we don't."

This was supposed to be a discussion between my parents and me, but I wanted to let my siblings know. I wanted them to be aware of why our lives were like this.

"Henry," I started, but somehow found myself pausing. I gripped my phone tightly while gulping. I didn't want to sound accusing, but there wasn't another choice of words I could use to talk about this issue. "Henry's mother is Idara, the same Idara you took dad from."

My siblings gasped but I paid them no attention. My attention was fully on my parents. "She's Henry's mother. For reasons, she doesn't want me to have anything to do with her son. She wants to tear us apart just because of what you and dad, did to her."

My siblings seemed confused while my parents were already brought to the light as they seemed to remember who Idara was. I wasn't sure who was going to speak but I wanted to just hear my parents' side of the story.

"Idara and I got betrothed before our birth," Father started softly. There was pin drop silence as everyone paid attention to his every word. "It wasn't certain we'd end up falling for each other. I fell in love with your mother. I knew it was wrong but we just couldn't fight it."

"Wait, so mum and dad weren't meant for each other?" Mary butt in after Dad stopped talking.

"They are," I shook my head. To hell with all betrothed rules. "They ended up together without regret. It only meant they were meant for each other. But-"

I turned my attention back to my parents. "-Mrs. Wilson was so upset she laid a curse on this family."

"We're cursed?!" Little Betty asked and I nodded.

"She laid a curse saying; we will suffer and nothing good will come out of our hands. Mum will keep giving birth non-stop."

"So...." Abasifreke dragged, trying to find words. "Mum and dad gave birth to us not because they couldn't control themselves but because of some stupid curse?!" I nodded once more and Abasifreke rested her head on Mary's shoulder. "Wow, mum's a marlian."

The atmosphere felt tense and stuffy after the big reveal and I just couldn't blame anyone, not even mum and dad.

"What will happen now?" Mary asked after the silence. "Does she want mum and dad to apologize?"

"No. But that's what I want. The reason why I came to the village was so mum and dad could apologize." I clarified. Mum wasn't looking at me but staring at her feet cause of guilt. "I want to take you guys to the city."

"All of us?!" Abasifreke yelled in excitement.

"Mum and dad, dummy." Mary wiggled her shoulders so Abasifreke would stop resting on her shoulder.

"I don't think she would want to see us," Father said softly, unsure. "To see me."

I gave a sad chuckle, reaching for my father's hand so I could hold it securely. "She's happily married with three children. Of course, she'd want to see you. But it would take some time knowing she's holding grudges. Henry is trying his best to talk to her."

"Would she listen to him?" Father asked again. I sighed and looked at the fingers I had wrapped around my father's hand.

"I hope so."


What do you think about this chapter? And how do you think Henry's mother would react if she eventually meets Hope's parents?

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Word count: 2907


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