⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────── ⊰


you and me forevermore

⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────── ⊰

JULIET KIND OF felt like she was floating out of her body. Here she stood, in a white braille-like room, with the yellow suit of the Reverse Flash who was Harrison Wells who actually wasn't Harrison Wells, staring up at a hologram of a newspaper that said Barry was going to vanish in a crisis.

"Flash Missing: Vanishes in Crisis," Cisco read out loud.

Barry took a step closer to the newspaper, and Juliet followed after him, her eyes scanning along to the words he was saying. "After an epic street battle with the Reverse Flash, our city's very own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light."

"Barry, look at the date," Caitlin said.

Juliet's eyes slid to the top of the newspaper, and her eyes immediately widened. Underneath The Central City Citizen read April 25, 2024.

"April twenty-fifth, 2024," Barry stated, his eyebrows knitting in thought. "Guys, w-when J and I fought the Reverse Flash at Christmas, he said that we'd be fighting for centuries."

"Wait, you can't really think that this is from . . . the future," Caitlin replied.

"That would mean Dr. Wells, or whoever he is, is also . . ." Cisco trailed off.

"From the future," Juliet breathed out, her mind spinning with all of the new information that had loaded her in the past couple of minutes.

"I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter red suit. And the white on the symbol? That's dope. Wait a second. Suppose we now change the color on your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. This — wow. This is so trippy. Like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy."

Juliet blinked at him. "Cisco, you're making my head hurt."

"Not as trippy as the name on the byline," Caitlin admitted.

She then looked at the byline, and Juliet's heart slightly stuttered for a second.

Iris West-Thawne.

Juliet's mouth slightly dropped open. "Oh my God, no way." She tugged on Barry's head a little. "Iris is marrying Eddie. And we know." Her eyes widened. "How am I going to keep this a secret? Does that mean I get to be a bridesmaid?"

Cisco blinked at her. "Mazel tov?"

"Hebrew," a female computer voice then said, and the newspaper hologram faded away. "Ancient language of the Jewish people."

Juliet jumped in surprise from it, tucking herself into Barry's chest. Barry let go of her hand and put an arm around her shoulders, holding her close. The voice seemed to be coming from absolutely nowhere, but it echoed all around the room. Red energy started to travel between her fingers as she glanced around to try and look for the source of the voice.

"Uh-uh," Cisco protested as they all backed away. "What the hell was that?"

"I-Is someone here?" Barry called. "Hello?"

Suddenly, right where the newspaper used to be, a blue light emerged and formed a head. Juliet let the energy extinguish from her hand and stared at the head in fascination.

"Good evening, Barry Allen," the head greeted.

"Uh . . ." Barry began, looking down at Juliet for a moment, who was transfixed in on the head. "H-Hi. You . . . you know who I am?"

"Of course. Barry Allen, director of Central City Police, CSI Divison."

"Director?" Barry repeated, looking back down at his girlfriend again.

"Congrats on your future promotion," Juliet said.

"Also known as the Flash," the head continued. "Husband to Juliet Allen, also known as Scarlet. Founding members—"

And right there, in that exact moment, Juliet swore her heart completely stopped.

Husband to Juliet Allen.

Juliet reached up, covering her mouth in shock. No fucking way. Their fate, their destiny, was for them to get married. It came crashing down on Juliet all at once, her mind feeling like it was going out of control. Her heart fluttered in anticipation, but at the same time, her stomach twisted in nerves. She really didn't know how to take this new information.

Barry's grip tightened around her. "W-What are you?"

"I am Gideon, an interactive artificial consciousness," the head — Gideon, answered.

"AI," Cisco commented. "Sick."

"You know Dr. Wells?" Barry asked.

"Yes," Gideon responded.

"Do you know who he really is?"

"I don't understand the question."

"I — I . . . w-what is he doing here?" Barry questioned. "W-Why did he come here?"

Gideon's head suddenly transformed into a full body. "To kill you."

Juliet blinked, her hand lowering from her mouth. "Oh. Okay."

"Wells is in the building," Cisco announced.

"What?" Caitlin exclaimed. "How — how do you know that?"

"I put a tracker on his wheelchair. Which, if we're wrong about him and he is paralyzed, I'm going to hell for that one." Cisco paused for a second. "He's in the cortex. Ask questions fast."

Juliet shook herself out of her shock for a moment. "What about me? If he's here to kill Barry, then what does he want to do with me?"

"Dr. Wells finds your powers extraordinary," Gideon explained. "He hasn't trained you to your full potential because he knows how powerful you can be. He's been studying your powers so that one day he can experiment on you to get them for himself."

"I regret asking that." Juliet stepped out from underneath Barry's arm and put her hands on either side of her head. "I'm going to throw up."

"W-Why did he kill Nora Allen?" Barry inquired, hurt evident in his voice as he spared a quick glance of worry to Juliet.

"Because he was angry," Gideon replied.

"About what?"

"That you escaped."

"He's on B level," Cisco told them. "He's coming this way."

Barry looked back at Gideon. "What does he want from me? And Juliet?"

"For you to be the Flash and Scarlet," Gideon stated.

"Well, maybe that's why Wells let the Particle Accelerator explode, so that you could become the Flash and Juliet could become Scarlet," Caitlin suggested.

"Why?" Barry argued. "I mean, for what reason?"

"Guys, we got to go," Cisco urged in panic. "He's almost here."

Juliet dropped her hands from her face and looked at Barry. "We have to go. I'll teleport Caitlin out of here, you take Cisco. We'll go back to Joe's house."

"Hurry," Caitlin pleaded.

"All right," Barry agreed, heading back to where the door was.

"Wait a second, wait," Cisco insisted. "What if HAL over there tells Wells that we were in here?"

"That would be bad," Caitlin said.

"If I can get into its operating system, maybe I can disable its memory core."

Juliet walked closer to Gideon's hologram while Cisco handed all of his things off to Caitlin. "Hey, Gideon, could you show us where your operating system is?"

"Certainly," Gideon responded.

A very complex diagram then appeared in front of them. Juliet tilted her head at it, not really know what the fuck she was looking at.

Cisco laughed nervously. "Yeah. Nope. That's not gonna happen."

"Guys, he's in the corridor," Caitlin revealed.

"Uh, Gideon, could you just, like, not tell him that we were here?" Barry asked.

"Of course," Gideon answered. "I will accept any command given to me by you or Juliet."

Juliet froze for a second. Huh?

"Barry, JJ," Cisco voiced urgently.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here," Caitlin added.

"Gideon, why would you accept our commands?" Juliet questioned.

"Because you both created me," Gideon admitted.

In a flash of yellow lightning, Barry grabbed Cisco and ran him away. Juliet extended her hand out to Caitlin, who instantly took it. She teleported them away, the familiar tingling feeling spreading throughout her body bringing her comfort.

They appeared in the living room of Joe's house just as Barry came in with Cisco. The air was thick with tension, all of them still reeling from all they had found that day. Juliet could feel everyone's eyes on her as she stumbled into the kitchen, placing her hands on the countertop and breathing a little heavily.

Defeating Bates. Cisco and Joe coming back with the real body of Harrison Wells from Starling City. Finding the Time Vault. The yellow suit of the Reverse Flash confirming everything. That newspaper from the future. Iris West-Thawne. Gideon. Juliet Allen. Dr. Wells wanting to kill Barry and experiment on Juliet. Juliet and Barry being Gideon's creator.

One stood out the most — Juliet Allen.

She had always dreamed about ending up with Barry. And now here was a confirmation. He was going to be her husband, and she was going to be his wife. The thought of that made her want to slide down the wall and violently sob, but in a good way.

"Hey," Barry began softly.

Of course he would come after her. Juliet knew he would.

"Hi," Juliet responded quietly, turning around to face him. "So, uh . . . that was . . . something. My favorite part was learning that Dr. Wells wants to experiment on me. That was really great to hear."

Barry let out a small laugh. "It was also great to hear that he wants to kill me." He shrugged. "At least one good thing came out of it all."

Juliet raised an eyebrow. "That you get a promotion and end up becoming the Director of the CSI Division?"

"No." Barry then thought about it for a moment. "Well, yes. But I was talking about you." His eyes glinted, and he offered her a shy smile. "Juliet Allen."

Her cheeks burned a bright shade of red, and she nodded a little, looking down at the ground before up into his eyes that she loved so much. "I guess you weren't kidding about fate and destiny, huh?"

"I never was," Barry promised. "I meant it all. It's you and me, Juliet."

Juliet felt tears shine in her eyes, and she walked up to Barry, pressing up onto her toes and throwing her arms around his neck. She buried her face into the crook of his neck and closed her eyes in content. Barry hugged her back tightly, his arms winding around her waist and pulling her in close to him. He leaned his head against hers and gently rocked them back and forth.

"Juliet Allen," Barry echoed. "I love the sound of it. And I love you."

"We're gonna get married," Juliet let out, her voice slightly muffled. "Like, we're really gonna get married."

"And I can't wait." Barry tapped her back, and Juliet got the message, picking her head back up. His forehead fell against hers. "It's everything I ever wanted."

Juliet felt her heart soar high above the clouds. She pulled her head back away from him slightly, only to place her lips on his. Barry immediately kissed her back with more love than he ever had, and it honestly made Juliet kind of dizzy.

Forever lovers, truly.

Joe and Eddie came into the house, and the four explained what they had seen at S.T.A.R. Labs. Juliet stood next to her future husband — oh God, it still felt unreal — by the table, the two of them leaning against it. She rested comfortably against his chest while his hand was on her back, rubbing it up and down softly.

"Really?" Joe scolded them. "For four very smart people, that was really stupid. What if Wells had caught you in that . . ."

"Time Vault," Cisco supplied.

"Thank you."

"Okay, I know we've seen a lot this past year, but time travel?" Eddie cut in.

"I did it," Barry admitted, and they all looked at him. "Or I will do it, I mean."

"Excuse me?"

"One of the two speedsters in Barry's house the night his mother died was Barry," Cisco explained. "I mean, the Flash. He was there. Which means that one day in the future, Barry will travel back in time to that night."

Eddie blinked. "Okay."

"Actually, I wasn't talking about that," Barry interjected. "I kind of already time traveled. By accident."

Juliet looked up at him, her eyes widening. "What? When?"

"I — I was running to try and stop a tsunami from hitting the city—"

"When was that?" Caitlin inquired.

"A few weeks ago," Barry continued. He then gestured to Cisco. "Right before you started getting those dreams."

"Oh, you mean the ones where Wells uses his super-speeding hand to shred apart my heart?" Cisco asked, sitting down on the arm of the couch. "Those?"

"Yes, r-right. So, what if they're not dreams?"

"What else could they be?" Caitlin questioned.

"Memories," Barry stated.

"I'm not following," Joe revealed.

"All right, what if, that day, Cisco found out that Wells is Reverse Flash, and then Wells killed him? But when I ran back a day, I changed the timeline so that event never happened."

"If it never happened, how can Cisco remember it?"

"I don't know," Barry insisted. "I don't know. I think the important thing is, he does." He paused for a moment. "Guys, I think I've got a really bad idea."

Juliet sighed. "Oh, great. Here we go."

She then focused in on Joe. He was sitting in the armchair, but he was staring into the distance, like he was lost in thought. Her eyebrows knit in concern. Juliet nudged Barry's side with her elbow. He looked down at her in question, but she nodded her head over to Joe.

"Joe?" Barry urged. "Joe, are you listening?"

He snapped out of it. "Yeah."

"We — we have to access Cisco's memories somehow. Somewhere in his subconscious is the key."

"The key to what now?"

"Getting my dad out of prison," Barry answered.

"And how are we going to do that?" Caitlin added.

"We're gonna get Wells to confess to killing my mom."

ϟ ···················· ϟ ···················· ϟ

JULIET WATCHED AS Cisco used a power tool on a pair of glasses in the cortex. Caitlin had come up with something that could potentially let Cisco delve into his subconscious to see if his dreams were actually real events that happened in another timeline.

She couldn't believe she just said that.

"So, this will allow Cisco to see into his dream?" Barry inquired.

"I got the idea from a journal article on lucid dream therapy," Caitlin told them. "They think it can be used to help people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder."

Cisco nervously chuckled. "Traumatized, stressed? Check and check."

"The theory is that it will allow people to objectively enter their dreams and face their fears. Still working on the talking part."

"And you're sure this thing isn't gonna, you know, mess with my brain?"

"Oh, the amount of electricity required to trigger lucid dreaming is harmless," Caitlin reassured him. "Probably."

"Who is going to be lucid dreaming?" Dr. Wells' voice asked.

Juliet looked up, only to see him coming into the cortex. Her eyes slightly narrowed at him and she could feel energy sparking at her fingertips. Now that they had actual solid proof and confirmation, it was taking all of her willpower to not energy blast him into oblivion.

"Um . . ." Caitlin trailed off, all of them sharing panicked looks with each other. "With all of the Metahumans in Central City, people have been seeing some strange things, things that they don't understand. And it's really just a matter of time before psychological issues develop."

"And lucid dreaming will help the doctors better understand their fears," Dr. Wells continued. "Intriguing. Of course, you still need to guide the patient from the outside, right? Direct them to the specific aspects of that dream."

"We're still working on a communications interface," Cisco voiced.

"When we dream, the middle brain lights up with electrical activity, whereas the higher brain remains dormant." He pulled up a diagram of the brain on the computer. "Once we find a way to make both parts of the brain active, then it's just a matter of finding the frequency that will stimulate the language center."

"Then the dreamer could speak," Caitlin said, sounding a little excited. "He could describe his dream."

"Exactly," Dr. Wells confirmed.

"Or her dream. It could be used for anyone."

"Right, it's not gender specific. I would try a frequency of forty-five hertz to start."

Caitlin gave him a very tiny smile. "Thank you, Dr. Wells."

"Well, you never cease to impress me, Caitlin," Dr. Wells responded, rolling away.

Juliet watched after him suspiciously.

Her and Barry returned to the CCPD, because, after all, even after everything, they still had to go to work. It seemed strange, working besides Barry when she knew he was going to become the director of their division one day. Nevertheless, she dropped the evidence results on one of the desks while Barry dropped another on somebody else's desk, and the two started to walk back out of the precinct.

"Allen, St. James," Captain Singh called.

"Hey," Barry replied.

"The Owens case. I'm still waiting on the fiber evidence and the ballistics report. Are you two on vacation or something?"

"Oh, we're sorry, we've just been distracted by another case," Juliet told him. "I know that's not an excuse—"

"Okay, uh, just get me the reports when you can," Captain Singh reassured them while looking at his phone, making Juliet blink. "There's no rush."

"All right," Barry said. "Uh, Captain?" Captain Singh stopped in his tracks as he started to walk back to his office, looking awfully stressed. "Is everything okay?"

He sighed. "Yeah, since Rob and I have been planning the, you know, wedding, between the florist and the hundreds of kinds of cake filling and who can sit next to who . . ." He placed a hand on his shoulder. "Never get married, Allen."


Captain Singh patted his shoulder before walking away. Juliet let out a small laugh but quickly covered her mouth when Barry playfully glared at her.

"It's now hitting me that we're going to have to do all that," Juliet revealed, feeling her face get warm and her insides become all giddy. She then gasped excitedly. "Baby, we're going to have to plan a wedding. Oh my God."

"Who's planning a wedding?" Iris questioned, walking up to them.

"Iris," Juliet stated, turning towards her best friend with wide eyes. It was the first time seeing her since the whole revelation last night, and her mind was just screaming West-Thawne, West-Thawne, West-Thawne. "Hey. Uh . . . we were talking about how stressful it must be for Captain Singh to plan his wedding."

"Oh, right. Yeah, planning a wedding sounds like a lot of work, but I know it'll be worth it." Iris then narrowed her eyes at Juliet. "You okay? You look a little . . . panicked."

"Panicked?" Juliet repeated, chuckling nervously. "No, I'm not panicked." She elbowed Barry's side. "Stop me."

"She's just a little shocked because Captain Singh was nice to me," Barry told Iris.

Iris nodded, not looking totally convinced. "Oh, well, he's in a good mood. He's about to get married."

"Yep," Juliet agreed, brushing past Iris as her mind practically screamed at her. "Marriage. Cool."

"Oh, hey, um, can I, uh, talk to you two in private?" Iris inquired. "It's — it's kind of work-related."

"Okay, yeah, now's not a great time," Barry insisted. "I'm sorry, we've got—"

"Hi, beautiful," Eddie greeted, walking up to Iris.

Iris smiled at him. "Hi."

The two of them kissed. Okay, if keeping a secret about her superhero identity was hard, keeping a secret that Iris was going to marry the man she just kissed was downright impossible. Juliet looked up at Barry with her eyes wide, and he shook his head.

"Barry, Jules, can I grab you for a second?" Eddie asked.

"Absolutely, yeah," Barry responded.

"Okay, well, can you two call me when you're done?" Iris pleaded. "It's — it's really important."

"Sure," Juliet said. "No problem." She then looked back at Eddie, the three of them stopping in the middle of the lobby. "What's up, Eddie?"

Eddie said nothing. All he did was reach into the pocket of his jacket and pull out a small box. He opened it to reveal a diamond engagement ring. Juliet's eyes widened and she looked up at Eddie, both of her hands reaching up to cover her mouth in shock. Oh God, it was happening. The future was coming soon.

"Holy shit, it's beautiful," Juliet commented, lowering her hands from her mouth to cover her heart. "Tell me everything. Did she say yes? Wait — Iris would've told me if she had gotten engaged. And you still have the ring. That was really dumb of me to say. Did she say no? Wait — Iris also would've told me if she turned down an engagement. So what's—"

"Juliet," Barry interrupted, stopping her rambling.

She cleared her throat. "Sorry."

"I was gonna propose tonight," Eddie explained.

Barry nodded. "All right."

"But I went to Joe to ask for his blessing. He said no."

Juliet paused, slightly taken aback — if Joe said no, then why was Iris' last name on the newspaper West-Thawne? "He said no?"

"Repeatedly," Eddie continued.

"Repeatedly?" Juliet felt her heart sink. Why wasn't the future coming true? "Huh."

"Uh, weird," Barry commented.

"I need you both to talk to him, find out why," Eddie stated.

"Uh, Eddie, we—"

"Look, I know me asking you two like this, it's a little awkward."

Juliet nodded, her eyes catching on Cisco and Caitlin as they walked out of the elevator. "Uh-huh."

"But you know how heartbroken she's gonna be if she finds out that Joe's not on board," Eddie protested.

She started to feel dizzy as her mind started to spin. "Yep. For sure. We'll talk to him."

"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it so much. And so will the future Mrs. Thawne." He smiled brightly. "Iris Thawne. Sounds pretty good, huh?"

Barry waited until Eddie walked away to look down at Juliet. "I have a feeling she's gonna want to hyphenate."

Juliet groaned, her forehead falling against Barry's chest. "Oh God, this is a disaster. I'm a disaster. I think I'm losing my mind."

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "No, you're not." He took her shoulders in his hands, spun her around, and steered her towards the stairs. "Come on, J. Get your head in the game."

"I really don't appreciate you quoting High School Musical to me right now."

Juliet, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Joe all gathered upstairs in the lab. They had finished the glasses that would allow Cisco to see his dreams. Caitlin hooked him up so they could track his vitals and brain activity. Cisco, however, was very nervous about the whole thing, which was understandable.

"Okay, can we go over this one more time?" Cisco questioned.

"Yes, you put the glasses on, fall asleep, and start dreaming," Caitlin told him. "Not that hard."

Cisco sat himself on the chair. "Yeah, except I'm pretty sure I die in this dream. If I go back into it, am I gonna die in real life? I mean, what are we talking about here? Is this Inception or Dreamscape?"

Joe handed him a glass of warm milk. "Here. Drink this."

He scoffed. "What, am I five?"

"Just drink it."

"Okay, I'll drink it."

"Cisco, you're going to be okay," Juliet reassured him from where she stood next to Barry.

"Mm," Cisco hummed when he finished the milk. He then shook his head, flapping his lips together. "Okay."

Caitlin put the glasses on him when he laid back on the chair. "The glasses are emitting a low-level delta wave which should help you fall asleep."

"Okay. I gotta warn you, though, usually it takes me a long time." However, as he said it, his words got slower and more sluggish. "I mean . . . I'm not saying I'm, like . . . an insomniac or any . . ."

Cisco's head then rolled to the side, and he completely fell asleep. Juliet smiled in amusement.

"Ah, so that's how you get him to shut up," Joe voiced.

"He's entering REM," Caitlin said. "It's working."

Barry looked down at Cisco. "Cisco. Can you hear me? You're dreaming, bud."

"Woah," Cisco let out. "Guys, this is mad freaky."

"Okay, um, where are you?"

"Um, in the cortex. I mean, I know I'm just dreaming that I'm in the cortex, but it feels so real."

Juliet crossed her arms. "What are you doing in your dream?"

"Caitlin just left," Cisco answered. "I asked her to take Wells to Jitters."

"Why — why do you want Wells out of the lab?" Barry inquired.

"I think he might have tampered with my work. I need to check."

Juliet looked up at Barry, their eyes meeting. Both had knowing looks on their faces. The trap for the Reverse Flash.

"Okay. Okay, I'm walking to the bunker." Cisco paused for a moment. "Oh, man, I love this shirt. I thought the dryer ate it."

Juliet slapped her hand to her forehead.

"Focus, Cisco," Barry scolded.

"Okay, okay," Cisco responded. "All right. Now I'm running tests on the containment system. This data, it doesn't make any sense. All the supercapacitors, they were all still fully charged. There's absolutely no reason that the Man in Yellow should have escaped." Another pause. "Oh my God. It was just a hologram. He tricked us."

Juliet's jaw clenched in anger. He had been playing them for so long, and none of them had realized until now.

"Oh, God, Wells is here."

Caitlin rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. "Cisco, it's just a dream. He can't hurt you."

"You better be right about that," Cisco replied. "Eobard Thawne."

"Thawne?" Joe repeated. "Like Eddie Thawne?"

"You killed Nora Allen."

Barry leaned forwards. "Nora? What about my mom?"

"He's confessing," Cisco admitted.


"He — he didn't want to kill her. It was you, Barry. He was trying to kill you."

Juliet felt like somebody just punched her in the stomach. She reached over, placing a hand on Barry's back. She was here.

"His blood pressure's two-hundred and his heart rate is one-forty-seven," Caitlin announced when the computer started to beep rapidly. "Guys, he's losing higher brain function. Cisco, you're gonna be okay. It's just a dream. You're gonna be okay."

"His hand, it's vibrating," Cisco cried. "He's gonna kill me!"

"Oh, God. He's gonna have a stroke."

"Cait, get him out," Juliet instructed.

"Help me," Cisco pleaded, his voice shaking.

"Caitlin," Barry urged.

"Help me, please! Help me!"

Cisco suddenly sat up with a gasp, ripping the glasses off of his face. Juliet slightly jumped in surprise from the sudden movement. Barry stumbled off away from Juliet, his body falling down to sit in a chair. Juliet watched him, her eyes filled with concern.

"You're okay," Caitlin told him. "It was just a dream. You're okay."

"Oh, God," Cisco breathed out. "It felt so real."

"Barry?" Joe began.

"My mom," Barry said. "This was my fault." Barry's phone then started to buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and slowly stood up, sharing a panicked look with Juliet for a moment before walking a little away from them. "Hello?" He turned to look at the whole group. "Dr. Wells. Yeah. It's — s-sorry, yeah. It's — it's a bad connection right now. Uh, we're — we're — why? What's going on?" He then put his phone on speaker. "A fire? Where?"

"New Brighton," Dr. Wells' voice echoed from Barry's phone. "Bradford Tower High-Rise."

"I know that building," Joe revealed. "That's where Captain Singh's fiancé works."

"J and I are on our way," Barry stated, locking eyes with Juliet.

Juliet teleported into her suit at S.T.A.R. Labs before going to the location of the fire. When she got there, sure enough, there was a fire roaring on one of the floors. Juliet teleported up there and was surrounded by flames and smoke. People were hiding, trying to get out, but couldn't because flames were blocking their way.

"Dr. Wells, the sprinklers, they're not working," Barry voiced.

"I see that," Dr. Wells responded. "Just get everyone out of there, you two."

Juliet looked over at Barry. "I'll do it. It's easier for me because I don't have to dodge. Just stop the fire, okay?"

Her eyes then locked on all of the people in the room. Juliet teleported to the side of one woman, took her shoulders, and then teleported her back onto the street. She repeated it over and over again, trying to get everyone out. Juliet could feel her muscles growing weak and a headache starting to throb throughout her head, but she ignored it.

She could vaguely hear Dr. Wells giving Barry instructions on how to stop the fire, and she momentarily saw him creating wind funnels with his arms. Finally, when Juliet went up for the final person, the fire was completely gone.

Maybe it was fate, but the last person that she had gone back for was Rob himself. Juliet walked up to him and crouched next to him, extending her hand out to him with a kind smile. Rob took it, and she immediately teleported them back down to the street. She landed them right outside of the building, where all of the people she had saved were coughing and stumbling away.

"Rob," Captain Singh called, rushing up to the two of them.

"I'm okay," Rob wheezed out, letting go of Juliet's hand and putting his hands on Captain Singh's shoulders. "It's okay."

Captain Singh held onto him tight. "I thought I lost you." He then led Rob away. "Medic!"

Barry sped in next to Juliet's figure. He looked down at her, and his eyes were swimming with sadness. Juliet gave him a tiny smile and offered his hand out to her. Barry took it, expecting her to teleport them away immediately, but she didn't. Juliet laced their fingers and gave his hand a tight squeeze.

And, with that, the two forever lovers materialized out of thin air, back to go face the person that betrayed them the most.



and if ANYONE is confused I made it so that iris was destined to marry eddie but when he yk pew pew'd himself that all faded away

also it's this book's first birthday tomorrow!!! I can't believe I've been writing this book for a whole year!!!

gif by zcndayas!

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