(The Potters and the Prisoner of Azkaban, act three, chapter four)
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"Listen to the idiot. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?" Ron asked from the Gryffindor house table as the four friends glared over at the Slytherin table at the place where Draco Malfoy was sitting, being extremely dramatic about what had happened in Hagrid's class.
"Yeah, but at least Hagrid didn't get fired." Harry spoke, hoping the best for their friend.
"Yeah, but I hear Draco's father's furious. We haven't heard the end of this." Hermione said.
"It was not even Hagrid's fault." Nora spoke with a shake of her head as she heard Draco Mafloy let out a groan of 'pain' behind her. "If that idiot had just listened to what Hagrid had told the entire class, Buckbeak wouldn't have had to protect himself."
"She's right. If Draco had just listened and treated Buckbeak with respect, he wouldn't have gotten hurt." Bonnie spoke.
"He saw what happened when Harry and Nora were moving too fast towards Buckbeak, why literally storm at him?" Elena spoke, feeling more bad for Buckbeak than for Malfoy.
"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus yelled as he entered the Great Hall, coming to a stop besides Neville, putting the Daily Prophet on the table.
"Who?" Neville asked.
"Sirius Black!" His twin sister replied with a gasp as she looked at the cover of the Daily Prophet.
"Dufftown? That's not far from here." Hermione spoke after the four had walked over to the Longbottom twins because the paper laid down in between them.
"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asked the other, nervously.
"With dementors at every entrance?"
"Dementors? He already slipped past them once. Who's to say he won't do it again?" Seamus asked.
"That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke." Someone spoke, but Nora was to busy staring down at the picture again. The more she looked at it, the more she felt like she had seen the man before he escaped. She felt like in a way, she had knew him, but that was probably just one of her crazy thoughts getting to her, right? Because how could she possible know the man that was trying to kill her and her brother?
"That's just bloody great." Nora spoke, heard by Ron, who stood next to her and Fred, who was also sitting down next to her. "I'm going to the pitch." Nora spoke, picking up her homework that was done anyway and she needed to set her mind off Sirius Black for a while again. She wanted this year to be fun, and now half of the time she was just busy worrying about the Dementors and that escaped prisoner.
"I hope you are going to tell him soon what you were a prisoner for, because I don't think my brother is gonna last much longer for." Rebekah spoke to Sirius as the two of them watched Elijah's worried eyes follow the two Potters on the screen.
"Don't worry, he will know soon." Sirius spoke, knowing that it wouldn't take them much longer to get to the day where he explained everything to the Potters.
Rebekah nodded.
"Looks like I'm not the only one thinking about using the pitch now." A voice said as a person came walking next to her, her broom in her hand since she had taken it from her dorm after leaving the Great Hall.
"Everyone is inside now doing their homework. This is the only perfect time to get some practise without everyone staring at you for doing so." Nora replied.
"Cedric." The boy spoke, holding out his hand for her, which she took. "Hufflepuff-"
"Seeker." Nora finished for him. "I'm Nora."
"Potter." Cedric finished for her this time. "Joined as a Chaser in her first year."
"That doesn't sound creepy at all." Nora said with a little laugh.
"You're not the only one who knows who they're planning against." Cedric spoke with a smile. "In for a game?" He asked, seeing as they were the only ones on the Quidditch pitch anyway.
"Get ready to loose." Nora warned him with a smirk as she stepped on her broom.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Cedric called after her as he took the Quaffle out of the box.
"Oh, great more boys." Kol spoke.
"Don't worry, Kol." Lily said. "These two are not going to be romantically involved."
"But they're gonna be very close." Regulus spoke. He had practically watched their friendship develop. It was much like the friendship between him and his friends when they were younger.
"Intriguing, isn't it?" Professor Lupin asked from the back off the class as they were all in their first Defence Against the Dark Arts of the year. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" He asked, as all the third-year students were looking ahead of them at the moving closet with curiosity.
"That's a boggart, that is." Dean answered from besides Harry.
"Very good, Mr. Thomas." Lupin spoke. "Now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?" He asked.
"No one knows." Hermione was the one to answer this time as she and Nora stood on Ron's right, making the Weasley and Nora's twin look confused at them.
"When did you two get here?" Ron asked, but got ignored when Nora finished Hermione's sentence.
"Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. If a person is most afraid of spider, they will see spider. Or if they're most afraid for snakes, snakes are the thing that they will see. That's what makes them so-"
"So terrifying. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart." Lupin said as he walked over to the front of the class. "Let's practice it, without wands, please now." He said as everyone started reaching inside their robes for their wands. "After me. Riddiulus!"
"Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus!"
"This class is ridiculous." Draco said from the back of the class, barely heard by a few people, under which was Remus because of his supernatural hearing, but he decided to ignore it.
"He's not gonna do something stupid again in this class, right?" Caroline asked.
"No." Regulus spoke, shaking his head.
"So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone it not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Nevill, would you join me, please?" Lupin asked the Longbottom, who looked at his with surprise. "Come on, don't be shy."
The oldest Longbottom slowly stepped forwards.
"Neville what frightens you most of all?" Their professor asked him, and the boy muttered something in return. "Sorry?" Remus asked, not having heard it either since it was so quiet.
"Professor Snape." Neville repeated, loudly enough for the class to hear and for some of the students to let out a laugh as Remus let out a chuckle.
"Yes, frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother."
"Yes, but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either." Neville quickly spoke with panic.
"No, it won't." Lupin said, taking a quick look at the closet behind him. "I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes, very clearly, in your mind."
"She carried a red handbag-"
"We don't need to hear it. As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do." Lupin spoke as he walked over to the young boy ans whispered something in his ear that was not heard by anyone. "Can you do that?" Lupin asked as he stopped his whispering and as he took his wand out of his robe, waving it at the closet. "One, two, three." Lupin backed away, standing behind Neville as the doorknob moved, allowing the closet to open and Snape to walk out of it.
"Think, Neville, think." The professor spoke to him as Snape walked over to them.
"Riddikulus!" The Longbottom cried out, pointing his wand at Snape, who's normally black clothes immediately turned into a green dress and a hat with a stiffed bird on it.
A sight that made everyone in the room laugh.
"Wish I had a camera right now." Nora spoke to Daisy, wishing that she could picture this moment, even though it was not the real Snape standing in front of them.
"She maybe doesn't, but we do." Jeremy spoke, snapping a picture of the screen with his phone. "I am so showing Nora this when we meet."
"Wonderful, Neville, wonderful! Incredible! Okay, to the back, Neville. Everyone, form a line!" Remus told them and almost directly the entire class started to make a line, one standing another, wanting to use the spell as well.
Nora let Harry and Hermione before her. She wasn't really exciting for the entire class to know what her biggest fear was.
She didn't even know.
And she rather found out alone, than together with the entire class.
So to say that the girl was hoping that something would go wrong, would be an understatement.
"What is her biggest fear?" Finn asked everyone, not being sure of it himself.
"During her third year, I think it's most definitely the Dementors." James spoke and most agreed with him, knowing that the two Potters had fainted. The spirits even knew that they had taken extra lessons with Remus to learn how to defend themselves to Dementors.
"What do you think, Elijah?" Rebekah asked as the Scooby- Doo gang was in their own conversation about what they thought was Nora's fear.
"I think losing Harry and her friends." Elijah spoke, freely, knowing that the others weren't listening. He knew that fear about something, was something privately. It was not like you were going to tell every person you meet what your biggest fear is.
"And spiders for sure." Kol added, remembering last year.
"I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something funny." Lupin said as he turned on some music. "Next! Ron!"
Ron stepped forwards and the weirdly dressed Snape, turned into a spider, who slowly stalked closer to the Weasley, who was getting his wand out of his robe.
"Wands at the ready, Ron!" Lupin spoke.
"Riddikulus!" Ron said, and the spider got skates around every single one of his paws.
"You see? Very good, very good!" Remus spoke as Ron went to the back of the line as Parvati stepped forwards to the struggling spider.
"Show us what you think." Lupin told her.
The spider turned into a gigantic snake.
"Keep your nerve! Steady!" Remus said.
"Riddikulus!" The girl spoke and the snake turned into clown.
"Alright step up! Step up!" Remus spoke before he realised that it was Harry stepping forwards, causing the clown to change to a Dementor.
Lupin quickly put himself in front of Harry, causing the boggart to turn into a full moon, confusing most in the room, who thought it was just a ball. "Riddikulus!" The moon turned into a balloon, going through the class, before Lupin brought it back inside the closet. "Right, sorry about that, that's enough for today if you'd all like to collect your books from the back of the class, that's the end of the less, thank you." He spoke to everyone, causing all of the third-years that were enjoying the class to groan.
"You okay?" Nora spoke, quickly walking over to Harry, who was staring in the mirror with surprise.
"Why is he scared of a ball?" Caroline asked, not understanding.
"I think that's a moon, Caroline." Stefan spoke. The clouds in front of the 'ball' gave that away.
"He's werewolf." Klaus realised.
And so Remus Lupin's secret was out.
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And I'm so excited to write Cedric and Nora's friendship aaaahhhhh
Words: 2000
Posted: August 15, 2024
Be sure to comment. I love reading them and it keeps me motivated! And thank you all so much for reading again!
xoxo Katherine
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