TRIGGER WARNINGS || Mentions of Death, Substances, Language,, Mentions of Violence,, Crude Humor
THE SOFT breaths that slipped from Axelle's lips were muffled from the sound of Dante's ear-drumming snores from the floor. The birds chirped, making a melody the soft windy breeze against the trees rustled along to. Axelle's eyes slowly opened, sore from the excruciating party lights, groaning a bit when their body finally shifted against the couch. "Wake up," they kicked Dante's shoulder, the boy reacted with a snort as he shot up. "I'm up!"
Axelle rubbed the crook of their aching neck, strands of ginger hair frizzed. "You think the Slytherin dungeons are still open after what happened?" They questioned as they slipped their socks back on. Dante yawned, "what do you mean? What happened?" Axelle gave him a stern look, raising a brow. Dante blinked with his eyes on them, "when you made out with the girl or was I tweak-"
"No stupid!" Axelle threw a pillow at Dante who easily caught it before it made contact with his face. "Something happened and they kicked us all out and McGonagall was in there with other professors." The Gryffindor boy blinked, head tilted with another loud yawn. "Damn, probably a fight or-"
"I don't think so," Axelle nodded their head, "it was bad, I don't know Malfoy." The Potter shrugged with eyebrows scrunched. "Hey," Dante rose up and sat beside them, shifting. "Don't stress, it's probably something stupid." He scoffed, "Slytherins can be super fucking dramatic y'know." Axelle sighed, a hand on their knee.
"I hope it was just some stupid fucking fight." Dante added as he shuffled through his phone, shoulders raised as he tried cracking his bones. He squinted his eyes at a certain post, tilting the phone to a certain angle so Axelle could get a look.
"Just a fight are you kidding me?" Dante scoffed as Axelle adjusted the sneakers against their foot, leaning in closer. "No way, that's such a lie." They let out a chuckle, muffling it with the back of their hand. "Unless that was a really good fight."
The feeling of her damp cheeks against her sheets was warm, tear streaked corners of Lola's eyelids were puffy. She sniffled, hands cradled her sides. A sudden knock at her door made her slightly lift her head up, "open." Her voice was groggy. Zelda peeked her head in, taking a few steps before scoffing. "You look like shit." Lola sat up, eyes rolling playfully, "thanks."
The Ravenclaw had her hands behind her back, observing how dreadfully exhausted Lola seemed. "I found something," Zelda took her hands from behind and in front of her - revealing a brown bag. Lola sprung from her seat, "my tea bags!" She rushed, letting out a hoarse cough as her hands searched through the several bags. Zelda chuckled softly with hands on her hips, "what even are they for?"
The blonde girl glanced up before plopping down onto her seat. "My parents send them to me, they help with relaxing you and-" Zelda snorted, "basically like weed?" Lola froze, shushing her eagerly. "You can't say that and-and no it's not a drug!" The dark haired girl smirked, "your boogers are like running down your face." Lola rushed to snatch a tissue, sniffling into it before shoving it into a trash bag. The two were comfortably silent before Lola spoke up.
"Do you think someone actually died?" Her small voice shook, trembling at the thought of someone getting murdered at Hogwarts of all places. Zelda fell back onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. "Fuck no, Roman's full of bullshit." Lola frowned subtly, "don't say, that my brother wouldn't lie to me." Zelda scrunched her nose, "your brothers an assshole and besides what stupid fuck would kill someone at a party?"
A sudden someone busted through the wooden door, slamming it open. Roman's hand on the door knob tightened at the sight of Zelda near his sister. "Roman!" Lola smiled, waving for him to come closer. Zelda groaned as the boy trotted closer, plugging her nose. "What a coincidence, stinks like skunk now!" Roman clenched his jaw, gently sitting on Lola's desk chair. "Shut it."
His eyes seemed red, sickly red with a congested nose that sniffled. Lola crossed her legs, fuzzy socks slid against her silk bedsheets. "What's up?" She tilted her head, finding it a bit odd her brother even went near her dorm room. Roman wiped his runny nose with the back of his hand, "I need one of your stupid tea bags." Lola blinked as he cleared his groggy throat, "I feel like shit."
His sister nodded as her fingers looked through the several mini bags, legs swinging. Roman's eyes scanned Zelda's body, scrunching his nose as the girl sat up slowly. Lola raised a puzzled brow when Zelda stood up from her bed, her leg slightly jerking. "You okay?-"
"I'm fine." Zelda whispered with a clenched jaw before nudging Lola's shoulder with a forced smile, "I gotta go 'cuz I have a date later." Roman rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "More like a hookup." Lola shushed her brother, turning to Zelda with a small nod. "Okay, have fun and text me later about it!"
Zelda nodded, shoving past Roman's chair harshly before shoving the door closed behind her. "I found your favorite!" Lola jumped from his bed, gently tossing the bag towards Roman who caught it with ease. "Thanks," he nodded firmly as he got up from his seat, shoving the tea bag into the back of his jean pocket. Lola gave him a thumbs up and a cheeky smile, "gotcha!"
Roman abruptly stopped his steps, hand on the doorknob. He looked over his shoulder towards Lola, "no one was killed by the way, last night...guess it was a stupid fight." His sister tilted her head sideways a bit, brows scrunched. He cleared his throat, "just to not worry you y'know?"
Lola nodded with pursed lips, clutching her tea bags. "Mhm!" She grinned softly, eyes warm. Roman nodded silently, closing the door behind him. He felt his heart drum a bit quickly, was I too harsh? Did I scare her? Scaring his sister was the last thing he would ever want to do.
The sound of Freya's sneakers clicked against the marble tile of the hallway, her bag rested on her shoulder. Her long blonde hair brushed against her back, swinging with each movement or step. The girl turned the corner, suddenly bumping her face against the chest of someone. The smell of sharp mint and cigarettes easily gave away who the stiff figure was.
"You got the homework or what?" Clyde muttered below his breath, head tilting to look at Freya who let out a squeal at the unexpected boy. "I-I do, but I don't know if it's right-"
"Don't care let me see it," he huffed as his hand dug into his jacket pocket as hers slipped into the folder from her bag. "Here mister!" Freya had a smile from ear to ear, holding the folded piece of paper out towards the miserable faced boy. "Yeah, don't call me that again." He snapped as he snatched the paper, placing a few galleons onto the palm of her hand.
Freya held the money close to her chest, fingers swiping through the coins. "Thanks, now I can buy my super cool-" her eyes lit up almost instantly. "Don't care, save that sentence for someone else." Clyde gave her a bitchy smile, tense with pissed eyes. His body swept past hers as he walked the opposite direction.
The Lestrange boy marched through the student-filled hallways, footsteps heavy. His hands in his pockets, head bowed down with a jaw always slightly clenched tensely. A sudden pat on his shoulder subtly startled him, body jumping a bit with wide eyes before squinting at the figure. "Dude, Clyde." Silas was a bit out of breath, his chest raising up and down.
Clyde's eyebrows scrunched a bit, shoulders tense. "Yeah, what's wrong?" He mumbled, the small cut across his bottom lip stung with each word he uttered. Silas leaned in a bit, "turns out some dudes got into a fight and shit got ugly really quick, they were fighting over a quidditch match." The boy let out a ridiculed laugh as Clyde clicked his tongue, nodding no.
"Bullshit, they probably were fighting over something more serious if there was blood." He slightly taunted as the two paced into another hallway, the candles lit it warmly with a scent of books. Silas scrunched his nose with a smirk, "you clearly haven't been around boys a lot if you think they wouldn't fight over quidditch."
"You have a point," Clyde acknowledged with a small nod. "Where the hell did you even get that information from Silas?" He raised a brow, was it perhaps a rumor? The other boy blinked emptily, "I-I overheard Atticus...and Axelle earlier in the morning and-"
"So it's just a rumor," Clyde cut him off as he ran his hand through his curled hair. Silas rubbed the back of his neck, stumbling on his slightly untied sneakers. "Well...well I don't really think Atticus - both of them, would spread a rumor." The Slytherin scoffed with an eyeroll, "you're stupid." Silas felt his face drop a bit at that comment, shoulders slumping as Clyde continued marching.
"Then...what do you think it was?" He fidgeted with his fingers, then adjusting the buttons from his sweater when they made it towards the courtyard. The cold winter air nipped at their noses, pinching a tint of red onto them. Clyde glanced around, ushering him to get closer so only the two could hear. Silas got closer, shoulders brushing as he urgently tilted his head. "I think they're covering some shit up."
"Headmasters and professors...authorities in general." Clyde shrugged, letting out a shaky breath that was accompanied by a small fog of white. Their shoes crunched within each step on the snow, loud and sharp crunches. The absence of the leaves made the trees look bare and naked, the white clouds stooped low along the castle.
"For real?" Crunch. Clyde nodded firmly, puzzled at why Silas would doubt him of all people. "Yes, for real." Crunch. "How do you know? That's a bit too much-"
"It's never too much," Clyde commented with a huff. "You really are stupid."
Zelda zipped her jeans on, locking the zipper with a soft sigh as Dante fixed the tie around his neck. His eyes glanced over at her, scanning her with his tiresome eyes from their recent activities. Opening the closet the door for her, he nodded. "Same time tomorrow?"
She walked out with a scoff, fingers flattened her disheveled hair. "Maybe," Zelda teased with a smirk. "If I'm in the mood." She mockingly scrunched her nose to mimic his, he nudged her side. "Good joke," his fingers played with the ends of her hair as he looked down at her with a glint of fire in his eyes.
"Joke?" She jokingly scoffed as he played with her hair, one hand messing with his tie. "Joke," he repeated with a firm nod.
Dante immediately shoved Zelda away from him at the sight of Lola and Freya turning the corner, Zelda's back harshly landed against the wall. Lola stood still, eyeing between the two before immediately snapping out of it and eagerly waving. "Hi!" Freya waved as well, following her movements.
Roman appeared behind Lola, a lollipop in his mouth. His tongue twirled the candy around, the flavor of cotton candy melted against his tongue. "It's almost time." He whispered into Lola's ear, observing Zelda and Dante from behind.
Dante glanced briefly at Zelda, rubbing the back of his neck as she guarded herself by crossing her arms and looking down at the floor. "Hey," Dante nodded towards his two cousins and Freya. "What's up?"
"Nothing, we're just heading to The Great Hall." Lola shrugged, shoes tapped on the marble floor. "McGonagall has an announcement, I think it has something to do with that fight." Freya commented, fingers fiddled. "So we better get going!" She grabbed onto Lola, dragging her further towards the hallway. Roman waited for Dante to follow along, hands in his pockets as he smirked towards the two.
Dante refused to look at Zelda until Lola and Freya were gone, timidly looking back at her. He made his way to follow behind but looked over his shoulder at Zelda who rubbed her arm, "I'm sorry for shoving you." The Ravenclaw stayed silent, walking hastily and aggressively shoving past his shoulder with a glare that could cut you in half.
"Well that was rude," Roman teased as his upper lip curled with a laugh. Dante chuckled as the two marched behind the girls that took the lead. "It's Zelda, what else do you expect?" Roman boggled his head at the response, his sight caught onto the bruised mark on his neck.
"You need to do a better job at hiding those," he jokingly flicked a finger at Dante's neck who gasped - covering it. "Shut up!" Roman cackled, a hand patted Dante's shoulder. "Just saying, you're stupid."
Dante scoffed, pointing a finger towards him. "You need to do a better job at hiding your dirty work." Roman slowed his steps, his face turning stern. "What are you talking about?" He whispered, Dante smirked. "You seem to be interested, too interested in dark magic."
Roman's jaw clenched, "I don't know what bullshit you're saying but cut it out." He snapped, fists ready to punch that smirk out of Dante's face. The Gryffindor lifted his hand, "just playing!" He laughed, nodding his head with another laugh.
The students quickly ushered into the large dining room. The floating candles lingered atop, the scent of warm cinnamon with a hint of book pages swept along the room. The portraits of several wizarding figures floating in place along the walls, the throne chair by the High Table.
"Holy shit, they're going to tell us about what happened." Axelle whispered towards Dante who shifted in his robes, turning to Axelle with his brows scrunched. "You think?" He whispered back, they nodded eagerly. "Fuck yeah, they can't just ignore what happened." The Gryffindor snapped, crossing their legs.
Silas rubbed the front of his head that pounded with an ache, shoulders tense as he squeezed his eyes shut. Why do I feel like this all the time? He groaned under his breath, fists clenching as they rested on the Hufflepuff table. He felt a sudden tap on his left shoulder, head slightly tilting to see Atticus observe him with a creased forehead. "You okay, is your head still bothering you?"
Silas gulped, throat parched as his eyes widened a bit. "Y-You remembered?" His voice croaked, small and shaky. "Of course..." the ginger boy responded with soft eyes before glancing at his water filled cup. He grabbed a napkin, "here," he dampened the napkin a bit.
He hovered the napkin over his front, "may I?" Silas let out a shaky exhale, eyes flashed with surprise as his stomach stirred - he nodded. Atticus gently placed the wet napkin on his forehead. When the cold water made contact with his heated skin, Silas flinched with a muffle hiss.
Atticus pulled away, eyes boring into Silas with concern. "Sorry," Silas immediately ushered his apologies. "It's fine, just...please, it helps." Atticus nodded, placing the napkin onto his aching head. Silas sat in place, almost melting in his touch as his stomach churned with...butterflies?
Lola marched through the crowds of students in the hall, frowning to herself at the amount of people in a space. A sudden figure bumped their back onto her front, sending her off her feet. The Ravenclaw fell flat on her bottom, cheeks burning up with embarrassment as she scrambled to try to get up. Someone suddenly gripped her arm, bringing her up to her feet. Her eyes looked down at the firm hand slowly up to their arm, shoulder, neck....Clyde Lestrange.
"Thank you!" She smiled, her pearly white teeth could almost blind the miserable Slytherin. He looked down at her, eyes blank. "Whatever, I felt embarrassed for you seeing you on the ground like an idiot." He scoffed, arms crossed with a jaw clenched. "Oh my goodness," she gasped - covering her mouth as she followed beside him. "I don't want you to feel embarrassed, one time when I was really little-"
"I don't care," he groaned under his breath with brows knitted together. Clyde glanced down at Lola's silent face, mouth shaped with an 'o' and wide eyes. "I really don't so leave me alone." Lola looked down at her shoes, this time as quiet as a mouse.
The Ravenclaw girl finally found her table, sliding into the open seat beside Zelda who played with the ends of her own hair. "When is the meeting starting?" She leaned in to whisper, legs swinging eagerly under the table. Zelda shrugged, "maybe like...five minutes or so-"
"Six minutes actually," Roman tapped his watch cockily with a smirk as he seated himself in front of the two girls. Zelda rolled her eyes, lips slightly parted as she crossed her legs under the table. "Yay!" Lola clapped her hands, diverting her attention towards Freya across the room who was mouthing some sort of gossip she heard.
Zelda studied Roman; the way his fingers messed with his messy hair, eyes dangerously plotting his next movement, a tug at his lips with his usual cocky smirk no one could ever wipe off his stupidly good-looking face. New target. Her foot bumped against his leg, his eyes blinked towards her but immediately looked back towards his one friend. She threw her head back slightly with an eye-roll before completing stomping on his foot.
"Ow - fuck!" He groaned, face heating up with a glint of irritation. "Fuck you," he snapped towards the girl who mocked an expression of innocence. "Whoops!" Roman's fists clenched against the seat, giving her a stiffly sarcastic smile.
The small bell rung to get the student's attention, Minerva McGonagall placed the bell down. Her hands clasped together, chin tilted up. "Hello students..."
The pattering of the student's footsteps echoed, a wave of confusion silently was acknowledged between them all. Axelle rushed towards Atticus to catch up, fixing their robes. "Hey wait up!" Dante hollered, shoving himself through the crowd. Axelle glanced over their shoulder and back at Atticus. "McGonagall was bullshitting us, it wasn't just some fight!" They scoffed.
Atticus shushed her, his hand waving towards them. Dante chuckled, adjusting the strap of the bag on his shoulder. "And what if it was Potter? Better watch what you say against McGonagall or you're going to look incredibly stupid." He smirked towards the ginger who gave him a glare to which he responded with a playful poke at their arm.
"Shut up!" Axelle groaned softly as Atticus shrugged, "maybe it is a fight and you're just overthinking it?" He pressed his lips together, tilting his head slightly. Axelle gasped before gritting their teeth, "I don't care I'm calling bullshit on that statement!" Dante grinned, scrunching his nose as he pointed towards their hair. "Careful, next thing you know your hair won't be the only thing that's red."
Axelle glared, "no one's laughing." Atticus cleared his throat, giggling under his breath. Dante pointed towards the boy, "he is!" Axelle could never stay pissed, letting out a soft chuckle. "Whatever shut up."
A sudden someone shoved past Atticus's shoulder, who groaned as he rubbed his side. "Ouch." Axelle's face went stern, "it was that stupid Lestrange boy." They snapped, Dante went silent - not wanting to speak against or with his cousin. "I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with it." Atticus whispered, wincing a bit at the pounding pain. Axelle chuckled, "what a family name he has, huh?"
Dante went silent, Dante Malfoy. His wasn't much better, he bit the inside of his cheek - fumbling with the string of his robe. I'm not like my father...or any of my family.
Lola leaned her chin on the palm of her hand, yawning to herself as the transfigurations professor, Professor Lynn, went on and on about his lesson. She could feel her eyes bore into the chalk board, her lips slightly parted.
A sudden 'bang' at the door brought everyone to turn their backs, Clyde Lestrange fixed the collar of his robes. Professor Lynn raised his pointed chin, parched lips let out a snarky chuckle. "Ah, Mister Lestrange..." the teacher looked down at his watch on his wrist, lifting his head up with a petty smile that Clyde would have loved to punch off his face. "Thirty minutes late, welcome."
Clyde gave him a sarcastic smile, dropping immediately as he made his way to the back of the class. Professor Lynn raised a finger, waving back and forth and then towards the seat by Lola who raised a puzzled eye. "Up here Lestrange, by Miss Scamander now." His voice grew strictly stern, Clyde froze with his books in his hands. "Seriously?" He muttered under his breath, not in the mood to argue or even defend himself.
Clyde marched towards the front, huffing as he sat beside Lola who had her eyes on him, this is the guy everyone's always complaining about? She observed him closely, the small cut on the bridge of his nose was probably due to a fight - the way his jaw twitched whenever Professor Lynn spoke to him.
A few minutes into the lesson Clyde nudged Lola's side who was startled, eyes widening. "Look," he muttered and nodded towards the teacher. "His work pants are inside out." He clicked his tongue, squinting. Lola glanced at Professor Lynn and sure enough, his pants were inside out with the pockets hanging loose. She gasped, covering her mouth as Clyde let out a snort. "That's kinda mean."
He eyed the strange girl, furrowing his brows. "I don't care it's funny." Lola frowned, twisting her lips down. He tilted his head, "he's an asshole who cares." Clyde whispered so the professor wouldn't listen, not that he cared anyway. Lola blinked, "well you came late to class...that's a bit rude-"
"I don't care." He chuckled, going quiet when he saw her frown further. "Well you should, it's mean to not care." She whispered, he stayed silent with his eyes on her. She is odd.
Professor Lynn snapped back, looking over his shoulder. "Something wrong Lestrange?" He glared towards the Slytherin boy who attempted to hold in his laugh but hollered with laughter, the class was incredibly puzzled. Lola covered her mouth with her hands, biting on the insides of her cheek.
"Your pants, Professor Lynn, are inside out so is something wrong with you?" He raised a brow, leaning back on his seat. The class let out small giggles and laughs, Professor Lynn immediately glanced at his pants - eyes widening and then looking back towards Clyde and Lola who erupted in abrupt laughter.
"Detention, Lestrange and Scamander!"
Lola gasped, their classmates let out chuckles. "Detention?" She whimpered, a hand on her chest as Clyde raised a brow. "It is really not all that bad," he whispered with a teasing smirk. Lola rubbed her eyes, muttering under her breath.
His smirk dropped when he realized she was seriously upset over this. Clyde scooted a bit closer, an arm leaned onto the desk as his body slightly turned towards her. "Just...calm down, it's not all that bad y'know. Sure, you get yelled at and-"
Lola's face dropped, getting yelled at was the last thing she would want. "We get yelled at?!" She gulped, letting out a shaky sigh as he rolled his eyes.
"You're just scaring yourself, it is just some bummy teacher with nothing else to do." He shrugged, tilting his head in confusion as she buried her head in her arms.
"Whatever," Clyde grumbled as he leaned back into his seat with a subtle frown and clenched jaw. That is the last time I ever try comforting someone...ever.
The dark ink from the pen smudged along Roman's notebook paper, rushing to take messy notes - always so impatient. He has always excelled in his classes, succeeding without even lifting his finger. The Ravenclaw held knowledge even his professors were afraid of. The textbook labeled 'DADA' on his desk was open, while the classroom studied the Boggart creature - he was busy on another set of dark magic pages.
Stupid curriculum, useless and unnecessary. The boy thought to himself as he scribbled his notes, eyes scanning through the paragraphs about killing curses. "Scamander," Professor Graves raised a brow - pointing his leathered cane towards the Ravenclaw. The classes eyes turned onto him as Roman raised his head. "What can kill the Boggart creature?" Professor Graves questioned before lifting his cane down, leaning on it.
Roman tilted his head, slightly confused, is he stupid? "Nothing, it cannot be killed." Graves hummed in satisfaction, "good...good, paying attention finally I see." Professor Graves went back to teaching before Roman went back to flipping through the textbook pages. He had already read about Boggarts before even his third year at Hogwarts.
Atticus eyed the boy in front of him, furrowing his brows when he tilted his head - why is he reading about...killing curses? The boy nudged Axelle's side who jumped from their sleep, "what the hell do you want-" Axelle lifted their head when Atticus shushed them and nodded towards Roman in front of them. They looked over his shoulder, blinking.
"Weirdo." Axelle mouthed before tapping Roman's shoulder who sat still, without even turning. "What do you want?" He snapped, Axelle smirked cheekily. "I think you are on the wrong chapter buddy, it's page-"
"I know now shut it," Roman muttered with a scoff. Axelle clenched their jaw with a smile as Atticus was held aback from the sudden response. "Don't talk to my friend like that?" He commented, fists clenched. "Please?" Roman chuckled at the 'please,' raising a brow. "Pfft, 'please,' are you little kid or something?"
Atticus tilted his head sideways, scrunching his nose. "It's just manners, it's being polite which is something you clearly don't-" Axelle could sense the fuming irritation building up in Roman who had quite the name for lashing out. They immediately lifted a hand to stop Atticus who continued blowing off, "Atticus it's okay...he was just joking, right?" They turned towards Roman who looked over his shoulder.
The Ravenclaw forced a bitter smile onto his face, nodding subtly. "Joking." Atticus leaned back, crossing his arms. "Whatever."
Axelle chuckled, "he is really not that bad once you get past whatever uh...thing he has going on." They shook their shoulders with a shrug, Atticus puckered his lips. "I hope."
The Gryffindor boy never understood why everyone let Roman off the hook so easily, why they were so afraid of some boy. Everyone had different opinions of him; some said he was an idiot, polite, a gentleman, passed around, and probably more. But if there was one thing Atticus knew about Roman, it was that he was a flawless pretender.
Lola sat on the brick ledge of the courtyard underneath the rustling trees. "I didn't even do anything and I got detention!" She frowned, arms crossed as her shoes kicked a loose rock. Zelda chuckled, leaning on her elbows against the brick. "You laughed Lola, you laughed at him." The blonde girl gasped, covering her mouth. "Don't remind me, I feel horrible!"
Zelda pursed her lips, "cannot believe Clyde of all people made you laugh." She tilted her head as Lola blinked, "why?" Zelda eyed Lola, is she serious? "He's an unfunny asshole first off," she raised a finger - then a second one, "and second he's an asshole."
Lola smiled, muffling her giggle by biting down onto her lower lip. "Whatever, he was a bit teeny rude but not too bad."
"Not too bad?" Zelda clicked her tongue.
Freya trotted up to the two, the Daily Prophet held between her hands. Lola waved, immediately wiping the frown off her glossed lips, "hi!" The Hufflepuff girl flipped to the front cover, pointing to the titled highlight;
"I just got out of herbology club and I get this?" Her voice whined as Zelda squinted to read the printed words, God I need glasses. Lola's brows raised in surprise, her mouth forming an 'o.'
"Wait, there's a herbology club?" Zelda scrunched her nose, Freya groaned. "That's not the point!" Zelda shrugged, "then what is?" The two girls glanced at her, tilting their heads. "There are random prisoners on the loose!" Freya's voice raised, clearly panicking. Lola raised a hand, rubbing the girls back. "It's okay Freya, I doubt they would be able to go near Hogwarts."
Zelda snorted, standing up. "We could only hope, bet they said that the last time before the battle." She shrugged, leaving the two girls on edge.
The smell coming from Clyde's cigarette lingered along the outside of the quidditch field, where Clyde leaned his back against the wall as Silas sat on a rock beside him. The Slytherin glanced down at the Hufflepuff with a clenched jaw, lifting his cigarette and waving it in the air - a string of smoke fumed from the end of the bud. "Want a hit?"
Silas nodded no, "my head has been killing me recently." He whispered with a groggy voice, fingers fiddled with the zipper of his jacket. Clyde raised a brow, "how come? Are you not drinking enough water or something?" Silas chuckled, "you're quite the doctor huh?"
"Shut up."
Silas's fingers tangled in his messy hair, glancing up at Clyde. "You think someone really got into a fight or is the headmaster lying to us?" The Slytherin scoffed, mocking Silas in some sort of way. "Is that even a question? They'll lie to cover up anything around this school."
Silas tilted his head back, eyes still on Clyde who burned the end of the cigarette out on the wall. Leaving a dark dot on there as the stick dropped onto the grassy ground where he crunched with his foot. "But...McGonagall wouldn't lie, right? Unless it's for a really good reason."
"You're either really innocent or really stupid," Clyde sucked in a sharp breath, "maybe even both." Silas rolled his eyes, hands on his lap. "I just wanna play my new board game." Clyde observed Silas, "you're almost an adult...stop acting like a child."
Silas chewed on his bottom lip, lowering his brows.
"You're right, I guess." Because no matter what, he always trusted Clyde's word - who would never lie to him.
A few minutes later Clyde went off to 'business,' leaving Silas alone. The Hufflepuff entered his common room, the sunset glistened through the windows that dimmed the room with an aura so heart lifting. The smell of vanilla and wood lingered around the gardened room, he plopped onto the couch.
I really want to play my board game.
The sound of Freya and Atticus's voices startled the tiresome boy who lifted his head. Freya waved towards Silas, "hey Silas - right, that's your name?" Silas nodded, pouting a bit as he shifted on his seat, eyes glancing over at Atticus who gave him a tender smile. "I heard you have that board game stashed away and Atticus and me are dying to play something, do you mind if we play with you?"
A delicate smile crept onto Silas's face, this was like winning the lottery - he gets to play his board game, and play with Atticus of all people.
The clicking of her small heels echoed in the almost empty library, scanning each shelf. Zelda squinted her eyes, leaning forward as her sight blurred out - groaning under her breath she pulled away. She glanced around the slim alley, her shoulders almost touching the shelf across. Immediately recognizing the blond hair, tense figure with slight aggression in the way he slammed the books back into place, Roman.
Zelda tiptoed towards his way which was a bit difficult with her shoes. She leaned on her side beside the shelf he was shuffling through, "since when are you smart enough to read?" She scoffed, crossing her arms. Roman didn't even glance towards her or acknowledge her, sighing under his breath. "If you're here to just bitch in my ear, go away."
Zelda rolled her eyes, peeking at the books in his hands - he seemed to be into dark magic, what a shocker.
She tilted her head, "if you're looking for books about what I think you're looking for, you won't find them here." She waved a finger at the pile of books in his hands before holding her hands together. He continued shuffling through the shelf, looking up at her with a glare. "What do you know about this? You're a muggle."
"You think so little of me," she muttered with a glare before snatching a pen from the tables. "You're the most idiotic person I've met." He snapped, glaring with clenched fists. Zelda reached for the irritated boys arm who immediately pulled it back, "what the hell are you doing?" The girl rolled her eyes, snatching his arm back. "Just shut up if you want to get the books!" The boy shut up, only because he wanted the books.
Zelda slid his shirt sleeve up, scribbling her number on his arm. His eyes on her lips, the way her teeth bit into the cap of the pen - lips wrapped around them. Snapped out of his odd gaze when she threw the pen and spit the cap out, sliding his sleeve down. "Text me when you knock your attitude off and want those books."
She teasingly tapped his arm before walking away into another alley of books, Roman's eyes stayed on her figure until she disappeared. He furrowed his brows, looking down at the cover of books. I can do this on my own...besides she's stupid and irritating.
The night air suddenly felt compressed, the moon hung above Hogwarts. An eery presence was in place, the trees stood crickets could be heard from any direction.
The students were sound asleep, at least most of them. The corridors had no trace of recent life, candles lit up - suddenly one by one, they all went out with a sizzle. Completely evaporated as if thin air put them out.
McGonagall sat on her chair, glasses tipped on the end of her nose. Retirement was the first thing on her mind, she only stayed to teach the new generation of wizards solely because of how much she truly adored the last generations; yes, including Malfoy.
Her feathered pen waved with each swish, signing several sheets of papers. Knock, knock, knock, knock. The elderly lady paused in her movements at the sound of the unusual knocking, the ballpoint of the pen hovered in the air. She tilted her head, setting the pen down to place her witch hat on her head. McGonagall hastily pressed her fingers along her waistband, where her wand was located at.
She took slow steps, each one creaked within the wood. The headmaster jumped back in slight surprised when an enveloped paper slid underneath the gap of her door. She wasn't even in her did they know she was here? McGonagall bent over with a soft groan, holding the smooth texture of the envelope.
She squinted her eyes, fingers ripping it gently open. Shakily, she took the small paper out. The texture roughly familiar, tilting her head. McGonagall's eyes widened as she scanned over the words.
With no hesitation she began moving her steps forward. McGonagall's boots thumped against the tile. her fingers tugged at the emergency bell that would alarm every professor and staff on campus for an emergency.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Hellooo, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Skyfall! This is a bit of an introduction! I really enjoyed writing this and love every oc and had a good time with the scenes. I am so excited to release the next chapter!
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