TW — attempted r*pe/sa !!!!
𝐕isenya had been locked in her chambers for over a day, after Alicent had left her chambers and made it very clear to the girl she had no way out Visenya's sanity began to tick, like a bomb, nearing the edge every moment she was kept like a prisoner in her own room.She tried every idea she could but Alicent had made sure to remove everything and anything from her room that Visenya could use as a weapon or way to escape.
As a last resort, and clearly desperate and messy plan, Visenya decided to torture herself even further and refuse any food she was given.Not eating for days was nothing new to her.Visenya assumed by the time she became truly hungry she'd have found a way out, and if she didn't then she'd simply starve herself out.
Despite Visenya's refusal to eat the guards continued coming in and, of course under the orders of Alicent, tried to force the food and liquid down the princess's throat.Visenya, to no one's surprise, went even further and pushed all the furniture she could budge up against the door.That way the guards that were constantly watching her had no way of getting in as she had no way of getting out.
Even Otto had the audacity to try reason with Visenya through the door she'd made sure no one could get through but the girl simply told him to "burn himself along with Viserys body".Otto didn't rise to her spite, neither did Alicent as they didn't see the girl as a threat, she was only a small child in their eyes, they could easily discard off her when they no longer needed to use her against Rhaenyra.
Visenya obviously had nothing to do while trapped other than pace around the room and exhaust her thoughts with ways to escape so by the time the sun set on the second day of her imprisonment she was already lay flat on her bed.She hadn't slept the night before and didn't except any different to come the next night, she hadn't even changed out of her clothes when quiet mumbles outside her door began to turn into yells.
She froze, didn't respond, assuming it was Alicent or Otto back to to try and threaten or negotiate with her but the voice which she heard instead shocked her, and brought her close to being sick again as the gut wrenching feeling she had the day before returned and pooled in her stomach.
"What do you mean you can't get in?!"Aegons frustrated tone raised as he began to yell at the guards that were posted outside of Visenyas door.
"She's barricaded herself in, we were instructed to leave her, your grace" Visenya silently scoffed and rolled her eyes at how the knights addressed Aegon, the sour taste on her tongue also returning.
"Leave her?!to what starve?!" Aegon fumed as he waved his arms about frantically in frustration, unbeknownst to Visenya.
"It-... it is what your mother order, y-...your grace"The knight stuttered, slowly shrinking under the firing gaze of Aegon.
"Well I order you to open that door!"
"My king-..."
"Open it!"
"Fine I'll do it myself then"Aegon huffed, taking the few steps towards the chamber door and attempting to barge it open with the side of his shoulder.
Visenya jumped up when the door unexpectedly shook, and the furniture stacked against it shook as well.Her eyes widened as she waited in the silence for the guards to barge in, and assuringly drag her to a rotting cell, to be tortured, any moment.The door and furniture rattling again caused a subconscious response to finally slip from Visenya's lip.
"W-...what do you want?!" The words spluttered from Visenya's lips, regretting and wanting to take them back the moment they left the tip of her tongue.
Aegon's face lit up at the mere sound of her voice, even if she was yelling at him and obviously still furious, the guards stud besides him even displayed a lock of shock as that was the first noise they'd heard come from inside Visenya's chambers in almost three days.
"I-...I wanted to...talk to you, just-..." Aegon stud on the other side of the heavy metal door, his arm leaning on it as he tried to lean his ear close incase Visenya said anything else, even if he knew that she would probably prefer to speak to Otto over him."one minute?"
Visenya sucked in a deep breath and parted her lips for a moment as if to reply but quickly backed out and stayed silent.Aegon sighed at the sound of silence, holding the brink of his nose as he shut his eyes and lowered his head to the floor.
"Please just open the door...please"Aegon pleaded, silently thanking the gods the guards had left when they did, he didn't plan on having anyone but Visenya hear him practically begging like this, especially now that he was known as the official king to most.
Visenya again stayed silent, chewing at the inside of her cheek as she used every muscle and bone in her body to stay put, to not open the door, to not let him back in.She'd made that stupid mistake once before and that had gotten her mother usurped and Visenya kept hostage by said usurper, he must have been kidding himself to think she'd been so forgiving so quickly.Aegon clearly didn't know her as well as he thought he did if he assumed even for a second she'd let such a thing go without wanting to get her own lick back.Visenya didn't let her emotions control her but if necessary, if anger was needed for vengeance, she would let them.
Aegon took the silence as a no and reached for a crumpled piece of paper he'd shoved into his pants pocket before leaving his chambers to come and speak with her.He couldn't exactly blame her for hating him and wanting nothing to do with him, Aegon didn't really want anything to do with himself either.He folded the wrinkled piece of paper once before kneeling down and slipping it under the door, hoping and praying Visenya's curiosity, if not her heart, would get the better of her and force her to open it.Maybe then she would realise what had happened, what had truly happened, and that no matter what happened Aegon meant what he said, even if she said nothing back.
Unfortunately, it seemed the events that took place the next morning would prevent Visenya from ever even acknowledging the notes presence, never mind picking it up and reading it, and she would return to dragonstone with no further knowledge other than that Aegon had betrayed her and her trust for the throne, with no plan to forgive him for it anytime soon.
The sudden whispering voice caused Visenya to jump from her sleep, and shoot up from where she lay on the bed.It was barely the morning, the sun still rising and yet to fully shine over the red keeps, darkened and shadowed, walls so naturally panic set in the girl when she heard another's voice in her chambers, her chambers that she'd made sure no one else could get in or out off.
Ser Erryk stud a respectable few feet from Visenya's bed, having suddenly appeared in her chambers.The girls face scrawled with confusion as she had just woken and her vision was still adjusting to the light, after having had yet another terrible nights sleep and silently crying late into the night.
"W-...how did you-..."Visenya stopped herself when her vision settled on the sudden arch that had appeared in the wall behind Ser Erryk.The secret passages.Of course how could have she forgotten?
"What are you doing?" She breathed out heavily, her eyes darting between the guard and secret passage that he stud in front off.
"I'm getting you out"Ser Erryk spoke a lot differently to the other knights, the knights who sided with Aegon and the greens, he didn't avoid eye contact, as if Visenya's glare would turn him to stone, and he didn't speak in a constant blank, stern or nervous tone.Visenya didn't know him personally but she respected him for that reason alone, respected him for his confidence.
"...how?" Visenya blinked vigorously, standing up from her, now, messy bed as her eyes followed Ser Erryk who walked over to the furniture she had pilled against the door and checked it was secure, staying in place.
He turned around and furrowed his brows, as if confused by her simple question, tilting his head.Ser Erryk eyes then moved over to the, plain to see, arch that was now in Visenya's wall that he had just entered through, genuinely concerned if Visenya had yet to realise his plan but in reality she was still waking herself, and mind, up.
"Right, yes, of course, the tunnels...sorry" Visenya shook her head as her eyes darted from Ser Erryk to the arch that led to the secret tunnels, that she also used to sneak out only a couple days ago.
Ser Erryk sighed as he reached for the satchel he had over his shoulder and torso."No need to apologise, Princess, my appearance was quiet sudden" He shook his head, in what seemed like shame, before pulling out a folded piece of clothing and throwing it into Visenya's arms, who caught it with ease despite the surprise displayed on her face."Put that on and make sure to keep your hair covered, we must hurry before anyone suspects, your mother is very worried"
"My mother?" Visenya's voice and head perked up, her eyes turning away from the button of the cloak she was fixing around her, worry and concern glossing over her features as she thought of all her mother must have been going through."Is she ok?"
A wave off guilt washed over Visenya as she realised she had not been by her mothers side to comfort her through it all, selfishly having her mind fixed only on how Aegon and the greens hurt her.
"She is fine, do not worry about her, first we have to worry about you" Ser Erryk gave a reassuring nod before closing the large steps between him and the princess, grabbing her hand and hastily leading her down the secret tunnels.
Visenya didn't have the time to even think about where she was being lead, being pulled around twisting and turning corners every other second, so all she could do was silently pray to the gods that Ser Erryk truly was a knight in support of her mother and was leading her to her freedom, not her death or rotting prison cell.
"Wait!"Visenya called out when they came to an opening in the tunnels, Ser Erryk stopping dead in his tracks and spotting what had caused Visenya to stop almost immediately.
Viserys body lay, wrapped to perfection, on a table with thousands of candles surrounding him and, what caught Visenya's eye, the old king Jaehaerys crown laying on-top.At least the greens had enough respect to not crown Aegon with the old kings crown Viserys wore was Visenyas first thought when she spotted the golden ring, glimmering in the sunlight and practically begging for her to take it.There was no one around, no one in the room at-least.She stared at it for a moment, biting at her lip, before caving into thoughts and dropping Ser Erryks hand to quickly enter the room, grabbing the crown off the kings decaying body, and swiftly turning to exit.
"Princess!what are you doing?!"Ser Erryks voice rang with worry as he hovered his hand over the crown and stopped Visenya from continuing their track into the tunnels.
"Taking what's rightfully mine, that's not stealing"She shook her head as her usual cocky smirk broke onto her lips and the mischievous spark in her eyes returned, much like the crown did in the light of the sun.
Ser Erryk thought about it in silence for a moment, she had a point, that was to be her crown one day, to sit on her head as she sat on the iron throne.Visenya's entire and only motive to have the throne was to prove those who underestimated her wrong, what better way to send that message before hand by stealing her mothers crown.Just the thought of the look on Alicent and Ottos face, once they would realised the crown had been taken without a trace, tickled the taste for revenge and karma in her blood, and she liked it.Perhaps the fire in her was a lot more Targaryen than she'd led herself to believe.
𝐓he streets where a lot busier and crowded than Visenya and expected them to be, she'd assumed the crowds and celebrations for their 'beloved new king' would've died down by now but she was wrong.Every corner she was dragged around by Ser Erryk, who seemed to have also miscalculated the enormity and amount of people he'd have to steer her from, through crowds of people drinking or dancing.A sick feeling clogged in Visenya's throat at the sight, it was as if people had forgotten her mother even existed.She thanked the gods that her brothers would never do such a think to her, would never steal what was rightfully hers from birth, no matter her gender or wether they thought her capable and worthy.
"Come on we mu-..." Ser Erryks words were cut off for Visenya, as he attempted to continue to pull her along a crowd suddenly swarmed around them, drunkenly dancing down the street and separating Visenya from the Kingsgaurd and his tight grasp on her hand.
See Erryk could obviously not just yell out princess as it would reveal her to any other guards roaming the streets and he couldn't call her name either, no other common girl in Westeros was called Visenya.His only option was to force himself back through the crowd until he reached her, unfortunately she'd already been pushed out off the main crowd and was, unbeknownst to her, being watched and slowly approached by some, very, drunk men.
"These streets are a little dangerous for a little lady like yourself to be wondering, alone" Visenya screwed her nose in disgust before she even saw the man, having smelt his revolting breath as he spoke.He was bald, covered in what looked like ash and dirt, that had embedded into his nails and stained his grimy hands, and clearly drunk as he stumbled slightly and his words slurred.
Visenya didn't respond and simply stared at the man with a mostly blank facial expression, a ghost of disdain on her features as the corners of her lips curled.
"Not much of a talker eh?Don't worry..." Visenya gulped, beginning to grow fearful and anxious as he stepped even closer, so close that she could feel his breath on her face and had to tilt her head away to avoid being sick at the stench. "...we men like a women who keeps her mouth shut"
It was then Visenya noticed the man licking his lips as he looked her up and down.She squeezed her eyes shut, hating to think what part of her his eyes were so infatuated by.The man looked to be well over forty, or possibly her mothers age and just in bad hygiene, and yet he found the sheer sight of a nighteen year old girl arousing, creep.
Visenya slowly began to take small steps back from the man, seen as he was to distracted with staring intensely at her breasts to notice, until she came closer enough to an alleyway to spin around and run faster than she ever had before.
"Ey!where do you think your going!"
Visenya didn't look back at the man despite his constant, obnoxious yelling as he, unfortunately, chased her down the narrow alleyway, that the terrified girl quickly regretted running down as she realised how dark and empty it was.
"Don't run, Princess!I only want to have a little fun!"
Her heart beating in her chest and echoing in her ears, feeling as if she were about to vomit as she ran until her lungs burnt and her legs could no longer carry her.Visenya may have been naive but she was smart enough to know, just from the way that man looked at her, what would happen to her if she was caught by him.
She came to a stop when the beating in her ears drowned out and she realised the man was no longer shouting after her, turning around to see he in-fact had disappeared and given up on following her, hopefully for good.Her hands on where her knees as she bent over, trying to catch her breath, when a hand grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanked her up, hitting her head against the wall and then throwing her on the dirty floor of the alleyway.
Visenya shrieked, her hands reaching up to pull off whoever had grabbed her hair off but was slammed against the wall so harshly her lip cut and her mouth began to bleed and drip down her chin, the pain distracting her from who stud above her.
The man let out a villainous, strained laugh as he looked down at Visenya and titled his head mockingly. "I thought you Princess's liked a bit of fun, or are you a whore like your mother who only likes the taste of her own blood?"
"Are you truly that upset my mother chose not to sleep with the street rats such as yourself?" Visenya spat the blood dripping from her lip onto the dirt which now dirtied her clothes and was smeared on her cheek, glaring up at the men as she sneered in disgust.
"I wonder how you would feel knowing your, beloved, precious king has fucked nearly every maiden in the city"
Visenya grunted, hissing as she bit down her lip, when the man harshly kicked the back of her leg, his face blowing and glowing red in frustration despite how his hungry eyes still traveled over the girl.
"What did I say about men not liking a women who talk?" He spat, a whimper slipping from Visenya's lips as he got on his knees between her legs and held her wrists to the stone floor, his dirty finger nails digging into her skin and bruising her pale skin purple.
"Are you sure you just don't like a women who have the common sense to reject you?something you clearly don't take very well" Visenya face scrunched up in disgust as he leaned his face incredibly close to hers, his breath stunk of smoke and beer as he whispered it onto the Princess face like a cloud of poison gas.He purposefully dug his nails further into her wrists as punishment for her insults, causing her to wince.
"We people in the streets have to fend like animals...while you sibling-fucking entitled brats sit in your castle and have everything handed to you..." Visenya again winced, a quiet sob slipping from her quivering lip, as the man pulled her closer and bucked his hips against her. "Well I'm going to teach you how we animals play, Princess"
She desperately moved to be free of his grip, kicking and squirming like a child having a tantrum as his disgusting, grimy hands moved down her thighs.
Visenya wrists where freed from the man's grasp as he gripped and now bruised her thighs, tightly holding her thighs around his waist so she could not escape easily, and began to angrily bang her fists on the man's sweaty back, her only defence which she hoped would work.Visenya had never been more afraid in her entire life then she was in that moment, that felt like the gods froze and moved in slow motion just to torture her.Her desperate sobs and screams off fear being the only noise to fill the deserted alleyway, making her feel like a fragile, frightened little bastard girl once more.
Maybe it was the pure, stomach emptying, fear or adrenaline that filled her brain but the memory that Visenya had a dagger on her completely washed over her head until the man began to eagerly undress himself and a light bulb went off in her head, the realisation shining in her eyes, but the man was to blind with selfish desire to notice the girl reaching for her dagger.
Visenya did it without a second of hesitation or regret, in one swift moment pulling out her dagger and jamming it into her attackers neck with a grunt.His grip on her immediately loosened, dropping her legs, as he began to choke and cough on his own blood that poured and dripped down onto Visenya, staining the riding leathers she had on, her chest and even getting in her face and hair.
Who knows how many young girls he'd attacked before and were unable to defend themselves, he had it coming.Visenya thought as the man tried to desperately claw at his bleeding, raw and red, throat which only encouraged the girl to dig her dagger further into his skin, oozing out more blood that covered her.She dug the dagger until their was no more skin to break through and she'd cut a huge chunk out of his throat, she made sure he went limp and cold in front of her, that his eyes went ghostly and white.His body eventually flopping on-top of Visenyas which she quickly shoved off with disgust.
She lay their for a moment, in the pool of another man's blood as it coloured her, her clothes and her once clear and shiny blade a dark, deep, crimson red.The blood was on her skin, in her hair, and even embedded in her nails, no matter how many time she showered she knew it would always be there, the nightmare always fresh and vivid in the back of her mind.The horrifying and traumatic situation may haunt Visenya forever but at least she could sleep at night knowing she stopped it from going any further and watched the man who thought such a thing was ok die a gruesome death, at her own hands.The taste of blood wasn't so bad after all.
𝐒er Erryk found Visenya not long after she murdered the man in cold blood, alarm bells immediately going off in his head as his eyes widened at the sight of the girl he'd sworn to protect laying in a puddle of blood, besides another body, assuming she was dead herself.Much to his relief she wasn't, although he gave Visenya a rather concerned look as he helped her up and saw the bloody weapon gripped tightly in her red, dirtied and cut knuckles.
Visenya insisted she was fine, that they should continue their escape, and brushed off all of Ser Erryks worried rambling, who insisted they stop and allow him to check her for any injury's but Visenya refused.The only injury's he would find would be the bruises the monstrous man left imprinted on her skin, and she planned to hide those forever, from everyone.
They reached the dragon pit rather quickly, Visenya not planning on wasting any time in reaching her dragon and making sure he was unharmed.Even without a dragon she would burn Westeros down if anyone touched Ikarus, her son, the closest thing she'd ever had to one at-least.
"Ikarus!"Visenya sang as she searched for where her dragon had decided to nest during her stay in kings landing, he usually slept in his designated lair located at dragon-stone but the girl had no idea where he decided to nestle once she left him with the keepers on her arrival.
"Ikarus!"She called again, a worrying feeling beginning to pool in the pit of her stomach as her dragon did not answer or call out for his rider, until he did.
Visenya whipped her head around at the sound of her dragons roar, something she could recognise anywhere from any distance, before beginning to race through the cave and towards the noise as Ser Erryk hastily followed, with a clearly confused look on his face.
"Ikarus-..."Visenya stopped herself when she spun around the corner and spotted her dragon, except he wasn't nesting alone as he usually did at dragon-stone, he was resting besides Sunfyre, Aegons dragon.
The girls eyes widened at the sight as she looked between the two dragons, Ser Erryk stud behind her completely oblivious as he did not understand Ikarus like Visenya did, of course, no one did.Ikarus, although a gentle giant most of the time, did not enjoy sharing his lair or sleep with others, baring his teeth and hissing like a short tempted cat whenever another dragon, or person, got too close for his comfort.Yet there he lay, calm, safe and sound next to a deeply sleeping Sunfyre, Ikarus now being awake as he'd heard the worried call of his rider.
Visenya gulped, staring at the golden scaled dragon for a moment longer before shaking her head, free of the thoughts of its rider, and stud in-front of her own dragon who acted like an excited little puppy upon seeing her again after three days of absence.He gently nudged her with his snout, to gain her attention and silently ask if she was ok.Visenya had become so distracted with the presence of the other dragon she'd only raised her hand and forget to pet the less shiny, golden scales of her own.
She whispered and mumbled multiple High Valaryian words to Ikarus and stroked his snout, that was probably bigger than her whole body, in reassurance.With a low growl and shake of his scales, Ikarus stud and extended his wing for his rider to climb and reach the saddle strapped to his back.
She helped Ser Erryk climb up onto the back of the great beast as well, although he wasn't as afraid or cautious as most would be when first mounting a dragon.The Princess Rhaenys dragon must have been rather calm to not have the man quaking in his boots at the simple sight of Ikarus, is what Visenya assumed as the kingsgaurd sat on the back of the saddle with much more ease and comfort than she'd expected.
Visenya wasted no time in adjusting how she sat on the saddle, gripping her dragons leather reigns tightly in her bloodied hands and shout the command for him to set flight.Normally the princess took her time in mounting her dragons saddle, usually spending a good while stroking and making a fuss of Ikarus, giving him a sneaky treat or two and spoiling him but she had no time to waste.The greens had probably begun looking for her the moment she stepped out of the red keep, and the anxiety she felt bubbling in her stomach as she thought about the safety of her family was near to exploding.
"𝐌urdering Rhaenyra would only erupt chaos, her children too" Alicent argued for, what felt like, the hundredth time that day.
Alicent stud, not sat, in her usual small council seat, her father, whom she had been disagreeing and arguing with for most the duration of the meeting sat across from her while Aegon sat at the head of the table, rubbing his temple in exhaustion and tapping his empty goblet with his ringed finger as he impatiently waited for his cup to be refilled with wine.
"...-And so will leaving her alive, letting her gain support for her claim and ultimately start a war" Otto advocated, again for the hundredth time that day as he and Alicent seemed to run the council meeting themselves, the supposed king busy drowning his troubles in his cups. "We shall come up with an agreement, allow Rhaenyra to keep Dragonstone and her sons inheritance off Driftmark as long as she promises to let Aegon have the throne, to keep the realm at peace"
"And you truly believe she would agree to this?" Alicent scoffed in disbelief, rolling her eyes as she pouted. "Rhaenyra, Daemon-...Visenya, would stop at nothing to have the throne, that they believe is rightfully theirs.They have the blood of the dragon, they are chaotic and relentless and-..." Alicents exhausting rant and wild, hand waving gestures were cut short by Aegon.
"Then make Visenya consort" He finally spoke up after not uttering a single sound since the meeting began, his simple suggestion leaving the council men in an uncomfortable silence and Alicents jaw on the floor.
"I-...what?!" Alicent spluttered in disbelief, blinking vigorously as she checked she wasn't dreaming and what she heard was correct.
"Are you mad?" Otto spoke in his usual low, grumbling tone as he leaned forward in his seat and stared at his grandson with widening eyes and raised eyebrows.
"I am not even betrothed and yet I'm king, i will be expected to marry and deliver heirs..." Aegon further explained, waiting for someone to respond but instead continuing when he was met with more uncomfortable silence, his words hanging in the air like a cold gust of wind on a warm summers morning. "What better way to prevent a war with Rhaenyra then putting her daughter, her heir and blood on the throne? That way everybody wins"
Otto and Alicent scoffed in unison, shaking their heads in disappointment as the dowager queen took another heavy swig of her wine and sighed frustratedly.
"Grandson-...your grace"
Aegon sighed and slouched back in his seat at the simple words his grandsire used to start his sentence, he'd barely been king a day and he was already sick of people, let alone his family, no longer referring to him as his name or the simple title of prince.Even Heleana had gone cold on him and only bowed to him, muttering a barley audible 'your grace', anytime they crossed paths and he attempted to speak with her.
"I do not think that is the smartest idea, considering the messy history between your brother and Rhaenyras boys, and I doubt Rhaenyra would ever agree to such a thing-..." Ottos, rather calm despite his shocked face, reasoning was interrupted.
"And what if Visenya agreed?" Aegon grunted as he dropped his hands from his cup and face, inhaling sharply as he briefly closed his eyes and wished to be anywhere else.
He had wished days before to be king, simply so he could stop Rhaenyra from shipping Visenya north, to marry the Lord of winterfell, and instead marry her to him instead.Aegon may have jinxed himself with that thought but now that he was king, even if he did not want or think he deserved it, he might as-well use it to his advantage and make that wish come true.
"What if-...what?"
"What if Visenya agreed?" Aegon drawled, frowning as he raised his eyebrows and held his hands out, suddenly becoming confident in his position and seat, as if challenging anyone to question his words, the kings words.Again he was met with stunned faces and an awkward silence. "It is not up to Rhaenyra to choose, if Visenya agreed, and seemed happy enough to do so, Rhaenyra would agree to the terms"
He was unable to hide the grin pulling at his face as he looked between his grandsire and mothers shocked, jaw open, faces at the mere thought of giving a young girl free will and allowing her to make her own marital decisions.Clearly the people off the small council did not know the princess, Visenya, and her stubborn, strong will.
The sound of Alicent smacking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, as she dropped her head and gaze to stare at the table, broke the deathly silence that fell like smokey mist over the council chamber. "We can discuss this further later, everyone out...now"
The dowager queens stern words, and the glare that landed on her son, had every council member quickly out of their seats and scurrying out the room.Otto loitered slightly as he worryingly looked between his daughter and grandson, who was oblivious to his mothers burning gaze, before uttering a goodbye and shutting the door behind him.
Aegon sighed in defeat and frustrated, slumping back in his chair and burying his head in his hands as he rubbed his tired, red and puffy eyes, silently praying to the gods that this was all a nightmare and he would soon wake up, with everything back to the way it was.
"What did you do with her?" Alicents sudden voice almost made Aegon almost jump out of his seat as he looked up and saw the women making her way around the council table, towards where he sat at its head, and noticed her piercing, intense glare fixed on him.
"What?" Aegon squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows, taking a moment to realise who his mother was referring to.Visenya, of course, as if she wasn't haunting him enough today.Her soft voice, that he could never seem to get away from no matter how hard he thought of something else, constantly ringing and repeating in his ears.
"What did you do...with her?" Alicent spoke through gritted teeth as she reached where Aegon sat and stud tall in-front of him, looking down on him with her usual gleam of shame and disappointment. "When I told you too befriend the girl, gain her trust, and ruin her reputation...was in order to weaken Rhaenyras claim and strengthen yours..." Alicent hissed, taking a long pause as she leaned her hands on her knees.
The corner of her lip curled in disgust before she angrily slammed her hands down on the wooden table.Aegon flinched back like a frightful little boy, squeezing his now watering eyes shut tightly as he awaited a sting on his cheek but it never came.
"Not for you to use her for your own pleasure as if she were a common street whore!" Alicent spat, her voice cracking as she screeched in her sons face like a banshee.
Aegon slowly peeped his eyes open, that were now glazed with a layer of glistening tears, when he did not feel Alicents hand make harsh contact with his skin.
"She wasn't forced into anything if that's what you're thinking, I only did what you asked off me, just as I am now..." He muttered and sucked in a deep breath, gulping and choking back his tears, as his head and gaze still turned away from his mothers infuriated expression.
Alicent scoffed a laugh and rolled her eyes as she removed her hands from the table she'd slammed them so harshly on the skin of her palm was now a bright red. "Anything I have asked of you, your entire life, you have done wrong, Aegon" She fumed, getting incredibly close to his face before leaning away and lowering her voice to a mutter under her breath. "It is now clear I overestimated your will, and underestimated Visenya's talent to sink her teeth in...like mother, like daughter"
"She is not just Rhaenyras daughter, believe it or not, Visenya is her own person" Aegon sighed, closing his eyes as he shook his head and turned his lips into a tight, thin line.
Alicent again scoffed at her sons words, beginning to slowly saunter away from where Aegon sat and inch towards the council chamber door. "Then what is she, Aegon?Please enlighten me on your favourite wh-..."
Aegon's teeth gritted, his jaw and fist clenching tightly until he heard a word about to slip of the tip of Alicents tongue and something in him snapped.He abruptly stud up, his fists banging on the table caused Alicent to stop herself from speaking any further as she whipped her head back at him with wide, frightened and shocked, eyes.
"What on earth has gotten into you?!-..."
"What has gotten into me?!what has happened to you!" Aegon snapped, his fists burning and red as he clenched them until they grew white.
Alicent stared at him in complete disbelief, her eyes and mouth wide as she seemed completely starstruck that Aegon had raised his voice at her in such a way, something he'd never dared to do before.
Aegon looked down, unclenching and cracking the knuckles of his reddened fists as he let out a heavy, shaky breath. "I know you probably cannot understand the idea of love-..." He began to bitterly mutter, keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact with his mother who soon enough cut him off.
"You did not love her-..." Alicent stern voice, spoken as if a statement, was also cut off as Aegon inhaled sharply to avoid snapping again at her but failed miserably.
"I do!and I do not need you or anybody else to try tell me differently..."Aegons voice boomed at first but he quickly lowered it to avoid being overheard by any unwanted company, lurking outside the chamber door.
They fell silent again, Aegon finally meeting his mothers shocked eyes once more as she stared back at him with her jaw reaching the floor, completely dumbfounded and speechless.
"I love her so much that I can hardly breath when she isn't near, so much that the last few days I-..." He gulped, shaking his head as he silently urged himself to continue. "...-I've felt my heart close to bursting because while you've all celebrated me being king she is all that has been on my mind, the guilt of knowing I've only hurt and betrayed her consumes me"
Aegon choked slightly, the memory of the last couple days swirling around in his head like a storm that he could not control.The pain of his heart tightening and shrivelling returned because he knew even if Rhaenyra was given the crown and won whatever war that was bound to erupt, Visenya would still hate him, want him dead even, she already did.
The one person who had made him feel even slightly worthy of just taking a single breath, who made him think his life could be more than just his alcohol and getting wasted, just like all his potential.The girl who he, still, sought out and yearned for, even in his dreams, almost everyday of his life to the point it drove him to insanity, even if she said nothing back and left a dagger in the bleeding, whole of his heart.
His grandsire and mothers power-hungry, glory craving, greed may have ripped his love from him but he had made himself that trap, he agreed fell into his self dug grave.Aegon was the one who agreed to his mothers stupid plan to manipulate, lie and ruin the girl, and it was Aegon who ended up tripping over his own two feet and ending up unrequitedly loving and admiring everything about her, about Visenya.A soul his own burned and ached for only felt nothing but loathe and ill will for him.
"I only agreed to that plan because I silently prayed you wouldn't be able to usurp the throne and Rhaenyra would be kind enough, a lot kinder than you at-least, to allow her daughter the free will of marrying whoever she chose...and I prayed that as a result of our...whatever your wish to call it, she'd choose me"
And with that he left...
- - - - -
welp...that happened.I hate this sm hut wrote this at almost 3am and the editing was rlly rushed so excuse how rushed/ bad this is and all the mistakes, I'm hella sleep deprived and tried to finish this quickly for u all before my tests start.
sorry for scaring u all with that TW but it's obviously necessary as it's a sensitive subject for anyone, and again I'm not romanticising such a traumatising thing in anyway and I want that to be clear.I just think it's important to talk about/show that sort of thing and how it effects people, especially when ur book is set in a time when literally nothing is done about it.I know that sounds rlly hypocritical of me to say, consider this is an Aegon fic but remember FANON AEGON!!!I strongly hate canon/show Aegon and I think we can all agree on that.(all I have to say is that if u don't and defend his actions then pls, leave my page and never return ty, have a miserable life 🥰🖕)
anywaysss moving on, Sunfyre and Ikarus are children of divorce rn.It just randomly came to me how their names are linked (Ikarus and his sun) so I thought I'd find a way to break ur hears just a little more and have them parallel to Vi and Aegon.
again, sorry for the slow updates, school rlly sucks and just drains ur motivation/the fun in writing. Hope u all enjoyed (even if it was terrible, lazy writing and angsty asf) <3
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