
𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬, one of the worst types of family reunions.

After moving to dragonstone Visenya thought life to be going a lot better and happier and all the black versus green arguing was over, atleast for a while, but of course every so often someone either got married,died or was injured in battle and the family was forced to stand to together and seem at peace with one another for the sake of there reputation and the happiness of Viserys.

Unfortunately on this occasion the death was a lot more close to home, Lady Laena, the sister of Visenya's father and her auntie who had passed during child birth.Although everyone knew her true cause of death was brutal than that, they just decided to sugar code it from the children, specifically Lady Laenas children.

Visenya stud besides the ocean, which was crashing against the rock they stud upon, allowing her father to wrap his arm tightly around the front of her to keep him stable while he cried silently, his tears dropping and soaking into her dark hair.Her father had his other arm wrapped around Jaehaerys although he seemed to be particularly clingy to Visenya like she would slip through his fingers and disappear if he dared to loosen his grip.

Daemon, Rhaenyras uncle and Viserys brother, a man Visenya didn't really now personally but more for his reputation specifically in battle, couldn't even take his own late wife's funeral seriously and began laughing before the casket was even pushed into the waters.Which just made an already awkward situation more awkward as everyone disapprovingly glared him down.

The aftermath of the funeral wasn't any different, everyone stud in a crowd trying to squeeze past one another on a stone platform that stud above the beach at the side of the castle of driftmark, it was like a unsolvable jigsaw puzzle with far to many obscure pieces that were incapable of fitting together.Visenya had worked out a tactic to be constantly on the moving and disappearing out of peoples sights, especially if she made eye contact with anyone, to avoid small talk with relatives she barely knew.

She had been stud against the stone wall watching the ocean with Jace and Luce until there mother approached the siblings and ushered Jace off to comfort there cousins, Lady Laenas daughters, and Luce began talking to there grandfather, Corlys.Visenya had turned around to give the two some privacy in the conversation, and to day dream some longer as she stared at the wild ocean, but when she saw her mothers extremely concentrated gaze land on her she quickly slipped away into the crowd to avoid Rhaenyra and whatever she had been planning as she watched her daughters movements.

Visenya had managed to squeeze her way through the crowd to the other side of the stone platform, where she was out of view of most, accidentally bumping into someone when she meant to back up and lean on the wall.She jumped around to see Aegon glaring at her with, unsurprisingly , a goblet of wine in his hands.

"I'm beginning to think you really do have a drinking problem"Visenya furrowed her brows nodding to the goblet in Aegons hands.

"I'm not yet drunk enough to deal with you"Aegon groaned taking another sip of his wine to which Visenya rolled her eyes.

Visenya learned her back on the stone wall, besides Aegon, crossing her arms and one foot over the other which she stared at as she chewed the inside of her cheek.Aegon sighed leaning his arms on the wall and looking out at the rising tides as he finished his goblet, glancing at Visenya before he decided to speak again and break the, somehow, non-awkward silence.

"I heard Viserys trying to convince my mother to betrothed you to Aemond...again"He pursed his lips tapping the edge of his goblet with his ringed finger to a beat he was humming in his head.

Visenya groaned in annoyance leaning her head back and shutting her eyes for a brief moment, distracting Aegon for a brief moment for obvious reasons that she was oblivious to."Well this might the first and last time I say this but...I hope your mother gets her way"

"Well would you rather him or an annoying drunk"Aegon forced an awkward laugh and kept his eyes on the ocean, as Visenya turned to look at him, to avoid showing the true upset the words had caused him.

"I didn't say-..."Visenya stopped herself mid sentence as she thought about her next words carefully for a moment."Ok maybe I implied it, but if it's any constellation your a lot funnier when drunk"She pushed herself off the wall and turned around so she was facing the same direction as Aegon, her gaze staying fixed on him instead of moving to the ocean as its salty fresh breeze brushed through her hair and lifted it like it did the tides.

Aegon raised an eyebrow looking to Visenya but immediately dropping his head and letting out a small laugh, his arms being covered in goosebumps when he saw her bright piercing eyes already staring into his.

"Bit of a backhanded compliment if you ask me but I'll take it"

Visenya gave him a small smile, even though he wasn't looking at her, before dropping her gaze to her hands which she began to pick and scratch the skin of.Aegon looked back at her once she turned her head, opening his mouth to say something but he hesitated to long and a hand firmly landing on Visenya's shoulder interrupted them and caused the girl to immediately turn her attention to them instead.

"Visenya"Rhaenyra softly spoke, almost a whisper, to her daughter who turned around humming in response.

"Umm...will you take your brothers up to bed for me?"Rhaenyra toke a second to get her sentence out as she suspiciously glance at Aegon, not having noticed his presence at first and also sceptical as to why the two we're together in such a hidden area.

"Yes of course, where is father?"Visenya vigorously nodded as she attempted to peer over her mothers shoulders and spot her father somewhere in the crowd.

"oh uh...he needs some time alone to process his grief, I'm just going for a walk on the beach"Rhaenyra stuttered, a lying under ton in her answer which Visenya sensed but shrugged off assuming it was none of her business.

Visenya glanced at Aegon subtly nodding to him, which he returned, before brushing past both him and her mother to find her brothers.She eventually found Jace,Jaehaerys and Luce stud on the opposite side of the stonewall, where she had last left Luce, admiring the ocean as Jaehaerys pointed different details out to his younger brothers who listened to him in utter awe.

A small smile grew on Visenya's face as she walked over to the boys, her boys.She slid her arms around Jace's shoulder as she walked up behind him, he didn't seem to flinch instead placing a hand on one of her arms and begin to fiddle with the sleeve of her dress.She let Jaehaerys finish his sentence before interrupting and beginning her own."Mother says it's time for bed"Visenya tapped Jace's shoulder as her brothers erupted into complaints.

"But the suns barely set!"Jace threw one arm up gesturing to the sun which had just slipped behind the castle casting a darkened shadow over the land.

"She forced me to wake up early today just for this!"Jahaerys hissed as not to be overheard.

Luce didn't seem to say anything other than angrily mumbling nonsense under his breath.

"I know, I know"Visenya sighed, laughing slighting, pretending to nod along and agree.

"But..."She drawled as she toke her arms from Jace and kneeled down so she was face to face with Luce.
"We don't want to upset father any more do we?"Visenya spoke to them as she caressed Luces cheek with her thumb.

They all sighed and hummed in agreement, and defeat, before walking along side there elder sister towards the castle.

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲 Visenya couldn't sleep, I'd had been unsettling enough having to sleep in an old,empty and clearly long abandoned chamber on the higher floor of drifrtmark but the whistling noise of the wind and haunting atmosphere that invaded her mind prevented it from resting and she was forced to toss and turn for hours before finally giving up and going for a stroll elsewhere.Maybe it was a contributing factor that she was still in her day dress, having just collapsed on her bed when first entering the room, that she couldn't find sleep but Visenya decided to go for a walk and find some fresh air, even if that was just sitting in the window of an dimly light hallway.

She sat on the edge of window, dangling one leg of the edge, as her back leaned against the wall and softly hummed to herself.She almost fell out of the window out of fright when someone else appeared in the hallway.

"There you are"The voice, that Visenya immediately recognised as Aegon, chimed happily.

Visenya sighed, she didn't even have to look at the boy to know he was cockily smirking."Yes Aegon?"She grumbled averting her gaze to view of the grey and now dark beach.

"Why are you doing up and here of all places?"Aegon asked in disgust looking around the dusty,lifeless hallway as he walked over to stand in the window which Visenya sat.

"It's peaceful...and far from you"Visenya made sure to put emphasis on the 'far' sticking her head out at Aegon as he leaned on the wall, he snickered and shook his head in response.

"I-..would you look at that"Aegon stopped himself raising his eyebrows and becoming distracted with something he had just noticed in the distance, naturally raising Visenya's curiosity.

"What?what is it?"Visenya kicked off the side of the window rushing to stand at Aegons side to see what had taken him by such surprise.

"Servants seem to be enjoying themselves"Aegon chuckled pointing to two servants, who were almost completely hidden in the shadows of the castle and the night, doing things even Visenya knew was considered forbidden before marriage.

"Oh shit..."Visenya eyes widened but she didn't seem to look away from the sight.

There was something about it that seemed to incise her, she felt as if something had suddenly come to life inside her stomach and chest and decided that's what she craved, what she wanted and needed.Visenya had never felt that way before, maybe because she had never actually witnessed anything until now, but she had heard things of it, surely if she wanted something like that she would've realised long ago.

While Visenya focused on the forbidden but intriguing sight in-front of her, Aegon was distracted by something far more innocent but what he thought a lot more worth looking at and admiring.Visenya.His breath hitched in his throat when he realised how close the girl was stud to him, her chest almost pressed up against Aegons and her hand a single shift of movement away from holding his.

Aegons gaze shifted all over the place, from her delicate pale hand, to her eyes that shon with curiosity, to someplace a lot lower then her eyes and her thick brown hair that filled his nose with all sorts of hypnotising scents.He kept telling himself he shouldn't have been feeling anything that he was feeling for Visenya in that moment but he couldn't stop himself, and god knows he couldn't stop himself from proceeding with his next actions.

"Aegon?"Visenya voice infiltrated Aegons thought bringing him back down to reality, but not completely as he was met with her piercing blue eyes he had been so afraid to meet earlier.Entrancing him all over again.

"Aegon!"She waved her hand in his face clicking her fingers.

"Huh?sorry i was-..."Aegon stuttered internally cursing at himself for suddenly fumbling around a girl he'd spent so long teasing and acting tough in-front of.

"Off with the fairy's?"Visenya let a small laugh slip from her lips at his sudden detachment from the conversation, assuming he had become flustered after seeing the servants, but she was of course completely wrong.

"Yeah, yeah"Aegon forced a nervous laugh scratching the back of his neck.

Visenya titled her head, squinting her eyes at the boy, she sensed the sudden awkward shift in the air but deciding to ignore it and turn her attention back to the servants who's heat had since died down as they looked to be heading back inside and going separate ways.She wanted to ask what was wrong but it was Aegon after all, she knew she would only receive some sarcastic answer rather than the truth.

"I want that"Visenya whispered quickly slapping her hand over her mouth when she realised she'd spoke out loud instead of in her head and worst of all in front of Aegon, who she knew would mock her about it to no end.

Aegon raised his eyebrows grinning, his cocky and teasing personality quickly returning."I'm sorry?"He widened his eyes taken quite aback by Visenya's words but also finding them amusing, and intriguing.

"You didn't hear anything!"Visenya spoke sternly wagging her finger in his face, her eyes snaking into a warning glare.If looks could kill, that would be Visenya greatest power and Aegon would be long gone.

"Yes ma'm"Aegon quickly replied nodding and mockingly saluting Visenya, still grinning from ear to ear despite his voice full of genuine fear.

Visenya huffed looking away from Aegon, too humiliated to look him in the eye any longer, and back to the view of the beach.

"You know..."Aegon drawled tilting his head to look Visenya in the eye with his hands interlaced behind his back."I may have some experience in that area"Aegon nodded to the area where the servants had previously been.

Visenya looked to him raising a brow as if a fish hook was attached to it, laughing nervously as she couldn't tell wether he was being serious or not."Your serious?"

Aegond nodded and hummed."Deadly"He spoke his tone completely firm and certain but his expression telling Visenya otherwise.

Visenya opened her mouth to speak but found no words capable of leaving when her body froze at the sudden touch of Aegons hand on hers.She glanced down at there hands watching as he played with the rings on her finger before looking back up to his eyes as she thought over his offer, still not entirely sure wether he was being serious or just teasing her.Despite Visenyas mind telling her to refuse and that it was a stupid and dangerous thing to do she was unable to stop her eyes dropping down to his lips, her mind running wild with what it would be like to touch them with her own.

Aegon noticed the shift of her gaze his grin widening more, if that was even possible, and slowly moved his other hand to cup her cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb.He leaned in closer but Visenya's voice stopped him from closing the small distance.

"Aegon...we-...."Visenya whispered gulping nervously as she attempted to stuttered out a sentence."We can't-..."

"Why not?I don't plan on telling anybody...do you?"Aegon quickly interrupt raising his eyebrows, he tried to hide the desperation in his voice but him scanning her with his eyes gave it away.


"Just..."Aegon trailed off as he gently grabbed Visenya's chin and finally connected their lips.

Visenya was surprised just by how soft the kiss actually was, she was excepting it to be rough and fast like she had just witnessed with the servants but it was the complete opposite.Aegon of all people was the last person she excepted to be experiencing such a thing with but Visenya didn't seem to mind, his lips were gentle and tender as he hesitantly and slowly moved his hands to Visenya's hips as hers slipped further up his shoulders and towards his neck.

Aegon pulled away after a moment, his face still close enough to Visenya's that their breaths mangled, it toke him a moment to fully collect himself enough to speak."If-..."

Aegon, surprisingly, was cut off by Visenya grabbing the back of his neck firmly and fusing her lips with his.The kiss was still slow but a lot more intense, Visenya knew she wanted more and Aegon could tell, it was like a fire burning in her chest and which he could feel the warmth of it when he pulled her closer.Aegon, to no surprise, immediately responded snaking an arm around Visenya's waist and pulling her into him even further and titled his head ever so slightly to deepen the kiss.

Visenya felt her stomach doing flips as her thoughts and feelings ran haywire, why did something she knew was wrong feel so right?and how was Aegon of all people being the one to make her feel this way.Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of a horrifying scream coming from elsewhere in the castle refraining her from digging into her mind and heart any deeper, and causing the two to jump apart.

Visenya and Aegon looked at each other, concern and fear covering any previous expressions before taking off running down the hall to where the scream echoed from.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 scream was followed by yells and angry voices that carried through the walls like they were in a haunted building, Visenya frantically searched for where the noise was coming from before finally reaching the door of the chambers, which she knew her grandfather was staying in, barging in without a second thought.She didn't even take notice of anybody else in the room heading straight to her brothers and kneeling down in-front of them to take a better look at there bloodied faces.Unaware of the eyes that followed as Aegon trailed in behind her.

"Let me see"Visenya whispered as she attempted to pry Luces hand away from his face which he was trying to hide.

"No"Luce whined trying to wriggle his arm out of Visenya's grip.

"Let me-..."Visenya stopped herself when saw the nasty cut on Luces nose and his blood stained mouth, blood that splattered blood across his,Jace and Jaehaerys face.

Visenya turned around scanning her eyes over everyone who was stud in the room, having just realised how crowded it actually was, as she searched for who had harmed her brother but she didn't need to search any longer when she saw Aemond sat in a chair near the fireplace with his left eyes flesh sown together, glaring right back at her.

Visenya normally would've gotten up and finished off beating Aemond herself but when she saw the damage done to him she gulped back nervously, feeling genuinely scared of her brother's capabilities for the first time in her life.

"How did this happen?"Visneya whispered turning back around to her brothers.

"He attacked Beala"Jace mumbled but Visneya knew that was not all as he looked down at his feet with a clear guilty conscience.

Visneya looked to the oldest of the boys, Jaehaerys, but he only turned away from his sisters gaze refusing to answer.

"He called us bastards"Luce replied truthfully, Visenya jaw clenched at his words.Aemond was really pushing his chances on keeping his other, unharmed, eye.

"Where were you?"


A loud slapping sound could be heard from the other side of the room causing all of four siblings to turn their heads in the other direction, Alicent stud roughly grabbing Aegon by his surcoat with clenched fists.

"What was that for?!"He whined grabbing his now red cheek which Alicent had slapped harshly.

"That!was nothing compared the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups you fool"She spat attempting to speak in a low voice but the room was so silent almost everybody heard.

"What is the meaning of this?!"Corelys voice boomed as he stormed in along side by Rhaenys, rushing over to Baela and Rhaena who ran into her arms sobbing.

"Jace!"Visenya let out a sigh of relief as her mother entered the room, she was far from prepared to defend her brothers against people like Alicent and her supporters alone.

"Luce!"Rhaenyra quickly paced over taking the boys from their sisters arms and into her own."show me, show me"
"Who did this?"She asked looking for who had harmed her sons.

It was then Visenya sensed another presence in the room averting her gaze and attention to the door she'd barged in seconds before to see Daemon leaning on them with his arms crossed, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips as he looked from Rhaenyra to Visenya.His face fell when he saw the girl snaking her eyes at him and he quickly looked elsewhere.

"They attacked me!"Aemond was quick to reply in a yell.

"He attacked Baela!"Jace yelled back causing the entire room to erupt into shouting and screams over who attacked who.

Visenya toke a deep breath as she shut her eyes, wether it was directed at her or not she hated any kind of yelling or arguing and all the high pitched yells of angry and incredibly loud children was even worse.

"Silence!"Viserys finally yelled cutting a deadly silence over the room.

Visenya looked over at the greens to see Aegon already looking at her with a tired and fed up look on his face, just by that second of eye contact the two new what one another was thinking and that was that they desperately wanted to leave.

"Aemond"Viserys spoke out of breath as he used his cane to limp over to his youngest son."I will have the truth of what happened, now"

"What else is there to hear your son has been maimed, her son is responsible"Alicent rambled in one breath.

"It was a regrettable accident"Rhaenyra was quick to come to her sons defence as she pulled Luce and Jace to hide behind her, Visenya now standing next to Jaehaerys with her arms wrapped around his shoulders tightly.

"An accident?"Alicent scoffed in disbelief."The prince Lucerys brought a blade to ambush, he meant to kill my son"

"It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves!"Rhaenyra raised her voice as she grabbed both Visenya and Jaehaerys making sure they two were close and safe by her side."Vile insults were levied against them"

"What insults?"Viserys looked between his eldest daughter and youngest son, alarms going off in his head.

"The legitimacy of my children's birth was put loudly to question"No one gasped out loud but it was definite they did in there mind, to question such a thing especially about a Princess's children could be considered as treason but since it was Aemond Visneya knew he would be let of the hook, although she thought a missing eye was enough of a punishment.


"He called us bastards"

"My children are in line to inherit the iron throne you grace this is the highest of treasons"Rhaenyra paused as if she was hesitating her next words."Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so he might learn where he heard such slanders"

Visenya silently scoffed and rolled her eyes already knowing the answer herself.

"Over an insult?my son has lost an eye!"Alicent cursed.

"You tell me boy...where did you hear this lie?"Viserys leaned down closer to Aemond who simply stared straight back at him with a straight face, clearly with no intention of telling the truth.

"The insult was training your blaster, the lot of boys it was nothing"Alicent jumped in attempting to divert the subject.

"Aemond, I asked you a question"Viserys spoke in a warning and stern tone.

"Where is Sir Laenor?I wonder the boys father, perhaps he might have something to say in the matter"Alicent again interrupted as Visenya again rolled her eyes at the woman.

Visenya wasn't one to judge based on what she had been told by others but it was clear to her everything her mother had spoke about Alicent was very true.

"Yes where is Sir Laenor?"

"I do not know your grace, I-...could not find sleep I'd gone out to walk"Rhaenyra nervously spoke as the suspicious glare of everyone in the room burned into her skin.

"Entertaining his young squires, I venture"Alicent bluntly spoke to which Ser Criston snorted back a laugh.

"Visenya"Visenya snapped her head up from where she had been staring at the floor, shocked her grandfather had even taken notice of her being in the room, or that she even existed for that matter.

"You were with your father during the funeral, do you not know of his current where a-bouts?"Viserys toke a step towards the girl who was close to crumbling under everyone's gaze.

"No"Visenya barely managed to croak out as her grip on Jaehaerys shoulders tightened enough to turn her knuckles white."I left the funeral to go to bed"

"And you did not see him afterwards, not even while you walked through the halls?"

Visenya opened her mouth to respond but she found no words so instead she simply shook her head, she gulped nervously glancing over to Aegon who was doing a terrible job at hiding his proud grin as he watched her out of the corner of his eye.Visenya bit the inside of her cheeks to fit back her urge to also grin.

"Aemond, look at me"Viserys turned away from Visenya and back to the now one eyed boy."your kingdom ears an answer...who spoke these lies to you?"

Aemonds gaze shifted around the room, lingering on Alicent for a suspiciously long time that even Viserys noticed, until he finally spoke someone's name."It was Aegon"

"Me..."The room stayed silent, a few shuffles being heard as everyone turned to look at Aegon.

"And you...boy"Viserys limped over to his eldest son.
"Where did you hear such colonies"He received no answer.

Visenya's face screwed in confusion, she wouldn't put it past Aegond to make such a joke but surely he wouldn't spread such lies about her?Her gut was twisting and tightening in all sorts of awful ways, normally she wouldn't be bothered if he had said such things and would say something just as horrid back, so why did she now have a gut twisting feeling that was forcing her to care and actually be offended and upset with the matter?

"Aegon!"Viserys spat in Aegons face causing him to flinch ever so slightly."Tell me the truth of it!"

"We know...father, everyone knows"Aegon spoke looking from Viserys to Visenya, he hesitated to continue his sentence when he saw her eyes widening in horror at him."Just look at them"He sneered.

Visenya felt her heart drop at his words, her jaw was practically on the floor as she stared at Aegon in disbelief.He only glanced at her for a second cowardly staring right back down at the floor when he was met with her angry and heartbroken eyes that looked as if they were made of glass that was about to crack as the candle light reflected off them and caused them to grow a more orange tinge.

Visenya internally cursed at herself for even allowing her eyes to become slightly clouded, wiping at her under eye before a tear could even slip out.Not only was she angry with Aegon she was angry with herself, angry that she'd let her guard down, angry she'd let Aegon so close and angry she'd believed, even if it was just for a split second, that he was different then what she'd stereotyped but of course he wasn't.

"This interminable infighting must cease!"Viserys voice snapped Visenya out of her thoughts and her eyes away from Aegon."All of you!"

"We are family!now make your apologies and show good will to one another.Your father, your grand sire, your king demand it!"Viserys stamped his cane on the stone slabs which he stud.

No one dared to speak a word, as Viserys walked back away from the fireplace leaving an unsettling and fearful silence over the room, no one but Alicent.

"That is insufficient"Alicent began.
"Aemond has been damaged permanently my king, good will can not make him whole"

"I know Alicent, but I cannot restore his eye-..."

"No because it's been take"She argued cutting Viserys off.

"What would you have me do?!"Viserys, shockingly, raised his voice at Alicent.

"There is a debt to be paid...I shall have one of her sons eyes in return"Gasps filled the room as Rhaenyras grip on Luce tightened and she hid him and Jace further behind her back, Visenya dragging Jaehaerys to hide behind her as-well.

"My dear wife-..."

"He is your son Viserys, your blood"Alicents voice broke as she spoke, as if she was about to burst into tears.Visenya scowled at the woman not believing her act for a second.

"Do not.Allow your temper.To guide your judgement"Viserys spoke firmly lowering his head to Alicent.

"If the king will not seek justice the queen will, Sir Criston..."Alicent sniffed turning the entire rooms attention to her guard, who Visenya despised just as much as her."Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon"

"Mother!"Luce called out his voice racking with fear as he backed away from Rhaenyra to run but his path was blocked.

"He can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son"Alicent continued despite Viserys attempt to interrupt.

"You will do no such thing"Rhaenyra stated somehow staying a lot calmer than Alicent as she kept a hold of a skittish Luce who was attempting to escape from her grasp.

"Stay your hand-..."

"No you are sworn to me!"Alicent screamed over Viserys.

"As your protector my queen..."Sir Criston replied barley above a whisper as he coward away from Alicents twitching eye.

"Alicent, this matter.Is finished.Do you understand?"Viserys stepped face to face with Alicent waiting for her reply, which he didn't receive, before walking away from her."And let it be known anyone who's tongue dares to question the birth of princess Rhaenyras children...should have it removed"

"Thank you father"Rhaenyra nodded.

Everyone's demeanour seemed to relax assuming the situation was over and done with but it was for from it, Alicent reached forward sliding Viserys knife form it's seethe and charging towards Rhaenyra and Luce.

Visenya didn't even need to think before letting go of Jaehaerys shoulders and taking Luce on her arms instead as he let out a blood curdling scream.She picked him up and out of the way, as Rhaenyra lunged herself in-front of her son and grabbed Alicents swinging arms, before placing him back down on the floor safe behind his older brothers.

"Ja-..."Visenya was cut off by a group of guards barging her away from her brother and onto the ground, behind the huge crowd that had now formed around her mother and Alicent.

They didn't seem to take notice of the fact they had just knocked over a Princess, to busy focusing on Alicent and Rhaenyra who were wobbling back and forth as Alicent yelled in her face.Visenya was about to help herself up when another pair of arms did it for her.

"Are you hurt?"Aegon asked worryingly as his eyes scanned Visenya's face, and body, for any sort of injury.

Visenya blinked as she processed what just happened, having been on and off in the ground in a matter of seconds, finally focusing on what was going on when she looked down at her and Aegons arms.He was clutching her elbows as she, subconsciously, had grabbed his forearms to keep herself stable.

"What?"Visenya muttered her mind scattered.
"I'm fine"She answered bluntly ripping her arms away from Aegon and giving her head a rub, before devoting her focus on getting back to her brothers.

When she finally shoved past the heavy armoured guards, once they noticed her squirming between them and moved aside, she almost fell into her brothers as she pulled them all into her.They all grabbed at her dress as she held them close to her side and squeezed her eyes for as if she was trying to wake up from a bad dream.It was an attempt to block out the horrible screams coming from Alicent, but she failed miserably hearing ever cursed word she spat.

"And now you take my sons eye and to even that you feel entitled!"Alicents screeched as her hands shook vigorously in Rhaenyras tight grip.

Rhaenyra seemed to tremble a whisper to the queen but no quite heard or had time to wonder what she had spoke as Alicent pushed them both apart, Rhaenyra landing into the arms of Corelys as she held out her arm which had just gripped Alicents armed one.

Visenya looked to the queen seeing a mix of guilt and sadness on her face, unable to give it the right word until she heard the sound of a slow drip and then saw blood pouring from her mothers arm.realisation.Alicent dropped the knife looking completely mortified with herself, the clang when it hit the cold stone floor echoing in the awfully and eery silent room.

Visenya stepped forward to her mother, finally letting her tight grasp of her brothers go, but before she could gently take her mothers arm to inspect she turned it away in Corelys direction.She did not even blink an eye at her daughter as she did instead Rhaenyra just stared straight ahead at a woman who was once best friend in complete horror and shock.She seemed more concerned for Alicents mental state then her own psychical one, but as was everyone else in the room as the once feared queen shrunk beneath everyone's wide eyes.

That was the night the green queens perfect persona shattered and everyone saw her for who or what she truly was.evil.

𝐈𝐟 Visenya couldn't sleep before she definitely wasn't catching a wink of it now.After her father, Laenor, had learned of the incident he didn't shout or storm after Alicent like most excepted him to instead he went straight to comfort Rhaenyra and his children, specifically Visneya who had stormed off after the incident, not daring to utter a word to anyone.

She sat on the cold floor of there assigned chambers with her legs cross, like a child who had been locked away in there room for misbehaving, as she stared out of the large glass doors at the pitch black sky and the few stars that twinkled just bright enough for her to see and admire.

"Vi?"Laenor whispered softly as he entered the dark room not having spotted his daughter at first glance.

Visneya whipped her head around at the nickname, aware it was her father straight away."Father..."She sniffled back her tears as she stud up, from where she had been sat on the cold hard floor for what felt like hours, smoothening out her dress.

"Your mother informed me of wha-..."Laenor stopped mid sentence when he felt Visenya's body collided into his chest as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

Laenor froze at first, not used to Visenya showing such psychical affection towards him or anyone besides her younger brothers , but when he heard her stifle a sob he immediately hugged her back, cradling her head and shushing her softly as she quietly cried into his clothing.

Visenya didn't care wether people believed the rumours about the illegitimacy of her and her brothers birth nor did she care wether they true or not, Laenor always had been and always would be her father in her eyes.He, and Jaehaerys, seemed to be the only two people who made her feel sane and actually listened when she expressed her emotions or talked about her nightmares, without them she was afraid she might just go insane.

Unfortunately, Laenor was murdered later that year, not even a year after the passing of his twin sister...

- - - - -

Really just dropped that last sentence in there huh...sorry bout that(ik he's technically still alive, shush Vi don't know that, let me be a little mellow dramatic)

This is so shit, I got so frustrated editing and eventually gave up so ignore any mistakes.
Sorry that last scene(and this chapter in general) is so short the whole Alicent vs Nyra scene toke YEARS to right, even if Visenya was just side eyeing and judging Alicent the entire time.

I feel like ppl are gonna say Visenya's being dramatic about how upset she is with Aegon but I mean she's 14 and she's never experienced having a crush or a kiss before(and literally knows nothing about it since women in those times weren't told until THE NIGHT they had to do it)so u can imagine how upsetting and frustrating it is to have the person you trusted to first experience that with to say something like that about u (especially  considering how bad it was so say something like that in that time/world).Ik he didn't actually say anything as far as we know and that Aemond just pinned the blame on him but yk what I'm getting at.

Little bit of foreshadowing going on in this chapter...🫣


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