THE SUN BEAT DOWN the asphalt, casting a golden glow over the deserted area as the small family took a short break at a gas station and shared a pizza on one of the picnic tables outside. This time of year could be pure torture if you weren't used to the heat in some Californian areas.
Despite the short, black hot pants and an equally black top that was so thin Tessa could barely feel it on her skin, it still felt like too much clothing. The worst thing was her platform boots; but Tessa refused to swap them for sneakers or flip flops during summer since she had found her style almost six years ago.
The Laney girl threw her head back with a groan, her eyes squinting against the sun as it blinded her. There was a shiny layer on her skin, the lightest film of sweat, while Happy's damp shirt, which he wore under his kutte, was already clinging to his body and he regularly wiped beads of sweat from his forehead.
Baxter didn't seem to be a fan of the heat either. Protected from the sun, he lay under the table, which at least gave him some shade, and dozed off. The only one who didn't seem to have a problem with the heat was Sawyer.
With his green sun hat and half a tube of sunscreen on his body, he ate his pizza comfortably, his feet dangling under the table while he told them what kind of animals he wanted in his future terrarium.
"And, and..then I have to buy lots of food for all the animals", he announced excitedly, as if he had eaten a pack of sugarα ³ but he was just happy. "And Baxter is gonna love them, too!"
A mix of amusement and pride crossing their faces, Tessa and Happy shared a chuckle before the former placed a hand on Sawyer's sun hat and turned his head slightly towards her.
"Slow down, baby." There was gentleness in her voice as she spoke, trying to teach her son that he also had to be patient. "You'll get a terrarium at some point, but first we have to buy things for your room so that the Lady who visited us a few days ago is happy, okay? And that costs money."
It was important to Tessa that Sawyer knew that certain things cost money and as much as she would like to buy him everything he wanted, she couldn't. She simply didn't have the money. Her boss paid well, yes, but Tessa also wanted to save some money so she could pay for daycare, even if she had to find one first, and to set up a savings account for Sawyer so she could leave him a little help for later in life.
Sawyer adjusted his glasses, a carefree smile dancing on his lips. "That's okay, mommy. I can waitα ³ besides, I already have Baxter."
"That's right, buddy", Happy interjected, his gruff tone tinged with a certain gentleness as he reached across the table and pinched Sawyer's nose, making the boy giggle. "Who knows, maybe everything will work out faster than you think. And until then, just keep looking for animals outside."
It was getting harder for him not to tell Tessa or Sawyer about the surprise, but he wanted it to remain just thatα ³ a surprise.
"I'll do that", the four-year-old chirped, wiping his greasy hands on his shirt, whereupon Tessa only gasped, ready to say something. But what the heck, he was a kid, they did things like that. So Tessa let it go. "Can I go play?"
Happy nodded briefly, ruffling the boy's hair as Sawyer jumped up from his seat. "Sure, but be careful and stay close."
Sawyer nodded vigorously before he left the table and went to look for stones and animals, that was all he could do here. While he was playing, the boy was always under the watchful eye of Tessa and Happy, even though they were the only people here at the moment, apart from a trucker.
"You're great with him", Tessa said with a genuine smile after once again being amazed at how good Happy was with children. "I'm sorry again for what I said to you yesterday. That wasn't fair. You'reα ³"
"Tess, it's okay." Happy laid his forearm outstretched on the table, his hand held out for Tessa to put hers in, which she did. "It wasn't okay of me to talk to you like I did either. But don't ever say that shit again, because the boy means just as much to me as you do, woman."
Tessa had no doubts about Happy's words, he seemed too sincere when he spoke. And his actions spoke volumes, for which Tessa couldn't be more grateful.
The girl swallowed softly before she put her elbow on the table so her chin could rest on the back of her hand, sending Happy a smile. "I know he means a lot to you, and it's also the other way around. Sawyer always has trouble with other men. My dad, my aunt's deadbeat husband, or others he's met. You're the first man he's actually daring to be himself aroundα ³ because he trusts you, you know?" Returning the gentle squeeze of his hand, Tessa continued. "And luckily he doesn't have any problems with the guys in the club eitherα ³ that means he feels comfortable here. That's all I ever wanted."
"Because those fuckers probably neglected him or only gave him the bare minimum of attention." Visibly pissed at the thought that that could have been the case, he just shook his head in disgust. "That's not going to happen here. Everyone has grown to love him just as much as Abel and Thomas, or Piper and Ope's kids."
Tessa knew everyone from the club by now and had a close relationship with most of them, she also knew Ope's story and her heart still ached for her best friend who had to say goodbye to the man she loved far too soon. What the Laney woman also admired was how Lyla managed to juggle everything. Working, three kids at home and still making time for her friends or the clubα ³ that was multitasking at its finest.
"Yeah, he's had to go through far too much", Tessa scoffed disparagingly. Her gaze fell, her lips forming into a thin line. "I should've fought much harder for him", she said with a click of her tongue, followed by a bitter laugh. "Just the thought that the bitch even refused to get him new glasses while he was already in pain..Iα ³"
"Hey." Happy reached for Tessa's other hand, now holding both in his hands as he looked at her intensely. "You did everything you coule, little girl. And the bitch will get what she deserves at some point. Either I'll take care of it, or karma will strike first."
"No, Happy..", the dark-haired girl slowly shook her head, leaning forward a little. "You're not doing anything, nothing that could get you into trouble. Sawyer and I need you, okay?"
"If someone hurts my family, I'll take care of it", he answered, lowering his voice as the trucker walked past them. Once he was out of earshot, he continued. "I'd do anything for you twoα ³ and I mean anything."
A shiver ran up Tessa's spine at the serious tone of Happy's raspy voice, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. She knew what he meant, by now she knew what 'take care of it' meant. Apparently that was biker code for killing someone.
And somehow, as fucking macabre as it sounded, Tessa could handle itα ³ as long as it wasn't someone innocent who was dying by their hands.
"I know, and I appreciate that, baby", she hummed appreciatively, rubbing circles against his skin with her thumbs. "Still, we'll just focus on what we have now, okay?"
After a moment's hesitation, Happy finally agreed with a grunt. "Fine. But if she ever shows up, I'll quickly forget that she's a woman."
"I know", Tessa replied with a knowing expression.
"And now finish eating." Happy let go of her hands so Tessa could finish her pizza. It was important to him that she was well taken care of.
"Yes Sir", Tessa teased with a grin, earning one from Happy in return.
"You can call me that while you're beneath me." He shot her a wink as he took a sip of the now lukewarm Coke and just grunted in disgust. "Stale as fuck."
"No wonder in this heat. Feels like we're chilling in hell", Tessa said with a chuckle as she popped a piece of pizza crust into her mouth, her favorite part.
"That's where we'll end up anyway", the SAA said with a smirk before he furrowed his brows, looking expectantly at his girlfriend. "You thought about what you want to do for your birthday yet?"
"Nope." Tessa shook her head with a smile. "Just want to spend time with you and Sawyer, maybe have a little party at our house. Tara and Lyla wanna organize something."
"We should do something", Happy decided for her, crossing his arms on the table. "Gemma's goin' to throw a party anywayα ³ and I also think that you should have one."
"She doesn't have to." Tessa straightened her shoulders, stretching her back before they'd be back in the car for the next hour or so. "I mean, I'm not a party person but..", she hesitated, the small smile on her lips almost seeming shy. "It can't hurt to celebrate at least one of my birthdays."
"That's what I wanted to hear." His grin widening, he ran his fingertips up and down Tessa's forearms, drawing a contented sigh from her. "You deserve a party, babyα ³ and we both know you enjoy our SAMCRO parties."
"I do", Tessa admitted with a hum, a soft giggle falling from her dark lips. "A party then. But who's watching Sawyer?"
"Well, Gemma thrown you one anyway", he said with a raspy laugh before he shrugged his broad shoulders. "We'll do it like we do at any other party. Either he sleeps in my room or we ask if Abel and Thommy's babysitter can watch him, too."
Tessa thought about this for a moment as she let the tip of her black nails dance across Happy's arm. "Mhm..I think I'll talk to Tara, ask her if she can talk to Neeta."
"Okay", Happy agreed with a grunt before the couple fell into a comfortable silence while they let Sawyer play a little longer and then made the rest of the way back to Charming. Tessa in her old BMW with Sawyer and Baxter on the backseat. And Happy on his bike, always making sure to stay right behind his Old Lady.
α ³
TESSA'S EYES GREW to twice their normal size, almost falling out of their sockets as she stood in the doorway to Sawyer's new room, her heart pounding against her ribcage while her fingers lay spread out on her chest. With her lips parted, unable to say anything, she closed her hand around the black and silver cross pendant that rested on her chest, playing with it.
She memorized every single detail and appreciated the work that flowed into that room. The work that Happy had done to make her son happy, to make sure the CPS Lady had nothing to complain about with her next visit. And he did an absolute amazing job.
The colors he chose, the furniture, the toysα ³ everything matched Sawyer's taste, as if Happy had been paying close attention to what the boy liked over the last few months; and that almost caused Tessa's heart to explode. She had never felt so much love for a man as she did right now.
The room also showed how much thought Happy had really put into designing the room, how much time he had invested in it. The room radiated calm and adventure at the same time, the perfect mix for a child. And while Happy had just explained to her that the guys, Lyla and Tara had also helped, she knew that the idea had come from him, that he had still made sure that everything was perfect.
"I love this room!" Sawyer ran towards Happy, straight into the man's arms, and threw his own small arms around the man's neck. "Thank you Happy!"
The moment Sawyer had seen his new room, his jaw dropped. Tessa had never seen the boy as excited as he was now, and when Happy had gotten him Baxter, which was perhaps because Sawyer never had a nice room of his own. The room he had while he had lived with Tessa's aunt was cold and loveless, something that Tessa always wanted to change but wasn't allowed to.
So it was no wonder that the four-year-old had watched everything with complete enthusiasm for the first few minutes, one happy squeal after another leaving his lipsα ³ actually every time he discovered something new.
"I'm glad you like it, buddy", Happy grumbled against the boy's dark-blonde hair after Sawyer had put his head on his shoulder and was practically clinging to the SAA. "That's all yours now, okay?"
Sawyer nodded eagerly, lifting his head to meet Happy's gaze with a wide smile. "This is the best surprise ever! But where are Mommy's things?"
"There", Happy pointed to the room across from Sawyer's, his own bedroom. "Her things are in my room. Mommy and I share the bedroom now. So if you ever looking for her in the middle of the night, you'll find her in there."
"Oh, that's a good idea", Sawyer replied, relived that his mom still had a place to sleep or he would've gladly shared his room again. "It makes sense. Parents have to share a room", he added with a shrug, in his mind that sounded completely plausible.
Those words finally snapped Tessa out of her trance. She blinked a few times, her eyes shining with tears from all the staring, before she looked up at Happy. Her brown orbs searched his with a gentle look.
"You have no idea what this means to me, to us, Hap. It turned out absolutely perfect and Iα ³", she shook her head with an overwhelmed gasp. "I don't know how I can ever thank you for this."
"You don't have to", Happy told her firmly, flashing her the slightest smile as he watches her features softening even more.
"Don't cry, mommy." Sawyer reached out his small hand to stroke Tessa's hair when he saw the tears in her eyes. "It's okay."
"I'm not crying, baby, I'm just so happy for you, you know?" Her explanation made Sawyer nod, the sweetest smile on his tiny face that Tessa could look at all day. "You're really a big boy now, huh? Having your own room, all to yourself."
"Come here", Happy croaked, pulling his Old Lady into his side as he heard Tessa's voice crack, a bunch of emotions pooling in her eyes. He hadn't thought that he would trigger such strong feelings in her, but that just showed that Tessa had only ever gotten the bare minimum in her life.
Which would definitely change as long as she was by his side. Even though he didn't look like he was someone who would appreciate a woman and spoil her, he would do just that.
"I love you, Happy", she murmured against the crook of his neck where her face was buried, followed by a soft sniff. "So much. Both of you."
"I love you too, little girl", he croaked against her black strands before planting a kiss on top of her head. "Both of you", he added, flashing Sawyer a smile.
"Are we a family now?" Sawyer asked with curiosity in his eyes, concentrating on tracing the tattoos on Happy's head.
Happy's brow was wrinkled by a deep frown as he once again searched for Tessa's brown eyes. It was her decision what she wanted to tell Sawyer, it was still her son after all. But her answer didn't disappoint.
"Of course we are, baby." She placed a caring hand against her son's cheek, the most beautiful smile Happy had ever seen on her lips. "You want us to be a family?"
The boy nodded with conviction, imitating his mother's wide smile. "Will Happy be my daddy then if we are a family?"
"Uhm.." With flushed cheeks, Tessa looked up at the stunned man, not sure what to answer. This wasn't a decision she could for Happy. "Would you be okay with that?", she asked softly, glancing back at her son. "And would you want that, baby?"
"I would like that." Shyly, Sawyer turned his gaze to Happy, removing his short arms from the man's neck to knead them nervously. "I want a daddyα ³ like Abel and Thommy. And I want Happy to be my daddy."
Tessa swallowed quietly, so moved by Sawyer's words that she once again failed to control her emotions. She quickly wiped a tear from her cheek before placing a hand on Sawyer's back, looking up at Happy again.
"I mean, I wouldn't have a problem with it", she told him, clutching the leather on his back so tightly with her fingers that she was afraid of destroying itα ³ but she was nervous as fuck. "I'd actually love this for you and Sawyerα ³ but that's entirely your decision."
The tears in his throat choked his voice, unable to hide his watery eyes any longer. His tongue sat in a knot, the weight of the emotions that had just flooded him hanging in the air like a thick cloud in the sky.
Eventually, however, he managed to say what he wanted to say as he looked into the waiting faces of his girlfriend and Sawyer.
Adjusting the boy on his hip, he lifted a corner of his mouth, his heart pounding. "If that's what you want, then that's totally fine with me, buddy. You're already like a son to me anywayα ³ I hope you know that."
"I know that", Sawyer murmured sheepishly. Even at four years old, he knew when people were lying to him and when they were serious. "And I don't want anyone else as daddy ever again."
Happy clenched his jaw as he shook his head before making a promise to the boy. "You won't, ever again, will have any other man as father, I promise you that."
"It's you, Happy, and meα ³ no one else, baby", Tessa added with relief reflected in her face and body language. "Just us."
"I like that..a lot", Sawyer chirped happily, the childlike, contented glow back in his eyes before he wiggled himself out of Happy's arm and immediately started playing with his knight's castle that was set up in front of the bed, imitating all the right noises.
"Are you okay?" Tessa asked caringly as she turned to Happy, placing a hand against his cheek.
His silence hung in the air as he thought about an answer. The Killer was more than okay, he had never felt so fulfilled before. No word could describe how happy he was right now, even if his stoic face said otherwise.
"Thank you, Tess, for this, for trusting me with your son", was all he finally said before her face reached into his hands, pulling her as close to his chest as possible and pulling her into a possessive, loving kiss to express what he couldn't put into words.
"Our son", she mumbled with the happiest smile before she lost herself in the moment. A moment she would cherish forever.
word count; 3292
α ³
authors note; hi guys! I'd love to hear some feedback. Do you still enjoy this story? Anything specific you would want to see happening ? Please let me know! π€πΏ
Oh, and another thing. I noticed that I lost lots of readers. There's a chance people are just getting bored with my stories, which I don't hope of course. Or maybe it's the chapter length. I noticed that I lost readers once my chapters became longer.
Now my question; would you guys prefer shorter chapters again? Or is the length okay the way it is at the moment?
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