xv | feast of feasts
Fᴇᴀsᴛ ᴏꜰ Fᴇᴀsᴛs
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
After the ordeal with Dezmelda and the Kinkles, Prudence had decided not to return to the Spellman house and instead went back to the Academy with Agatha and Dorcas.
The Spellman twins walked home in silence. Neither of them could think of something to say.
When they arrived back home, Harvey was waiting outside for Sabrina. Lydia decided to go inside and not listen to their conversation.
When she entered the house, Zelda came up from the basement.
"Lydia, thank Beelzebub, I need you and your sister. Where is she?"
"She's outside talking to Harvey, what's wrong?" Lydia asked.
"I've got Lady Blackwood downstairs on the verge of hysteria, Hilda is at that ridiculous bookstore, but I've got her calming tea on the stove. Fetch it and come down," Zelda instructed. Lydia's breathing hitched.
"Am I going to have to deliver a baby?" Lydia asked, but Zelda was already headed back downstairs.
Lydia ran into the kitchen and got the teapot off of the stove. She grabbed the tea set as well and ran back to the basement door. As she opened it, Sabrina came through the front door.
"What are you doing?" Sabrina asked.
"I think I'm having a baby!" Lydia said, running down the stairs.
Lydia ignored Sabrina as she ran down to the embalming room, although she could hear her following behind her. Then, Lady Blackwood's wails filled her ears.
"At first, there were cramps, then I saw blood! I was spotting! My babies, are they all right?"
Lydia placed the tea set onto one of the tables as Zelda held Lady Blackwood down, "Tranquil thoughts, Lady Blackwood, you're fine."
"I can't lose my babies! Faustus would never forgive me!" Lady Blackwood cried, "I don't want to fail him!"
"Nonsense," Zelda assured, "Lydia, pour the tea."
"I am, give me just a second," Lydia said, as she topped off the cup and brought it over to them.
"It's not poison, is it?" Lady Blackwood asked, sitting up and looking at Lydia suspiciously. Zelda took the teacup from Lydia's grasp and handed it to her.
"Of course not. It's chamomile with a calming tincture. drink up," Zelda assured. Lady Blackwood took the tea and drank it, tentatively.
"Finish every drop, that's a good girl," Zelda said. Lady Blackwood finished the tea and gave the empty cup to Zelda, who in turn handed it to Lydia.
"What's happening? What's wrong with me?" Lady Blackwood asked.
"Your blood pressure is abnormally high," Zelda told her, "You're having a a panic attack. Have you done any spellcasting lately? Sometimes that can stress a pregnancy."
Lady Blackwood paused, looking down, almost as if she was ashamed.
"It was dangerous, but I had to do it," she whispered, turning her head to look at the twins, "You understand, don't you?"
While Lydia was incredibly confused, she could see Zelda urging them with her eyes to say yes, if only to figure out what Lady Blackwood was talking about.
"Of course, Lady Blackwood, we understand you," the twins said in unison.
"You know what they're really like," Lady Blackwood continued, "Always whispering and — and plotting and — and I think they're going to kill my babies!"
"No one is going to hurt your babies. You just have a touch of third-trimester hysteria, nothing more," Zelda told her, helping her lay back down on her makeshift bed.
"Who is plotting, exactly?" Lydia asked.
"Those Weird Sisters. Those sluts," Lady Blackwood spat. Lydia's eyes widened at her choice of dialect.
"Oh, so we're using big words now," Lydia muttered. She regretted saying it and was relieved when she realized that no one had heard her.
"I won't let them conspire against me. My children will come first," Lady Blackwood breathed out.
"Why? Why should the orphans wish you any harm?" Zelda asked.
"All three of them, they think they're so clever," Lady Blackwood continued, shaking her head as she spoke, "Planning to take what belongs to my children. They would've done anything. Hurt them, curse them. So I had to hurt them first."
Lydia, Sabrina, and Zelda all exchanged a worried glance, as Lady Blackwood kept talking.
"Kill one, and the others are no threat of consequence."
Once Lady Blackwood had calmed down, the three Spellmans decided that it would be best to give her some space. They headed upstairs to their kitchen, where they had tea themselves. As they drank, questions about Lady Blackwood swam through Lydia's head. It seemed that Sabrina was suffering from similar thoughts.
"What did Lady Blackwood mean by 'her children' come first?" Sabrina asked.
"I wonder if Constance might think Father Blackwood has other children. He wouldn't be the first High Priest to have dropped the odd bastard child here and there," Zelda said.
"But what do those children have to do with Lady Blackwood being worried about her twins?" Lydia asked.
"Children born of a High Priest, whether they're legitimate or not, can lay claim to that title," Zelda told them.
"So if Father Blackwood had other children out in the world . . ." Sabrina began.
"They could all make a play for the seat," Zelda finished.
A sudden thought occurred to Lydia, and when she looked at Sabrina, she knew that she was thinking the same thing. They set their tea cups down and left the kitchen.
"And where exactly do you two think you are going?" Zelda asked.
"The Academy!" Lydia called back.
They opened the front door and ran down the porch steps, beginning the walk to the Academy.
─ ༓ ─
They had been walking around the Academy for 30 minutes, but there was no sign of the Weird Sisters anywhere.
"Who's bright idea was it to put an infinite amount of rooms in this stupid building," Lydia grunted, kicking the wall. Sabrina rolled her eyes.
"Assaulting the building isn't going to help anyone," she said. They were about to go check another room when someone called Lydia's name.
She whipped around and saw Thomas walking over to her. Sabrina slowly walked away, in order to give them a bit of privacy. Lydia appreciated it, as she had a feeling about what this conversation would be about.
"Hi, Thomas," Lydia greeted once he had reached her.
He smiled, "Hello, Lydia."
"Is there something I can help you with? We're kind of in a rush here " Lydia explained, silently hoping that he wouldn't talk about what she knew he was going to talk about. Thomas cleared his throat.
"I just wanted to apologize if I made you uncomfortable last night," he said, "I understand why you would be, I mean, it was probably a strange situation to walk in on."
"It's alright, you don't need to apologize," Lydia told him. He shook his head.
"It wasn't. I shouldn't have sprung that question onto you," Thomas continued, "I know that we don't know each other that well, but I do really like you, and I want to get to know you better. And yes, I know you're still strung up on that mortal boy — you are still strung up on that mortal boy, aren't you?"
"Uh, that is one way to put it, yes," Lydia said. She could out herself some other time.
"Okay, just double checking. But, just so you know, I'm willing to wait out this phase of your life. Remember to let me know if you do," Thomas reminded her.
Lydia pursed her lips, "A 'phase' probably isn't the best word to use in this situation."
"What?" Thomas asked, obviously confused.
"Nothing," Lydia said, "Do you know where the Weird Sisters are?"
"Yeah, they're in the herbalism classroom."
"Thank you. Have a good night."
Lydia quickly walked over to her sister, where she told Sabrina where the Weird Sisters were. With that, they began their walk to the herbalism room.
"So, what did you and Thomas talk about?" Sabrina asked. Lydia felt her face heat up.
"It's really not important right now. Come on, you're walking too slow."
The twins reached the herbalism room and they opened the doors. Prudence was being fitted for a dress by Agatha and Dorcas.
"Prudence, we need to talk to you," Sabrina said. Prudence looked up at them.
"I'm being fitted for my Feast Day dress," Prudence said through gritted teeth.
"It was premature of me to accuse Father Blackwood of having an agenda when he chose you as Queen," Sabrina began. Lydia could have sworn she saw a hint of a smile on Prudence's face.
"Finally, you've come —"
"Instead, we're like 98% sure that it's Lady Blackwood who wants you dead," Lydia finished. Prudence's face hardened once again.
"What blasphemous creatures you are," Prudence seethed.
"You said it yourself, Father Blackwood treats you like a daughter. Could it be possible that you actually are his daughter?" Lydia asked.
Agatha and Dorcas looked at each other, while Prudence looked at the twins like they were crazy.
"Because if you were, Lady Blackwood would see you as a threat," Sabrina persisted.
"Have you two completely lost your minds?" Prudence asked.
"Maybe we have. Maybe we are just crazy," Lydia said, "But, if not, why does Father Blackwood take care of you?"
"Because he's charitable," Prudence said.
"He doesn't show that same charitableness to anyone else but you," Lydia continued, "Now, let's put ourselves into a hypothetical situation where you are Father Blackwood's daughter. You could one day lay claim to the Church of Night, to this school, to everything. However, you'd have to get rid of his legitimate heirs before doing so."
"Stop this. Please stop this," Prudence said.
"If Lady Blackwood had it out for you, wouldn't it be convenient for her if you were sacrificed at the Feast of Feasts?" Sabrina questioned.
"For the last time," Prudence began, anger evident in her voice, "It is the Dark Lord's will that I am to be Queen."
"What if it's the will of a witch? Of a pregnant witch with a grudge against you and your sisters?" Sabrina asked.
"We just left her at our house. She kept talking about how you three were plotting against her, and how she needed to hurt one of you before you could hurt her," Lydia explained.
"Do you have even a shred of proof?" Prudence asked, "Besides Lady Blackwood's hysterical ramblings?"
"No, just a hunch," Sabrina answered. This put a satisfied look on Prudence's face.
"But, Lady Blackwood was holding the lottery box," Lydia added, and Prudence's face fell. Lydia walked up to her.
"I know you want to be Queen, and I don't want to deny you of that 'honor'," Lydia said, "but you do not deserve to die because of Lady Blackwood's fear. If you have even a shred of doubt, help us find the truth. After that, whether the truth is good or bad, I will support you in whatever decision you make. If you still wish to be Queen, I will make sure to be the best damn handmaiden in the history of handmaidens in your final hours."
Prudence looked down, contemplating, "If I were to, entertain this fantasy of yours — how do you suggest we proceed, handmaiden?"
"Well, every Queen of the Feast deserves a final meal, doesn't she?" Lydia asked.
She looked back at Sabrina, who gave her an approving nod, then back at Prudence, whose expression was blank.
─ ༓ ─
"Father Blackwood, Lady Blackwood. Please, come in," the twins said, simultaneously.
It was decided that they would invite the Blackwoods over to the Spellman house to celebrate Prudence's life. Once they had eaten, they would have dessert, and the truth would come out.
Father and Lady Blackwood entered the house. Constance smiled at the twins while Blackwood looked like he would rather be anywhere but there.
"Happy Thanks— I mean, happy Feast of Feasts," Lydia said.
"Blessed Feast," the Blackwoods said, together.
"We'll be dining in the parlor this evening," Sabrina told them. The twins turned around and walked into their living room, where they had brought in a table large enough to fit everyone.
The Weird Sisters, Ambrose, and Zelda were waiting for them. Prudence, Dorcas, and Agatha walked up to meet the Blackwoods.
"Wow," Constance breathed out, "Prudence. you look stunning. You must be filled with such —"
"I'm filled with ecstasy, Lady Blackwood, yes," Prudence said, cutting her off.
Lydia could feel the tensions rising in the room, and was grateful when Sabrina broke it, "Shall we eat?"
They all began to walk to the table until Blackwood called them back.
"If I may," he began, "Thank you to Queen Prudence, for the sacrifice she makes tonight, for the coven."
He smiled at Prudence, and she smiled back. Lydia could see that Constance looked irritated.
"And where is your sister, Hilda?" Constance asked, putting on a smile.
"Given her disenfranchised status, I didn't think it was appropriate for her to join us," Zelda explained, as everyone else sat down.
"Also, she's making dessert," Lydia added.
Once everyone was settled, they began to eat. It was a very quiet, uncomfortable meal. Sometimes someone would speak in order to fill the awkward silence, but it didn't help. Once they all had finished eating, Sabrina went to the kitchen to get the cake.
"And now, for the Pièce de Résistance," Sabrina said, placing the cake on the table, "My Aunt Hilda's brown butter marchpane cake with brandied currants."
"Looks delicious, but I want to save room for later," Constance remarked, looking at Prudence. Lydia almost threw up in her mouth.
"Nonsense, Lady Blackwood. you're eating for three, remember?" Zelda reminded her. Constance looked at Blackwood.
"Faustus?" she asked, waiting for his approval.
"When can one be gluttonous, if not on the Feast of Feasts?" Blackwood questioned.
"Oh, yes, I agree. Heartily," Lydia said. She wondered if Blackwood could tell that her smile was fake.
They all cut themselves a slice of cake. If Blackwood and Constance had been paying attention, they would have seen that they were the only ones eating.
"As a recent convert, Father Blackwood, I'm curious, why did you decide to reinstate Feast Day after my father outlawed it?" Sabrina asked, testing to see if the cake had worked.
"When I became High Priest after Edward died, the Dark Lord revealed that I must return to our centuries-old traditions," Blackwood answered, "Sometimes, the old ways are the best."
"What a divine revelation," Constance remarked. Blackwood only glanced at her, not bothering to respond.
"Are you enjoying this year's Feast, Lady Blackwood?" Lydia asked.
"Oh, I'm thrilled by it," Constance said, a large smile on her face. Lydia nodded in response.
"Well, I hope you're satisfied with your last supper, Prudence," Sabrina told her. Prudence smiled.
"We'll all miss you when you're gone, won't we?" Lydia questioned, turning to look at the rest of them.
"In body and soul," Ambrose said, as everyone else agreed, "Mostly body."
"I'll miss you so much," Dorcas said, crying.
Agatha sniffled, "Me, too."
"I won't," Constance said, bluntly. Everyone at the table snapped their heads to her.
"And why is that?" Prudence asked.
"You're a stain and we're better off without you," Constance answered. After the words came out, she gasped and covered her mouth. Lydia looked at Prudence, and she couldn't tell if the Night girl was more angry or embarrassed.
"Constance, Prudence is our Queen," Blackwood reminded her.
"No, she's not my Queen. She's a bastard," Constance said. She put her hand over her heart, not believing the words that she was saying.
While Lydia had a feeling that this exact situation would play out, hearing Constance's thoughts was still surprising.
"When was the last time you cast a spell, Lady Blackwood?" Lydia asked, on the edge of her seat.
"The night of the Feast Day lottery," Constance answered, promptly.
"And what spell did you cast?"
"I enchanted the ballot box to favor Prudence as Queen."
Lydia looked at Prudence, who now looked like she might cry. Blackwood dropped his fork.
"Why would you do that?" he asked.
"Because she and her slut sisters are your seed," Constance said, "Because you are a voracious slut yourself, and that means trouble for my children."
Lydia's eyebrows raised, and she saw that Ambrose, who was taking a drink from his cup, had a similar expression.
"I'm so sorry, husband," Constance apologized, "I'm not sure why I'm unburdening myself like this."
"It's because your Queen requested a special cake for her last supper," Prudence said. Constance looked down at her plate and gulped.
"Aunt Hilda's truth cake. One bite and you cannot lie," Lydia said, an innocent smile on her face.
It was then that Blackwood looked down at his own plate, realizing that he had eaten his entire slice of cake. He looked back up and saw the twins, who had innocent smiles on their faces. He redirected his focus to his wife, pointing the cup he was holding at her.
"Constance, how dare you interfere with the Dark Lord's will!" Blackwood said, his voice strained, "Have you any idea the scandal, the blasphemy you've brought upon the Church?"
The cup that Blackwood was holding broke in his grasp. Lydia's face dropped. She could practically hear her heart beating, and she was vaguely aware of her shaky breaths.
"I'm sorry," Constance breathed out. She was silently crying but shaking heavily.
"Are you my father, then?" Prudence asked, glaring at Blackwood.
It was clear that he was trying to fight it, doing everything he could not to speak. However, the truth got the best of him.
"I am," he said.
"And my mother?" Prudence asked, her gaze pointed.
"By your hand?" Sabrina asked.
"Really?" Lydia muttered. Sabrina looked at her and shrugged.
"Indirectly," Blackwood answered, his voice displaying his reluctance, "She threw herself in a river because I would not marry her."
Blackwood pressed his lips together and covered his mouth.
"I see," Prudence said. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.
"Are we your daughters, too?" Dorcas and Agatha asked together, their voices hopeful.
"No, you're just orphans."
Dorcas and Agatha looked down at the table. Prudence started to cry next to her, and she was clearly holding in sobs. Lydia placed her hand on Prudence's.
"Prudence," she whispered. Prudence hesitantly turned to face her.
"So you and your sister were right, Lydia," she said between shaky breaths, "The Dark Lord doesn't want me to be his Queen."
Lydia moved her hand up to Prudence's arm, grasping it. She knew how desperately Prudence wanted it, and she did genuinely feel bad for her.
"The coven — the coven must meet straight away. To redraw for a new Queen," Blackwood declared.
Lydia felt herself freeze. The thought of having to draw again made her want to throw up.
"Or, the Dark Lord could come to you with a new revelation," Sabrina suggested, "One that compels you to outlaw the Feast. This year and every year to come. And what's been revealed at this table tonight will never be spoken of again."
"Whatever happens, I want to wear the dress," Prudence said, "And — and sit on the Throne of Skulls. Can I please — father?"
─ ༓ ─
"Take the hunger inside you
Banish it in the cold
Your flesh to eat your soul to keep
The Dark Lord shall behold
Queen Freya we extol"
As Dorcas and Agatha finished singing, the woman sitting next to Lydia in the Church of Night's pews leaned over and whispered, "I've been fasting for days."
Lydia recognized her as the same woman who stood next to her at the lottery, the one who was begging the Dark Lord for her turn to be sacrificed. Now, this woman was holding a knife, eager to carve into Prudence. Instead of giving a real response, Lydia gave her a tight smile and a quick nod. She then turned to Prudence, who was sitting on the Throne of Skulls, as promised.
Blackwood, along with Lady Constance, walked out in front of the whole church, and Blackwood stood next to Prudence. Lydia sat up in her seat.
"Brethren, sisters, a very unholy night to you all," Blackwood greeted.
"And also to you," the coven replied.
"Each year, the Feast of Feasts commemorates the selfless sacrifice that saved our coven," Blackwood said.
"Praise Freya! Praise Freya! Praise Freya!"
"However, tonight, I must be the reluctant bearer of dark tidings," Blackwood continued, "In an unexpected turn of events, through circumstances entirely out of our control, Prudence Night cannot fulfill her duty as Queen of the Feast."
Whispers and murmurs immediately rose from the crowd, as they looked around in shock. The twins exchanged a glance, as Lydia bit her lip so hard she could taste blood.
"Blasphemy!" the woman next to Lydia yelled.
"We're ravenous!" another voice from the crowd called.
"We must feast!"
"Moreover! Moreover!" Blackwood yelled, trying to calm the crowd, "The Dark Lord has revealed to me, that this year — there, shall not be —"
Suddenly the woman sitting next to Lydia stood up, and screamed, "FREYA LIVES! PRAISE SATAN!"
She turned to face the crowd, before slitting her own throat, her blood spraying onto Lydia's face. The crowd gasped, and Sabrina grabbed Lydia's arm, pulling her closer. Lydia felt frozen, as the woman who had just spoken to her fell to the ground.
Most of the coven stood up, walking up to get a closer look at the fallen woman. They proceeded to look at Father Blackwood, wondering what to do. He looked over the crowd, before clearing his throat.
"All hail, Mildred! Queen of the Feast!" he yelled.
"All hail, Mildred! Queen of the Feast!" the coven repeated, cheering.
Everyone proceeded to grab knives and begin stabbing at the woman, Mildred. They cut out pieces of her, eating her organs, her skin. Lydia looked at Father Blackwood, who was looking back at the three Spellmans. Then, he also grabbed a knife, and began cutting pieces out of Mildred to eat.
Lydia couldn't breathe. or perhaps she was breathing heavily, she couldn't tell. Mildred's vacant eyes were looking at her, a smile etched on her paling face.
Lydia ran out of the church. She could hear Sabrina and Zelda calling after her, but she didn't care. Once outside, she went around to the back of the church, where she crouched down and covered her ears. She was crying, sobbing, and she felt selfish for doing so. Even though a woman was currently being devoured, all Lydia could think about was herself, all she could think was: What if it had been her?
It could've been her. If Lady Blackwood hadn't enchanted the ballot box, who's to say that it wouldn't be her being torn apart and eaten by her coven, all while her vacant eyes stared at nothing?
She was crying so hard she couldn't breathe, and when a hand touched her back, she screamed. Lydia fell to the ground and pushed herself away from the person.
"It's okay, it's okay. It's just me," Thomas said, tentatively putting his hand on her arm.
Lydia looked at him, saying nothing. He slowly moved closer to her, and he carefully used his sleeve to wipe the blood off her face. She watched him as he did so, his hand carefully brushing her cheeks. Once he was done, he wiped some of the falling tears off her face and then wrapped his arms around her. Once Lydia was in his hold, she wrapped her arms around Thomas as well.
"Sabrina, Sister Zelda! She's over here!" Thomas yelled. Lydia now had her face buried into his shirt as she sobbed, and held onto his shirt as tight as she could. Thomas rubbed her back, in an attempt to comfort her.
"Lydia!" she heard Sabrina call. Lydia turned her face, and saw her sister, crouching down next to her. She writhed out of Thomas' arms and immediately clung hold to Sabrina, crying into her shoulder. Lydia was so grateful to be held by her sister, that she still had the chance to be held by her.
"Let's get her home," she heard Zelda sigh.
Thomas and Sabrina helped Lydia stand. Once they had a firm grip on her, the four of them began the walk home. Thomas accompanied them all the way, just to make sure that Lydia was going to be okay, with an arm around her. It was a silent walk, but Lydia didn't mind the silence. When the Spellman Mortuary came into view, Lydia had never been more relieved to be home in her life.
They reached the steps of the house, and Sabrina began to guide Lydia up them. Zelda was already almost at the door. When she realized that she could no longer feel Thomas' arm around her, Lydia stopped walking and turned to face him. He stood at the bottom of the porch steps, looking up at her.
"Thank you," Lydia whispered. She wasn't sobbing anymore, and only a few tears silently fell down her face.
"Nothing to thank me for," Thomas told her. Lydia looked at her feet.
"I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of something so small," Lydia said. She, of course, didn't think it was small, but now she was beginning to think that she had overreacted.
"Nothing to apologize for," he told her, "Goodnight, Lydia."
And with that, Thomas Loher walked off into the darkness. Once he was out of sight, Lydia, with the help of Sabrina, began to walk up the steps again. Zelda was waiting for them at the front door. They all went inside, and Sabrina shut the door behind them.
Zelda began to head up the stairs, but as Mildred's blank expression replayed in Lydia's mind, she had a burning question for her aunt.
"Aunt Zelda?" she called out, her voice cracking. Zelda turned around.
"Yes, Lydia?" she sighed.
"What would have happened if it was me, not Prudence, who was selected as Queen? Would you have let them do to me what they did to Mildred?" Lydia asked.
Zelda looked down at her niece. Her niece, who thought she didn't love her like she loved Sabrina, which pained her. Her niece, who she was always shutting down, not because she was annoyed by her, but because she saw so much of her younger self in her niece, that sometimes Zelda would forget that she wasn't her.
"Never," Zelda answered, turning to walk back up the stairs.
"Even if it was the Dark Lord's will?" Lydia asked.
"It wouldn't have mattered," Zelda said, "Now please, Lydia. I'm tired. Sabrina, make sure that she's fine and gets a bath before you two go to bed."
Zelda walked down the hallway that led to her room. Lydia sniffled, wiping tears from her eyes. Sabrina wrapped her arm around Lydia's shoulder.
"Let's go upstairs, okay?" Sabrina suggested. Lydia nodded, and the Spellman twins followed their aunt upstairs.
It took ages for Lydia to fall asleep that night. All she could see was Mildred's face, blankly staring at her, that stupid smile on her face. She did her best to think of happier thoughts, like Susie, and her love of rollercoasters, and how her hand might feel if it was holding hers. Lydia even thought of Thomas, and how nice it was of him to walk her home.
It was three in the morning. Lydia wanted to ask Sabrina if she was awake so that maybe they could talk, but she didn't want to wake her if she wasn't. Muertos jumped up onto her bed and curled up next to her. Lydia smiled and began to drag her hand across his fur.
Lydia fell asleep that night to the sound of Muertos purring and Sabrina's even breathing. She wouldn't have it any other way.
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REWRITTEN: february 2024
EDITED: september 2024
WORDS: 4,628
AUTHOR'S NOTE! hello :) sorry it took so long to get this out, but i am a full time college student and i have other things. i am just a girl lol.
this was always one of my favorite chapters because it was one of my favorite episodes. i hope you enjoyed it!
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