

After dinner, I lay on my bed upstairs. I frown as I hear the knocks on the front door. I glance at the clock, who is knocking at this hour? I hear muffled voices and my curiosity increases. I hop toward the door and pull the door open. I am met by a person, causing me to lift my head. I am met by Cillian and my heart explodes.
"Hi," Cillian breathes. I shriek and I jump in his arms out of happiness. I ignore the sharp pain in my knee. He laughs as he catches me in his arms. I hide my face in the crook of his neck as his scent fills my nostrils. I have missed him. His arms support me as I pull away and cups his cheeks.
"How? When? Why? What? How? When?" I ramble, looking him in the eyes. My heartbeat races as my breathing quickens. My fingers gently squeeze his cheeks, checking if he is really here. "You are really here," I whisper. His eyes seem to twinkle as a smile graces his lips. "I am," he whispers. "I kept my promise." I am too mesmerised by his presence that I don't notice him walking into my room.
"How?" I question. "By airplane," he answers and then it clicked. "You were calling me from the airplane?" I shriek, causing him a chuckle. He gently lays me on the bed with him between my legs. He nods, "I'm flying back home." He sneaky bastard.
ย  ย ย  "When?" I continue questioning. "I had been planning a flight to England but the moment you said you were spending time with Atlas ... I made it a priority to see you," he replies. Was he jealous? He was fucking jealous, wasn't he? I open my mouth and gasp. "You were fucking jealous of Atlas," I gasp and watch him with a disbelieving look. "Cillian Murphy," I scold playfully. I cannot believe this man. He has the audacity- His eyes flicker to my lips before leaning down until his lips touch mine. A warm feeling spreads through my body.
"I wasn't jealous before we met, but every man that I see is a potential a threat. I had warned you that I am a selfish man, lady Diana. Have I had every right? No, because you handled the situation well. Did it drive me crazy? Absolutely, because you aren't mine," he reasons. "Yet." Yet. Is he here to ask me? Is that why he is here? "Which is why," he says and his body leaves mine. "I am here." I watch him reach for his pocket and my eyes fall on an envelope. Without another word, he hands me this envelope. My fingers grip the envelope as my eyes meet his. My heartbeat accelerates as I open the envelope.
ย  ย ย  I unfold the different papers and shift my gaze to the paper.

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ๐ข๐š๐ฅ ๐๐จ๐ฒ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ง๐ ๐€๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง

"This is a boyfriend application," I say, looking back at him. I try my hardest not to squeal in excitement as I want to torment him for tormenting me. He scowls as he replies: "An official one." I sit up straight, looking at him. "You can't make me," I reply, noticing a flash of terror in his eyes.
"It is why I flew back to England," he replies, obviously confused why I am reacting this way. I roll my eyes, "Well, that is one hell of a proposal." He walks up to the bed, snatches the papers out of my hand and holds my hands while kneeling before me. "I want you to be my girlfriend," he almost pleads. "I am not becoming your girlfriend," I say, hoping with my dear heart I am not ruining this moment.
He rises to his feet and gently pushes me on the bed by my shoulders. "No, you don't get the make the decisions anymore," he states as he towers over me. He has my arms pinned on the bed as I see the huge smile gracing his lips. "Say it, say yes. Say I'll be your girlfriend โ€” I giggle and try to say no โ€” say it, say yes. Yes, yes, yes! Say yes," he breathes, giggling as well.
"YES, Cillian!" I exclaim. It needs several moments for him to realise I said yes, because then he closes the distance between our faces and kisses me. It is a loveable kiss, but with a sense of joy. He pulls away and all fear has disappeared from his eyes. He watches me with a tender look, finally succeeded in making me his. His property as he would call it.

"I still don't know what you have done with me," I speak. "A grown up woman should never fall down easily. I feel this kind of fear, when I don't have you near." His smile grows as he pecks my lips. "I am possessive it isn't nice but I grew anxious the moment you started denying my boyfriend application," he admits. "That is because I pretended. I pretended because you tormented me by leaving with unfinished business," I reply. His eyes widen as his mouth opens.
ย  ย ย  "Oh, you are evil," he gasps. "Now you are mine and I am yours." I am his and he is mine. "You are mine," I giggle. It makes me happy. Butterflies fly in my stomach. "And I am yours. Lay all your love on me." He lets go of my arms and he cups my face with his hands. "You are my property," he whispers one more time, as if he cannot believe that it finally has come true. His property, there he said it. A giggle escapes from my throat, lifting my head to kiss him. Kissing him is something else, something enchanting.
ย  ย ย  "How long will you be staying?" I question. "Two nights," he replies. A smile graces my lips before I start looking around for his application. "Let me see that application," I say. "I did say yes, however, perhaps you aren't classified to become my boyfriend." I send him a cocky gaze as he playfully rolls his eyes. He leaves my body, only to move around and sit on the bed. I reach for the papers before snuggling closer to Cillian. He wraps his arms around me as I start reading out loud.

๐๐€๐’๐ˆ๐‚ ๐ˆ๐๐…๐Ž๐‘๐Œ๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐
1. Full Legal name: Cillian Murphy
2. Age: 27
3. Height: 175 cm
4. Weight: 68 kg
5. Eye color: blue
6. Measurements: ?
7. Natural hair color: brown
8. Current hair color: brown?

๐‚๐Ž๐๐“๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ๐๐…๐Ž๐‘๐Œ๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐
9. Home phone: -
10. Cell phone: +353 65824316
11. Email: [email protected]

"Fully legal name: Cillian Murphy," I read. "No, second names?" He hid his face in the nape of my neck, feeling him shake his head. "Do you have one?" he questions, his warm breath tickling my skin. "Diana Eloise Nolan," I reply.
"Age, twenty seven," I read. "When is your birthday?" "May twenty-fifth," he murmurs. "And yours?" "March sixteenth," I reply, turning my head to look at him. He lifts his head, probably realising that is soon. "But that is so soon, this month already!" he mentions. "I will try and see what I can do with work." "We'll see," I reply. "Otherwise, I keep this as a birthday presence." I peck his cheek before turning to the papers.
ย  ย ย  "Height, weight, eye colour is magnificent and hair is brown yeah," I mutter before continuing to the next part. "I have your phone number, ah how nice of having your email as well," I giggle.

๐†๐„๐“๐“๐ˆ๐๐† ๐“๐Ž ๐Š๐๐Ž๐– ๐˜๐Ž๐”
12. Are you a virgin? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
13. If no, how many past sexual partners have you had? 2
14. Have you ever had a sex change? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
15. Do you smoke? Yesโ€ข Noโ—ฆ
16. Do you use any illegal substances? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
17. Do you have kids? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
18. If yes, how many? -
19. Do you workout? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
20. Do you have a source of income? Yesโ€ข Noโ—ฆ
21. It yes, what is it? $65,500
22. Do you live on your own? Yesโ€ข Noโ—ฆ
23. If no, whom do you currently reside with? -
24. What kind of car do you drive? Bentley Continental
25. Furthest level of education? Bachelor degree
26. Do you have a history of mental illness? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
27. Favourite sport & team: Football
28. Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend? Yesโ—ฆ Noโ€ข
29. Do you cook? Yesโ€ข Noโ—ฆ
30. Do you have any siblings? Yesโ€ข Noโ—ฆ (3)
31. What is your religion? Catholic (ish)
32. What is your political persuasion? -
33. How many piercings do you have? 0
34. How many tattoos do you have? 0
35. What is your current favourite movie of all time? Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secret
36. List your three favorite genres of music in order of most favorite to least favorite:
Irish music.

"How is the first question, are you a virgin," I sigh. I slightly blush at the question, since he is no virgin. However, I am and I do not know what to expect of it. Cillian shrugs and remains silent. "If no," I read and mutter the rest of the question. So, two women had to experience with him. I wonder how sex with him will be. I wonder how his hands feel on my body. I wonder what affect he has on me. I wonder how he feels insi... Never mind. I shove away that embaressing thought as I obviously know how sex works, but to me it seems like a vulnerable state of situation. "Can I ask you a question?" he questions softly, nuzzling the nape of my neck. "Hmm," I reply, trying to suppress a chuckle. "Are you a virgin?" he questions softly. A heat creeps up my neck as I nod. "Yeah." "That is alright," he soothes. "It is more than alright. I will wait for you." His words mean the world to me. "Thank you," I mutter. "It means a lot." He remains silent but I do not need his words to confirm that.
ย  ย ย  "You smoke?" I question surprised, continuing to the next question. "I have never seen you smoke." His chuckle echoes through my ears. "I don't smoke in your presence," he replies. "Since I assumed you wouldn't enjoy the smell of it and it is quite bad for your health," he replies. I glance over my shoulder and scold: ''Because it is bad for your health.''
ย  ย ย  ''Does being an actor pay off that well?'' I chuckle, seeing the amount of income he has. Before he could answer, I ramble to the next question. ''You have a place for you own? How nice is that? In Ireland I assume?'' I question. He agrees, ''yes. If I am not busy with any work I take that as my base. I would like to show you sometimes.'' ''I would like that very much,'' I say, sending him a smile by glancing over my shoulder.
ย  ย ย  ''Congratulations on never cheating on your girlfriend,'' I joke while I silently appreciate that he has never cheated. ''I hold high respect of women, even if our relationships come to an end,'' he replies. He is such a gentleman. ''Have you ever had a boyfriend?'' he questions gently. ''Hmm, simple secondary school love,'' I answer. ''However, he didn't approve the amount of time I spent in the gym. So, I broke up with him.'' He chuckles, pressing his lips against my hair. ''Good for you,'' he whispers. ''A man should never force you to think something otherwise.'' ''I know right,'' I reply, looking at the next question.
ย  ย ย  ''You can cook?'' I question curiously. ''I can,'' he chuckles. ''I always enjoyed cooking with my mother.'' ''Cillian can cook,'' I repeat as if it is something foreign to me. ''Do I receive any bonus points for that?'' he questions with a chuckle. ''Absolutely,'' I reply and glance at the next question. ''Are your siblings older or younger?'' ''Younger,'' he replies. ''I am the oldest of a younger brother, Pรกidi, and two younger sisters, Orla and Sile.'' ''Now nice, I would love to meet them sometimes,'' I reply. He chuckles, ''of course.'' I simply fail to suppress a smile at his current favourite film.

๐‘๐„๐€๐’๐Ž๐๐’ ๐ˆ ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‹๐ƒ ๐๐ˆ๐‚๐Š ๐˜๐Ž๐”
37. What is your idea of a perfect date in three sentences or less? A picnic in the park, stargazing, romantic dinner, sunset walks, gallery visit
38. Explain why I should pick you as my boyfriend in one sentence: I am a gentleman who will show you love and affection as you deserve to be treated well
39. List any special skills that you may have that are relevant to this position: I will bring you comfort in a way you wish for
40. What do you want out of a relationship, specifically one with me? You have caught my eye and you are an extraordinary, beautiful woman who is independent enough to survive. However, the company of a man (me) wouldn't hurt. A man to grow old with, to make memories with.

I adore his reasons why I should pick him as my boyfriend. I am a gentleman who will show you love and affection as you deserve to be treated well. His words warm my soul as I decide to keep this application forever.
ย  ย ย  ''Shall I give you my application through speech?'' I question, glancing over my shoulder. He arches an eyebrow as he agrees with my idea. I turn around to face him as I keep the papers in front of my nose. I clear my throat as I start at the first question: ''My full legal name is Diana Eloise Nolan. I am eighteen years old, almost nineteen. I am one meter and seventy centimeters. I weigh sixty kilograms. My eye colour is blue and my hair is blonde.''
ย  ย ย  ''I am a vigrin, which means I have zero partners and never a sex change. I neither smoke or use illegal substances. I have no kids. I work out and I have no source of income, yet. I do not live on my own and I don't drive a car. I am studying for my bachelor in sports. I have no mental illness history and my favourite sport is gymnastics and my national team is my favourite team. I have never cheated and I can cook as well. I have a younger sister, Flora and soon a baby brother. I am an atheist. I have two piercings, in my ears. My current favourite movie is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. My favourite genre of music is the sixties, seventies.''
ย  ย ย  ''My perfect idea for a date is similar to yours. I enjoy low budget dates where we get to spend time with each other. Why should you have me as a girlfriend is because I will show you affection and care for you in good and bad times. I cannot tell a skill at this moment and I simply wish for us to grow old and what you said, make memories together.'' I look Cillian in the eyes and his eyes are shining the light of my chandelier.
ย  ย ย  ''Perfect,'' he breathes. ''Don't go sharing your devotion and lay all your love on me." He grips my chin and then a burst of butterflies explodes in my stomach once his lips touch mine. I'm hopelessly devoted to you. I pull away and lay my forehead against his.
ย  ย ย  "I'm hopelessly devoted to you, Cillian Murphy."

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