'The King of Alwarak is here'

Yoongi's grip around Jimin tightened as the crown prince went stiff....his heart beats rising as he looked at Taehyung

' Appa?' Taehyung breathed out... ' Why is he here now? I-'

' No' Jimin's scared voice caught there attention ' No no...he can't be here.... h-hyung he will kill my Yoongi...he....' A chocked cry left him making Taehyung rush towards him.. kneeling in front of him cupping his cheeks

' Jiminie.. lis-'

' He will kill my Yoongi...he will do anything to re-remove my mark...hyung..my mate.... hyung I will die...I can't live without Yoongi..hyu-'

' Jimin!' Taehyung raised his voice making the alpha shut his mouth ' Nothing will happen to anyone of you here...I promise you that'

' Yoongi' Jimin whimpered again making Yoongi's heart break...as he hugged him tightly

' Am here petal...am here' Yoongi whispered softly...

Taehyung sighed standing up turning towards Dokhwa

' Where is Jungkook?'

' Alpha is in the throne room..... That's why I came here luna...' Dokhwa said ' Alpha Jungkook and King Junghyun's meets have never ended well....'

Taehyung saw the sadness on the guard's face as he continued

' Alpha has forbade everyone from letting you into the throne room the moment he knew about King Junghyun's arrival... I came here without his knowledge....'

' Why?' Namjoon asked frowning.. because as far as he know Jungkook will lash out at the guard the moment he gets to know about this

' Because Luna is the only one who can calm our alpha down and we all know that.... Am not saying that alpha will hurt anyone..but everytime he sees Junghyun the only thing that occupies his mind is the day he lost his family and I know that he would need his luna beside him in such a situation'

Taehyung knew that whatever the guard was saying was the truth only....he knows how much Junghyun disgusts Jungkook..but he also know how much Jungkook would be scared at the moment knowing very well how low Junghyun can stoop...

' Yoongi hyung...' Taehyung called ' Don't go out of the garden no matter what... Soobin Yeon...stay with them both... Dokhwa hyung let's go'

' Tae' Jin stopped him ' Am also coming with you...Joon stay with them'

Namjoon nodded agreeing as Jin stood up to leave

' Come on hyung' Taehyung looked at Jin who bowed instead

' After you my Luna'


' Hobi hyung...there are many things that needs an explanation' Jungkook said the moment Hobi walked into the throne room

Jungkook had decided to talk to Hobi finally..even though he was asked to wait for the right time..his patience was running out...

'I know' Hobi smiled ' But you have to wait for the right time Jungkook'

' Right time?' Jungkook was getting frustrated ' What right time hyung? You can see all the damage that has already been caused... You knew about Jimin getting hurt.. you knew about me hurting Tae... about our flights...you knew everything then why can't you just warn us atleast...Am done waiting! When will the right time come?'

' Soon' Hobi was quick to answer

Jungkook felt something odd in the way Hobi said that... as if something was about to happen now...in this moment...but before he could ask anything one guard came in.. bowing in front of him and said

' King Junghyun from Alwarak is asking to be in your presence'


Taehyung walked ahead with Dokhwa and Jin following behind.... towards the main door behind which lies the hallway towards the throne room...

Taehyung stopped in front of the huge gates... looking at the guards who didn't even budge

' Open the door' Jin said to the two guards who shared a worried glance

' We are really sorry...but the alpha has forbade anyone from opening the door towards the throne room' One of the guard said

' But its important' Jin argued ' Just open it.... I'll deal with Jungkook...'

' We can't' The guards refused making Jin grow restless

Taehyung sighed.. taking a step forward... ' Open the door' He ordered

Jin's eyes widened when he saw how the two guards stepped back before opening the door..with a loud yell just after that ' Open the door.. it's the Luna's order'

Every door that followed behind opened one by one making Jin go still at his place

Taehyung bit his lips trying to hide his smile as he stepped in.. walking forward proudly with the other two following

' How?' Jin asked totally flabbergasted

' Its the alpha's rule' Dokhwa smiled ' The Luna has power over the alpha and whole of Mirawik.... As per Alpha Jungkook..his omega Taehyung has the power to overrule any of his orders or decisions... In short... Luna Taehyung has more power..not only over Mirawik but also over the Alpha King'

Jin whipped his head towards Taehyung who was not even paying them any attention ' That's why they opened the doors?'

' Yes... Apparently..no one had the permission to let the Luna in as per the alpha's order..which no one other than the luna has the power to disobey.... Since the Luna himself wanted to be let in...we all had to obey that '

' Wow' Jin mumbled... making Taehyung chuckle but as he neared the throne room..he felt his heart sinking

Why are you here appa?


' Alpha Junghyun...' Jungkook leaned back on his throne ' Greetings from Mirawik....'

Jungkook saw the way Junghyun's eyes wandered around the whole chamber

' To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here... uninvited?' Jungkook asked stressing on the last word

Hobi had a calm smile as he looked at the scene unfolding

' Don't play smart Jungkook!' Junghyun spat ' Where is my son?'

' Taehyung?' Jungkook rose a brow

' Jimin' Junghyun growled ' Park Jimin is my son'

' Yet he is a Park?' Jungkook chuckled ' You never had any rights over him from the day he was born huh?'

Junghyun's blood boiled hearing the mocking tone of the King of Mirawik

'Enough Jungkook!' Junghyun was fuming ' Just tell me where my son is'

' Look at you' Jungkook laughed ' Who thought that a day would come when almighty King Junghyun would become so clueless about his favorite son..and would come here...to Mirawik in search of him'

' Acting all high now?' Junghyun smirked ' Should I remind you about your fourth birthday Jungkook?'

' It's good that you remember that day.... because soon there will come a day when history will repeat and in place of my appa eomma..it will be you who will burn to ashes'

Junghyun's eyes glowed crimson...' Jun-'

' Everyone bow! The Luna is here' A guard announced cutting off Junghyun midsentence

Soon the door opened and footsteps were heard making Junghyun turn around only to see Taehyung walking in followed by Jin and Dokhwa...

Taehyung had his fist balled up at his sides as he locked his eyes with Junghyun's....the image of Jimin soaked in blood and a wailing Yoongi filled his head as he looked at him.... making him grow furious

Jungkook could feel Taehyung's anger through the mate bond which strengthened after the marking.... But even in such a situation.. Jungkook couldn't help but swoon over his mate who walked in so majestically clad in a black high low dress...his cloak hanging down his shoulders... reaching till the floor...his black crown sitting perfectly on his silver locks..which fell softly on his shoulder... The whole court bowing down to him...His eyes a menace as he walked past Junghyun... directly towards Jungkook who now had his hands held out....which the omega gladly took

Jin came to a halt beside Hobi while Dokhwa took his position among the other guards..

' My Queen' Jungkook called proudly as he pulled the younger down onto his lap.. taking him off guard which Taehyung successfully masked behind a smile

Taehyung was well aware of the tension in the chamber... but his alpha's scent was more than enough to feel at ease

' You pathetic slut!' Junghyun spat ' Is this how a Luna behaves?'

Jungkook's eyes darkened as he whipped his head towards Junghyun ' Don't....' He growled

' Its ok love' Taehyung pecked his cheeks before looking at Junghyun ' Why are you here?'

' Where is my son?'

' Just calling him your son doesn't make you his father Alpha Junghyun..... It's your actions which strengthens a bond' Taehyung said..his voice firm

' Look at you Taehyung.... speaking all wise and all...' Junghyun's smirk widened ' Just like your dead mother'

Taehyung's heart dropped at that.... both his Chae and Jihye eomma are no more and the reason for their death is now standing in front of him...alive

' I should have just killed you that night itself' Junghyun spat but stilled when Taehyung chuckled

' You are talking about killing me?' His laughs suddenly coming to a stop..as his expressions hardened ' You are talking about killing me when you have no idea how many deaths I had to die to become who I am today'

Jungkook's grip around his waist tightened... silently telling Taehyung that he is here as he continued 'You know what your biggest mistake was Kim Junghyun?'

Taehyung's voice was growing more and more deeper

' The biggest mistake you ever did was hurting my Brother...my Jimin!' Taehyung spat standing up from Jungkook's lap.... ' I would have forgiven you if you had hurt me...but you dared touch my brothers..and now you will see death in it's most cruel form!'

' Forgiveness??' Junghyun scoffed ' Who needs forgiveness from a worthless omega like yo-'

' I know my worth...' Taehyung said..his voice filled with pain' I have paid dearly for every ounce of it....And look who is talking about worth!! You? Someone who failed to be a good king...a good father....'

' You are no one to decide that!' Junghyun growled

' I don't care! Here we are talking about my brother And I don't need your fucking opinion about anything!' Taehyung was raging... ' Who tries to kill their own son just because they got marked?'

' Jimin was supposed to mark some princess and not get marked that too by a maid's boy!' Junghyun argued back ' The crown prince nor the alpha king is supposed to be marked!'

' Says who?' Jungkook's voice was heard as he walked towards Taehyung.. standing beside him

' It's a common thing.. You don't need a written scroll of rules for that!!'

' Then today the King of Mirawik is going to change that supposed to be a common thing' Jungkook said calmly making every head turn towards him...his arm around his mate' The Alpha King of Mirawik will be marked..here in this court.. changing every rule stating that an alpha king should never be marked!'.

' Koo?' Taehyung breathed out as Jungkook turned towards him

' Mark me love' Jungkook said pulling him closer by his waist ' Let them see who has the Merikh's heart...who the Merikh's pride is...Let them see an alpha getting marked by his omega for the first time...Mark me my Alora...for your Seraphine loves you more than these traditions... Your Seraphine loves you more than an Alpha's ego'

Taehyung's eyes glistened with tears as he kissed his mate in front of everyone....He pulled back... his hands cupping Jungkook's cheeks... caressing the scar 'I love you..his loving gaze staring straight into his alpha's He said softly...his fangs coming out as he leaned towards the elder's neck... licking the juncture before digging his fangs deep in....

Jungkook closed his eyes at the slight pain which slowly turned into a pleasurable feeling... He felt something change in him...he felt complete...as if some missing piece of his heart has been found.... Taehyung's scent becoming many folds stronger...his wolf howling in joy

Taehyung pulled back.. licking the mark.. sealing it when he felt the grip around him tightening...

' I... Jeon Jungkook... King of Mirawik...is sealing his fate with his mate Jeon Taehyung... for we will remain mates till time eternity...and anyone who comes in between will see their perish'

Taehyung felt his world stop...his wide bambi eyes fixed onto his mate's face as tears littered his cheeks

Jin was squealing lowly...tooo happy for the couple 'I have to inform this to them!!' he exclaimed before rushing out of the throne room making Hobi chuckle...

Junghyun's blood boiled seeing all this...his crimson orbs boring into the omega when Jungkook spoke up again

' There was a time...when I became the reason for my family's death... But not anymore Junghyun! The Jungkook whom you used years back burned in the same fire that killed his parents.... And the Jungkook who is standing here...is his family's strength... And I won't let anyone touch anyone of them... Everytime you look at me... remember that you are looking at your own death...and I won't think twice before tearing your heart out if you dare hurt my family... including my Yoongi hyung and Jimin!'

Junghyun took in a deep breath... glaring at the couple before he stomped out of the chamber....

Jungkook looked down at the omega in his arms who was still staring at him

' What is it love?' He asked oh so softly that Taehyung felt as if he was made of some delicate matter..

' Court... Dismiss!!' Taehyung called out...his azure orbs never leaving the mismatched ones

All the guards and Hobi bowed before they walked out of the throne room leaving the two alone....
Taehyung pulled Jungkook back to the throne.. making him sit down before he himself sat on his lap

' You know that no alpha has ever considered their omega this high...no alpha king has ever given their omega power over them...no alpha has ever let their omega mark them..' Taehyung said playing with Jungkook's hair at his nape as Jungkook kept on looking at him lovingly

' So?' Jungkook asked..his eyes automatically going towards the mark on the younger's neck

' So... You are the only alpha who did all that...' Taehyung trailed off...' Why am I this important Jungkook.... how did I become this special?'

Jungkook smiled tucking a strand of hair behind Taehyung's ear 'When the world saw my cruelties.. you saw my scars.when the world saw my wrath.. you saw my pain... when the world burned in my flames.. you cherished its warmth... I might be the ruler of the whole empire but you my omega' His arms wrapped around the lithe figure on his lap 'You rule my heart... Now tell me...how you can't be so special...so important my Alora'

' Look who is speaking?' Taehyung giggled pecking the tip of Jungkook's nose 'You are the most beautiful blessing that came into my life my alpha' His soft hands caressing the scarred cheeks of his alpha 'I was meant to be a forgotten myth...the forbidden treasure of Alwarak....but your love showed me how I really am a treasure...not the forbidden one....but the real one whom you treasure with all your life'

Taehyung chuckled softly as he locked eyes with his alpha ' No matter how many deaths I die my king.... I'll find my way back to your arms just like this'

Something in Jungkook stirred at that... a long lost memory suddenly hitting him... His wolf going restless trying to take over....He closed his eyes... trying to get a hold of his thoughts when he felt Taehyung's hand clutch on to his shoulder.. He was quick to open his eyes only to see Taehyung breathing heavily

' Tae?' He called out worriedly...his arms cupping his cheeks...' Heyy pup look at me'

Taehyung lowered his head more...his fingers digging into Jungkook's shoulder as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.... A cry left him as his hand flew to his mark which felt as if burning... He could feel his whole body heating up...

' Koo' He whimpered..his eyes shut close as he leaned into Jungkook's chest..who was now panicking... Suddenly everything stopped..the burning...the warmth..the pain... everything

Jungkook saw Taehyung going still...his breathing coming back to normal as he slowly open his eyes....

' Tae...' Jungkook called making the younger look up..only to have his heart stop

' Jungko-'

' Taehyung your eyes'

' What about my eyes?' Taehyung asked puzzled seeing the shock on Jungkook's face

' They are not blue'


' And you should have seen Junghyun's face... goddess I was loving it' Jin said animatedly as the rest of them including Hobi listened to his explanation of how Taehyung marked Jungkook in the middle of the throne room

All were still listening excitedly when the door to the garden opened and in came Jungkook with Taehyung

' Hyung' Jimin happily called out only to have his smile falter seeing the way Taehyung was hanging his head low... clutching onto Jungkook's hands tightly

' What's wrong Taehyung?' Namjoon asked seeing the worry on Jungkook's face

' Hy-hyung... something happened to him' Jungkook spoke up before turning towards Hobi who had a known smile ' Hobi hyung...'

' Taehyung' Hobi called..but the omega just kept his head low ' Look at us Taehyung'

Taehyung's grip around Jungkook's hand tightened as he slowly raised his head looking at them..only to hear gasps filling the air...for there stood Taehyung..his previously azure blue eyes now completely different...his one eye blue.. while the other black..just like Jungkook's red and black mismatched ones

Jimin had his eyes wide as saucers as he looked at Taehyung... but before anyone could even voice out what was in their mind Hobi stepped forward... kneeling in front of the couple... submitting to them...shocking everyone

' Welcome my Lords' He said..his head down in respect 'Finally the lord of the underworld has claimed his queen who rules his heart'


Heyyy Loveliesssss

Soo how was the Chapter..hope you all liked it

Our Hobi is going tomorrow🥺 but let's me happy by the fact that our sun and moon will be reunited💜

Take care all

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