' I still can't believe that you sneaked out of the palace...you hyung...you!' Jimin gasped dramatically for the nth time ' The most purest soul I have ever seen had sneaked out of a whole ass palace without even getting caught...woahh'

' Can you just sit down quietly for sometime.. it's annoying' Yoongi rolled his eyes

' Now I'll surely be annoying for you' Jimin scoffed sitting down beside a grinning Taehyung ' But am happy that you found someone who loves you'

' Me too' Taehyung giggled

' Hyung!' Jimin shrieked making Yoongi flinch ' Have you guys kissed!!??'

A bright red hue spread over the omega's cheeks as he looked at his brother wide eyed ' shut up!'

' Oh come on hyung... don't be this shyy' Jimin wiggled his brows ' And this is not fair...you even saw me half naked after my first time-'

' Jimin!' Yoongi called...his eyes wide like saucers

' Shut up Yoongi.. why do you have to be this shy' Jimin shrugged ' We all have seen each other naked since birth...we have seen each other at our worst...so there shouldn't be any awkwardness between us while discussing anything..'

Yoongi smiled lightly hearing that Who cares if I don't have a family of my own...I have these goofs who are much precious that any relation in this world

' We did k-kiss' Taehyung mumbled...his cheeks flaring

' I knew it' Jimin jumped up..he sat on his knees  excitedly beside Taehyung on the bed..nudging him to continue
' How was the first kiss? '

' First kiss?' Taehyung looked at him ' I..it was blurry... I don't know...I wa-'

' Why was it blurry?' Yoongi's voice hardened

' I was half conscious' Taehyung mumbled and saw Jimin's face changing

' Why?'

' I...j-jumped down the cliff...into the river' Taehyung said ' It was the night when Appa saw me in a dress for the first time...I felt hurt and disgusted and I still hadn't seen Jungkook....I felt so unwanted that I jumped into the water...' Taehyung proceeded to explain everything

' How could do that Taehyung's?' Yoongi got angry ' If something had happened to you how would we even know??? Where would we have searched for you..did you even think of how we'd feel when we find out about you... Tae we don't even know that plac-'

' Jungkook was there' Taehyung cut him off...

' How can you be so sure...you hadn't even met him before that' Jimin said..his voice shaking

Taehyung wanted to smack himself for hurting his brothers

' I asked you something hyung' Jimin said... and this time Taehyung did see a tear slipping past his brother's eyes for the first time in years...

' I...I got his scent...so I knew he was near' Tae hung his head low

' Just because you could smell him doesn-wait' Jimin stopped mid sentence as he looked at Yoongi who also looked a bit shocked ' You got his scent?'

' Yeah' Taehyung frowned

' Like his actual scent or just the basic scent of all alphas?' Yoongi asked getting closer to Taehyung who now was confused ' Tae tell me.. what is my scent?'

' Something like sandalwood?' Taehyung said.

' What about Jimin and Jaewan ajusshi?'

' Same' Taehyung frowned

' No matter which alpha it is..... sandalwood is their basic scent.. just like how vanilla is of omegas in general' Yoongi explained ' Now tell me..what does Jungkook smell like?'

' Amber and oak... And...it's calming..' Taehyung bit his lips

' Tae..' Jimin called softly ' Had he ever talked about yours?'

' Yeah...he said its like Ylang Ylang and white musk' Taehyung said...as slowly things started making sense

' Taehyung we won't get the actual scent of any wolf just like that unless...'

' Unless?' Taehyung urged Yoongi to continue

' Unless you are mates' Jimin completed


' What are you thinking about Joonie?' Jin asked sitting beside his mate..who was lost in thoughts

' Nothing' Namjoon abruptly stood up ' Kook left?'

' Don't try to change the topic Joon.. ' Jin held his hand 'You still have time...we can change everything'

' We can't Jin..its complicated' Namjoon sighed

' He is your brother Namjoon...ok may be not by blood..by he considers you as his brother..' Jin said

Namjoon stilled...his ruby orbs staring into the golden yellow ones of the beta...as a helpless sigh left his lips

' Joon... don't break his trust'

' For trusting someone there should be a relation first... trust can't heal the scars Jin hyung and you know it better than us' Jungkook said walking in ' Stop discussing about something which is not worth the waste of time'

Namjoon silently nodded

' Am going to meet Tae... might be late...' Jungkook looked at Jin ' You don't have to wait for me'


'You can't just hide it from him' Hyorin sighed

' It's not like I want to.. Unnie he is not even looking at me' Jihye said ' I did try to talk to him..I even tried talking to Tae but Jimin just dragged him away'

' Can't blame him...when it comes to Tae... Jimin would even kill us without a second thought' Jaewan stated.

' Don't stop...just try...also..I did tell you Jihye... Akari is no good news' Hyorin said

' Akari?' Jaewan frowned

' About that....' Jihye took in a deep breath ' Junghyun is meeting Akari'


' Mates?' Taehyung looked at them bewildered ' Hyung...we don't have mates...You know the curse'

' Then what about us Tae...we too are mates' Yoongi said looking at Jimin

' I don't know how all this is possible and why this curse lifted...may be because we might have some special powers I don't know ..but Jungkook hyung is your mate' Jimin said smiling

Taehyung was lost in thoughts....is it because of my powers? Does that mean Jimin and Yoongi hyung have powers too?

' Tae' Jimin called pulling him out of world ' When are you leaving for meeting him?'

' Am late' Taehyung's eyes widened at the realization

' Just go already' Yoongi laughed but stopped when he saw Taehyung staring' What?'

' Um..it feels weird you know.... I mean I used to sneak out and now you both are here-'

' Should we go?' Jimin asked

' Yeah' Taehyung grinned

' Woah the betrayal Taehyung' Yoongi gasped dramatically ' Hyung is hurt'

' Its cringing' Jimin said ' Your acting..it is cringing!'

' Atleast its better than that stupid mouth of yours' Yoongi retorted

Taehyung just sighed as he pushed the bickering mates out of his chamber closing the door behind them

' I haven't seen him this happy ever before' Jimin smiled as he walked towards his chamber...

' We should go meet that man at the temple' Yoongi said to which Jimin agreed...

Both of them stopped on their tracks when they saw Jihye coming towards them

' Jimin can we talk?' Jihye asked

' I'll be with Jaewan ajusshi' Yoongi said but Jihye stopped him

' No... Jaewan left for the pack house..he has night patrolling there..also We need to talk'

' I don't think there is something left to talk Luna' Jimin spat as he walked past his mother whose one sentence was enough to make his blood run cold

' Taehyung's life is in danger'


' Should I change? It's too thin'

Taehyung looked himself at the mirror...at the night gown he was wearing. He eyed the white flowy gown..as he ran his hand over the soft material

' Ah no need am already late' He groaned as he decided to leave


Jaewan was about to leave after his duty at the pack house when he heard some footsteps... He carefully walked towards the direction from which the sound was coming with his sword tight in hand when he saw the King....

He instantly transformed into his wolf and hid behind the bushes in the dark as he eyed the King...

Soon another person came...her long cape fluttering as she removed the hood

Akari? Jaewan stilled but before he could think any further Akari's furious voice was heard

' What have you done Junghyun!'


Taehyung ran down the steps of the Arcane only to find their usual spot vacant.. Didn't he come Taehyung thought as he walked around...he looked at the cliff and under the dome only to find it empty..his heart dropped as he slumped down when something suddenly struck him

Our Garden He stood up smiling wide as he ran towards their rose garden...and to his happiness he saw the said alpha sleeping among the flowers beside the small brook...which was just ankle deep... He walked towards him and saw the flowers almost in ashes.. just like the previous day.. when he first confronted the alpha about his powers

Taehyung's heart fluttered when he took at the features of the sleeping male... He looked nothing like the cold alpha he is.. instead with the cute bunny tooth poking out from between his parted lips he looked extremely adorable

Taehyung leaned forward lying over the Alpha's chest as he took in the soft features of his love...his hand raised to move away the strand of hair from his forhead as he landed a pecked on the crown of his head

A yelp left his mouth when he was suddenly flipped over with a weight over him.. Taehyung opened his eyes slowly as a giggle left him seeing Jungkook's messed up hair

'What were you upto pup?'

Taehyung  almost moaned at the name and the deep ass voice of the alpha hovering over him

'Nothing' Taehyung mumbled..his heart beating erratically as he fisted Jungkook's shirt

Jungkook tilted his head...a smirk forming on his lips as he leaned down... his breath hitting the omega's lips...

Taehyung sucked in a breath at the sensation making him close his eyes..ready to welcome his Alpha's lips when he heard a small chuckle...

' So eager... aren't we?' Jungkook teased...the smirk intact and his voice deeper...

' Stop teasing' Taehyung said breathless.. already looking like a mess

' What do you want?' Jungkook asked... his eyes trailing over the needy omega

' Kiss me please'

And that was all needed for Jungkook to capture the soft petals between his lips... sucking on them... Taehyung kissed back eagerly...as he pulled the alpha more closer to him

Taehyung stilled when a moan left him as the alpha sucked on his tongue...His eyes widened as he pulled back... lowering his eyes shyly

' Beautiful' Jungkook said looking at the blushing prince under him

Jungkook sat up pulling the omega up with him onto his lap...his arms wrapping around the lithe figure as Taehyung straddled him... Jungkook gulped when he saw the tanned legs of the omega which was now on display as his dress scooted up till his knees

' You knew' Taehyung suddenly said... looking deep into Jungkook's eyes

' About?' Jungkook asked tearing his gaze off the sinful sight

' About we being mates'

' Who told you?' Jungkook was quick to ask

' Yoongi hyung' Taehyung replied ' Why didn't you tell me?'

' I didn't feel the need to... it's nothing important' Jungkook's voice came out cold... which did send the omega off guard

' You mean us being mates didn't mean anything to you?' Taehyung asked..his voice laced with hurt ' Is this a game for you?'

' Tae..no' Jungkook hissed ' I didn't mean it like that'

' Then what did you mean?' Taehyung snapped ' Have you ever felt the need to tell me anything?'

' Taehyung listen' Jungkook sighed ' Am sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you... I just...look I knew we were mates..but I was not sure if you'd believe me...you know this curse and all...and no matter mates or not.. you belong to me Tae...'

' You do love me right?' Taehyung asked scared

' Why else would I be marrying you' Jungkook smiled

' Hyung... No matter what the situation is.. I'd always trust you...' Taehyung hugged him

' Me too pup'

' Jungkook..' Taehyung pulled back ' Show me your true self'

' Tae?'


' What do you mean by what have I done?' Junghyun asked exasperated 'You only asked me to find someone to kill that omega and who is better for that than the youngest of Daewon..'

Jaewan's eyes widened when he heard that He wanted Jungkook to kill our Tae?

' You know what he is known as Akari' Junghyun continued ' He is the Merikh..the purest form of death!..He didn't even hesitant while trying to kill his own brother..the great Kim Seokjin'

' You are wrong there Junghyun' Akari barked ' I asked you to find a murderer not a savior!'

' Jungkook was the best option!'

' Jungkook could have been the best option if it wasn't for Taehyung'



' Show me what you are Kook... show me your powers' Taehyung said caressing his cheeks

' I can't' Jungkook stood up....with Taehyung still in his arms before he set him down on his feet

' Why hyung?'

' It's dangerous...' Jungkook turned around ' I can't hurt you'

' Look at me Kook' Taehyung said making him turn back ' Jungkook' He cupped his cheeks ' Nothing will happen to me'

Jungkook removed Taehyung's hands from his face as he took a step back..


' Why is Taehyung so special?' Junghyun growled 'That slut never even submits to me!'

' How much more dumb can you be Junghyun?' Akari spat ' If your father Hansol was alive you'd never have been the King'

'Don't cross your limits Akari!'

' Stop telling me what to do and do atleast one thing properly' She snapped

' Is it my fault that Jungkook really is interested in Taehyung?'

' Leave Jungkook... You just had one job and that was to kill that omega and bring me his blood.. but you instead lead him into his heaven!'


' Jungkook...' Taehyung whispered...' Trust me'

Jungkook stared at Taehyung.... his mind screaming at him not to bow before the omega's request..but those azure orbs staring at him with hope always makes him go weak

' Jungk-' Taehyung's breath hitched when he saw the mismatched orbs of the crown prince drowning into deep dark orbs which appeared like burning coal

But every fiber in him stiffened when he saw the firey glow that rose on his neck and crept down the alpha's forearm....

Jungkook lifted up his hand...his palm ablaze as sparks  rose all around them...

Taehyung felt his throat go dry as he fought for his voice as he took in the whole form of the man in front of him

' This is the real me Taehyung' Jungkook said..his voice painfully deep...

' You are an Elemental'


' I asked you to keep him away from The Elementals and you just straight away led him to them!' Akari yelled

' What?' Junghyun frowned

' Jeon Jungkook is an Elemental werewolf Junghyun! He can burn you down to ashes in the blink of an eye' Akari disclosed ' How do you think the fire that killed Daewon and his luna broke out?'


' I am....' Jungkook sighed... dropping his hands to both his sides as the fire and sparks died down..his eyes came back to the normal black and red ' I have already hurt enough people....I can't hurt you to Tae'

' Jungkook' Taehyung said stepping closer ' You'd never hurt me'

' I could never control it Tae...' Jungkook said...fear evident in his eyes and voice ' It goes out of control when my emotions go overboard and turn everything into ashes in mere seconds..just like how it happened years ago...My appa eomma died because of me'

' Oh Jungkook' Taehyung cupped his cheeks... ' Don't blame yourself for something you never had control on...'

Jungkook's eyes met the warm orbs of his omega looking at him with pure love

' I don't want you also to die because of me' Jungkook breathed out

' Then let me live with you forever' Taehyung Said moving closer

' I want to love you with my everything' Jungkook's arms wrapped around his waist

' Then don't hold back'

' What if I fail?' Jungkook asked 'What if the darkness around me is back.. pulling me down?'

' Then don't look around ..just close your eyes...' Taehyung caressed his cheeks ' And think of me'

' What If I fall?' Jungkook whispered.. their breaths mingling

' Then fall in to me'

Jungkook felt his heart skip a beat hearing that..his eyes closing when he saw Taehyung closing the gap but the words that left Taehyung's mouth before their lips met stopped Jungkook's world for a while

' Fall in to me..for I'll hold you close...safe in my arms...till the end of time...for I will  love you forever My Seraphine'


Heyyy Loveliesssss

How was the chapter? I know it's comparitively short..but I hope you liked it

Btw have you guys heard the song fall in to me by Forest Blake?? It's a beautiful song

Plz vote and Comment

Take caree


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