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πππ₯π―πππ¨π«π ππ’π¬πππ« - ππ‘. 31
"I'm your sister,
does that mean nothing?"
We skip two episodes
(1912 and Break On Through)
β these did happen in the timeline however neither
Skyler nor Kol were involved
β "HELLO FINN." Klaus greeted as he and Skyler, who had just gotten back from a mini-vacation with Kol, approached Finn on a street in the city.
"Hello, Niklaus. Skyler." He responded politely, glancing at them as they walked down the street together, "I have nothing to say to either of you."
"Well, then it's a good thing we're not here to chat." Skyler said with a smirk, "I will ask you one time though, where's our mother?" Klaus questioned.
"Gone to find another way to end our abomination lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again." Finn told him simply.
She stared at him in genuine confusion, "Why?"
He merely shook his head. Klaus spoke up, "Well, how fortunate that I found you, I require your assistance."
"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead." Finn said bluntly. Skyler blinked in slight surprise. Well, at least he was honest, she mused silently.
"Right well, that's the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead because if I die, then you die. So wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid." Klaus told him smugly, they continued walking.
He rolled his eyes unbothered, "Oh bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus."
"Why? Why not come bother my big brother?" The hybrid asked in response, his eyes narrowed sternly, "I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together."
"I have no wish to be unlinked." Finn refused.
Klaus scowled, he moved in front of his brother and placed his hand firmly on his chest to stop him from moving while Skyler approached until she stood beside Klaus, ready to back him up if need be, "We both know Nik wasn't asking." She told Finn with a shake of her head.
He tilted his head at her as if curious about something though he didn't speak. "Let me rephrase," Klaus began once more, this time with a far more dangerous tone, "You will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years."
"What happens to one, happens to all." Finn smirked smugly, "You may not feel the effects of the dagger but you'd lose your precious Rebekah and your little friend would lose her husband." He told his brother, waving his hand at Skyler who glared.
"Wouldn't be the first time." He responded, Finn scowled and walked off.
Klaus watched him leave without complaint however when Finn sped down the alley, he was stopped by Rebekah who came out from nearby, blocking his path, "Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother." She told him sternly.
"You're siding with him?" He questioned incredulously, "Rebekah, he stored us in boxes."
"At least he's not trying to make us extinct." She retorted.
Finn shook his head in disbelief and turned to run the other way only to find Klaus in front of him with Skyler at his side blocking any escape, "What are you gonna do? Kill me?" He questioned.
"And I thought Stefan had a death wish." Skyler drawled sarcastically.
Klaus hummed an agreement and looked at his brother, "Fine, pathetic, but fine. The thing is, I'm not gonna let you take the rest of us down with you." Suddenly, Klaus threw Finn against the wall nearby and watched as he crumpled to the ground with a cruel stare.
Β Β Β Β "GATHER your witch." Rebekah told Klaus as he threw Finn into the foyer, he and Rebekah walked in after while Skyler stood by the door, watching, "Let's get his blood and get on with it."
Finn scowled in outrage, "You can't force me to help you."
"Oh, I most likely could but why force when I can persuade?" Klaus smirked and pointed his hand toward the staircase. On cue, Sage walked down the stairs as Finn looked at her in shock. "Hello, Finn." She called.
"Sage!" She smiled as he got up and rushed over to her, they embraced each other in a hug as the others watched on.
"What do you know, true love prevails." Rebekah commented mockingly.
Klaus received a text from Kol, glancing over at Skyler, "It does occasionally." He responded before he sent Kol a response, "Easier than torturing him." He commented to Rebekah.
She hummed, "I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?"
"Just your blood and your blessing." He told her, looking over at her, "Where are you going?"
"I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore." Skyler and Klaus looked at her in confusion, "Ask Sage what he did to me. Then you'll understand why retribution is in order." She said before she left, leaving Klaus to watch Sage and Finn. They weren't soulmates, though they did seem like it and if Finn kept going on like this, she would be the closest he'd ever know to a soulmate.
"Hey Nik," Skyler called while the pair were distracted, "do I need to do anything for the spell?"
He shook his head, "When Kol is unlinked, so shall you be." He looked over at his eldest brother with a smirk, the man too distracted with Sage to care what they did or said, "My mother doesn't even know of your bond."
Skyler hummed looking forward, "Good."
He nodded in agreement, if his mother knew of the soulmate bond she shared with Kol, it would be that much easier for them to take them all down. "Why don't you go help Kol handle mini Gilbert?" He suggested, having no other necessary use for her in Mystic Falls now that they had gotten Finn back under their hold.
Skyler didn't waste a second after he suggested it, disappearing with a blur of wind.
Β Β Β Β Β SKYLER returned just as Bonnie and Klaus walked into the Mikaelson mansion to complete the spell. She grinned and walked in after them.
They were greeted by the sound of Damon screaming as Rebekah stabbed him, Skyler looked over, worry filling her however even if she did attempt to help, Damon would only refuse it. She was certain he and Stefan both hated her by now, not that she could blame them. All she could do was avoid any thought of it. She had bigger things to worry about than her brothers' anger, like her psychotic mother-in-law.
"What was that?" Bonnie questioned as she turned to look at Klaus.
"I wouldn't let it bother you, love." He responded shrugging it off.
"Well, it does bother me. You bother me. You use people to get what you want, it's not right." She told him and looked at Skyler in disbelief, "Why are you letting him do this? Damon is your brother."
Skyler looked away as Damon's screams filled her ears once more. "Klaus is too." She managed to say, her voice a little too forced and weak. Only she and Klaus knew why the sentence was truly off, being that she never called him Klaus; only ever calling him Nik, with a few exceptions.
He eyed her closely before his eyes narrowed as he looked at the witch, "You're being emotional, Bonnie." Klaus told her, "I understand that things have been rough for you. You know, with your mother leaving. Again. It's very sad. I can help you find her if you want. I have people who can find people who can bring her back to you. Or, if you choose I can just bring parts of her back."
As he spoke, Skyler droned his voice out, distracted by the sound of her big brother's screams. Her hands balled into fists at her side as she stared at the wall behind the witch who looked at him in disbelief and shoved him away. He continued with a smirk, "Isn't it obvious that I'm just gonna continue to hurt the people you love until you do the spell? Now, I know it's in the grimoire and I know it requires the blood of my siblings, so here we are." Klaus grabbed a case from nearby, opening it to reveal four bottles of blood within it.
He pointed to each of them as he spoke, "Elijah. Rebekah. Kol. Finn." He bit his hand before he held his blood hand clenched into a fist over another bottle, he looked at Bonnie as his blood dripped from his fist, "Where do you want this?"
Bonnie began the spell shortly after Klaus gave her his blood, she began by pouring one of the vials of blood into an antique cup. As she continued the spell, she mixed all the blood and poured it onto the table.
The blood began to spread out into five different circles, Kol's noticeably larger to accommodate for his soulmate bond.
The flames flared up as the spell continued, the large pool of blood had become five separate ones that continued to move away from each other slowly. Soon enough, the spell was completed; the pools of blood completely separated. Klaus looked up at her triumphantly.
A few moments later, Rebekah entered the room from where she had Damon, she wiped blood off her hands while Klaus escorted Bonnie out, "Aw leaving so soon." She cooed mockingly. Skyler glanced at her sister-in-law, nervous to be around her for possibly the first time in decades. It was her big brother's blood she was wiping off her hands after all.
"Sister, be nice." Klaus scolded.
"Thank you, Bonnie. See you in physics class." She grinned mockingly before she walked away to reveal Damon in snares in the room she had just walked out of. "Oh my god." Skyler let out in shock, she quickly looked away, horrified at the sight.
"You'll have to excuse the mess." Klaus told Bonnie who stared in horror at the scene in front of her, "Apparently Damon hurt her feelings. Go on, help him." He urged, "Save the man who turned your mother into a vampire."
Bonnie looked at Damon again and shook her head, "Just get me out of here."
Klaus smirked, "Very well." While he escorted Bonnie out, Skyler found her eyes back on her big brother.
Tears filled her eyes as she looked at him closer. Rebekah... she had torn him apart. She was shocked he was even still alive. "I'm sorry." She choked out as Damon met her gaze, he looked away and she shook her head and walked away, unable to see it anymore.
Β Β Β Β "KLAUS!" Skyler heard suddenly as she sat in her room trying to drown out images of Damon strung up with a very dramatic telenovela, "I'm here! Let's do this."
She stood up and turned off her TV before she sped downstairs to find Klaus and Rebekah already downstairs as Stefan stood in front of Damon with a duffel bag, "What do you want?" Klaus asked.
Stefan glanced at Skyler momentarily before he dropped the duffel bag at his feet, "I'm here to make a deal."
"Stefan, what are you doing?" Damon asked weakly. Stefan ignored him, focusing on Klaus, "Eight stakes made of white oak. The part of Wickery Bridge that you forgot to burn."
Klaus looked at Rebekah who stood shocked, "That's impossible."
"Actually it's not. Finn is dead." Skyler's head snapped over to her brother, "What?" She questioned in shock.
"You killed my brother?" Rebekah questioned, her eyes wide.
Stefan looked at Klaus, ignoring both of them, "Damon in exchange for the last eight weapons that can kill you."
"And how do I know there aren't any more left?" He asked skeptically.
"Because there aren't." He responded sternly, his eyes narrowed.
Klaus hummed, "Let's be certain, shall we?" He walked over to Damon as Skyler's heart fell, no... he wouldn't. "Leave." He demanded. "No." Damon fought weakly. β’
"Go on." Klaus urged, "Leave."
Rebekah spoke up in a whine as Skyler stared in horror, "Nik, he's my plaything, not yours."
Klaus ignored her and grabbed Damon by his throat, compelling him, "I said, go home." Damon, now compelled to listen, started to pull a wrist from the snares, peeling the flesh off it in the process. Skyler let out a gasp as he screamed in pain, "Alright, stop, stop, stop." He demanded after a moment, "Before you hurt yourself. Well seeing that he can finally be compelled. Now."
He grabbed Damon by the throat and compelled him again, Skyler couldn't help but fear he was going to compel Damon to do something harmful to himself again and Damon wouldn't live through it. She subconsciously moved towards her twin without thinking. However, Klaus only had a question for Damon this time around, "Minus the stake that's in my brother. how many more stakes are out there that can kill me?"
"Eleven." He replied weakly.
"Eleven! Really?" Klaus exclaimed smugly, "So not eight then."
"You really shouldn't have lied." Rebekah told Damon sternly.
"I'll get you the other three." Stefan promised, knowing he had been defeated.
"Yeah, that'll be nice. Or since you lied, maybe I'll just compel your brother to chew out his own tongue." He responded offhandedly.
"Klaus." Skyler called in shock as Stefan questioned the hybrid, "What is wrong with you?"
"What is wrong with you?! Do you really have no appreciation for me?" He questioned in disbelief and outrage, "I have given you someone to hate, to loathe, a target for all of your anger; so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life purpose, as your friend." Klaus laughed, "I really think you should be thanking me."
Stefan rushed at him suddenly, and pinned him against a wall with a white oak stake in hand, Klaus grabbed his wrist. Skyler balled her hands into fists, she didn't know whose side she was on anymore... "Step down or you both die." Stefan loosened his grip which allowed Klaus to take the stake from him. "There. Now you only have to get me the other two."
"This is ridiculous." Rebekah commented getting bored of Klaus's game, she walked over to Damon and released him from her expert traps.
Damon fell to the ground as Klaus stalked up to Rebekah, "What are you doing?"
"I brought him here. I get to release him. My rules now." She demanded before she looked over at Stefan, "Bring us the stakes, and you both live. Take your brother as a sign of good faith." She picked up the bag of stakes and left without another word.
Klaus turned to look at Stefan, "Bring us the stakes. All of them. Or I will wage a war against everyone you love." He threatened coldly, "I hope I'm being clear."
Skyler stepped up before Klaus could leave, "I'm going with him. Don't wait up for me." She told him sternly, leaving no room for arguments.
His jaw clenched however he nodded and left the room. Now alone, she looked at her twin, "Come on. Let's get him out of here."
Β Β Β Β Β LATER, at the Salvatore House, Skyler helped Stefan settle Damon down onto his bed before she sighed, looking away from the blood that covered Damon's whole body as Stefan passed him a blood bag. She spoke up, "I know it doesn't mean much but... I am sorry. For everything."
"Skyler..." Stefan called softly.
"How do we know you aren't lying?" Damon interrupted. He forced himself into a sitting position, "How do know you even care about us? You're one of them."
She concealed her hurt as she narrowed her eyes, "I'm still your sister, Damon, of course I care."
"Do you?" He questioned, "Let me ask you this; if you had to choose between us and them... who would you choose?" Skyler looked away, chewing on her bottom lip. "That's what I thought. You're a Mikaelson now. You're one of them, not one of us."
"So what?" She snapped looking up, "Who cares what my last name is? I'm your sister, Damon, does that mean nothing?"
"I thought it meant something to you but I guess not." He responded coldly.
Skyler shook her head, looking at Stefan for help however he averted his eyes, staying silent, "You know what? Fine." She snapped, gesturing wildly, her eyes lit with anger, "I'm a monster. I'm one of them. I'm a Mikaelson. And if that means being your sister means nothing then fine... I guess I'm not your sister anymore." A look of regret washed over his face as her words sunk in. He tried to protest however she didn't let him get a word out before she continued, "But that doesn't mean I'm not sorry for all this. And it doesn't mean I'm sorry for marrying Kol, I'm only sorry for what they've done to you, and for hiding it from you..." she looked at her twin, "both of you. but I will never be sorry for marrying Kol because I love him and he makes me happy and if that really doesn't matter to you... maybe you being my brothers doesn't mean anything either."
"Skyler wait, hold on." Stefan called, "This has gotten out of hand I think... I think we all should just talk."
"No." She cut off with narrowed eyes, already at the front door, "I think we've all said enough."
Β Β Β Β THE next day, Skyler woke to Kol pressing kisses up her neck until his lips reached hers, she smiled and hummed as he pulled away. Peering her eyes open, she looked at the clock. "Time to go visit little Gilbert?" She asked knowingly.
He reluctantly stood up, grabbing his jeans he slipped them on as he nodded in confirmation, "I think I've finally got my swing down." Kol told her and imitated the swinging of a bat.
She chuckled and stood, "You're having too much fun with this." She told him teasingly as she walked to their shared closet - which now had the previously empty right side filled with her clothes while the left had Kol's.
"What? I'm just playing ball, gem." He responded teasingly with a manic grin. Skyler only rolled her eyes as she flicked through her clothes in the closet.
"What about this?" She asked with lips pursed in thought. She grabbed the dress off the rack and pressed it to her body as she turned to him.
He stepped forward, pulling her into him. He took the dress gently from her hands and set it back on the rack, "My gem," he hummed, his voice low and intimate, "if you wear that, we will never leave this room."
She lifted her chin to meet his gaze confidently, "Who says I want to leave?"
He seemed to be fighting his desires before finally he shook his head and pulled away, grabbing a far more simple shirt off a hanger, he pulled a pair of jeans and a matching jacket from nearby before pushing it into her hands. Hesitating only a moment, he pressed his lips to hers for a short passionate kiss before he spoke, "Don't play games, my darling."
Β Β Β Β "HEY, man!" Jeremy called as Kol and Skyler approached him, Elena, and Damon at the batting cage in Denver.
"Damon, it's Kol." Elena warned just as Kol swung the bat he had over his shoulder right at him, the bat broke in half as Damon fell to the ground.
Jeremy stared at Kol with wide, confused eyes. His gaze flickered to Skyler who did nothing to stop it. Instead, she carried her own bat with a grin, "Jeremy, get back! He's an original." Elena called panicked.
"What?" He questioned incredulously, "But he knows Skyler!"
"They're married." Damon spat out as his eyes fell on his sister who waved with a grin.
"No hard feelings, mate. But we're not buds." Kol told Jeremy as he grabbed a metal bat from the nearby rack, he swung it around for a moment, "You know, I'll never get used to aluminum. But hey, at least it won't break."
Kol swung the bat at Damon but before it could hit him, he grabbed it singlehanded and with his other hand, grabbed the broken wooden bat, using it to stab Kol through the chest with it.
He fell to the ground, his eyes flew to Skyler as she let out a pained gasp, falling down beside him. They both turned gray, her eyes fell shut just as she went limp, going completely unconscious seconds after Kol despite never being touched. "Huh, guess she didn't lie about the soulmate bond." Damon mused, his head tilted in thought.
"Did you kill them?" Jeremy asked in shock.
"No, but it'll give us a head start." He responded offhandedly even as his eyes stayed glued to his sister. Finally, he managed to tear himself away, "Okay, come on."
"So Kol is an original?" Jeremy asked with furrowed brows, "And Skyler is... what?" He looked over at Elena and Damon as they walked.
She glanced at Damon before she sighed, "She's married to him."
"They're soulmates. Literally." He added, his eyes averted, "He gets hurt, so does she. And if he dies..."
"She dies." Jeremy concluded, and he gave a nod. "Great." He shook his head, "Wait." He paused in realization, "Where are we even going?"
"Motel. Hopefully far, far away from those two." Damon responded, grabbing his keys from his pocket, he clicked the button to unlock his car. "That won't keep them down long."
Β Β Β Β SKYLER gasped as her body shot up and her eyes snapped open. She found herself instinctively scanning the area for any source of danger. After a moment, she decided there was nothing that could hurt her and found herself searching for Kol next. He seemed to be in the same process when their eyes met.
"Skyler." He called and rushed to stand. He stumbled over to her and knelt beside her. His eyes flicked up and down her body to ensure she was unharmed before they met her eyes again and searched for confirmation as he spoke, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, yeah I'm fine." She assured him, "Are you?"
Kol nodded in reassurance as he brought his hand up, caressing her cheek softly. "I'm gonna kill them." He promised, his threatening words greatly contrasted his soft tone as he held her close.
Β Β Β Β "OOF, like Vampire Hoarders." Damon commented as he and Elena entered the house, the front room was full of books and other junk.
"Who is this Mary person?" She questioned and looked around.
"Scary Mary. She's really old, super creepy." He shivered theatrically.
She looked over at him, "And how do you know her?"
He shrugged and admitted, "I dated her."
Elena rolled her eyes, "Of course."
"What? I said creepy, not ugly." Before she could respond, a loud noise came from another room, startling them. They looked at the door where the noise came from as Damon, followed by Elena, went into the room.
She moved the torchlight around the room in search of the source of the noise, the beams landed on a vampire with a stake through them, trapping them to the wall. "Mary." As if on cue, the lights came on and lit up the dark room to reveal Kol sitting on a chair with a metal baseball bat while Skyler stood beside him, a gun holstered in her jeans. The couple had eerily similar and dangerous smirks on their faces as Kol tilted his head.
"Quite contrary."
"Shame about Mary." Kol commented conversationally. "She used to be a blast. Don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time with my family might have ruined her."
"She was a bit of an Original groupie." Skyler commented.
"Like you then?" Damon responded.
She gasped dramatically, "Why I never. I only have eyes for Bekah."
Kol let out an amused snort as Elena looked at him curiously, "So were you her favorite?"
"You mean, did I turn her?" He replied with a raised eyebrow, "I think I did. But no, wait, maybe it was Rebekah." He mused, "There was also a Klaus period. And let's not forget the Elijah affair." He hummed before he looked at Damon, "I spoke to my brother, I know you're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. So, where did we leave off?" He asked with a manic grin before he hit Damon's leg with a baseball bat.
When the vampire fell to the ground, Kol kept hitting him as Skyler sat down comfortably in the chair Kol previously occupied. "Elena get out of here!" Damon shouted.
Smart for once, the doppelgΓ€nger obeyed and made a run for the door only to find a bullet flying at her in a blink of an eye, the bullet landed an inch above the girl's head as Skyler blew the tip of her gun with a grin. Kol blocked Elena while she was still in shock, "According to my brother, you're off-limits." He told her warningly, "Please don't test me."
He threw her to the ground as Damon got up, rushing at Kol before Skyler could aim her gun and shoot. "Don't touch her." Damon demanded.
Kol threw him off with ease, "Oh dear, it seems we've hit a nerve darling." He commented casually to Skyler, "Relax, brother, I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me."
Kol looked at him thoughtfully, a dangerous edge to his eyes that couldn't be mistaken, "Really, you're lucky I'm rather attached to your lovely sister otherwise I would have killed you ages ago." Without another word, he hit Damon repeatedly with the bat before he took a step back to examine his work, "There. Now we're even."
Skyler stepped forward and knelt, brushing her brother's eyes closed. She stepped past him to reach her husband as the doppelgΓ€nger watched, she raised her hand as it dripped with her brother's blood, she caressed his cheek as she pressed her lips to his. As they split apart a moment later, he gently took her hand from his face and licked the blood off, "Red looks good on you, darling."
"I prefer it when it's not my brothers." She hummed pointedly.
He pointed the hand that still held the bat to her brother and spoke, "He deserved it."
"Ah yes," she moved forward, and he instinctively pulled her into his arms. He could feel her breath on his lips as she spoke mockingly, "Revenge. Your favorite."
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