
:Chapter Sixty:

     As the night carried on and everyone enjoyed themselves, it was getting close to that time where they would begin to draw the names from prom king and queen.

Jeongguk and Taehyung were sure neither one of them were going to win but it was fun to participate at least.

     Speaking of Jeongguk and Taehyung, besides their small interaction when they first saw each other, the two refrained from really doing anything together.

Not only because they weren't confirmed official but because Taehyung and Jihyun were here together and Taehyung didn't want to put attention on something other than her and other seniors' night.

     "If you guys excuse me," Taehyung pushed up to his feet. "I'm going to go use the restroom." He said, looking around at his table of friends before he left.

     "Why did we need to know that?" Jimin wondered aloud, sipping at his cup of soda.

Jeongguk stared at Taehyung's back, wondering the same thing as Jimin was. He watched him walk and walk and he even watched him look back over his shoulder at him.

That was all it took for Jeongguk too to push up to his feet and excuse himself, not saying anything to the table unlike Taehyung.

Namjoon frowned, leaning slightly over at Hoseok who was chowing down on some of the offered food. He nudged the elder, waiting for him to look up.

     "So," he started. "How close are they?" Namjoon asked, becoming a little suspicious of the two, especially after watching Jeongguk hurriedly follow Taehyung.

Hoseok looked in the two's direction before side-eyeing at Namjoon, raising a brow. "What do you know?" He questioned.

Namjoon pulled back a little, raising his own brow back at his hyung. "What do you know?" He returned suspiciously.

"Nothing you don't."

"What does that even mean?" Namjoon frowned. "Are they . . . Dating?"

Hoseok hesitated. "Not that I know of." To be fair, that wasn't a lie since he really didn't know where the two currently stood at. He just knew they were together but not together.

"You and I know that that wasn't convincing." Namjoon said before he completely pulled back, he too standing up.

     Taehyung entered the restroom, looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. He was touching up his hair, fixing any minor issues he might've noticed.

It was only a few short moments later when Jeongguk entered into the bathroom as well, the door shutting behind him.

     "Can't get enough of yourself?" Jeongguk inquired, walking behind Taehyung and looking at him through the mirror.

"Not more than you can't get enough of me." He responded confidently.

"Cocky, huh?" Jeongguk smiled, grabbing a hold of Taehyung's waist and turning him around so the two were facing each other.

Taehyung smirked, placing his own hands at Jeongguk's shoulders, giving him his best, prettiest doe eyes. "Just sure of myself is all."

Jeongguk moved one of his hands and used the tip of his middle and index finger to guide Taehyung's chin, leaning a bit closer.

He's been craving the sensation of Taehyung's pretty lips on his own, feeling as it's been forever since the two shared a kiss.

It was just them so there was so need to worry about anyone catching them. Or so that was to be believed.

     The two jumped at the sound of the bathroom door opening, Namjoon stepping in too quickly before the two could even begin to pull away from one another.

     "Woah," Namjoon paled. He wasn't sure what he was expecting but this wasn't apart of it. "You two are together?" He cut straight to the chase, saving the awkward talk that may have came before that.

Jeongguk huffed, not able to get a moment in with Taehyung, not even in a slightly private bathroom. "No, this is just our new way of fighting." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wait, when? How? Jihyun?" Namjoon asked, confused on what he could've missed within what seemed to be short of time.

"Do we have to do this right now?" Jeongguk inquired lamely. "We were just trying to have a moment together. We promise we'll catch you up on everything."

"I don't really care enough to be caught up on everything but I'm just shocked." Namjoon replied, standing stiffly.

"Yeah," Taehyung finally spoke. "Long story really." He shrugged like it was nothing.

"Okay, well, they're about to announce the king and queen. I don't know if you guys would want to see or not." Namjoon said, rubbing the back of his neck before he awkwardly walked out of the restroom.

     Taehyung looked to his side, Jeongguk staring ahead at the door. "Guess we should go back then, huh? Don't want anyone else walking in on us."

"Guess so." Jeongguk replied, walking forward towards the door to leave. Before he could even get out, he felt a hard sting right on his bottom, making him wince and spin around, glaring at Taehyung.

"What? Couldn't help myself. You have a nice ass, Newbie, you know that." Taehyung grinned innocently.

The two proceeded back into the main area, entering just at the right time. They were about to announce who the prom king and prom queen was going to be.

It was exciting for some, meaning nothing to others, and for people like Jeongguk and Taehyung, it was just something to do.

The two boys made their way back to the table, Jihyun and Jimin too returning back over. Now, the table was full with the eight of them. Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jeongguk, and Jihyun.

"May I have your attention," said the announcer in the front of the room, some decorative stage lights pointing into her direction to give her the spotlight.

Everyone slowed and quieted their chatting, facing the direction of the speaker and giving her their undivided attention.

"We have officially counted all of the votes, added them up, and now have this year's prom king and prom queen." She said proudly, holding a small notecard with the names written down.

Taehyung looked over at Jeongguk who mindlessly was awaiting the results like everyone else. He didn't even realize Taehyung looking at him.

What he did notice was the hand slipping under the table and grabbing a hold of his own, a small squeeze of warmth surrounding his palm.

It made a little curl of Jeongguk's lips raise, very small and barely noticeable.

"Starting off with our very own prom king," the announcer said, creating the anticipation. She took a peak at her small notecard, smiling widely as her eyes put together the name before her. "Jung Hoseok!" She called into her given microphone.

Soon loud clapper filled the room, cheering and applauding for the senior who just became prom king.

Hoseok appeared to be utterly shocked, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. He looked around his table who was filled of excitement and urging him to go get his crown and flowers for winning.

He didn't think twice about winning, he didn't even consider he would win.

Hoseok slowly and hesitantly stood up and made his way up to the front, the announcer placing the crown right on top of his head and congratulating him.

Everyone still was very much clapping their hands together, whistling at him. A lot of his supporting teammates who attended prom had voted for him to win. They believed he truly deserved it.

     "Congratulations, Hoseok!" Said the lady. "And now, for our prom queen." She flipped over to the next notecard, reading the name that was displayed for her eyes.

Even Hoseok looked over, taking a peak at the name. His mouth opened wide at the very sight, excitement filling him.

     "Choi Jihyun!"

And yet another round of cheering and yelling for the girl who won prom queen.

     Taehyung nudged her, whispering his own gratitude towards her as she got up from her seat, picking up the front of her dress and making her way where Hoseok was.

     The announcer had given her her own tiara and the same flowers Hoseok received.

     "Congratulations, Jihyun!" The lady said into the mic, letting every finish clapping. "Hoseok and Jihyun for this years' prom king and queen!"

People pulled their phones out and took plenty of photos of them, some commenting on how good they looked together and how happy they were that it was them.

Hoseok gave Jihyun the biggest hug yet, engulfing her in his arms and congratulating her. It was big for him but it must've been massive for her to win. He was just glad it was them two, surprising but glad nonetheless.

When he pulled back, he gave her one last look, looking her up and down, cheeks painted a pretty shade of pink, eyes twinkling like the lights above.

     "Maybe Hoseok really isn't gay," Jeongguk breathed quietly to Taehyung. The aforementioned blinked, giving a weird glance over to Jeongguk who kept his eyes forward.

     "What do you mean? Of course he isn't gay, you knew that." Taehyung commented blandly. He didn't see what Jeongguk had noticed.

"No, I know, but it was always fun to just kid around. But, now looking at him up there, I can't even joke about it." Jeongguk responded. "Who am I kidding, I'm still going to, but look at how he looks at Jihyun."

"Jihyun?" Taehyung followed the younger's gaze upward, seeing the sight before them. "Eh, I don't think so. Hoseok's never been the one to date. I don't think I've ever heard him say he's had a crush, besides you."

"I don't know, man," Jeongguk shrugged. "Looks like he's simping bad up there for her."

Taehyung didn't reply to that. He wouldn't care otherwise but now they he was really looking at them two and hearing what Jeongguk had to say, it did seem like Hoseok was in a sort of daze.

And, Hoseok always took a liking to her. Always told Taehyung how he should appreciate her more, do more with her, and spend more time with her.

Then again, it still seemed a bit far fetched.


     "You're not planning on killing me, right? I know we joked about me putting you on a setup but this seems fishy, dude." Jeongguk explained as he was walking down a dark sidewalk with Taehyung leading the way.

The comment made Taehyung roll his eyes and shake his head but he didn't respond, he just kept walking forward without an explanation as to what they were doing.

Jeongguk just huffed, he too deciding to just be quiet since complaining and vocalizing his internalized fear seemed to have gotten him nowhere.

     Taehyung walked them through some grass, no longer taking the sidewalk. If that didn't seem any scarier, Jeongguk didn't know what would.

     They had completely ditched their group of friends. They were all supposed to head to the after party but they ended up just sneaking away and now heading to wherever Taehyung was planning on going.

The older boy didn't give any hints or indications on where they were heading to. Most places were closed anyway this late at night so it only confused Jeongguk more.

     Eventually, the two had reached a small wooden doc. There was a peaceful stream of water at the foot of the doc, the stars prettily reflecting on the waves of the water.

The moon even created this beautiful light that helped the stars shine even brighter, keeping everything from being pitch black.

     "This is . . . Wow," Jeongguk breathed as he looked around. The soft breeze that brushed past them, the calming sound of the water rushing and moving seamlessly filling the silence of the air.

It was just them and the stars above.

     "This seemed like better privacy compared to the bathroom." Commented Taehyung who began to unbutton his suit jacket, sliding it off of his arms.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk inquired once he watched Taehyung start to loosen his tie. "We're not going to fuck here, right? That's public indecency."

"Pfft," scoffed Taehyung. "Relax, I was just getting a little warm." He said before he walked over to the edge of the doc, taking a seat.

He pulled off his shoes and removed his socks, rolling his pant legs up and eventually dipping his feet into the brisk water.

It didn't take much for Jeongguk to follow the elder, too letting his bare feet sink into the stream below them.

Then it was silent.

     They sat there in each others presence like they did that night after the game. It was peaceful, relaxing, and calming.

Both boys knew what they wanted to say, they knew the other wanted to say it too. It was just a matter of who was going to ruin the silence first.

     "Jeongguk," Taehyung decided he would rather speak, slowly turning his head to look over at the younger.

"Taehyung," Jeongguk hummed, offering a bunny-like smile. It was precious.

The elder moved and grabbed Jeongguk's hand, holding it within his own. He didn't move his eyes from Jeongguk's, keeping the contact between them.

     "I hope I'm not rushing anything when I say I want to be with you." Taehyung softly worded, rubbing his thumb over Jeongguk's knuckles, looking at him through his pretty and long eyelashes.

"Not at all, Kim." The younger said, slowly closing in. "Surprised I don't need to take your ego down a few notches for you to admit that."

"I was sure of it when you came to my house to talk." Taehyung admitted, not a sense of hesitation or doubt lining his vocals. This is what he wanted.

"I was sure of it when you first kissed me." Jeongguk whispered, looking down at Taehyung's lips. They looked so soft, so plump, so kissable.

"Is this going to be another competition between us?" Taehyung wondered, unable to help the playful beam that grew over his lips.

Jeongguk moved his free hand and placed it on the side of Taehyung's cheek, slowly closing the gap between them with a gentle kiss.

It was like the entire word stopped so they could share their moment together, it was nothing but them in those seconds of intimacy.

Their lips were locked together and their hearts were racing out of their chests.

Taehyung had his hand firmly placed on Jeongguk's thigh, squeezing the muscle under it while Jeongguk kept a hold of Taehyung's face, keeping him in place.

     Jeongguk was first to pull away, looking Taehyung back into his eyes, nothing but joy fulfilling him. "If it is, I win."

Taehyung didn't have anything else more to say. He just leaned in and kissed the boy again, wanting nothing more but to share this moment with Jeongguk.

     It was incredible how the two couldn't even stand being in the same room together but now it was like they couldn't get enough of each other.

Their entire relationship was right from left field; no one seen it coming — besides Hoseok, of course.

It was a long, painfully winded story between them but the two boys couldn't be any happier with where they were now.

They couldn't be any more happier with how things ended.

The End

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