
:Chapter Fifty-Two:

     "Come on! Run! Run! Run!" Yelled out a player from the Panther's team, pumping his fist high in the air. The other players continued to yell and cheer on as Hoseok turned sharp on third and kept making it towards home plate.

He was sprinting as fast as he can, seeing as they got their third out by the first basemen. They needed him to make it to home for them to win the game.

He would be their tiebreaker and that's what kept him running.

     The other team's first basemen turned on his feet and whipped the ball towards the catcher who waited at home plate. It was a pretty throw and made it into the catcher glove but not before Hoseok had lunged forward, diving so he could beat the ball.

     Hoseok, the catcher, and along with everyone else turned their attention towards the umpire who witnessed the whole thing up close. They were waiting for the call that would either be have the game go another inning or be the game-winning point for the Panthers.

"Safe!" Yelled out the umpire, making the hand gesture that signaled anyone who could hear. It meant the Panthers won with just a one-point league but that's all they needed.

Hoseok jumped up and leaped with excitement, running over to his other teammates who cheered him on loudly.

They all chanted and patted on Hoseok's back, grins plastered across their faces. They were so proud of their teammate for running as fast as his feet could take him.

     They wasted no time in cleaning up, telling the opposing team is was nice playing with them and that they had a good game. The team just wanted to get back home, celebrate amongst each other.

Especially now since Minji had announced he was having a party at his house to celebrate their victory. It was short notice but everyone was up for a good party.

     "Good job, boys! You kids did a good job and held on tight! No practice tomorrow but we pick back up on Monday. 'Kay?" Said Coach aloud to the teenage boys who all nodded collectively.

     Taehyung looked back at Hoseok, seeing his hyung speak about what he was feeling as he dashed from third to home; how his heart was racing with every step he took.

The words eventually faded into nothing, though. Taehyung's eyes caught sight of Jeongguk who was walking ahead of him, arm draped around Leehyun's shoulders.

They were close and talking to one another. Taehyung couldn't hear since he was so forced in his own head but he could see the smiles and basically pick up the sound of their laughter.

The elder narrowed his brows just a bit, a frown tugging at the corner of his lips. He could feel something burn in his chest. Anger perhaps.

Taehyung just didn't know why the two had to stand so close to each other. Why did they have to touch like they were? They weren't even good friends.

     "But I made it over home. I swore he got me before I landed but I guess not! I'm not going to argue it." Hoseok's chuckle pulled Taehyung back to reality and thankfully so. If he stared any longer, Hoseok would've totally noticed the raging jealousy flaring up.

"That's nice," Uttered Taehyung. "We're proud of you, believe me." He looked down at his feet as he walked forward, heading towards the bus with his friend and surrounding teammates.


     "And to Hoseok! For getting the game-winning point!" Minji cheered, holding his glass of age-appropriate liquid.

Everyone called out and too held up their cups, all taking a sip of the drink. All but Taehyung who was seated on the couch, cup still full in his hands.

He kind of felt left out but he was the one that distanced himself. This felt like dรฉjร  vu. Probably because they were in a similar predicament earlier in the story but the difference being who was the left out one.

     Taehyung huffed. He should go home. He didn't want to be here anymore. It didn't matter how selfish it sounded.

     The captain stood up and briefly stretched out his muscles, trying to hide away his sour mood but he was an overall grump.

He didn't want to be here anymore though. He just felt better if he went home and went to bed.

Taehyung set the cup down on the table and began his way to the front door, just passing by his teammates without words to be shared so they wouldn't stop him.

He didn't want to make it obvious he was going home but that didn't quite turn out how he planned. It never does.

"Taehyung!" The aforementioned sighed as he paused with his hand on the doorknob. He looked back over his shoulder at Suwun who was the player that called him. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Um," Began the captain, trying of think of a reason but he didn't think he would be stopped. "Home." He ended up saying.

"Why?" Asked Minji, the host of the party.

"Oh, um . . . Tired." He vaguely remarked. "Just was going to hit the hay, call it a night." Taehyung added. He then forced a yawn, covering his mouth and stretching out a single arm to sell the illusion.

"If you say so, man. See you tomorrow?" Minji asked and ended up with Taehyung's nod in return.

The captain turned back towards the door but not after making brief eye contact with Jeongguk who looked skeptical.

He ignored it and took his leave, walking out the front door.

Taehyung was still agitated but there was nothing he could do. It would be better to walk by himself and then just sleep it off. He would be better in the morning, surely.

It wasn't like Jeongguk had anything to be sorry for. He didn't know what he did wrong. Taehyung wasn't even sure if he could consider it to be wrong.

They weren't dating. Weren't together. Shit, Taehyung was still in a relationship with someone he told Jeongguk he was going to breakup with.

How could Taehyung be upset at all? How could he be jealous of something that wasn't his?

"You shouldn't walk alone. Don't you live like fifteen minutes away?" Jeongguk asked as he caught up and walked beside Taehyung, startling the elder teenager.

Taehyung felt his heart swell up. He didn't think he wanted Jeongguk to follow him but he felt the insect swirl around in his gut when he saw the boy.

But then the image of Jeongguk being all over Leehyun flashed and every flying bug died the moment he remembered.

The mature side of him died along with but only as pride stood tall.

"I think I rather be alone so you can go back to the party." Taehyung replied, looking straight ahead.

"Huh? Why?" Questioned Jeongguk. "Are you upset at something?" It didn't take him long for him to pick up the attitude. Jeongguk knew better than that.

"Shouldn't you be back there? With Leehyun? All on his ass?" Taehyung questioned, brow cocked. He didn't hold back the jealousy he was clearly portraying.

"Leehyun? What does Leehyun have to do with any of this?" Jeongguk was bewildered, unsure where this was going.

"Well, you want to cling onto him like you're some damn monkey." Taehyung rolled his eyes but kept forward, not wanting to meet the look of confusion that was across Jeongguk's face:

The younger frowned and tried to pick up on what Taehyung was talking about. It suddenly made sense and even made the teenager chuckle. He thought it was cute now.

"Tae, are you jealous?" He asked, brows lifted. His lips were curled in a smile but that wasn't going to last much longer. Not with Taehyung.

The aforementioned looked back and narrowed his brows. "This isn't a joke, Jeongguk, I'm not laughing." He commented, face contouring his sour mood vividly.

". . . Kidding." Jeongguk's smile had fell into a scowl. "You're kidding, dude. First off, we're not even dating so how you think you have control over my actions is beyond me. Secondly, there's absolutely nothing between me and Leehyun. Nothing at all."

"That's not the point," Taehyung said, shaking his head.

"Then what's the point? Last I checked, you're the cheater." Jeongguk spoke. "Did you even breakup with her?"


"Exactly, Taehyung. Don't come for me and try to paint me out to be the bad guy when you're cheating with your girlfriend. Don't sit here and ridicule me over shit I didn't do wrong. That's a dick move and it's a game you don't want to play with me." Jeongguk angrily said, unable to comprehend the fact Taehyung was mad at him.

The elder huffed and shook his head. This was a never ending loop but it started with Taehyung.

"You were right," Jeongguk spoke up again. "I'm glad we kept everything a secret because no one needs to know that whatever the fuck this was is over." He then turned his back to Taehyung and began to walk away, shaking his head in defeat.

The elder wanted to chase after him but they just needed to stop for a moment. They were chasing their tails in circles and it was getting them nowhere.

They could be so good if they just were a bit more considerate. If only they could play the right cards instead of trying to go against one another.

They both could be hateful, mean, and inconsiderate. When things were good, they were great. Then there were moments like these where they both had their backs turned and hearts aching. Where it felt like everything was on the line and one wrong move was the eternal fall for them.

     Taehyung sighed as he stared up at the ceiling above him, feeling his eyes sting with tears and the conflicting thoughts run his mind.

Who knew a teenage love story could hurt this bad. It was the fact that they just couldn't seem to get anywhere.

But that's what they thought before they even became friends. Neither one of them thought they would ever get anywhere besides hating one another.

And here they were, trying to find where their hearts were at. Trying to see where the endgame landed because right now, it felt like it was over exactly where they stood.

Unless . . .

     Taehyung found himself walking what was now in the middle of the night. He had his hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie and his head held low.

If he ever wanted to go anywhere with Jeongguk, further than what they were at now, he would have to breakup with Jihyun for once and for all.

She didn't deserve it, nor did Jeongguk.

     He knocked on the door, knowing it most likely was only her in the house. Unfortunately, sometimes it would only be her but that wasn't to be discussed right at the moment.

He patiently waited for her, hoping she was somehow awake this late at night. Hoping that for some reason she was still awake.

As if odds were in his favor, the door was slowly pulled open, a surprised look on Jihyun's face as she saw her boyfriend this late at night.

She was just completing some of her missing assignments and just so happened to have stayed up longer than anticipated.

Nevertheless, she was baffled that Taehyung stood right in front of her, tired and exhausted look plastered across his features.

     "Taehyung? Are you okay? Come inside, it's chilly out there." Jihyun said with much care, pulling the door a bit more open but the boy stopped her.

"No, I just . . . I want to apologize to you." Taehyung spoke softly, not wanting to look her in the eyes but she didn't deserve the lack of eye contact. She didn't deserve any of this.

"Apologize? For what exactly?" Asked his girlfriend. She had a cocked brow, a frown on her face. "What happened?"

"I lied to you. I was disloyal to you. Jihyun, you'll forever hold a hell of a place in my heart but . . . I-I think we should break up." He cut straight to it, just wanting to get it over with. Taehyung wanted to make it quick like ripping off a bandaid.

"Woah," She looked startled. "What? Where is this coming from? What are you talking about?" Jihyun felt left in the dark but her chest was aching.

"I hate myself for it โ€” and no, this isn't some pity party. But I cheated on you and . . . I justโ€” I'm sorry. I don't know how else to put it." Taehyung admitted, feeling shame rise through his core up to his heart.

"Cheated? On me with who?" Jihyun's eyes held so much emotion, all of which were pained and saddened.

". . ." Taehyung didn't answer. He couldn't. "With who doesn't matter." He simply said. "But I just thought I should do this now instead of drag our relationship and you further. You don't deserve this. I can't express howโ€”"

Jihyun was too tired and stress to hear a broken record. She couldn't believe her ears so she proceeded to shut the door on Taehyung, turning away and taking in the situation where she stood.

Taehyung, on the other hand, pinched his lips together, eyes staring at the oak door in front of him. He was surprised she didn't slap him first.

Didn't spit on him or call his names.

He sighed to himself. He shouldn't keep pestering her. She needed her space to process and he needed to head home to finally go to sleep. Part of him wanted to her to be mad at him. Everyone else was, it just seemed to be her turn.

     That being said, Taehyung turned and began his journey home, head held low.

As much as he wanted this, it sure didn't feel good. He put so much time and effort into that girl. She was so sweet and had done nothing but give him constant love and affection.

He just always put her on the back burner. With baseball, his passions, and he even put his enemies before her. He slowly lost his interest in her and Jihyun, the sweet and daring girl she was, didn't deserve an ounce of that.

It just proved that men weren't shit.

Taehyung thought it would feel like a lifted weight but he felt like garbage. He felt like the most horrid thing known to earth. Maybe it was because he had not only made his now ex-girlfriend cry, but he had pissed off the one boy he wanted most right now.

And, to really put a cherry on top, Hoseok couldn't even understand Taehyung's actions. He didn't agree with them.

Believe it or not, Taehyung's intentions weren't to hurt anyone. He didn't want to cause anyone any harm but no matter what he did, he was going to upset someone.

Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.


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