It had been about one or two days since Tatsumi had been gone, transported to who knows where. When Akira and Lubbock made their report to Najenda and the others, it was quite obvious to see that they were very worried. But they had faith.
And sure enough, he did return, coming in with a report of his own. He detailed of where he went, which was a deserted island with Esdeath, and her Teigu, it's origins, and what he had seen of her prowess. A certain member was a bit angry, thinking that Tatsumi had gone on a vacation with a "babe" who is also the strongest soldier of the Empire, who just so happened to also be a sadistic psychopath.
In the present day, a noble could be seen looking out his window, gazing out onto the streets of the Capital. Looks of despairs were on many of the citizens faces.
Noble: "Cattle. Cattle. Cattle! I never tire seeing the ragged faces. It can hardly be called exploitation when you're dealing with pigs. The alcohol bought with the citizens' taxes is particularly delectable. I think I'll drain even more from them starting next month."
The fat noble chuckled to himself as he drank some wine from his glass. He then turned his head around, seeing the door open as one of his maids come strolling in.
Maid: "Master. It's time for your massage."
Noble: "Ooh! Make today's the refreshing full-body-fondle course!"
He smiled to himself as he turned around and resumed looking out the window, thinking he was about to receive such service. Unknown to him, the maid took something out of her mouth, which was a needle, the maid herself gaining her own smirk.
The maid then stuck the needle into the side of the noble's neck, him letting out a grunt before his eyes rolled in the back of his head. He then slumped over, the maid taking the needle out before she burst into a puff of smoke, the smoke then clearing as it revealed to be Chelsea.
Chelsea: "Mission accomplished. Though I don't know what kind of 'course' you'd call that..."
The auburn-haired girl's ears then perk up as she hears something, the sound of hurried footsteps. The doorknob could be heard turning as Chelsea quickly drew some of her Teigu's tools out.
The doors burst open, coming in were Wave and Kurome.
Wave: "This is the Jaegers! We received word that Night Raid would be targeting this home! We're here to respond to this urgent matter!"
Kurome: "Wave."
The two walk forward and head up to the dead noble. Wave grunted in frustration.
Wave: "We were too late..."
Chelsea: "What I'm saying is, it was a trap. That was too close!"
Having returned safely from her mission, Chelsea was gathered with some of the other members of Night Raid in the lounge area. She was currently drinking out of a mug, drinking some hot tea as the others were listening to her.
Mine: "You're one tough bugger if you were able to get out unhurt."
Chelsea: "Well, he had two or three house cats. I transformed into one of them to blend in and get out."
Mine: "I don't think I'd have been able to manage in that situation. I hate to admit, but that Teigu's pretty handy."
Chelsea: "It would've been tough for you because everyone knows what you look like. You should leave these kinds of jobs to me."
Mine: "Chelsea..."
Chelsea: (smug grin) "So you should stay here and keep an eye out on the hideout. Bench-warmer.~"
Thinking their camaraderie was finally occurring, Mine was hopeful. But with Chelsea's response, all of that hopefulness was shattered. A visible tick mark appeared at the top of her head before she leaped out of her seat and started chasing Chelsea around, who was laughing as she ran away.
Mine: "Don't insult your teammate! I won't let you get away with that!"
Tatsumi: (deadpan) "You've said things like that to me before though."
On the couch in the lounge room, Leone and Tatsumi were sharing it, the latter drinking coffee out of a mug. Lubbock was on the opposite couch with Akira and Akame in a chair, Akira doing his best impression of a grumpy cat as he sat in Akame's lap, his head in her soft bosom. The red-eyed girl gently stroked his hair as she kept a straight face, her legs wrapped around his waist tightly so he couldn't escape.
Akame: "Just as with this latest job, the Jaegers are clamping down on their hunt for us. Things can't keep going like this."
Leone: "They already wiped out all the new Danger Beasts. And Night Raid's the only important target they have left." (mischievous grin) "If we had over Tatsumi here, who enjoyed a nice little vacation in the tropics... Maybe they'd leave the rest of us alone."
Hearing such an idea from Leone's mouth caused Tatsumi to spit his coffee out. He then sends an annoyed and angered glare towards the blonde lioness, a visible tick mark on his head himself.
Tatsumi: "I told you, I got dragged into that against my will!"
Lubbock: (putting sugar cubes in Najenda's coffee) "Getting stranded on an island with a beautiful woman... It's not like I'm jealous of you. You should've left her behind. But given who you were with, I'm not jealous, okay? I mean it."
Tears were running down Lubbock's face. He was being his usual perverted self and his usual reaction to when Tatsumi got into situations like these. Seeing this, the others weren't really surprised.
Leone: "Wipe your tears, Lubbo." (shoves Tatsumi's head between her breasts) "Get a load of my titties!"
Akira: "...On the other note. Akame."
Akame: "Hmm?"
Akira: "Can you please let me go? This may feel nice and all, but this is incredibly embarrassing."
Akame: "No."
Akira: "Eh? Why? When did you get like this?"
Akame: "When Tatsumi told me what happened, I couldn't imagine what would happen if someone were to steal you. So naturally, I'm just protecting you. What's so wrong with that?"
Akira: "This doesn't mean you have to do this! I'm not your pet! Let me go, dammit!"
Akame: "...No."
(A/N): That little interaction is a reference to a certain AGK fanfic if you know what it is... Eh, I thought it'd be funny.
In response to her own response, Akira simply stomped his foot. It got a laugh out of everyone else, but Lubbock was...
Lubbock: "Goddammit, why am I the only one without a fucking babe!? What the fuck is this shit!?"
The door was then opened and metal arm struck Lubbock's head, causing him to face plant onto the wooden table. Everyone looked up to see it was Najenda, who had just finished in the hot springs and using a towel to dry her head.
Najenda: (to Lubbock) "Be quiet, you're being a nuisance."
Lubbock: "Sorry..."
Najenda: "Anyway, Esdeath always was a stubborn one, even way back in the day. Even if left on her own, she would have gotten back on her own efforts. We need to be ready to fight with all our strength next time we run into each other as enemies."
Tatsumi: "'Way back in the day'...? That reminds me, boss, how old are you?"
Najenda: "I'm in my mid-twenties. Esdeath is a little younger than me."
Tatsumi: "You're seriously that young!? I would have never guessed!"
The icy blue-eyed teen simply shook his head in response and facepalmed while Lubbock looked at Tatsumi like he was an idiot. In this case, yes, he was being an idiot.
With the next thing happening, Tatsumi found himself on the floor, his face beaten to a pulp with Najenda standing a few feet away from him, her back facing him. Clearly, the question had pissed her off. Chelsea and Mine could be seen cowering behind the couch, the two and Leone having shocked looks. Akame had moved out of her spot and was now crouching next to Tatsumi, poking him with a small stick.
Najenda: "We're holding an important meeting after we're done eating! So nobody drink too much!"
Akame: "It's rude to comment on someone's age, Tatsumi."
Tatsumi: (strained voice) "You're the one who commented on Leone's weight before."
Akame: "Hmm? What are you talking about? ...Ow."
Akira: "Don't play dumb, you know exactly what he means." (sigh) "Makes me wonder how you can be such a bad liar..."
Akame: (poker face) "Huh? What do you mean?"
Akira: "...Exactly my point."
She shrugs it off and begins to help Tatsumi up. It wasn't until Susanoo had opened the door from the kitchen, announcing that the food was finished. Upon hearing it, Akame gained her usual excited face and abandons the poor boy and runs into the dining room, leaving Akira to help Tatsumi up as they went into the dining room.
Afterwards, the group reassembled themselves in the meeting room, Najenda sitting upon her chair and with everyone in their usual spots.
Najenda: "This latest case... Involves a religion called the 'Path of Peace.' They have believers far and wide."
Chelsea: "The one that preaches how good deed will bring happiness and long life?"
Tatsumi: "Oh! It has spread into my village too! When we left on our trip, the chief gave us a figurine that was from that religion."
Akira: "Hmm..."
Akame: "You've met them too?"
Akira: "It was a while back when I was still in the east... I never understood what their leader said... Well, his words, anyway. But, now I do."
Akame: "What were they?"
Akira: (shakes head) "No, it's nothing of importance."
Akame only gave him a suspicious stare, but shrugged it off. Akira thought back to what the leader had told him, and it could have foretold his future in a way.
"Even if many call you a monster, there will be someone who will accept you for who you are."
When he first heard those words, Akira wasn't sure what to make of it. In fact, he wasn't even sure who the leader was even referring to. But thinking back now, that person is the one standing right next to him.
The silver-haired general then cleared her throat as she continued on with her explanation.
Najenda: "Over the past ten years, the Path of Peace has been growing in followers. It's become a large force on the east side of the Capital. Before long, the Path of Peace will lead an armed uprising... In other words, a religious revolt. We plan to take advantage of this."
Tatsumi: "H-Hold on a second. If such a huge revolt happened, do you realize how many people would lose their lives!? Shouldn't we try to keep a revolt from happening in the first place!?"
Najenda: "...The Empire's corrupt government has mistreated the people too much... Even if we tried to suppress a revolt by the Path of Peace, the people's anger would inevitably erupt somewhere." (clenches hand) "This nation has already reached it's boiling point."
Tatsumi: "So that's how it is..." (thoughts) 'We can't avoid... Sacrifices...!'
Akira: "Tatsumi... It's not possible to save everyone. Trust me... I know... And I've come to terms with it now. In decisions like these, extreme measures will have to be taken. ...Even if you don't always like it."
He was shocked to hear such an answer from him, but ultimately kept quiet and kept gritting his teeth. Tatsumi should've known that fact since the beginning, ever since he entered this line of work. Drastic and extreme measures like these would have to be taken in order to work towards their goal of making the nation a better place.
Chelsea: (sigh) "Just let her finish her story."
Lubbock: "You remember when that tribe revolted? And the Hero of the North business, right?"
Tatsumi: "Weren't both those revolts put down by Esdeath?"
Lubbock: "I believed they only failed because they defied the Empire on their own. The Empire's still immensely strong. After a time, the Path of Peace's revolt will be crushed...and a lot of blood will be shed."
Najenda: "That's where the Revolutionary Army comes in. The moment the Path of Peace's uprising begins, we'll attack with the allied tribe to the west. That will put the Empire in the position of having to contend with adversaries on the inside and outside. Even then, however, they'll still probably be able to hold out. So to deal the finishing blow, the Revolutionary Army will start an uprising to the south. They'll march to the Capital and overthrow the Empire."
Tatsumi: "I see... So it'll be a three-way maneuver..."
Najenda: "The Empire underestimates the Revolutionary Army. Because the rebellion is concentrated all in one place, they actually think that puts them at an advantage. The stronghold is in a remote region of the Empire. To reach the Capital from there, they need to break through a number of barriers and castles. But we already have several spies infiltrating these castles. In many cases, the viceroys of these castles used to work in the Capital, before being demoted. So it was easy to spread the word. They'll be in for a surprise... When the army passes through one castle after the other without any bloodshed and makes speedy progress to the Capital. But the Empire still has a Trump Card."
Akira: "Of course. Budo and his Capital guards will surely intercept them. But that would also mean that the Capital's defenses will be weakened."
Akame: "Yes. That's when we'll have our chance to assassinate the Minister."
The red-eyed assassin took Murasame off her belt and brandished it in front of everyone. Taking out the Minister would be like taking out the king piece on a chess board.
Akame: "We'll storm the palace... And lay the Minister to rest. We'll cut the Capital down from the inside."
Akira: "Agreed. Judgement shall be brought upon him, and Death will give him his punishment."
Lubbock: "Yeah, but... That guy's so sly he'll probably run away at the last second."
Leone: "I won't let him. He's the prime cause of all this evil. We need him dead."
Najenda: "The tribes to the west are on board so long as they're rewarded for their cooperation with the return of their territories."
Tatsumi: "Territories?"
Mine: (gripping arm) "Originally, the land in the Empire's west belonged to the tribes there. It's their long cherished wish to get that land back..."
Tatsumi: (thoughts) 'Oh yeah. One of Mine's parents...was from a western tribe...'
Najenda: "Once the Empire collapses and the undesirable laws are lifted, the people's anger will settle. If we can just carry out the downfall of the Capital swiftly, then we won't have to shed that much blood. Have I convinced you yet, Tatsumi?"
Tatsumi: "Y-Yeah. Sorry I interrupted before."
Susanoo: "If the plan's in place, all that's left is to carry it out... The only thing that could stand in the way is if this latest job falls through."
Najenda: "...Exactly, Susanoo! Nothing less from my Teigu!"
Lubbock could be heard snarling in annoyance in the background.
Najenda: "The Path of Peace holds the key to everything... But right now... It seems to have internal instability. Bolic's goal is to gain control of the Path of Peace and to keep an armed uprising from happening. He means to kill the religious lord before too long and stand at the head of the organization."
Tatsumi: "Can't we send in word to kick him out?"
Akira: "It's not that simple. Bolic has followers that possess great authority."
Najenda: "Besides, the Empire has a backup."
Chelsea: "This is what makes the Minister so repulsive. Rather than oppress it from the outside, he's trying to control it from the inside."
Najenda: "That's where we come in. We're going to the headquarters of the Path of Peace and we're going to take Bolic down. He's been lacing the meals of some of the followers with drugs a little at a time to make them addicts. Our spies have confirmed that the more devout followers have been reduced to puppets. We cannot let this go on."
Lubbock: (growling in anger) "I bet they're just fooling around with one girl after the other."
Susanoo/Akira: "It's an insult to food to sneak drugs into it."
Lubbock/Susanoo/Akira: "I won't let them get away with it! Absolutely unacceptable!"
The three of them then looked at each other. A spark seemed to have twinkled between them as they seemed to have a general understanding of what they needed to do... Sort of.
Najenda: (sweat drops) "...Guys. Your anger's a little off target."
Leone then spoke up. It clearly reminded her of the joint mission with herself, Tatsumi, and Akira. The time they eliminated the drug trafficking operation in the red-light district, the lioness having witnessed one of her friends being killed there.
Leone: "If we don't do something, all the believers will become drug addicts... We have to put a stop to that."
Najenda: "Last, but not least is about the Jaegers. Right now, they're doing all they can to hunt us down. Sooner or later we'll slip up, and they'll capture us."
Akira had noticed that Akame's face had darkened. No doubt, she was thinking of her little sister. Gently, he grabbed her hand and held it tightly, causing her to look at him. Akira offered her a small smile with a nod, Akame smiling herself as she returned the gesture.
Chelsea: "Earlier when they surprised me, I would've been in trouble if I hadn't had those special powers."
Najenda: "So next time... We'll lure them outside the Capital... And wage our battle against them."
Mine: "We'll finally have an all-out showdown!"
Najenda: (puffs a smoke from her cigarette) "I've gotten a request from Headquarters... To get rid of Kurome and Bols in particular if we have the chance."
Tatsumi: (thoughts) 'Kurome's an assassin, so it's no surprise they'd ask us to target her...' "But him too?"
Chelsea: "It's because he and his unit burned down one of the villages supporting the Revolutionary Army... Not to mention, his firepower alone is enough threat."
Upon hearing of what Bols had done, Akame had looked down slightly. Technically, she was one of the reasons why the village their were referring to was burned down. The village was in Mount Hakuba, where her group had been stationed once in order to take down a Revolutionary Army base. Of course, they were right that there was one there, but they had a run-in with the Retribution Group there.
The whole reason the Retribution Group was formed so it could exact revenge upon the remaining members of the Elite Seven. And at that time, Akame wasn't aware of the fact that her former leader, Najasho, and Akira were apart of it, brainwashed by it's leader, Mudi, a former Gravekeeper. Because they fought and won, the Imperial soldiers and the Elite Seven had taken down the Revolutionary Army stationed there, along with the majority of the Retribution Group. But that was simply a distraction so the incineration squad could burn down the village there. She remembered that there were two kids she was training there. They were innocent, those kids making a living by selling seafood and other food items in order to gain money for their family. And now they were dead. Akame felt like it was partly her fault for what happened to those two.
Najenda continued on with her explanation.
Najenda: "Not only is Esdeath leading the Jaegers... But they're the Minister's private army. You can fight them even if you know them personally, right? Tatsumi, Akira?"
Akira: "...They're the same us. They're fighting for the Empire with their own reasons. While I have no qualms with killing either of them, Kurome included, it's not place to kill her. Or rather, I shouldn't be the one to do it. But even then, I'll follow my orders. I'll fight."
They could tell he said that with a bit of hesitance in the beginning. He considered Kurome one of his friends, younger sister even. Even though he never really spoke much about it. The last of his words ended with resolve, showing he was ready to do so. Everyone the looked to Tatsumi.
Tatsumi: (thoughts) 'Wave was such a nice guy. He wasn't one of the targets... So I have no reason to fight him... But that's foolish of me to think. They'll probably be giving it their all to protect their comrades. He's not an opponent I can afford to take it easy with. Whatever the case, I'm an assassin. I joined this team knowing full well what would be expected of me!' "...I'll do it. Even if they're not the official targets, if I have to fight them, I'll do it with everything I've got. And no hesitation!"
Everyone smiled at his answer. They all showed resolve for their mission. This was going to be their biggest mission yet.
Several Days Later...
In the Jaegers lounge room, Esdeath was sitting in a chair, staring at a notebook. The particular page she was on was a drawing of Tatsumi, although it looked nothing like him.
She then turned her head to the doorway, seeing Run walking up to her.
Run: "Commander. It appears that two members of Night Raid, Akame and Mine, have been spotted along the Romari highway to the east."
Esdeath sighed to herself as she shut her notebook away and tucked it into her uniform's pocket. Standing up, she adjusted her cap and began making her way to the door.
Esdeath: "Assemble all the Jaegers."
Just as humans die, slowly but surely, so too do all nations eventually crumble.
There are those who aim for the birth of a new nation.
And those who will protect the old one.
Their thoughts, ideologies, and goals all differ. Yet an unavoidable fate will bring them face-to-face. Armed with weapons of great power... They harbor their own resolutions in their hearts...
The respective groups could be seen readying themselves and their armaments. Akame began to slip on her red gauntlets, tightening them on. Kurome then tightened the tie on her sailor uniform.
Mine tightened her bow on her outfit, Pumpkin in the background of her room. Seryu and Koro entered a dark room, the light entering inside as it shined on her weapons, the Judgement of the Ten Kings.
Chelsea, Najenda, Susanoo, Lubbock, and Leone were in the meeting room of their own base, readying themselves. Bols and Run, with Esdeath sitting in a chair, were staring in front of their lounge room's window.
Wave and Tatsumi respectively gripped the handles of their Teigus, confirming their resolve for the fight ahead.
And finally, Akira was twirling Harvester behind him before he let it dissipate into flames, hooking it's key form onto his belt. Heading to the nightstand next to him and Akame's bed, he grabs Cornelia's earring and puts it on his left ear before looking to the dresser. There, Gin's sword was, leaning up against it.
He grabbed the blade and swung it overhead, clipping the blade onto his back. Akira then creates an ice dagger and tosses it to the left, his familiar wolf companion leaping into the air and grabbing it with it's mouth. Fenrir wagged it's tail as Akira pet it's head, the two then leaving the room to meet up with the rest of Night Raid.
As they face their decisive battle!
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