10| The Jaegers

A few things I want to address.

I never really showed what Akira's Teigu looked like, but roughly, it looks like Shinoa's scythe from Owari no Seraph. So if you want to see what it looks like, just search up Shinoa's scythe from ONS and it should pop up.

Second thing, another thing to add on from my warning on last chapter. Do not ask questions that will further the story or what will happen later on in the story. Obviously, Akira and Akame will get together, it's a given considering the pairing. But do not ask questions on when this will happen. It will happen when I make it happen, just be patient and wait for that moment. If I see any sorts of comment like this, the same thing will happen with the comment of "What happens next." Your comment will either be deleted, but if it happens way too many times, I will block you. At this point, it's just annoying and I have addressed this many times that I don't want these types of comments left in the comments section.

You are welcome to leave opinions or moments that you like in the comments, but none of those questions asking when certain points will happen in future chapters. If you decide to leave ideas in the comments, sure, you can do that. However, this is my fanfic, so I decide what happens and what doesn't happen. I will look over ideas and take them into consideration and think whether I could go with it or not. 

These are just things I wanted to address. Like I said, the warnings I have posted up above and last chapter are your last ones. These comments have been going on for a few months now and they're annoying, so please, stop. Take it how you want. If I seem mean, sure, but I have addressed this many times that I don't want these as I don't want to make it seem like someone is exclusive to finding out future details of such for any fanfics of mine. Plus, it just wouldn't make sense for you to read the next chapter if I told you what happens next as you're basically spoiled of what's going to happen next. 

So again, final warning. Don't bother posting any comments or questions pertaining what I have stated above and in the last chapter. Final warning.


In the hot springs near Night Raid's base, the familiar pink-haired assassin could be seen sitting in it. She flexed and closed her hands a few times before she nodded and stood up with a determined look.

Mine: "There! I'm all healed!"

After putting on her clothes, Mine could be seen running through the halls of Night Raid's base. She tightened the string on one of her arms using her mouth.

Mine: (thoughts) 'I've waited patiently while my broken bones healed... But now I can fight again...! I have to cover Sheele and Bulat's share of the fighting too!'

Opening the sliding door that led to the training yard, Mine stepped out. She then extended her arm out, raising it high as she yelled to everyone there.

Mine: "Somebody! Spar with me!"

The sounds of wood being struck was then heard, off to the left was Akira, him in his usual combat clothing as he was striking a training post, training his skills in hand-to-hand combat. Mine then heard strained, grunting noises, turning back to what was in front of her.

Akame and Leone could be seen on Tatsumi's and Lubbock's backs, the two doing push-ups as they were both struggling to breathe.

Tatsumi: (strained voice) "Yo, Mine."

Akame: "Great! You're all better!"

Mine: (sweat drops) "...What are you doing?"

Leone: (cheeky grin) "These guys are always training, so we're helping them out."

Tatsumi: "I could tell the moment I put it on--Incursio is packing so much power it saps my strength too quickly. I have to build up my body so I can be like Aniki... And wear it for long periods of time...!" (grits teeth in frustration) "As I am now... I can't use it's invisibility for more than a second."

The pink-haired girl blushed at Tatsumi's dedication. Ever since Bulat's death, Tatsumi seemed to always be eager to train, wanting to level up as fast as he can. He inherited Bulat's Teigu, Incursio. The brown-haired teen wished to make Bulat proud, and that's what he was going to do.

Mine then looked to Lubbock, a slightly impressed look on her face.

Mine: "It's unusual to see you drenched in sweat, Lubbo."

Lubbock: (grin) "There's only three guys left now. So I figured I'd better start pulling my weight too."

Leone: "You talk big, but you haven't done even half the number of push-ups Tatsumi has done."

Lubbock: "Tch!"

Akame: "It's not his fault. There's a big weight difference between Leone and me."

Mine, Tatsumi, and Lubbock let out a collective gasp, Akira had even stopped what he was doing and looking at Akame with a raised eyebrow. Seconds later, Leone had gotten off of Lubbock's back and punched the top of Akame's head, the blonde lioness's fist now sizzling with smoke and Akame looking at Leone, confused.

Najenda then spoke up, gathering everyone's attention.

Najenda: "You're all here."

Tatsumi: "Boss. What's with all the bags...?"

Najenda then explains the situation and where she was going.

Tatsumi: "You're going to the Revolutionary Army's Headquarters?"

Najenda: "I'm delivering the three Teigus we confiscated from the Three Beasts."

Tatsumi: "That ax is wicked heavy, though."

Najenda: (holds up Belvaac) "Oh, this old thing? Look. I can't use it as a weapon, but I can still transport it."

Tatsumi: (whisper) "Is the boss superhuman?"

Lubbock: (whisper) "Duh, she's an ex-general. Didn't you know?"

Najenda: "Take care of things while I'm away, Akame. The focus of your strategy is 'work together'!"

Akame: (nods with straight face) "Yeah, I think I've got it."

Tatsumi: "Hey! How apathetic! Are we going to be okay!?"

Lubbock: (chuckles) "That's her way of saying she'll get the job done."

Najenda: "While I'm at HQ, I'm also hoping to pick up a few new members. Though I don't have high hopes...of securing many battle-ready recruits."

Tatsumi: (looks down) "...I'm sorry... I'm always so weak."

The former general of the Empire let out a puff of smoke from her cigarette before she closed her eyes. She remembered a few words Bulat had spoken about.

Najenda: "The Three Beasts you battled... Were the axis of Esdeath's army, the strongest offensive power in the Empire. You defeated all three of them... And confiscated three Teigus. No matter how matchless Esdeath herself may be, their defeat certainly weakened her forces. And it's eased many people's fears regarding the timing of the launch of the revolution. Not only the people on the ship, but also the thousands of soldiers who will be fighting in the Revolutionary Army will be saved as well. You're strong. You're doing great."

Tatsumi: "Boss..."

Leone: "...I was keeping my mouth shut so you wouldn't get too full of yourself, but... Bulat also told me this..."

Tatsumi: "Aniki...!"

The brown-haired boy began to hold in his tears. Those words of encouragement from a former friend, and mentor, were something he needed to hear. He had to get stronger for Bulat and Sheele's sake, so their deaths weren't in vain. Najenda nodded as she began to head out.

Najenda: "Be proud of yourself, Tatsumi. And survive. So that you can become the man Bulat saw in you."

As Najenda left Night Raid's base, in the Capital, Esdeath could be seen laying some flowers in front of three graves. They were the graves of her now dead subordinates.

Esdeath: "Liver. Nyau. Daidara. You lost... In other words, you were weak. The weak are picked off... My helpless servants... And it's because you were so helpless... That I will avenge you." (thoughts) 'The new Teigu wielders arrive today. I don't know what kinds of people will come, but...' "I think I'll have some fun with them."

Later on in the day, Capital, Main Street...

A dark blue-haired man could be seen standing just outside the main street of the Capital. A proud smile was on his face as a sack of fish was slung over his shoulder. He was dressed as a sailor, and a sword hung from the back of his waist.

Wave: (thoughts) 'My name's Wave. I'm a man of the sea, doing my part in the Empire's navy! But now I've been summoned by the Empire's security squad. It's a promotion. This is my first time coming to the Capital, so I made sure to dress like an unfashionable hick and picked out the coolest possible clothes I could find! Everyone back home was singing my praises. The seafood my mom had me bring as gifts is the best there is. But... I get the feeling everyone's sneaking looks at me... Could my manners be off?'

Despite his little monologue, Wave, would awkwardly glance at the citizens as he made his way to the palace. Although he couldn't hear them, he was definitely receiving odd stares from them. Some of the citizens eyed his clothes and began to murmur, something along the lines of "Country boy" or "A real bumpkin."

In the end, he let out a small "heh" and continued to walk towards the palace, ignoring such things. He had battled pirates and sea monsters, so to him, such trivial things didn't bother him at all. Soon enough, Wave found the place he was looking for, entering inside the palace as he was excited to be meeting the people he was to be working with.

Wave: (thoughts) 'First impressions are everything. I'll make sure they don't underestimate me!' (grabs door handle and opens door) "Hello! I've come from the Imperial Na..vy..."

His voice trails off as he looks inside the room. As his voice had stopped short, he sees a bare chested man sitting patiently in a chair, a mask on his face. The man had said nothing, staring at Wave, the blue-haired man thinking that the masked man's gaze was piercing his soul.

Wave: (slams door) "Pardon me! Uuuuhh... Is this the torture master's room? Ha-ha, oops." (fumbles with paper) "I'm supposed to go to the meeting room for the security squad...I thought. This is the right place..." (thoughts) 'Which means that guy's gonna be my colleague! Typical Capital weirdness. Even pirates dress normal than that! I'll just be careful not to rile him up.'

Nervously, Wave opens the door once again, the man sending his piercing gaze. Wave nervously lets out a "hello," walking on over to a seat on the far side of the table the man was sitting at. And as he walked his way there, the masked man still kept his gaze on him, making Wave shiver on the inside.

Wave: (thoughts) 'Whoa, whoa, what's the big idea...!? He won't stop staring at me! It's no good, mom! I wanna come home already! I can't hold my own against the rough waters of the Capital!'

The blue-haired man then perked up, hearing the door being opened. Entering the room was a young girl, around the age of fifteen. She had short black hair that was put into twintail style, her having black eyes that showed little to no emotion. The young girl's clothes consisted of a black sailor's uniform with a black skirt, accompanied by a red belt and red skirt cover, a katana strapped to her waist.

The girl's shirt was too short that it didn't cover her belly button, the girl also having red leather gauntlets. Wave's face lit up in happiness, thinking a normal girl had joined them.

She then casually walked on over and sat on the opposite end of Wave's seat, then pulling out a bag. The label read, "Kurome's snacks," the girl now munching on them and didn't bother to introduce herself to everyone else. Though Wave could now concur, basing on the name of the bag, the girl's name is Kurome.

He then got up and walked towards her, the girl now noticing his presence as she opened her eyes.

Wave: "Y-Yo. You've been summoned here as a Teigu wielder, right? I'm Wave--"

The girl then hunched over, making Wave look at her confused. She then responded with a derpy looking face, having her arms huddled over her bag protectively.

Kurome: "I'm not giving you any of my snacks."

Wave: (thoughts) 'She's a weirdo, too!' (shuffles over to seat) "Sorry for bothering you..."

Once he sat down in his seat, Wave eyed his two knew opponents. Kurome continued to eat her snacks like she didn't have a care in the world, and the other kept staring at him. He wasn't sure what was going on.

He sighed once more before he jumped, turning to the door. The door had then been slammed open as a girl with a green military jacket and metal arms had come in, a smile adoring her face. She had auburn hair that was shoulder-lengthed and amber eyes, the girl being accompanied by a dog creature.

Seryu: "Excuse us! I'm from the Capital Garrison. Seryu Ubiquitous! And Koro!"

Wave: (thoughts) 'Oohh... Finally, a serious candidate!'

The two then bowed, making Wave even more confused. The auburn-haired girl also had a bouquet of roses in her hands, but were soon spread and thrown into the air. A red carpet was then laid on the ground as another person walked in, the roses finally falling to the ground.

Seryu: "Dr. Stylish. The preparations are complete!"

Wave was already thinking that his new teammates were a bunch of wierdos, but now, the ante had seemed to be amped up. A man with glasses and wearing a doctor's coat walked in, a smile on his face.

Dr. Stylish: "Taking care with one's first impression... Is the most stylish etiquette... A man can have."

Wave: (thoughts) 'Now it's a Nancy!'

Dr. Stylish: "Oh my. From the looks of you, you're just an ignorant country boy--but a mighty handsome one nonetheless! I'll polish you right up." (winks at Wave) "I look forward to it!"

Wave: (thoughts) 'And he's...got a thing for me...!?'

Then, one more person walked in, introducing himself. Wave lazily looked up, already expecting the newcomer to be another weirdo in his eyes. What he saw was a blonde man with a feather in his hair, mostly wearing white clothes. The man also had a book at his side.

???: "Looks like I'm the last one here."

Wave: "Yo. Nice to meet you. The name's Wave..."

Run: (smiles) "I'm Run. I look forward to working with you from now on."

The blue-haired man then perked up, standing up from his seat and grasping both of Run's hands. Run looked at him confused while Wave had hopeful eyes, thinking he finally found someone normal for once.

The masked man then stood up and got a tray with small cups on it. 

???: "Um... Everyone... I've fixed some tea. I'm sorry. Even though I was the first one here, I didn't say anything to you... I'm rather bashful... I got nervous. But I'm probably the oldest one here... I shouldn't act this way! I look forward to joining with you as a fellow Teigu wielder. My name is Bols, and I'm from the Incineration Squad."

Wave: "Ha ha..." (thoughts) 'H-He'd never have struck me as the bashful type...'

Dr. Stylish: (thoughts) 'The Incineration Squad... A stylish unit that torches people, objects, and anything else that stands in their way... That explains his looks. Not my taste.'

The doorknob to the room could be heard turning as once more, a person walked in. But Wave was very surprised as the person who walked in was of someone from the Imperial Army, as her uniform showed it. But she didn't show her face as she was wearing a mask, the only distinctive feature of her was her blue hair.

Wave: "Hmm... Who's this?"

Esdeath: "I don't recognize you six! What are you doing here!?"

Wave: "Whoa, whoa. We were told to come here---"

The man of the sea, or so he says, was cut off as Esdeath had suddenly kicked him in his chest. The poor man was sent flying, him being skid across the floor before he stopped and was a few feet away from the table. Everyone else in the room was now alert.

Esdeath: "Some of your targets will be assassins. Always be on your guard!"

The blue-haired woman then went to the next person, it being Run. She sent a few quick punches and kicks his way, the blonde man blocking all of them and taking the hits well. Esdeath noted that he had quite the reflexes. 

From behind, Seryu and Koro leaped up, the auburn-haired girl having a wicked grin as she reeled her fist back. But Seryu was caught off guard when Esdeath grabbed her metal arm, flipping her over and slamming her onto the ground, Seryu grunting in pain as the icy general froze the face of Koro, who was flailing in the air.

Esdeath: "For an attack from behind, you were far too overt about your intentions!"

And finally, the last person to go up against Esdeath was Kurome, the girl taking her katana from her waist while also munching on a cookie in her mouth. Esdeath was surprised and impressed by Kurome's speed, the girl doing quick slashes as she goes past her.

Kurome: "Even if I'm just playing around, I can't go easy on this one."

Esdeath: "That's the Teigu Yatsufusa... It deals quite a cut..."

Due to Kurome's cuts and slashes, the mask of Esdeath's crumbles. Once the mask fell to the ground in pieces, Bols gasps as he finds out who their leader is.

Bols: "G-General Esdeath!"

Wave: "Ow..." (thoughts) '...Even... Even our boss is crazy!?'


Esdeath: "Did that tactic surprise you? I thought the usual greeting would be too boring."

Wave: "I'm used to rough handling."

Seryu: "Thank you for your guidance."

By now, the new security team of the Empire had said their greetings and were now in suits and formal attire. Esdeath grinned at her new squad and turned around, heading for the royal chamber of the palace with her team following behind.

Esdeath: "Now! We'll have a proper meet-and-greet party after our audience with His Highness."

Wave: "W-We're meeting the emperor already!?"

Run: "That's quite the thing to schedule for our first day."

Esdeath: "I'd like to take care of all the bothersome business first. You can introduce yourselves in the next chapter."

Wave: (confused) "Next chapter?"

Dr. Stylish: "General Esdeath. Does our team have a name?"

Esdeath: (grin) "Hmm... We each possess a unique skill set. We will hunt down bands of wicked insurgents without mercy... And so... We are the security squad... The Jaegers."

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