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Cara's moans were drowned out by the music that played throughout Deion's surround sound system. Her view being nothing but the headboard in front of her as she sat on her face.
As if her body wasn't already limp from their session earlier she fought hard to keep herself up. Her long curly black hair inched further down her back as she tilted her head up to the ceiling. "Deeee.." she dragged out his name with her sultry voice.
Deion's face was fully submerged against her core area as he didn't even have a desire to come up for air. He unhooked one of his arms from her leg, his index and middle finger were both immediately met with the tight grasp as he slipped them into her.
Cara slightly leaned forward so she could place one of her hands on the headboard to keep her balance. She let out a loud moan that echoed through the room. Almost every morning she woke up to the greatest head that put her in a state of bliss, just pure happiness.
Deion hummed against her clit which sent chills up her spine that she could feel with a mixture of the cool air that flowed through the room. He curved his fingers as he pushed them at a steady pace, he could tell from the motion of her body slightly jerking that he was hitting her spot.
That right there made her push against the headboard so she could try to bring her body up just a little from his face. "Fuckk- baby" she shut her eyes so she could solely focus on him.
The feeling of her slowly lifting off of his face only intrigued him to keep going. He removed his fingers from her hole and brought his hand up to her ass giving it a hard smack so she would sit back down.
Cara bit her lip and relaxed her body again, per his request. This time he brought her clit in between his lips, slowing applying pressure to it as Cara screamed out in pleasure. By this time she thought she may have been out harmonizing the current song that played in the background.
"Oh my God, I-" She gasped at the sudden feeling. She brought her hands down to his arms to latch on to but he swatted her hands away. This left her no choice but to lean her body back some so she could plant her hands behind her body.
The view and concentration he had on her body drove her crazy. He only aimed to please which was another one of her favorite things about him.
Her face slowly scrunched up as her legs shook as her body's built up climax pushed to be released. "Im cumming!" she threw her head back again this time as a result from the sensation that she was experiencing.
Deion finally let her legs go and rubbed up her smooth thighs.His hands continued to travel up her body as he caressed her breast, his thumbs slowly grazing over her nipples. Cara's rapid breathing turned to short choppy breaths as he continued to indulged in her throughout her orgasm. Unable to say anything she just waited until her body came down from it's high for the second time today.
She used all of her strength to push herself up from his face and moved her bottom half right on top of his lap. Cara leaned down to kiss him, getting the opportunity to taste her juices that were partially around his mouth. She moaned against his lips, ready to start the next round but she knew she was on a time limit.
She pulled back from the kiss and jumped up so he wouldn't persuade her to go again. "Come on you promised we would go shopping and then go to lunch with your mom remember?" Cara went in the bathroom to go turn the shower on.
"Yeah I remember agreeing to go shopping"
Cara stood by the bathroom doorframe. "And lunch with your mom. You have amnesia now?"
"Hell Yeah. What's your name again?"
Cara rolled her eyes and went in the bathroom slamming the door behind her. She laughed loudly when she seen that he was trying to open the door, stopping when he realized that she locked it. "Aht Aht we aren't showering together because we'll never make it out the house if you get in her with me"
Deion smacked his lips "That's the point"
The multiple conversations and noise around the restaurant made Dee become very conscious about the entire scenery. He wasn't out of place but instead slightly nervous, even though he told Cara he wasn't. Cara successfully got him to agree to meet with his mom today.
She told her dad that he didn't need to come because she was honestly tired of hearing him and Dee go back and forth. Both of them were older than her yet they acted like kids whenever they saw each other.
"You should get up and hug her when she comes in," Cara voiced.
Deion slowly turned his head in her direction and just stared at her.
Cara rolled her eyes as she recognized that stare as a way of saying no. "What? I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to give her a hug she's always asking about you. She misses you...alot"
He didn't say anything, instead he averted his eyes upon his mother who was now walking in the restaurant. She looked the exact same from the last time he had actually seen her in person.
Danielle smiled widely at the both of them, only to earn a matching smile from Cara. Danielle went around to Cara's side of the table and gave her a hug. "Hey sweetie! It's so nice to see you" This was weird for Deion to see because Danielle did not like Keisha even though she only saw her a handful of times.
When she pulled back from the hug she looked over at Deion who was still sitting down. He finally stood up when Cara tapped his shoulder. "What's Up" He gave her a quick hug and then sat back down, avoiding the look of disappointment Cara wore.
Danielle was just happy that he at least got up. She went to the other side of the table and sat in front of them. She looked around the restaurant "This is new? I swear I'm always over here and have never seen this spot"
Cara nodded "Yes, I saw it awhile ago and came here with my friends. It's pretty good and a lowkey spot which is the best" she looked up from the menu that she was now familiar with and smiled at the waitress who approached their table.
Danielle wasn't sure what she wanted to get so she let Cara go first. "Umm, I'll have the Shrimp Pho with beef broth. I'll add bean sprouts, lime, cilantro, and sriracha. Oh and the chili oil"
"I think I'm going to have the exact same thing since you said it was pretty good." Danielle turned to the waiter. "Everything except the bean sprouts, thank you"
When it was Deion's turn he just shook his head "Ian really hungry,ย I'll just take some water"
As the waiter left their table Danielle took it upon herself to start a conversation with her son. "So how is your album coming along? I seen online that you said you were working on one"
"It's cool" He simply said. He spoke in such a disinterested tone that Cara had to look over at him. She just couldn't understand why he acted that way with his own mother, even if he didn't forgive her the most he could do is answer her question.
He cleared his throat and answered it a little better this time. "It's cool. I haven't really thought of a title or anything yet since it's a little different from my others so"
"That's good I like that you're keeping up with your music career and actually putting hard work into unlike other artists.I'm proud of you" The both of them finally shared eye contact. Deion knew by the way she looked at him that she really meant it.
"Preciate it"
Cara looked down at her ringing phone and get up from her seat. "I'll be right back yall" she went to go answer a call from her client, which left just the two of them there.
Danielle watched Cara all the way until she disappeared in to the bathroom. She turned back around and was faced with an unreadable expression from her son. "I like her".
"You barely know her though"
"Well from the conversations we've had so far I knew that I liked her. She seems so different from that other girl, and I mean that in the best way possible" She smirked.
He sat back in his seat listening to this mom. He was becoming more acceptive of his mother and Cara talking as long as neither one of them said the wrong thing about him.
"Are you still in therapy?"
He nodded and slid the glass of water closer to him that the waitress had brought over. "Yeah I wish I wasn't but it's whatever"
There was brief silence between them before Cara finally came back. "My bad yall after I got off the phone with a client, my dad called"
"Oh I thought he was coming to join us. I know you said that in the text" Danielle's eyes lit up at the sight of their food arriving at the table.
Cara looked at Deion who was now on his phone again as he tuned them out. "Yeah I just felt like it would be more peaceful if he didn't come."
"Nah tell the truth, he the feds and we don't fuck with twelve" he spoke up.
She rolled her eyes. "No, YOU don't fuck with twelve. I love my dad so" she shrugged.
"As you should" Danielle agreed as she removed the chopsticks from the paper sleeve.
Dee cracked a smile. "Who taught you that?"
Danielle pointed at Cara who was smiling. "She's been keeping me updated with what the newer generation is doing and saying. As of now I know 'As you should', 'PeriodT' with a T at the end right?"
Cara nodded. "Mhm can't forget the T at the end or else it's not going to hit the same"
Deion sat there most of the time just listening to the both of them talk. If you were a stranger you would think her and Cara knew each other for years the way that they were just going on and on. Once they were done eating he paid the bill and stood up to give her yet another hug.
Danielle's heart felt full that he even did that without Cara telling him to again. She knew that they didn't have everything settled just yet but she had high hopes that if they were around each other more he would soon give in.
Later that Night
Monica went back and forth with the publicists as they discussed this over dramatic video that was posted to the internet of Dee and Cara arguing outside of the clubs few days ago. People were literally dragging the situation and making up their own narrative of what may have happened that night.
Every comment was just loud and wrong.
Cara just sat on the bed looking at the floor plans she would be presenting soon, as Dee laid on the other side of her. He put the phone on speaker so he could relax while Monica handled the situation but he starting to fall asleep so really Cara was listening for him.
"So it just seems like they'll remove the video at a price it's not bad but still this is all something that should've never happened. Dee I thought we talked about you being calm in the public" Monica spoke and Cara tapped him so he could wake up.
His eyes were still closed at he started talking to her. "I'm not worried about no price, no video, no fucking comments, none of that. I don't give a fuck"
Cara grabbed the phone and spoke up since he wasn't taking it serious. "What he meant to say was that's fine"
"No. I said I don't give a fuck about none of that and you heard me Cara"
"Who are you talking to like that? Because I know it's not me" She stared him down as he continued to lay there with his eyes closed. "Exactly play sleep and find you something safe to do" Cara changed her tone. "I'm sorry Monica"
Monica laughed. "Girl you're fine trust me there's plenty of times I've had to get on him because of the way he talks to people but I will call you guys tomorrow and catch up on anything new"
Cara passed him the phone so he could say goodbye and she continued looking at her plans. She waited until he was done to ask him the same question she had been saying all day. "So tell me again why can't I go on tour with you?"
He sat up and and put his back against her headboard. "Because I use that time to focus"
"So you can't focus while im around? You seem to do it well now so what's the difference" Her feelings were lowkey hurt because she really wanted to be with him. Plus it'll be a new experience for her.
"It's a big difference Cara."
She waved him off, "Okay whatever I'll stop asking"
Deion leaned over to kiss her bare arm that was exposed from the oversized short sleeve shirt that she wore. "I love you though"
"Yeah sure. Can you get up and go with me to get a smoothie?" she pushed her work aside and got out of the bed so she could put her slides on. She looked back at him on the bed and pouted. "Please? I love you too" she knew that's what he was waiting to hear.
He sighed and got up so he could put a shirt on. Cara always took advantage of the fact that he rarely said no to anything she asked for.
Cara left out of the room before him so she could let Leo use the bathroom before they left. When she reached the bottom stairs she got this feeling that overcame her. This was the same feeling that she had weeks ago as she sat at her kitchen island after her and Dee argued.
This time the feeling wasn't so much of an mysterious feeling but instead it was clearly eerie. It was like she could feel a bad spirit or event happening soon.
Shaking off the feeling, she opened her door and let Leo out. There was a nice amount of light out since the sun was just setting. Cara could see her godson talking to a girl around his age as they sat in front of his house.
When Rubin spotted her, he grabbed his friend's hand and went over to her yard. "Hey Cici this is my girlfriend" he smiled widely as he showed her off.
"Aww yall are cute. What are yall doing having a little playdate?" Cara heard Katie's voice as she came out of the house with another female following her.
"Now didn't I tell you not to leave off the front steps" Katie pointed at him.
Rubin kissed his teeth "Chill mom, I came to see Cici"
"That's fine for you to do but you have company and you need to ask her mom before yall just starting walking off" Katie walked closer to Cara. "Hey boo. Where are you going?"
"To smoothie king"
Katie nodded and tapped her chin with her index finger "Im about to send you some money can you please get me MangoFest Smoothie? Oh! Im so sorry Cara this is Karin." She pointed at the women who resembled the little girl.
"Karin this is one of my closest friends, Cara" Katie used her hand to motion in the space between the three of them.
Karin extended her hand out towards Cara but was quick to take it back when she seen Deion come out of the front door. She looked like she had seen a ghost as her eyes got wide.
Cara and Katie shared a look of concern and then turned to look at Dee too. He stood there mugging everybody. "Fuck yall looking at me for? Whatever it is I didn't do it" he walked off and went to unlock his car door.
Karin snapped out of it and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry-Uh. It's just that he looks like someone I know, that I thought I would never see again".
Katie wanted to make the moment less awkward so she laughed it off and told Cara she would talk to her later as Rubin and his friend made their way back to his house. Karin followed shortly after Katie but not without looking at the back of Dee's car first.
Cara went to get in the car and right before Dee was about to switch gears she put her hand on top of his to stop him. "Do you know her? And don't lie to me"
"If I knew her I would've said wassup or something. I don't know her ass, why? She said she know me?" He moved her hand so he could finally pull off. He was already tired and now this questioning thing was about to be a big issue because he knew Cara wasn't going to let it go.
"She said you look like someone she knows"
Deion really didn't want to indulge in this nonsense but he had no choice. "What you want me to say? I can't help it if I look like somebody she know. She probably a fucking fan and wished she knew me"
"You right but when I see her again Ima confront that bitch. Because the way she was looking at you I should've slapped her right then and there but out of respect for my godson I didn't even want to do her like that" She pursed her lips and put her seatbelt on since the car's annoying alarm wouldn't go off until she did so.
Deion stopped at a red light and looked over at Cara. "When I first saw you I thought you was different. Quiet and shy" he grabbed her hand. "I like you better this way"
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