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Dee was disquieted at the thought of Cara not texting or calling him back while she was at work. Today was the day. His fingers traced the engraved name and date that was engraved on the tombstone and then brought the open bottle of liquor up to his mouth taking another long sip. "That's crazy. All you had to do was be there for me" A sinister smile crept upon his face when he heard his phone ringing.

He sat the bottle on top of the tombstone and stood up. "Excuse me. The love of my life is calling" he turned the screen of his phone to face the tombstone as if Keisha could really see it. He then turned it towards himself and answered it. "Yoo"

"Yoo?" She laughed. "Don't be saying yo to me like I'm one of your friends. Anyways where are you? I got your calls and text but I promise I was so busy today it's going to be a full week for me"

"I'm out" He used his free hand to fumble with his belt before unhooking it and then unzipping his pants.

Cara sighed on the other end "I hope you're not doing anything stupid"

He smirked as he took a few steps back and started to piss right on top of the designated area of Keisha's burial spot. "When have I ever done something stupid Cara?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

"N-Nah don't even answer that" Once he was finished he zipped his pants back up and grabbed the bottle again. "Ima be there soon" he practically stumbled over his words.

Cara wasn't sure why he sounded so different but she just loved hearing him say that he was on his was back home to her. "Oh okay well I'll just leave the door unlocked then"

"Cool" he pulled the phone away from his ear and pressed the end button not even telling her goodbye. He didn't do it intentionally it just that he didn't have anything else to say.

He pushed his phone back into his pocket and just stared at the tombstone. He swore to himself this would be his last year reminiscing at her gravesite. He slightly tilted to the open bottle of whiskey and let it hit the grass in front of him. "Rest in Piss Keisha"

Bari leaned against his black truck in the distance and just watched Dee pour the liquor on top of her grave. He shook his head and kept a straight face praying that he really meant it when he said he wasn't going to go another year with these emotions around this time.

He found is amusing yet sad watching his long time friend get this drunk just to mask his feelings. For as long as he knew Deion, he knew showing feelings was something that took a lot to get from him.

When Dee made it back to the car he voice his opinion about going elsewhere to put his mind elsewhere but Bari just agreed and continued to drive in the direction of Cara's house. He wasn't about to let Dee go out to a club or anything and embarrass himself while he was this drunk.

Dee leaned his body against the small area near Cara's front door as Bari pressed her doorbell. He was beyond drunk. Cara's front porch light came on and a few seconds later she came to the door. Even though the door was unlocked Bari wanted to be respectful and not just barge in.

"My bad I aint mean to wake you up but" he pointed to Dee who's eyes was closed even though he was standing up.

Cara rolled her eyes becoming irritated. "It's Okay Booka, He told me he was coming over but he didn't say he was going to be like this" she pointed at him. Cara reached out and grabbed his hand and he reluctantly followed her in the house. She moved slowly and carefully so he wouldn't fall especially on her.

"You mad at me?" he continuously asked her while she helped him into her living room. Thankfully she had a huge and comfortable couch because she wasn't about to help him up the stairs.

Cara ignored his questions and politely pushed him on to the couch. Dee was still talking and going on about whatever but she tuned him out. Cara was tired but she wasn't heartless so her main priority was to make sure he was good first before she went back to sleep.

She took off the his brand new air force ones and sat them by the door. "I can't believe you're this drunk. I've never seen you drink before" she said out loud. Cara double checked that her front door was locked, turned the light off and went to go join him on the couch.

Dee quietly laid on his stomach which made Cara assume that he was sleep. She sat with her legs crossed next to his head. She had a habit of running her fingers through his hair especially when he had a retwist it was just amusing to her and also felt good to him.

"Cara?" hearing his voice almost scared her since she thought he was sleep.


Dee wasn't facing her but he felt her presence and his hand went directly to her thigh, giving it a light squeeze. "You wanna know something funny" he paused for a second. "I killed Keisha, on this exact day two years ago"

Cara halted her movement through his hair as she just looked down at him in silence. "That's..not funny Dee" Cara didn't want to say anything but she kind of already pieced it together not too long ago. The documents she shredded in her office that day contained his date he was last released. When she went home that day she did the math her self and it didn't align with the timing and events that he told her weeks ago.

"You right it's not funny" he lifted his head so he could now see her face. His eyes were full of sorrow, anger yet they were pleading in hopes that she wouldn't look at him different.ย  "It's not funny but I can finally forget it. I didn't want to keep lying to you, that shit was eating me up honestly"

Cara nodded. She wasn't too freaked out about it she was more so just a bit concerned how someone could kill the person that they claim they loved. Cara's wrongful doing's were never with anyone she had a true connection with.

"Okay Deion" She didn't mean to sound dismissive she just didn't want him to keep rambling on about this especially since he was drunk.

Cara moved from her spot and scooted her body next to his. Deion immediately wrapped his hand around her waist. "Don't be mad at me Cara. I love you so I just want to make sure I do everything right this time."

Once she heard him say he loved her, she had tuned everything else out. She was happy to heard that despite what he just said moments before. "I love you too"


A few days later Deion and Cara's conversation was cut short when her doorbell rang. Cara looked away from her vanity mirror that she was doing her makeup at. "Can you go see who it is please"

Dee got up from the bed and headed downstairs. He swung the door open revealing Rubin standing there. "Good. The person I was looking for" he spoke as he just walked straight in.

Deion closed the door behind him "Wassup what you need?"

Rubin scratched the back of his head nervously. "I need your help. My dad is out of town so"

Deion nodded he was used to not really seeing Rubin's dad alot he didn't know exactly what he did for work but he knew that he traveled alot which led to Rubin finding a little comfort in Dee, since he was a growing boy and didn't want to spend all of his time around his mom and aunts.

"At school.. it's this girl her name is Mya" He smiled when he said her name.

Deion smirked and went to go sit down across from Rubin. "You like her?"

Rubin nodded "Yeah she iight..nah im lying I really like her but she be acting weird" he shook his head and sighed


"When she around her friends she be acting weird like she shy or scared but then when it's just me and her she's cool and wanna hold my hand and stuff like that" He expressed. "She stressing me out"

Deion laughed "Stressing you out? That's funny but what else?"

"I don't know what to do. Her birthday is coming up and I think I want to buy her something I got the money I just need somebody to go with me" He nodded at Dee.

"I'll take you but why you ain't ask ya mom?" Deion was curious.

Rubin gave him a blank expression "She's a woman she never know what to get when we are in the store so she wasn't going to do anything but waste my time. Plus you're cooler than her"

"Cooler than who?" Cara questioned as she came down the stairs. She had missed the first part of their conversation but manager to hear the ending of Rubin's last sentence. "What yall talking about?" she went over to Rubin kissing the top of his head and then sat next to him.

"He was telling me how you and your friends lame as fuck but he said I was cool so that's all that matters" Deion shrugged.

Rubin looked confused at how he managed to twist his words. "That's a lie I said all of yall are cool but he a lil cooler"

"Type shit" Deion added.

Cara put on a smile with each and every person she walked up to as she left the stage. She was honored as one of the outstanding realtors in the North Chicago area. She not only felt great to be awarded this but also happy for Arianna to be acknowledged as well.

The two held hands as they maneuvered through the room. Every few steps they took another person stood up or approached them to congratulate them. Arianna was very talkative so this wasn't nothing new for her but Cara on the other hand was nervous. Even though she met new people almost everyday for work it was a little different.

She glanced over at their table to lock eyes with Dee. It was like he could feel how uncomfortable she was, Ari soon got the message when she felt Cara lightly squeeze her hand. As Ari wrapped up the conversation with the Founder of one of the best Agencies in the city, Michael approached the two of them.

Cara was stuck she could've sworn that this man was dead. As she thought about it Deion never answered her question about rather he killed him or not. Well this was her answer standing in front of them. His face was almost back to normal as he still had some healing cuts that looked as if they were cleaned up and stitched nicely.

Beside him stood two men who were dressed fairly as nice as Michael. "This is the young lady I mentioned earlier, Cara Almanzar. She helped with the Los Angeles project that I work on with the Lyons Foundation. Cara this is John Byers and Timothy Green, two of my best investors in the city" he gave her a huge smile.

Cara respectfully shook the hands of the two men he introduced. "Nice to meet you two, it's so great to be here in the room with so many amazing people"

The guy, Timothy smiled "I heard so much about you from Michael. I would love to maybe connect in the future with your agency and see what deals we can bring about"

Michael interrupted "I told you she's an amazing woman, full of wonder and surprises" he looked at her with a sly smirk. Arianna was completely lost and also wondered what happened to his face.

Back at the table Deion was now focused on the stupid questions the receptionist of their agency was asking Cara's dad.

"Are you like a real sheriff?" It wasn't clear if she was trying to flirt with this older man or if she was just clueless.

Charles nodded "Yes"

She slowly slid her chair further away from Charles and closer to another girl she came with. She leaned over and attempting to whisper "I don't want him arresting me I got a Kd in my purse right now"

Deion shook his head and chuckled.

Charles looked over at him since Cara's empty chair was in between them. "I see you're still around. I thought your time with her would've been up by now and she would've dropped you"

Deion furrowed his brows "I thought your time up on this earth would've been up but as I can see we still here looking at eachother so"

Just as they were about to go back and forth Cara came back and cleared her throat before sitting down blocking the view again. Charles stopped frowning and pulled her in to her a side hug "I'm so proud of you. The both of you" He let go of Cara and hugged Ari as well.

"Thanks Dad" her smile fell when she seen Michael approaching their table. He walked up as if he was going to speak to her but he instead stuck his hand out towards Charles. "You must be Charles? Cara told me a little about you before nice to meet you"

Charles happily shook his hand. He only knew a few things about Michael professionally but didn't know he knew Cara. "Nice to meet you as well" Charles still had on hisย  uniform since he came directly after his shift.

Michael's eyes glanced over the Sheriff badge he wore. "Oh! Cara you didn't tell me your dad was the sheriff that's...great" he looked between her and Deion.

Deion sat unbothered not even paying them any attention. He knew Michael was really testing the waters but he wasn't stupid enough to jump in the deep end.

Charles, who wanted to make Deion mad, entertained Michael. "Yeah I'm not sure why she didn't tell you that. But if there's anything you ever need contact me especially if it's pertaining to her" he eyed his daughter who was giving Michael a death stare.

Cara turned to Dee. "I'm ready to go now"

"Good. Come on" he pushed his chair away from the table and reached for Cara's hand. Cara grabbed her belongings and waved Goodbye to her dad and Ari without saying anything else.


"He's weird as hell for that" Cara stood in front of her mirror as she waited on Dee to unzip her dress from the back. She didn't want to ruin her night so she decided to come back home and the two of them could just chill together.

"Ian worried about neither one of them so you shouldn't be either. It was all about you tonight" He carefully pulled the zipper of the dress down as far as it would go. He stayed close to her body as the dress fell down to the floor, exposing her white lace bra and panties set that matched the white and gold crystalย  Rene Caovilla heels that she still had on.

Dee's hand fell down to her waist as his lips connected to her neck. Cara wasn't insecure, in her head, not one bit but whenever she would have sex with Dee she would somehow find a way to cover some part of her body just because she wasn't used to someone actually appreciating her flaws. The light stretch marks she had on her thick thighs and the unnoticeable hip dips were bothering her.

She moved her hands to the middle of her stomach since his hands were on her waist. Deion hated when she would do that. In his mind her body was a temple it was perfect, perfect enough to be praised.

He stopped kissing her neck and moved in front of her. "Stop doing that" he placed his hands on top of hers and waited until she was comfortable before moving them. He then traced his hands up her back stopping at the back of her bra, unhooking it and then throwing it to the side. This being the calmest he has ever been. Usually he would be quick to undress her and get the job done.

Her shyness slowly fading away as he slightly pushed her body backwards to the bed. He wasted no time hooking his fingers in the band of her panties as he pulled them off her body and threw them to the side.

Leo already knew what time it was as he grabbed his toy and made his way downstairs, cuddling up on the couch.

Cara lowly groaned as soon as she felt his tongue flick against her clit a few times before he latched on to it. The blissful feeling he got from hearing her moan only motivated him more as he slid two of his fingers in her.

Her eyes now closed as she focused on the pleasure flowing through her body. "Mmm Dee" she moan as he moved his fingers in and out of her at a faster pace before moving them in a circular motion.

Cara rolled her hips a little so her core grinded against his tongue gracefully. "Fuckk" she gasped, feeling her legs start to shake. Her eyes shot open so she could look down at him.

He replaced his fingers with him tongue which now only added stimulation to her oncoming orgasm. He thumb slowly circled around her sensitive clit leaving her in a state of euphoria.

She bit down on her bottom lip trying to control her moans "I'm cumming" she whimpered and put her hand on the top of his head. Dee gripped her thighs tightly making sure her opening was aligned directly with his mouth.

"Let me hear you Cara" he demanded as his tongue dipped in and out of her, curving every time to hit her spot. His voice sent her over the top as she slightly arched her back off the bed.

The grip he had on her was so tight there was no room for running. "Oh my God" she screamed out as her lower stomach heaved up and down uncontrollably while she came.

When he finally let her go she relaxed her back against the bed, the feeling of her clit pulsating was too much for her. She fiend to please him back as she watched him take off his clothes. She reached up to pull his boxers down but he smacked her hand away.

"Didn't I just say tonight was about you. Fuck is you doing?" He hands grazed over her freshly painted toes in her heels.

Chills ran up Cara's spin as she felt his touch every part of her body. He stopped at her waist as he leaned down to kiss her navel. He inched up her chest and back to the crook of her neck, while making himself comfortable between her legs.

"All you need to do is" he kissed the side of he face. "Lay there, look pretty" he pecked her lips a few times. "And take this dick" he pushed himself in her deeply, causing her eyes to widen as her mouth fell open. Her body going into to shock causing her to be able to form any words.

He loved every bit of the moments they had sex. Her facial expressions, the way she got so wet for him and not to mention the amount of times he could make her cum. "You can do that for me right?" he leaned in her ear letting the words roll right off of his tongue.

Cara's acrylic nails dug deep into the skin of his arms as she grabbed onto him. She nodded and let out a low moan.

"Words Ma. I need words" he pulled out some so that the tip of his dick was directly at her wet slit before slamming back in to her over and over again, continuously hitting her spot.

"Mhmm, I can take this dick" her eyes slightly rolling to the back of her head.

The way she wrapped around his dick felt like it was always meant to be. The embrace she had on him was to die for. Literally. One of his hands gripped her neck tightly enough to her liking.

Cara waited for the perfect time as she studied him for months. She knew when he was about to cum. Usually he would pull out but she had other plans. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling their faces closer together, the ends of their noses touching as they stared into each others souls. "Cum in me. Please" She placing her hand on top of his that was still around her neck.

"Damn" he groaned. The pleasure of her body was enough but to hear her voice pleaded for him to cum was music to his ears. He only had one more thing to do before he could finish. Like usual he went back to her neck inhaled her scent deeply, the same scent he loved and could point out even if she was miles away.ย  He grunted loudly as he came inside of her "Fuck Cara" he was amazed at how she made him cum first.

Cara was satisfied then and there, she felt his hips continuing to thrust in and out of her even after he came. Her second orgasm building up as he put her hand on his abs trying to push him away. "Wait-I can't" she tried to hold herself back but it was too late as she felt herself squirting as soon as he pulled himself out of her.

Cara's tried to re-gain control of her legs as they shook uncontrollably. Deion got off of the bed and grabbed both of her legs pulling her to the end of the bed, crashing his lips onto hers as she moaned against his mouth. She opened her mouth more, allowing their tongues to dance together.

Deion pulled back from the kiss and grabbed her hand "Stand up." He moved back some so she could have a little room to get off of the bed carefully. He turned her body so she was facing the huge mirror in her room and then pressed her hand into her lower back, guiding her to bend over. "All the way down" he demanded. "Matter of fact, grab ya ankles"

"Oh-" Cara spread her legs further to get in a stable position, her hands locking around her ankles. She prayed she could keep her balance in her heels.

Deion loved everything about the view in front of him. He used his right hand to grab her hip for stability as he used his other hand to align himself back up to her wet slit again. He tapped the end of his dick against it twice before pushing it in slowly.

Cara hissed lowly while he slowly slid in and out of her. The position she was in only made her more prone to being stretched out especially since it was new for her. "Baby I-I can't" she said in between moans.

Deion ignored her as he watched how she creamed all over his dick. He took it upon himself to push his thumb in her asshole. He chuckled feeling her body jolted at the sudden action. He closed his eyes and tilted his head up to the ceiling as he focused on not cumming fast.

He sped up his pace now holding on to both sides of her so she wouldn't fall over. "You a nasty ass lil bitch you know that right?"

Cara was so focused on not passing out from the overstimulation that she choked on her words.

Dee wrapped one of his hands around her hair and yanked her head up so that she was now looking at them in the mirror. "I can't fucking hear you"

Cara's eyes watered from the pleasure. "Yesss I know I'm a nasty bitch" she cried out. Her knees growing weak as she was on the peak of cumming again. "Shit Dee! Im cumming"

He bit tucked his bottom lip in between his teeth as he eyes traced down her bare back. The sweat beads she had formed from their intimacy triggered him. He hit her spot a few more times before releasing his nut inside of her, she wasn't far behind him as she screamed out and reached back to grab his arm so she wouldn't fall.

He waited until her body came down from it's high and stopped shaking before pulling out. He looked down at the small puddle that was below their bodies and smiled. "Good Girl"

Chileeeee, Deion got me hot and bothered. Anyways If yall see any errors just ignore it

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