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April 5, 2023


Rubin watched carefully as Dee made a layup on the court. Once he had the ball again he tried to do the same thing, only missing the rim by a few centimeters. It was way better than before though. He bounced the basketball a few times and then held it by his side. "You asked Cici out right?"

Dee nodded. He was used to the questions that Rubin asked by now.

"Good. You better marry her too" He said and then bounced the ball again as he went to the free throw line.

"Damn we just got together it's gone be a minute before I even think of anything like that" Dee laughed.

Rubin looked back because he was trying to understand why Deion was laughing. "I'm serious and if you break her heart you'll have to deal with me".

Being threatened by a child was not what Dee thought would happen today. "Forreal? What you gone do?"

Rubin shrugged "You'll see" he made a free throw and watched as the ball went through the basket. "But thanks for the autographed Ja 1's for my birthday. That was my favorite present."

"Fasho it's no problem" with Rubin always being at Cara's house. He created a small bond with Dee, usually over things like basketball games, shoes and money.

"You got hella motion. You got a lot of hoes too huh?" The young boy asked.

Dee looked at him like he was crazy "Man what? Ion got hoes at all I'm faithful"

"Good. That was a trick question" Rubin cockily walked off.

Deion ran his hand down his face before looking at Cara again. She was worried about the next move she wanted to make on the chess board. Behind closed doors the two of them really enjoyed playing chess together. It was something that gave them greatest conversation and lessons.

"You need to stop watching me Cara. The more you watch me, the more you're forgetting my last move. You're trying to read my face for some type of expression which isn't going to work." He pointed at the few pieces she had left.

"I'm trying" she touched one of her queen pieces and then quickly moved her hand to another one. Second guessing herself.

"Don't do that" he interrupted and she looked up at him. She was always irritated whenever they played because he never let her win.

Instead of listening to him she moved her Knight piece and he just shook his head. He politely pointed to the different options she had that would've saved her and most important kept her King piece safe. "You slippin' because you not concentrating or working on your patience"

Cara just listened closely. She really wanted to take notes so she could one day win against him. She also just really loved listening to him talk about something he loved so much. "You should've took it easier on me" she sighed trying to make him feel bad.

He just laughed "Ain't shit in life easy" he stood up and stretched.

Deion could feel her eyes piercing his back since he was now turned the other way. "You always calling me a weirdo but I always catch you staring at me" he said before facing her again.

Cara rolled her eyes and then started to clean up the pieces. "Because I just like looking at you. Besides I can't believe you have that big ass skull tattoo on your back. You are crazy as hell to sit there that many hours"

"It wasn't that bad"

Cara kissed her teeth "That's why I don't like you. You swear you so tough"

"You don't like me now but was just moaning and telling me to cum in you thirty minutes ago" He smirked and walked in the closet

Cara threw her water bottle in his direction but missed. "Where you going?"

Dee came back with a black hoodie in his hand. "To go take care of business"

She hopped up from the bed. "I wanna go"


Cara put her hands on her hips "Why not? I always go with you to run errands"

"Because I'm not running errands I'm going to go take care of business" he hoped she would just pick up on the clues and just stop asking.

"Whatever I ain't wanna go anyways. I have to go in the city to drop something off to my dad" She went in the closet and skimmed through some of his sweat pants. "Can I wear these?"

"Even if I say no you gone put em on anyway so go ahead" he pulled the hoodie over his head.

"Im glad you know"

April 5, 2023


The entire ride to her dad's house she wondered why Dee was leaving out at a certain time the past two days. It was like he was timing something. Cara ended up going with her dad to the plaza and found a few antiques she thought was look good around the house. Once they returned she chilled with him for about an hour to catch up. He wasn't happy about her and Ari not talking and suggested that they talk.

"I'm about to get out of here though pops. I have a showing in the morning" she stood up to hug him.

Charles couldn't deny the feeling he got when thinking of Cara's improvement. She wasn't lashing out at anyone, wasn't talking to herself atleast while he was around but most important she did such a good job in her career. "I'm proud of you" he pulled back from the hug and walked her to the door of the house.

"Thank You. Don't get all emotional on me" she laughed and then turned to him. "Can you unlock your car so I can get my bags out the back?"

Charles nodded and pulled the key ring from his pocket, pressing the unlock button.

Cara went to the backseat and grabbed her bags from the unnecessary shopping she did earlier. She looked at a manilla colored folder that partially stuck out from the pocket area behind the driver's seat.

"Just look at it Cara"

The voice in her head encouraged her to be nosey. She pulled the folder up some and rolled her eyes at the label 'Deion Armani Banks'. She was very unvexed at the action of her dad looking him up and pulling his records.

However she wanted to see for herself now. Cara pulled the folder completely out and stuffed it in her bag. She closed the backseat door and went over to her car, stuffing the bags in and then waving goodbye to her dad.

On the way home she decided to call Ari. The two of them haven't said too many words to each other lately and even in the group chat it seemed like they were very distant with replies.

"Hello?" Ari answered the phone after the second ring.

Even though Cara initiated the call she didn't know what she would say first. "Um Hey. What are you doing tomorrow after work?"

Ari was quiet for a while as she shuffled through some papers. "Nothing major. Did you have something in mind?"

"Yeah I was thinking maybe we could chill at my house or your house it doesn't matter. Just to talk"

"Of course, that sounds good"

Cara smiled "Okay well I will see you tomorrow then. Bye"

"See you then. Goodnight"

Even though the conversation was very brief, Cara missed talking to her. She would never let anyone come in between her friendship at all. Her next call was to Dee's phone again but this time instead of it ringing, it went straight to voicemail.

She knew that he wasn't home so the only other place she could really think about was that location in the woods she drive him to before. She tried to remember the route as she made a U turn and headed the opposite way from home.

It took her nearly an hour to accurately get on the right path. She was relieved to see one of his cars parked in the same spot they were in last time. Cara parked her car right behind his and opened her car door. She took her phone out her left it in the middle console of the car.

She made sure not to slam her car door as she didn't want to create too much sound. Cara zipped up the loungewear jacket and slowly walked up to the same door she memorized. She tugged on it lightly and cursed to herself as the heavy metal squeaked.

The inside of the place was fairly dark and cold. It had multiple long hallways. The eerie feeling in the air was strong, she didn't know why she was scared, she hated how her curiosity always seemed to get her in weird scenarios.

She turned one corner and stopped when she seen Dee standing there. It was like he was expecting her. "Damn that's crazy we was just talking about you" he opened his arms, motioning for her to come hug him.

Cara was excited to see him so she of course came to him with no hesitation. "Why weren't you answering your phone? I was calling you and then-" she stopped talking and moved her head back some so she could look up at him. "Wait..who is we?"

Dee shook his head "Oh yea. My bad hold on" his unwrapped his arms from around her and walked to the closest wall, flipping the switch on.

The Strip lights in the designated area started to cut on one by one. Her eyes widened when she seen Michael his face barely noticeable under the blood. She was stunned as she took small steps towards the glass cage he was in. "Michael" she said under her breath.

The lights were way too bright for his suffering as he turned on his side. Michael used the cloth from his shirt to wipe around his eyes so she could see Cara clearly. He slowly sat up scowling at her. If looks could kill, she would drop dead right now.

Cara turned to Deion "Dee what are you doing? This is some next level shit" she placed her hands against the thick glass.

"I know right. I always pull off the unthinkable" He smiled and nodded looking over the cage. He was genuinely proud of himself.

Cara's eyes started to water. She would call herself a hypocrite but she hadn't gone this far before. "Nah this is wrong Deion. He hasn't done anything to me or you"

Dee's smile faded as he walked up to her. He grabbed her chin making her look at him. "You crying over this nigga? You want to go in there with him?" he hovered over her.

Cara didn't say anything she just looked into his dark eyes. When she didn't answer that only made him more angry. He pulled her over to the entrance of the cage and unlocked it. Cara was quick to speak up. "No! No im not crying over him" she fought hard trying to use all of her weight to keep herself grounded.

Deion closed the entrance and locked it again. "Good" he let go of her and gave her a Kleenex "Here wipe your face you know Ion like seeing you cry" his tone was now soft and comforting.

Michael just watched them he wish Dee would just put him out of his misery already.

Deion yawned and stretched "Aight let's get to the point. Tell her why you gave her that check" He leaned up against the glass and pulled out a pre-rolled wood. When he didn't hear Michael talking he used the knuckles to knock against the glass. "Gone head and tell her"

"I told you before it was a cut from a project I did" Michael stared at Cara.

Dee chuckled and lit the wood. "Nah that ain't what we practiced. Tell her the truth how you gave her that money because you in love with her. Thinking you could just buy her heart and shit" Deion found that to be so funny as he talked to himself "How can another nigga think he gone love my bitch. Typa' shit is that"

Cara just stood in her same spot, she was honestly too scared to move. "I don't think that was the reason, I seriously did help with a project"

"Cara Ian ask what you think"

Cara just stopped talking, she folded her lips together. Hopefully she would leave out of this place alive if she just shut up.

Deion pushed himself off of the glass. "Well since you won't admit it. You'll be in this bitch suffering for another day" he draped his arm over Cara's shoulder basically pulling her along to walk with him. He hit the switch on the wall and they left the building.

Cara waited until he moved his arm to take it as her cue to walk to her car.

"Nah" Deion walked to her car and pulled out his car keys. "You drive my car and I'll drive your car. Just go straight to my house" he instructed and she just nodded grabbing the keys.

She got in his car and started it up. As she followed the same path she took there, she occasionally wiped her eyes every time tears would start to build up. She wasn't sure why she was crying because she didn't have any sympathy or remorse for what she did to Brittany.

Even though she mentally lost any feelings for Michael she still knew he was a good guy and didn't deserve any of it. She blamed herself over and over for the reason being that he was in that cage.

The clear night traffic made the route back home short. She parked in the garage and waited until he pulled her car right next to his. Cutting the engine, she just watched from the rearview mirror as the garage gate closed.

She was brought out of her thoughts when he tapped on the driver's window. She opened the door and got out but he was still standing there. He pushed the door closed and Cara leaned against it.

He slightly tilted his head to the side "You know you the prettiest woman in the world right?"

She lumberingly nodded and smiled. "Yeah I know"

"So why you looking like that?"

She cleared her throat "Like what?"

"Like you scared or something. You scared of me Cara?" he looked her up and down.

"No" she lied. When he moved his hand up to touch her face she flinched.

He sighed and moved back so she could have some space. "Yes you are. I don't ever want you to be scared of me because I would never do anything to hurt you. You need to work on your lies too, you say one thing but your facial expressions says something else. You know I teach you these things just incase you ever have to use that knowledge against me"

"Yeah I know. I just wasn't prepared to see that so.."

"I get it" he grabbed her hand and led her into the house "Come on. Let's go shower"

Later That Night

Cara's eyes were staring straight up at the ceiling. She was in this same position the entire night. Her mind drifted from what she had just seen to the fact that she had the folder in her car. She wonder if he went through her stuff while they were driving home.

Cara looked over to see that he was sleep. He however had one of his arms wrapped around her body per usual. She slowly slid her body towards the other side while using one of her hands to move his arm. Just as she was nearing the edge of the bed Dee stirred in his sleep and wrapped his hand around her again this time pulling her closer.

She closed her eyes since she couldn't let out her frustration. Cara waited until another twenty minutes passed to make sure he was really sleep before trying all over again. This time she successfully got out of the bed and put a pillow under his arm.

Cara made her way down the stairs as fast as she could without making any sounds. She went to the garage and used the key to unlock her door. If she would've used the fob button it would've been too loud. She grabbed her phone out of the console and cursed under her breath when the pitch black screen indicated that her phone was dead.

She reached back in her backseat and felt around for the folder. Her heart skipped a beat when she didn't feel it. She climbed in the backseat and seen that the bag was indeed there it just shifted around during the drive.

Cara grabbed the folder and turned in the seat gasping loudly when she seen Deion in the garage door frame. She still had the folder in her hand but it was low enough that he couldn't see. So she stuffed in the back pocket of the seat and grabbed her bag and phone.

She got out of the car and closed the door. "Hey what are you doing up?" she locked her car door and walked up to him.

He just eyed her suspiciously. "Where you going?"

She turned to look at her car and then down at the bag in her hand, thinking of a lie. "No where. I knew that my period would be coming today so I came down and got my tampons and stuff like that" she felt her heart beating like it would burst through her chest.

"You sure?"

Cara smiled and kissed him. "Of course, go back in the house. I like how you're always worrying about me. It's so cute" She nervously laughed.

It's Deion's character that stresses me out the most! Anyways I love the support yall been showing.

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