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WHEN KATHRYN MADE HER WAY down the stairs behind the stage she was grabbed by two strong hands.

The brunette let out a quiet scream as she was pulled to the side, into a dark corner. Kathryn immediately wanted to start screaming and punching, but the man laid a hand on her mouth.

"It me sweetheart. It's me", Haymitch's voice reached her ear. Kathryn pushed his hand away in rage before she immediately hissed, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Making you an Ally", the grey haired man stated as he let a gold necklace dangle from his hand.

Kathryn frowned at him confused, "What?"

"Come to the roof. In an hour", Haymitch stated as he placed the necklace into her palm, before slipping out of their hiding spot, strolling down the corridor.

The brunette held up the necklace, eyeing it closely before she let out a sighed and followed the man down the corridor.

An hour passed by and when Kathryn slipped through the door that lead to the roof she spotted a couple of people standing by the edge of it.

The brunette wrapped her coat closer around her body. As she came closer she recognized, Finnick, Haymitch, Johanna, Wires, Peeta and Beete.

"Look who decided to join us", Johanna stated sarcastically as she made a grumpy face.

"Sorry. I got held up. Guards were patrolling our corridor", Kathryn apologized for her late appearance while her eyes wandered over the nearly invisible shield that was probably stopping someone from freeing themselves from their tragic destiny.

"So, now that everybody is here. We have important things to discuss", the white haired man said. "To cut the crap. There's a revolution building. People inside the Capitol, the Districts, in the Underground and you lot, they are all sick of Snow and the Capitol."

The tributes listened to him in silence, exchanging a few looks. "We have one problem. Katniss."

"Why is Katniss a problem?", Johanna asked the man curiously. "Katniss is the face off the revolution. If she wants it or not", Haymitch shrugged as he looked at the woman.

"That means she has to stay alive", Kathryn stated, making the others look at her. "You're asking us to die for her", she questioned him as her eyes met Haymitch's.

Haymitch came closer to them, his tone getting even more quiet that before."I'm not asking you to die for her. I'm asking you to protect her, until we can get you guys out."

Kathryn eyed the man sceptical and suddenly Peeta spoke up, "I'm in."

The other's watched him as the blonde man leaned from one foot onto the other, an awkward look on his face.

"We're also in. Katniss Everdeen will lead us to a new area", Beete said as Wires nodded in agreement.

"It can't be that hard to keep her alive", Johanna shrugged, which meant that she was in as well. Kathryn scoffed slightly as she smiled a bit, "I have to be completely insane."

"Then we're both insane", Finnick stated, looking down at her.

After a couple more minutes the secret meeting was over and everyone made their way back to their room, hopping not to get caughed in progress.

Finnick and Kathryn slipped back into their apartment and as they had reached their rooms they opened the doors and stepped inside.

As Kathryn was just about to close her door she stopped, "Finnick?"

The man stopped in his trail and looked at her again, "Yes?"

"That was a really beautiful speech you held on that stage", the brunette woman said as she leaned against her door her hand still on the knob.

"Thank you. It came from the bottom my heart", the man said while he smiled a bit at her.

Kathryn raised her eyebrows at him in surprise, "So, there really is a girl? It was not just a strategy to stop the Games?"

There was silence before Finnick nodded his head, "A bit of both-"

The man stopped before he released a deep breath and smiled again, "Goodnight Kathy."

The woman felt a sting in her chest as she forced a smile on her face, "Goodnight Finnick."

The woman closed the door, flopping onto her bed before she fell to sleep very quickly.

The very next day Kathryn had breakfast with her team from district four and after that Axena and Leyland, their Mentor took Finnick and Kathryn aside.

Axena tried to contain her sobbing and Leyland looked sadly at the two young people.

"Remember, we're fighters. Everything will be alright", the woman tried to convince them as she still cried.

There was silence as Kathryn grabbed onto her necklace. "Thank you for everything", she then said, looking at the two.

"You deserve so much better" the woman sniffed as she suddenly grabbed and squeezed Kathryn's hand softly.

"Thank you", the brunette said softly as she looked at Axena sadly.

"I am so truly sorry", the woman stated before she quickly spun around and left the room, crying.

"You know Axena, she's a bit-", Leyland tried to assure them but Finnick cut him off, smiling a bit, "We know."

Kathryn sighed while she looked at her Mentor, "Any last advice?"

The man smiled at them as he clapped them both into the shoulder, "Remember your training and stay alive."

His hand laid on their shoulders and they remained in that position for a while before he suddenly pulled them into a hug.

Kathryn snuggled into his shoulder and tried to hold her tears back before they pulled apart again.

The man gave them one last nodd before he dashed off, leaving the two to join the others in the Capitol jet.

The other Tributes were already there, sitting in their seats, ready to get their Tracker injected.

Kathryn sighed as she sat down beside Finnick and Johanna.

There was complete silence laying over the Tributes and the brunette gaze fell into Peeta, who was besides Katniss.

The blonde looked up and their gaze met before they both looked away.

A moment later a woman came up to her and grabbed Kathryn's arm, lifting up her sleeves and injecting the Tracker into her arm in silence.

Katherine had to think about Haymitch's words, "You have to cut the tracker out of your arms."

She stared onto the spot were the needle had just pierced through the skin and she was sure that this would hurt like a bitch.

When everyone was injected with their trackers the jet took off, taking the tributes to the arena, were they would prepare before they were sent up.

When the doors opened there were Peacekeepers entering, leading the Tributes one last time to their Stylist.

Kathryn let her finger trace over the spot were her tracker was, her gaze fixed on the door.

The doors widened and the Peacekeepers took their positions infront of it while Kathryn stepped inside.

Tirvan was sitting on a chair, his head in his hands as he eyes the black and grey bodysuit that laid on the desk.

The doors closed behind the woman and the man shook his head, "That thing is absolutely disgusting."

"If it gives me an advantage of surviving I'm okay with that", Kathryn shrugged at him while coming closer.

The man turned towards her and without saying a word he handed her the bodysuit.

The woman slipped into it, when she reapeated infont of him the manead her to the spot were she would be going up into the arena.

He pushed her braid behind her shoulder, "The suit is light, no thermal. So I'm guessing tropics or desert."

A male voice spoke up from above them, "Sixty seconds to launge."

"I'm thankful for everything you did, Tirvan. I- I just wanted to tell you because I don't-", the brunette tried to built a scentence but the man interrupted her.


He looked her into the eyes and rubbed her arm as he smiled a bit, "Remember, I'm betting on you."

"You're the only one", the brunette muttered more to herself than to him.
"I don't think so", Tirvan said as he raised an eyebrow at her.

He pulled her towards him and gave her a hug. Kathryn exhaled slightly before she pulled back.

"10 second to launge."

She stepped into the space between the four metal bars and looked at Tirvan.

A glass dome went down and she was trapped in it. The two exchanged one last nod and then the platform under her feet started moving upwards.

THE BRUNETTE TRIED TO STEADY HER BREATH as she let her gaze wander over the arena. The sun shone down on them without any mercy and the woman quickly realized that she was surrounded by water.

She looked nervously to her left the right. Exhaling deeply she tried to remind herself that panic what uod just kill her.

Her eyes darted over the Tributes the feeling off relief rushed through her body as she spotted Finnick only two start points away from her.

"Let the 75th hunger Games begin. May the Odds be ever in your favor", a voice said calmly before the countdown started.

"Ten, nine, eight-"

Her gaze fell onto the shining block that twirled over the Cronucopia.

"Seven, six, five, four-"

Kathryn searched with her eyes for the knives and immediately spotted them at the front.

"three, two, one."

The cannon went off and Kathryn immediately dove into the water.
The brunette swam as fast as she could, when she was near enough the brunette climbed onto the stones, followed by another tribute.

She glanced over her shoulder, realizing that he head nearly reached her. She panted heavily while she continued running and as she had finally reached the Cronopia she immediately grabbed a knife that laid besides a bow and threw it at him.

It hit the tribute into the leg and suddenly a bow flew past her hitting Gloss into his leg.

The man jumped into the water while he ripped out the arrow and Katniss, who had shot, immediately turned towards them and aimed at Finnick, who had just appeared besides Kathryn.

"Good thing we're allies right?", Finnick stated as he held up his arm and showed her the golden bracelet.

"Where did you get that?", the dark haired woman questioned him, her arrow still time at him.

"Where do you think?", Finnick said before Kathryn suddenly spotted another Tribute coming towards them.

Finnick had spotted him as well as he said, "Duck."

Katniss ducked immediately and Finnick threw his speer, which pierced through the man's upper body.

A cannon went off. "Don't trust one and two. I'll take this side. You two hold them off", Finnick said to the two women as he pulled his speer out of the dead mans body.

Kathryn immediately grabbed all the knives she could get, positioned herself and thew one of her knifes at Enobaria.

The dark skinned woman quickly dived head first the water and Kathryn cursed as she saw her disappear into the waves.

"Katniss, I found him. He's over here", Finnick suddenly shouted over at them, before he led the two to the other side.

As they arrived, they spotted Peeta and one of the other Tributes fighting each other in the water.

Finnick jumped into the water and disappeared under the surface while the other two men disappeared as well.

Kathryn's held her breath as she watched the moving water. Suddenly the cannon went off, making her breath heavily.

The feeling of fear spread through there body as suddenly a lifeless body broke through the surface. It couldn't be Finnick, Finnick was an excellent swimmer, but what if the other Tribute had taken him by surprise.

Just a moment Finnick and Peeta broke through the surface and swum towards them panting heavily.

Meanwhile, the tributes from one and two had taken over the Cronopia which meant that Kathryn and the others had to hide in the woods.

As the group run through forest another cannon went off, but they didn't stopped moving.

After a couple of minutes Finnick suddenly spoke up, "Okay, hold up, hold up."

"God it's hot. We gotta find fresh water", Peeta stated as they all kneeled down between the large plants that grew around them.

Three cannons went off and Finnick smirked at the group and chuckled, "Well, I guess we're not holding hands anymore."

"You think that's funny?", Katniss questioned him seriously. "Everytime that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears. I don't care about any of them", the young man told her honestly.

"Good to hear", Katniss stated as she pulled her sword out of her leg pocket.

Kathryn sighed annoyed before she addressed the dark haired woman, "Want to face the career pack alone?",

Finnick agreed with her quickly, "Yeah, what would Haymitch say?"

"Haymitch isn't here", the girl on fire stated as she stared at the two tributes from four.

"Let's keep moving", Peeta interrupted them and without another word they all continued their way through the woods.

It felt like they were walking for hours in this arena, maybe they were, who could tell.

They were still passing through the forest, Peeta at the front followed by Kathryn. Finnick walked at the back and Katniss eyes were fixed on Kathryn's back while her hand was still tightened around her weapon.

Peeta was currently cutting off the plants that hung into their way but suddenly Katniss screamed out loud, "Peeta, no!"

An explosion went off and Peeta was thrown backwards. He crashed into Kathryn and they both fell to the ground hardly.

Katniss immediately crawled towards Peeta and Kathryn slowly sat up, grunting in pain as she held her left arm.

"He's not breathing. He's not breathing!", Katniss whimpered as she placed her hands onto Peeta's throat, to feel his heartbeat.

Finnick immediately pushed her to the side and Katniss drew her bow and arrow as she aimed at him. This on the other hand made Kathryn drew her knife before she pointed it at her.

Finnick immediately started CPR and Kathryn let down her knife as Katniss crawled over to Peeta and Finnick.

"Come on! Come on!"

The brunette could hear Katniss whimpered over and over again, "Please wake up! Please wake up!"

Finnick continued CPR but nothing happened. Kathryn, who had slowly crawled towards them, sat now next to Katniss. She gave Peeta's lifeless body a sad look, but suddenly the man gasped for air.

Katniss eyes widened immediately, "Peeta? Peeta." She placed her ahdn on the side of his face as tears rolled down her face, "Oh, my God."

The blond man looked completely wrecked as he gazed weakly into her eyes, "Be careful there's a force field up there."

Katniss laughed loudly, still crying before she bend over and pressed a soft kiss to Peeta's lips. "Oh my God. You were dead. You were dead. You're heart stopped."

Kathryn slowly got onto her feet as she and Finick exchanged a look. The man came over to her and looked at her arm. "Is everything alright?"

"I think so", she shrugged as she tried to lift her arm up. She whinced a bit, it was hurtful.

Katniss helped Peeta onto his feet and the woman immediately hugged him, still shaking from the shock.

"Okay, let's go Love birds. We have to bring as much space between us and them as possible", Kathryn said before the group continued their way.

Katniss walked at the front, throwing stones to see where a force filed was or not.

The dark haired woman gazed over her shoulder at the rest of the group, "Hang on."

She climbed up the tree and the others settled down for a moment. Kathryn's arm still hurt and she was thirsty and eager to wash the dirt of off her body.

Suddenly Katniss jumped down from the tree, "It's a dome. We're at the edge of the arena. We couldn't find any signs of fresh water."

"It's gonna get dark soon. We'll be safe with our backs protected. We should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take the first watch", Finnick proposed to them generously as he sat besides Kathryn.

"Not a chance", Katniss shook her head as she looked at Finnick sceptically.

Finnick go up annoyed, his speer still in his hands as he looked at her, "Honey, that thing I did back there for Peeta? That was called 'saving his life'. If I wanted to kill either of you, I would've done it by now."

Kathryn remained silent as she watched their interaction. Finnick walked away unnerved and Katniss turned towards Peeta, "Why don't you get some rest? I'll take first watch."

Peeta stared after Finnick, "Just for a little bit."

The time passed by quickly and it got dark soon. As she had said Katniss took first watch, with Finnick, which meant that Kathryn and Peeta could sleep a bit.

But that didn't last long as Kathryn was pulled out of her sleep by the familiar Capitol sound starting and the pictures of the dead tributes in the sky.

As it was over Katniss sighed, "Eight."
There was complete silence between them as suddenly a weird sound caught their attention.

It was a small metal bowl with a folding screen that flew down to them. Katniss immediately opened it, revealing a note, "Drink up. -H."

"What is it?", Finnick questioned her interisted and Katniss pulled a little device out.

"It's from Haymitch. I think it's a spile", she stated as she suddenly stood up and walked over to the next tree.

"A what?"

She rammed it into the tree and after a moment water started running out of it.

"Are you kidding me? You're kidding me!", Finnick said as he pushed Kathryn more towards the water. "Get some water", he told her with a smile and Kathryn drunk before she made space for Finnick and Peeta.

Kathryn held her hands under the water and splashed it into the face as she chuckled happyly.

But she shouldn't saty happy for long. The night wasn't over as suddenly a couple of gongs went off in the distance, making everybody sit up again.

The group exchanged confused looks and when it was over Katniss said, "I counted twelve."

"Midnight?", Finnick questioned them with a raised brow. "Or the number of districts", Katniss added, making Kathryn shake her head. "Just a feeling but I think it's something worse than that."

The two looked at her and suddenly a couple of green lightning bolts hit into a large tree far away from them.

As it was over Finnick spoke up again, "Well if you're not going to sleep I will."

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