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On Sunday, Jack came over uninvited, "My dad showed up and he's talking amusement parks."

Dylan wasn't sure how that was his problem, "Okay?"

"And I'm not going with him alone," Jack said.

Dylan shook his head, "I don't like roller coasters?"

"Why?" asked Jack, confused.

"People die on roller coasters," Dylan pointed out.

"Oh, come on," Jack replied. "It's mostly health issues that cause death."

"Sometimes it's human error but it's probably God looking down and going 'no, no, you come back to me,'" Dylan replied.

Jack looked at him, "Come on. I don't want to be alone with this man."

Dylan sighed, because he knew he was the last person that Jack asked to go with him. He nodded, "Okay."

"Let's go," Jack said, grabbing Dylan's arm and dragging him to the door.

"Wait," Dylan said. "You mean right now?"

"Yeah, he's waiting," Jack said, dragging Dylan out of his room and down the stairs.

Lorelai started, "Here, whereโ€”"

"We're going to an amusement park," Jack said over his shoulder, "Bye."

Lorelai said, "Haveโ€”"

The door closed on whatever Lorelai was going to say.

Needless to say, Dylan did not have a great time at the amusement park. It was sort of fine at first, but then when the park was supposed to close at seven, Jack wanted to go on the ferris wheel.

Then the ferris wheel malfunctioned with them at the very top, so they were stuck there for ten hours.

"Once, at the bookstore, I was trying to say 'thank you' and 'have a nice day,' and somehow I ended up yelling 'have a ham' at Ricky,'" Jack said. "It would've been fine, if he wasn't Jewish."

"I once was trying to tell a customer to freeze the left-over cake, but I ended up saying, 'I'll keep you in the freezer'," Dylan replied. "She looked at me like I was a serial killer."

Jack joked, "You mean, you aren't?"

Dylan forced a smile and a chuckle. He had come up with the idea that if he faked like everything's okay with him, he'll eventually become okay. Fake it 'til you make it, after all.

It got quiet and Dylan looked at the sky, "It's a nice night, isn't it?"

Jack gave him a strange look in response.

Dylan got home at 5:30. Jack's dad, had called Sookie to explain the ferrish wheel situation, so Sookie had called Lorelai to explain that Dylan was also going to be late.

So, all Dylan had enough time for was to take a quick shower and get dressed before heading downstairs.

There was loud music coming from Rory's and Christy's shared bedroom. Dylan was getting some coffee when Rory walked in from her room and closed the door, drowning out the loud music.

"Hey," Lorelai greeted her. "I have an idea for a new reality show. How about everyone just looks out their freakin' kitchen window for a change?"

"Ooh," Rory told Dylan as she grabbed an apple, "She's cranky this morning." She took a bite out of the apple and went over, taking the coffee mug from Dylan.

"She always is before her eighth cup of coffee," Dylan replied, thinking fake it 'til you make it. Heย had to pour himself another cup of coffee

"Hey," Lorelai said. "True. Dylan and the world have a formidable opponent."

"Hey," Dylan replied. "I was stuck on a ferris wheel for ten hours with Jack. You'll be crabby too."

"She'll harp on it for hours," Rory told him. Dylan nodded, because it was true, Lorelai like to run stuff into the ground and kick it while it's down. "Wait." Rory turned onto Lorelai, "Shouldn't you be baking?"

"I don't know," Lorelai replied. "Shouldn't you be knitting?"

Rory exclaimed, "Mom! The Chilton bake sale is today!"

"I know," replied Lorelai. "I got it covered."

Rory explained, "They expect the things to be homemade."

"She has Sookie making yours and Christy's portions," Dylan told Rory.

Lorelai nodded, "Yeah, what he said."

Christy came in from her bedroom and went over, grabbing the mug of coffee from Dylan and then looking in the fridge to get a doughnut.

Dylan almost sighed. Sometimes it sucked being outnumbered.

Lorelai watched them.

There were times when Lorelai wondered how she ended up with three wonderful and weird kids. There were times when Lorelai thought they were growing up way to fast. Like one minute they were three five-year-olds and the next minute she was looking at three almost sixteen-year-olds and she wondered where the hell the time went. She wished there was a pause on this time thing and pause life so she can spend more time with them before they went away to college and went separate ways.

The idea gave her anxiety, because Rory was going to Harvard, Dylan would probably go to whatever college would accept him (unless he actually somehow made it big and went on tour), and Christy would go wherever her heart takes her. The three of them were always together, but when they turned eighteen, they won't be.

She wished they would be together wherever they went because she didn't want them to be alone, but she knew they needed their space from each other; especially Christy and Rory, from living in the potting shed, then to sharing a room when they moved into the house when they were ten. Dylan, Lorelai noticed, was pulling away from his sisters. Sometimes he made Lorelai worry, but Dylan was fine, he always was.

She noticed the time and looked at her kids, "Get your stuff and hit the stereo โ€“ we're late."

Rory said, "It's not me." She went to the room and opened the door.

Lane was in there dancing.

Lorelai asked, "Where does your mother think you are?"

Lane turned off the music and answered, "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas."

Lorelai asked, "Not here, skanking to Rancid?"

"Wouldn't be included," Lane replied.

"School!" exclaimed Lorelai.

Lane put on a denim jacket and they left the house. She said, "Bye," as she walked across the lawn.

"Bye," Rory called after her.

A cat meowed as Babette and Morey walked by, with Morey pulling a wagon that had their cat, Cinnamon, in it.

"Wow," Rory said. "Cinnamon riding in style."

"Yeah," Babette stated. "Morey made it. Cinnamon's not walking good these days, but she still like her passeggiatas." On seeing the strange look on Dylan's face, Babette explained, "That's Italian for 'a nice walk'."

Morey spoke with an accent, "Passeggiata."

"Oh God, he makes it sound so sexy," Babette gushed.

Dylan wondered if it was possible for someone to love him as much as Babette loved Morey. He recalled being younger and having a crush on Babette. That was embarrassing to remember.

"Come on," replied Morey.

Lorelai pointed to the covered area, "What's that?"

Babette explained, "Oh, it's Cinnamon's private area. Sometimes she likes to be alone. She's just like Morey in that sense."

"And Dylan too," Christy said. Dylan narrowed his eyes at her.

Babette spoke to Morey, "Hey, say passeggiata again."

Morey said, "I can't do it on command, Babs."

Babette said, "Oh, he's blushin'. God, I love a man that blushes!" She and Morey walked away.

Rory said, "Okay, our town is just weird."

"It could be worse," Christy added.

"Thank God," Lorelai said.

Rory said, "Bye."

"Bye," Lorelai said.

"We'll see you later at school," Rory told Lorelai.

Lorelai joked, "For what?"

Rory exclaimed, "Mom, the bake sale!"

"Ha! I got the vein in the forehead." Lorelai cheered, "Whoo!"

Rory said, "Sadist."

They headed for the bus stop, although Dylan felt like he was trudging.

Christy asked, "How was the amusement park?"

"It was fine," Dylan replied. He has been using that word a lot lately. "Then I got stuck on the ferris wheel for ten hours, which was awful."

They made it to the bus stop. Rory and Christy took out books to read, however Dylan took out the homework that he didn't even finish because Jack dragged him to the amusement park.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Christy waving before holding a book up to hide her face. Dylan looked up, seeing Ricky, Mai, and Alex right across the street, walking down the sidewalk together.

It looked like Ricky had been waving at either Dylan or Christy. The question was, who?ย 

Alex noticed Dylan looking and flipped him off, so Dylan awkwardly went back to his homework.ย 

Dylan asked Christy, "Who did Ricky wave at?"ย 

"You," Christy replied. "I thought he was waving at me, but it was you he waved at."

Dylan wasn't so sure, because he was focusing on his graph notebook to do his math homework, so he wouldn't have see Ricky waving at him.

He didn't have time to dwell on it because the bus pulled up. While others got on, Dylan chose to go last.

He stopped to take money out of his pocket, because he keeps forgetting the bus pass. He looked at the bus driver, "Do you have twenty cigarettes?" The bus driver looked horrified and Dylan wondered why the driver looked at him like that when he asked for twenty cents. It was an awkward moment before Dylan realized what he said, "I meant, do you have twenty cents?"

"Here, I got ya covered," a guy behind Dylan said, inserting some money. Dylan looked at the guy. It was the new guy, Dean, from Stars Hollow High.

"Uh, thanks," Dylan replied. He sat down in the seat right across the aisle from Rory, while Dean sat behind Rory.

He tried to focus on his math again when he heard Rory scream. He looked over at Rory, confused, "Dude, what the hell?" Then he noticed how Dean was leaning close to Rory. "Hey, can you back the fuck up from my sister?" Dean had to move a bit backwards from Rory. "Yeah, okay a little more." Dean leaned even more backwards. "Yeah, good."

He went back to his homework, cursing himself for agreeing to go to the amusement park with Jack.

After a few minutes, Rory was frantically saying, "You have to get off the bus!" She called to the driver, "Hey, he has to get off the bus!"

"Wait," Dean said. "You're forgetting something." The bus stopped. "Buses make stops. Goodbye Lorelai Gilmore." He got off the bus.

"That's Dean?" asked Christy.

"That's Dean," Rory said.

"I'm surprised you didn't feel his hot, creepy breath on the back of your head with how close he was to you," Dylan told Rory.

It reminded him of standing in line to a ride, and some man was standing so closeย to him, that even Dylan felt the man breathing on his neck. So, Dylan responded by leaning back and whispering to him, "I hope this line lasts forever," and the guy stepped back, getting the hint.

"You look like shit," Caroline told Dylan, while parents arrived to help set up the bake sale tables.

"So do you," Dylan retorted.

"Thanks, man," Caroline said, with a smile.

"No problem, bro," Dylan replied, grinning. "How's your day going?"

"Up dog," Caroline stated.

Dylan was confused and asked, "What's up dog?"

"Nothing," Caroline replied, resting her elbow on his shoulder, like Dylan was a convenient shelf. "What's up with you?" Dylan awkwardly wrapped his arm around her waist. Thankfully she didn't get mad at him and slap him for touching her without permission.

"Life," Dylan told her.

"Tell me about it," Caroline said.

"I got stuck on a ferris wheel for ten hours," Dylan said. "How about you?"

"Trying to stand up in a hammock is my life description right now," Caroline said.

"My favorite description is 'life is a party and I'm the piรฑata'," Dylan replied.

Caroline nodded, "That's a good one."

Dylan smiled, "Thanks." He felt his smile drop at the sight of his friends. Why were they here? His friends came up to them. For whatever reason, Cecilia had narrowed her eyes at them and Alex was staring at Dylan's arm around Caroline's arm.

Caroline greeted, "Hey, guys, I was just telling Dylan hereโ€”" She smacked Dylan on the chest, "About up dog."

Mai seemed confused, "What's up dog?"

"Nothing," Caroline replied, with a grin. "What's up with you?"

Dylan and Caroline started laughing.

Alex looked over them both, "You two are perfect for each other. You both share the same shitty sense of humor."

"Maybe you should learn to take a joke," Dylan snapped.

"Maybe you should learn how to make one," Alex replied.

"What's going on over here?" asked Mr. Medina, coming over.

"Just a disagreement, Mr. Teacher Sir," Mai said, with a fake grin.

"Well, if you're visiting, you all need to sign in at the front office to get some visitor's passes," Mr. Medina said. "Come on, I'll show you where the office is." He led the group away.

"I can't tell who is the worst: Dugray or that guy," Caroline said.

"Alex has his moments where he's actually pleasant to be around," Dylan defended. "And he at least knows how to take 'no' for an answer."

"Ah, yes, give him points for doing the bare minimum," Caroline replied and sighed, "There's my parents." She went over to where her parents were.

Dylan spotted Sookie, Rory, Christy, and Lorelai at a table that Sookie was laying stuff on. He asked, "What you got, Sookie?"

"French fantasies, American treats, and Italian taste sensations," Sookie told him. "Well, what do you think?"

"Amazing," Rory said.

"Incredible," Lorelai told Sookie.

"It is good, isn't it?" Sookie said, "Well, final touch." She took out a kitchen torch to light the swan-shaped dessert on fire.

"Can I do that?" the triplets asked in unison.

Lorelai laughed because it always amused her when her kids did that.

Sookie said, turning a knob on the kitchen torch, "Whoa, dears, this is a more delicate procedure than you might think, okay?"

"Okay," Rory said.

"It takes an expert hand," Sookie said as went around the table, lighting the tablecloth on fire.

Dylan was alarmed, "Sookie."

Lorelai gasped, filled a cup with lemonade from the next table and tossed it on the flame.

The women gave Lorelai dirty looks.

"Next time we'll just let the whole table burn," Dylan told them.

Christy laughed more because of the way he said 'burn'. She and Christy took off.ย 

Lorelai said, "Um โ€“ hi. Oh, well, gee...what is that, a dollar? Let me find you a dollar. You know what? I'll take two โ€“ I'll drink one." She chuckled nervously and took a drink from the cup. "Mmm โ€“ tasty and flame-retardant."

Lorelai spoke to Dylan, "That girl you were with was cute."

Dylan started getting annoyed, "Why is that every time some girl stands next to me, you automatically assume that I want to sleep with her? Like that's my thing. Like girls can't get enough of my chalky goblin body."

"Hey, come on now," Lorelai tried. "No need for the self-depreciation here. What is that about?"

"You assume that I'm Christopher. Like I go around trying to sleep with every girl I see," Dylan replied, feeling his temper rising. This was good, he guessed.

"Hey, hey," Mr. Medina cut in, because he was lurking over them like how Dean was lurking over Rory.

Lorelai looked at Mr. Medina.

Dylan took his chance and took off.ย 

"Don't worry about him," Lorelai was saying. "He's just tired. He got stuck on a ferris wheel for ten hours. It'll be enough to make anyone crabby."

He found a bench and flopped down. He rubbed his eyes, trying to force back tears. Why was it that after he got angry, he always felt the need to cry? At least he didn't get into a rage with Lorelai, like how he always got whenever Christopher was around.

Caroline sat next to him on the bench, "Everything okay with your...older sister? That looked pretty serious."

"She's my mom," Dylan said.

"Wow," Caroline let out a low whistle. "I need to figure out what moisturizer she uses."

"Get pregnant at sixteen," Dylan stated.

"Wow," Caroline repeated. "What happened?"

"She thinks that every single girl that's in my general area, I want to fuck her, because I'm apparently my dad," Dylan said.

"Yeah, I'll get pissed too," Caroline said.

"And she thinks my sisters are like her every time they show interest in a guy," Dylan said. "But I get it the worst because I'm a guy and I have sex on the brain 24/7, I guess. I mean, to be fair, Rory did consider not attending Chilton over a guy that talked to her once."

"He better be the sexiest man alive if she was willing to give up Chilton," Caroline said.

"He honestly isn't all that hot," Dylan admitted. "I've seen hotter guys."

"Who?" asked Caroline. "I honestly never saw a hot guy. People say Dugray's hot and I honestly don't see it."

Dylan thought about it. Well, his first thought was Alex but... "Brendan Fraser's hotter. He was attractive in the movie Airheads!. I think my sisters and mom all had crushes on him."

"Sounds like you did too," Caroline pointed out. "But that's okay. I have one on Salma Hayek. Seeing her in From Dusk Till Dawn got me real good." She whispered, "She helped me realize I'm a lesbian."

"Yeah, Brendan Fraser helped me realize I swing both ways," Dylan admitted. And honestly, it felt pretty good getting that off his chest.

Caroline patted him on the arm, "I kind of had you pegged as gay when I saw the way you looked at...Adam earlier."

"Alex," Dylan corrected. "Jesus, was I that obvious?"

"No, but I noticed because I look that way at Karrie," Caroline said, motioning to a brown haired girl with a group of girls. "She reminds me of Jennifer Connelly."

"She does," Dylan admitted. "She's one of my other celebrity crushes."

"Mine too," Caroline said, smiling. "You need a better crush than Alex. I'll help you find a guy..." She added, "or girl. I'll help you find someone."

"And I'll help you find a girl," Dylan said. They shook hands on that.

Cecilia and co. swung by, "Oh, there you are." She gave Caroline a strange look.

"Yup, still here," Caroline replied.

Dylan didn't get why Cecilia was reacting like this towards Caroline.

"Okay, I talked to that cute man over there," Mai pointed towards a man who looked to be in his early to mid fifties. "And he agreed to let us perform in his nightclub on Friday."

"I should probably ask my mom first," Dylan said.

Alex smirked, but Caroline pointed at him, "Don't even think about saying it."

Alex wisely didn't say anything, so Dylan got up and went to find Lorelai, because he had to apologize to her first. However, he found Lorelai talking to Mr. Medina and he decided that he'd rather not get involved in that.

He turned to head back but Caroline was standing there.

"You know, I got to thinking," Caroline started. "That I agree with you. Brendan Fraser is actually kind of hot, not gonna lie."

That actually got a surprised laugh out of him.

After school, Dylan wanted to go home to take a nap, but of course his friends had other ideas, namely talking about the gig at the nightclub that Mai had scored for them.

So, they all followed Dylan to his house to discuss it, for reasons that Dylan couldn't figure out.ย 

Ricky asked, "What songs are we going to do?"

"I was thinking of doing DAMAGED," Cecilia said. She glanced at Alex, since they were dating relationship and a lyric in the song was 'And I know that you love me....' It would be weird singing that considering that Dylan had a crush on Cecilia and Alex both.ย 

"It's fine by me," Alex told her with a shrug.

Ricky asked, "How about we do Blow too?"

"Sounds good," Alex added.

Jack joked, "How about Black Magic?"

"Hell no," Alex said flatly, because he hated that song with a burning passion. It was weird considering that had to have been their popular song.

So, apparently Alex wasn't in an agreeable mood then.

Rory barged into the house, "Hey, where's Mom?"

Dylan was confused, "She's always at Luke's. Why?"

"It's Cinnamon," Rory said. "There's a vet van in their driveway."

Mai looked worried at that, "What? Is Cinnamon okay?"

"I don't know, I've got to go tell Mom and Christy," Rory replied, going back outside.

Dylan looked at his friends.

"Go ahead," Alex said. "Maybe Babette might cry on your shoulder." For whatever reason, Dylan had told Alex that he once had a crush on Babette. Now it was just another thing for Alex to use against him.

Dylan asked, "Don't you have to a dick somewhere else?"

"Not until five," Alex replied, looking at the clock.ย 

Dylan rolled his eyes and left the house going next door.ย 

The vet had placed a blanket over Cinnamon, who was lying in the middle of the floor.

"Hey, Rory told me the news about Cinnamon," Dylan stated, "Is there anything I can do?" He looked at the remains of a lamp, "Maybe clean up that lamp?"

"Oh, no dear, you don't have to clean that up. You should stay," Babette told him. "Cinnamon would've wanted you to stay."

Dylan nodded, "Okay." He went to sit next to Morey, "Sorry about your loss."

"This is life, Dylan," Morey told him.

"Yeah, it sucks," Dylan replied.

Lorelai, Rory, and Christy came into the house.

"Babette?" called Lorelai. "Honey?"

Babette said, "Oh, Lorelai. Come in, come in. She's gone. Cinnamon's gone."

Lorelai said, "I'm so sorry."

Rory went over to sit next to Dylan, "Is there anything I can do for you, Morey?"

"I was just telling Dylan that this is life, Rory," Morey said. "It breaks your heart."

"She looked like she was sleeping," Babette explained. "I thought she was asleep so I nudged her and she didn't wake. I gave her a push and she rolled off the couch and since I waxed the floor she went shootin' across the room and then she knocked over the lamp and she still didn't move. I knew it was over. Oh, God, my baby."

Dylan hoped that Cinnamon was dead before hitting the ground.

Morey started, "Tell me it wasn't theโ€”"

"Oh, Morey, don't do this to yourself." Babette spoke to the others, "He thinks it was the clams."

Morey explained, "She saw me eating them and she gave me that 'hey, man, what's up?' look andโ€”"

The vet said, "It wasn't the clams. Morey, in human years this cat was two-hundred-sixty years old."

Lorelai stated, "That's a good, long life."

The vet said, "Listen, why don't you let me take her out to the van and then I'll get out of your way."

Babette said, "Oh, no, stay. All of you, please stay. Cinnamon would want you here."

Christy said, "We'll stay as long as Cinnamon wants us to stay."

Morey said, "I'll never eat clams again."

Rory said, "Me either." She patted Morey's arm.

"Especially not from Al's," Christy whispered to her siblings.

Word spread so the house eventually became full of mourners.

"Babette thought that Cinnamon was asleep, so she shoved Cinnamon off the couch and into a lamp," Christy told Lydia and Kayla.

"That's awful," Lydia said and Kayla nodded.

Kayla said, "Hope the poor thing was dead before hitting the floor."

Christy looked at Ricky, who was standing off to the side, and she averted her eyes. She nodded in agreement with Kayla.

Lydia whispered, "So why are we having a wake for a cat?"

Christy shrugged at that, "It's because we're a bunch of psychopaths here."

"Got that right," Lydia agreed. "And I thought my dad and I are derranged because we keep rearranging the utensil drawer."

Michel walked in holding a white tube. "Hello? Hello? Where is Lorelai? I'm dropping something off." Christy went over to him, just to have something to do. "Ah, there you are, Lorelai's Other Offspring."

Rory was called Lorelai's Offspring, Christy was called Lorelai's Other Offspring, and Dylan was called Lorelai's Male Offspring.

"Hi, Michel," Christy greeted.

"Here, take this to your mother," Michel told her, handing her the white tube. He looked around, "Is she having a party? Why was I not invited?"

Christy frowned, "It's not a party; it's a wake. You actually like parties? I took you as the type to stand in a corner and glare at everyone."

Lorelai came over and took the white tube from Christy, "I got this." Christy took off to go stand with her friends. She spotted Ricky with Dylan and their friends. It was a wonder how Mai and Cecilia can have a conversation with Ricky. What do they talk about when it's not about 'band' stuff? She looked at Dylan. Poor guy looked like he really needed to sleep. Christy was sure that he hadn't slept since yesterday.

She was reminded of the time when they were younger, Dylan never really slept.

"I should've gotten something to eat," Kayla said. "I'm starving."

"I think my dad is bringing food," Lydia replied.ย 

As if on cue Sookie and Luke came in. Christy went to help Luke with the bags of food. Lorelai was leading them, "Okay, how should we do this?"

Sookie explained, "Well, we need a flow for the room so there's no bottlenecks. People coming in, they're gonna want a beverage. Put 'em on the first table then the smaller hors d'oeuvres and cruditรฉs next to that, leaving one hand free to greet the people. Then, back there, set up plates and cutlery. First the salads, then the meat dishes, then desserts on the piano bench. How does that sound?"

Luke dumped his bags of food on a table in the middle of the room and said, "Dig in!"

Everyone rushed for the food.

Christy shrieked in surprise. Someone grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the crowd.

She looked at Ricky, who just smiled at her, "I saved your life. Now you owe me yours."

"For you, I'll give you everything," Christy replied. She frowned, realizing how weird that sounded, then walked away with her bag of food. Why did she always have to turn into a complete and utter dumbass when she was around Ricky? It was embarassing.

Dylan managed to get away from the wake and went home. He really wanted to sleep. Besides, he was sure that his presence wouldn't be noticed anyway.

He was about ready to head upstairs when there was a knock on the door. He turned and went over to the front door and opened it.

"Oh, god," Dylan said, seeing Mr. Medina standing there on his porch.

"I actually prefer Mr. Medina, but I'll answer to God too," Mr. Medina joked. It seemed like he glanced inside the house, "Is your mother home?"

Dylan was confused. He didn't think he was in trouble, as far as he knew. "Uh, no. Do teachers really make house calls?"

"We don't," Mr. Medina said. "I was here to pick Lorelai for our date. Is she getting ready?"

Dylan was even more confused because he never heard of Lorelai going on a date, especially with Mr. Medina of all people. He motioned to Babette's house, "She's actually next door."

Mr. Medina looked at the house, "She's next door at the party?"

"Oh, no, that's a wake for Cinnamon," Dylan explained.

Mr. Medina seemed concerned, "Who's Cinnamon?"

"The neighbor's cat," Dylan replied.

"Your neighbor's having a wake for a cat?" asked Mr. Medina.

"As you can see, we're all deranged here," Dylan stated.

Lorelai came rushing over, "Hey, I got this." She looked at Dylan, "You're up early. Why don't you go to bed?"

"I was going to," Dylan replied, turning to actually go to bed.

Lorelai went into Dylan's room to wake him up. She laid down on the bed beside him.

Dylan grunted at her in acknowledgement.

"We haven't discussed the whole dating-your-teacher situation," Lorelai told him. "I already discussed it with your sisters, so I have to talk to you about it. Like I told them, I won't go out with him if you don't want me to."

"You're allowed to date whoever you want," Dylan said and paused. "As long as they're not under eighteen."

"It's whoever we want," Lorelai told him.

"I'm sure as hell not going out with him," Dylan told her. "That's just weird and gross and I doubt he's into dudes, especially teenage ones."ย 

Lorelai sighed, "I know. I just thought I would get your opinion on it. Besides, if he does anything to make you uncomfortable, just say it and he's out of here."

"Okay," Dylan said.

"I mean it," Lorelai told him. "Just say the word."

Dylan was annoyed, "Are you trying to talk me out of dating him or yourself?"

"This is just a courtesy call," Lorelai said. "I don't need your permission."

"It sounds like you're trying to talk yourself out of going on a date with him," Dylan pointed out.

"I'm not," Lorelai said. There was a pause, and she said, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier at the bake sale," Dylan stated. "And Mai got us a gig on Friday in Hartford at a nightclub."

"No, I'm sorry," Lorelai replied. "I didn't mean to treat you like a mini-Christopher. I just don't want you to throw your whole life away over a mistake."

Dylan was confused, "Rory, Christy, and I are a mistake?" Made sense. He was sure that he wasn't supposed to exist.

"No, that's not what I meant," Lorelai said. "I wouldn't trade you three away for all the money in the world."

"I'm sure there was some resentment going on there," Dylan pointed out.

"Only when I was in labor," Lorelai said. "If there's another brawl, you're quitting the band and focus on becoming a vet, okay?"

"Okay," Dylan agreed.

Lorelai looked at him, "I love you, you know that right?"

"Right behind coffee, I assume," Dylan said.ย 

"Hey, I love you more than coffee," Lorelai told him.

Dylan arched an eyebrow at her, "You sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Lorelai said.

"Yeah, okay, now go so I can sleep," Dylan said.

"All right, pushy," Lorelai said, getting up to leave. She made it to the door, before looking at Dylan, "Are you all right?"

Dylan sighed, "Yeah, I'm all right."

"Okay, just checking," Lorelai said, leaving the room.

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