"If it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?" -Bridgette Devoue
Two days had passed and for Lalia, she was slowly getting into the Hogwarts routine. But for Spencer, the days dragged, and he spent most of his time wondering how the hell he's going to survive.
"So, the transformation formula is directly influenced by bodyweight." Professor McGonagall states, and scribbles the sentence on the chalk board behind her. "Transfiguration focuses on the alternation of the molecules of an object. Which ultimately changes the object's form and appearance."
Lalia scribbled rapidly on her parchment, her writing was neat- but sometimes she'd forget to 're-ink' her quill, so it took her longer to write. "Hey Lali." Alice whispered from beside her, making Lalia jolt up, nearly knocking her ink bottle over.
"Yeah?" Lalia responded, looking into Alice's dreamy face.
"Do you know how to spell 'molecules'?"
Lalia cracked a grin, "That's a Lily question." Alice nodded feebly, leaning over her desk and tapping Lily on the shoulder. Lily turned around almost instantly, whereas Marlene tried her hardest to keep herself awake.
"Yeah Alice?" Lily answered, her quill twirling in her hand.
"Molecules. How do you spell it?"
Lily let out a soft, whispered laugh. "M-O-L-E-C--"
Lalia zoned out from the conversation and went back to listening to their Professor. "The Transfiguration formula, is made up of five variables. 1) Body weight. 2) Viciousness. 3) Wand power. 4) Concentration. and the fifth and final one is-"
The door flew open, and in trudged James and Sirius.
They were laughing obliviously, making McGonagall sigh, cross her arms and stop teaching. Everyone's heads spun around to face them, but they didn't notice- nor care. "Mr Potter, Mr Black." Their conversation stopped, abruptly.
"Oh hi." Sirius replied, then turned to James again.
"Sorry, am I teaching during you're conversation?" McGonagall replied in a huff.
"Technically speaking." James retorted.
McGonagall gave the pair a pointed look, "Why are you late?"
Sirius' grey eyes flickered towards her, he shrugged. "Got lost."
"Well maybe I should transfigure one of you into a pocket watch, or a map. Then maybe at least one of you would be on time-" Lalia snorted, "I trust you don't need one to find your seats."
James and Sirius turned beet red, and trudged to the back, sitting in the row behind Remus and Peter.
Lalia giggled, thinking she was being quiet. "Miss Pierce." McGonagall warned. Lalia's hair was a light pink now, she smiled sheepishly 'Sorry'. Her lips mouthed.
Spencer walked swiftly along the corridor to his DADA lesson, Noah was at his side, only half a stride in front of Spencer- as Noah was the taller of the two.
"Cousin Lals. Straight ahead." Noah calls.
Spencer's eyes snap up from his DADA book, "Wha-" And quite literally he bumps into her, harshly.
Lalia falls backwards, and flat onto her arse. "Hey! watch where you-" Her eyes flutter up to see Spencer and Noah. Spencer gives her an apologetic smile, and Noah outstretches his hand to her.
Lalia smiles sheepishly, "Thanks." She takes Noah's hand tenderly, and lets him pull her up.
"Hi guys!" She speaks cheerily, adjusting the bag over her shoulder, and flatten her skirt in case of creases. "So-" She rocked back and forth on her heels, "What life and death scenario are you in this time?" She joked.
Only- it wasn't really a joke.
Spencer paled, "Why would you think that?"
Her face contorted in confusion, her hair a bright pink. "I just mean you get into trouble a lot- with your pranks and all..." Lalia trailed off.
Noah sensing the misconception stepped in, "Oh Spence!" The pair of cousin's turned to him, "You are so groggy today, I knew you'd be having caffeine withdrawal symptoms! can't even depict a joke!" He lowered his voice, and cupped the side of his mouth. "He's been lowering his caffeine intake."
Realisation crossed her features, and her hair went normal again. "I've been trying to get him off lattes since last year!" Lalia laughed, "You better tell me your secret! I think we should attempt books next." Lalia stated playfully, and smiled brightly.
"I hope you'll be ok Spence." She gave him a sideways hug, and continued to skip down the corridor. "Bye Noah!" She called over his shoulder, to which Noah waved cheerily back.
Spencer turned to Noah, a thankful smile on his lips. "Thanks man. But- Caffeine withdrawal?"
Noah shrugs, adjusting his bag strap. "First thing that came to mind."
They truly were fighting with fire.
"Fight fire with fire!" Marlene encouraged, as the four Gryffindor first years sat in a small circle on their dorm carpet.
"How?" Lalia whined, her chin resting in her hands.
Lalia had been on the receiving end of the infamously-famous Prewett twin's pranks. "Just don't tip green paint onto them- they've already done that." Alice interjects.
The prank wasn't meant for her- it was meant for Amos Diggory, a boy who kept asking their sister Molly out continuously. So let's just say tipping a bucket over a stair rail and 'hopefully' onto his head, was their attempt at 'containing' the situation.
Lily gave a whispered giggle, as she looked at Lalia's hair.
It was changed to her normal white-blonde now, but you could hardly notice. Considering it was stained neon green.
"Did you see how pissed the boys were?" Marlene says in reference to the First year lions.
"I think Spencer Emrys was more angered." Lily pipes up, as she remembered how Spencer nearly tore their heads off.
Alice had a thoughtful look, "If it wasn't for Noah Emerson, he might've."
Marlene rolls her eyes at their interjections, "As I was saying-" She threw a glare in Alice and Lily's general direction, to which they smiled apologetically for interrupting.
"You can use that to your advantage!"
Lalia shot her a confused look, "How?"
Marlene gave her a disappointed look, "How dense are you Lali?" She paused, "You and the boys could band together! prank those Prewett's!"
"They did apologize MULTIPLE times though." Alice interjected, pulling at the ends of her chopped air.
"Shush," Marlene pressed a finger to Alice's petite lips, "We're scheming Ali, we're scheming."
With a roll of Lily's eyes, she plonked her head in Lalia's lap. "I have an idea." Marlene and Lalia turned to her expectantly. "Which solves the Amos problem, pranks the Prewett's and get's you into the Prewett's 'never prank because their cool book'."
Marlene gave Lily the most proud grin, anyone had ever seen. "I'm proud of you Evans."
After hearing Lily's plan Marlene was beyond proud, she was dumfounded.
Lily Evans was a genius.
end of chapter
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