19. Voice Of An Angel


𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵


ARRIVING AT THE POLICE STATION, Luna and Jasper already saw Bella and Edward standing by the door while Charlie was still inside.

Luna and Jasper take off their helmets before Luna climbs off the motorcycle.

"Hey, Bella." Jasper greeted.

The girl smiled at her sister's soon-to-be boyfriend before she greeted back.

"Hey, Jasper." Bella said with her ever-so-subtle voice.

Jasper and Edward exchanged nods before Jasper turned his head back to his soulmate.

"You should go before daddy sees you. After what happened, I don't think he'll be too fond of a guy next to me. Let alone a guy who lets me sit on a motorcycle." Luna told Jasper.

The honey-blonde lets out a soft chuckle before he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, darlin'." Jasper said.

The sound of the nickname that came out of his mouth never failed to make Luna's heart flutter. She doesn't know if it's the name that she considers sweet or if it's the Southern accent that she finds sexy. Probably both.

Being her usual closed self, she tried to keep the smile as well as the pink in her cheeks from showing up and embarrass herself.

"Farewell, cowboy." Luna said with her still awful Texan accent.

Jasper couldn't help but grimace at the representation of what Luna thinks is a Texan accent. His mouth opened to give another comment about how her faux Southern accent needs work but he was immediately shut off by his soulmate.

"Don't." Luna said in a warning tone.

Jasper closes his mouth and pushes his mouth into a thin line, abandoning the idea to comment on Luna's faux accent which would most likely just end up with her pushing him off his motorcycle.

Luna playfully rolls her eyes at the honey-blonde vampire before making her way towards Edward and Bella. Jasper averted his eyes from his soulmate and towards Edward, giving him a reminder.

"Take care of my girl, will you?" Jasper told Edward, earning a smile from the bronze-haired vampire.

"Hey, I'm no one's girl." Luna cleared up, making sure that Jasper gets the idea that she is nobody's property, which Jasper finds adorable in a way. So, he took it upon himself to rephrase the statement into something that Luna would find amusing.

"Fine. Edward, please take care of the girl that owns me." Jasper said, a hint of mockery in his face and voice but what he said was true. Luna has Jasper's heart in her hands, and neither of them plans on giving it back.

"Yeah, bitch, I own you." Luna said with a smirk on her lips as she stood beside her sister.

The three simply smiled at Luna's response before Jasper slips on his helmet and kickstarted the engine of his motorcycle before driving away from the station.

"I once hit my head while riding a motorcycle." Bella told them as they watched Jasper drive away.

"Of course, you did. You're Bella." Luna said without sparing her sister a glance.

Bella rolls her eyes at the raven-haired girl before their attentions turned to Charlie who had just stepped out of the police station with two worried parents.

"I'll fax these down the first thing." Said Charlie to the two people who had reported their child who has been missing for almost a year.

"Thank you." Said the parents.

Charlie waited for the two to walk away from the station before he settled his gaze on his two daughters. Then he sees the pale guy next to Bella, which caused Charlie to look at Edward instead of Bella and Luna.

"Hey." Bella greeted.

"Hey." Charlie greeted back.

Charlie averts his eyes towards his raven-haired daughter and his annoyance towards Edward disappeared to make way for his worry for his daughter.

"You feeling okay?" Charlie asked Luna.

Luna opens her mouth with a facial expression that Charlie very much recognizes, therefore, he spoke again before Luna could get the words out of her mouth.

"If you say 'I'm a bad bitch, nothing can hurt me.' one more time, I'll lock you in your bedroom. You've said that at least five times this week." Charlie told her.

Luna closes her mouth and tries to come up with an alternative response. Edward, knowing what Luna had in mind as her response, couldn't help the smile that formed in his lips.

"I'm fine, daddy." Luna simply responds, getting the message that sarcastic remarks are not welcome at the moment.

"You ready for dinner?" Bella asked their dad.

"Yeah." Charlie answered. His gaze then shifted towards Edward who was still stood next to Bella rather awkwardly.

"It's still gonna be the three of us, right?" Charlie asked his daughters, casually looking at Edward a few times as he asked.

"Oh, Edwardo has his daily brooding session that he unfortunately needs to maintain." Luna said, not even sorry for not keeping her sarcastic remarks to herself.

Edward shakes his head at how Luna constantly attacks his brooding phase.

"I'm just dropping them off." Edward told Charlie before turning back to the two girls. "See you later."

"Bye." Bella said while Luna just waved her fingers at the bronze-haired vampire with a teasing smile playing on her lips.

Before Edward could reach his silver car, he once again turned around when he reminded himself of something to tell Bella.

"Oh...Bella." Edward called out, earning the Swans' attention. "My parents wanted to remind you about the airline ticket that you got for your birthday." He added.

Luna whips her head towards her sister with her eyes widened in surprise.

"You got an airline ticket for our birthday?! I got a baseball bat from Phil with his signature on it!" Luna complained, remembering her past birthday very vividly.

"I was so angry so I used the bat to release my frustration. Guess what happened." Luna said, giving at least two quick seconds for them to even come up with a guess before she gives a pretty much obvious hint. "Hint: Phil got hospitalized." She simply said.

"That's why mom sent you away." Bella said.

Charlie looks at his two daughters, bothered about how casual they just are about the fact that Luna beat up a middle-aged man. But he then reminds himself of the main topic.

"Wait, hold on. What airline ticket?" Charlie asked, his gaze flickering between Edward and Bella.

"A round trip ticket to see mom in Florida." Bella answered.

Charlie was surprised about the gift as his eyebrows furrowed. "Well, that was generous."

"And it expires soon. So, you might wanna use it for this weekend."

"Well, I can't just drop everything and go."

"It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate."

Luna couldn't help but furrow her brows at the couple. She couldn't drop the feeling that she has about what Edward said. Something about the way he said those words felt like he was implying another meaning. And that other meaning popped into Luna's mind which ruined her mood for the rest of the evening.

"Well. It might not be a bad idea. Get out of town for a couple of days, get some...distance." Charlie suggested.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing mom. As long as you use the companion ticket." Bella said, causing Charlie to want to take back his statement.

"Wait, just two tickets?" Charlie said. "Why don't you just ask your sister to go with you?"

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to go back there, daddy." Luna said, her voice has a hint of sadness but the anger was still dominant. And Edward knows exactly why, making him drop his head down because he couldn't face Luna knowing what her sister wants.

"Okay. You'll go with Edward. That's—" Charlie sighs. "Super. That makes me really happy." He added, never failing to deliver his sarcasm.

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───

After eating dinner outside, the three went home via cruiser and went straight to each of their rooms to get some rest. Bella was about to close the door of her bedroom when Luna stops her and lets herself slip from the gap between the door and the frame.

"Let's talk." Luna said, her voice still holding the same harsh tone that she had been using throughout the whole dinner.

"Okay." Bella answered, completely oblivious about why Luna was angry. But then again, she had no reason to wonder since Luna's basically in a bad mood all the time.

Bella closes her bedroom door and made her way to her bed, but before she could even plummet down to her bed like she has been wanting ever since she got out from it, Luna spoke.

"You want to turn, don't you?" Luna asked.

The statement made the clumsy girl finally stop moving around, her face dropping at the Luna's expression. She was furious.

"How did you know?" Bella asked.

"Because even though we're twins, Bella, I'm not stupid." Luna said as she neared her twin sister. "You want to become a vampire? In a month?!"

Bella shushes her with her eyes widened as Charlie's voice echoed in the hallways.

"Girls, keep it down, will 'ya?" Charlie said.

Luna sighs in frustration as she continued to speak.

"Do you know how crazy this sounds?" Luna told her.

"I know. But I want to be with Edward."

"You don't have to be a vampire to do that."

"Easy for you to say. You're practically a vampire because of your shared qualities with Jasper."

"Yeah, minus the immortality thing and the need to feed blood which is two of the most relevant things in being a vampire."

Bella rolled her eyes and finally plummeted to the bed. "You're not gonna change my mind."

"That doesn't mean I won't try." Luna said.

It was now Bella's turn to sigh in frustration. This was a big deal for her, and she needs her twin sister to be on board with it.

"If you have the same choices as me, will you be a vampire for Jasper?" Bella asked.

That's when Luna was silenced. She was speechless, something that doesn't happen very often. She had two choices: to grow old and die with Jasper while he remains as young and as flawless as ever, or to become a vampire and spend eternity with him?

It was too fast to decide right now. She only knew Jasper for nearly a month. Yes, she knew almost everything about him and vice versa. But, is she really ready for that kind of commitment? Her heart kept saying 'yes!' and that she is ready and that she will no doubt become a vampire if it means spending eternity with the person that she loves. However, her mind is telling her that everything's too fast, that being a vampire is not the best choice for her.

What was she going to follow?

Bella took Luna's silence as indecisive.

"Exactly." Bella said with her soft voice.

Luna gulped with her gaze still stern at Bella before she made her way out of her sister's bedroom and went on her own.

She remained standing in front of her door, not wanting to turn around knowing that a certain honey-blonde vampire is standing in the middle of her room.

"I don't know." Luna answered.

Jasper slightly nodded, already knowing her answer.

"I know. Your confused." Jasper replied.

Luna finally turns around looks at Jasper with her rare soft gaze. The raven-haired girl neared the vampire as she fiddled with her fingers, anxious.

"It's all too fast." Luna muttered.

"And I understand. I'm not rushing you into anything, darlin'. I know you're not yet ready. I just want you to know that I'll wait for you no matter how long." Jasper said.

Luna notices how much Jasper is holding himself back from hugging her. He was too considerate for her, which is not a bad thing. It's a really good thing. But at the moment, she wanted to feel his arms around her.

"Stay with me? I don't feel like crying myself to sleep tonight." Luna asked with her head down, feeling embarrassed about what she just asked of him.

A small smile tugs on Jasper's lips. "I'd be honored."

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───

Waking up next to Jasper was something Luna never thought would be the greatest morning she had had in a long time. He was reading a book in one hand while his other arm was wrapped around Luna's frail body.

When he sensed her movement and the happiness that's radiating off her, he averted his gold eyes towards Luna's similar ones.

"Good morning." Jasper greeted with a warm smile on his face. The smile seems to appear on his face automatically whenever his eyes land on Luna's face. "I bought breakfast while you were asleep."

Luna rubs her eyes before sitting upright as Jasper went to grab the food from the nightstand. He places the food in front of her and she immediately dugs in.

Jasper remained in her room as Luna got ready. Bella already took off early this morning to spend her weekend with Renee and Edward. Charlie already went to the station but not without leaving a note for Luna saying that if she needs anything, all she needs to do is text him or call him.

"So," Luna started as she blowdried her wet hair in front of her vanity. "Valerie. Is she really going?"

"Unfortunately." Jasper said, or more specifically, he groaned.

"It won't be that bad, right?" Luna asked, looking at Jasper through the mirror. The honey-blonde simply pushes his mouth into a thin line.

"Yeah, it's gonna be really bad." Luna said, changing her mind.

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───

The Cullens went hunting for Victoria together with the redhead's twin sister Valerie while Luna stayed in the Cullen house as per Jasper and the other's orders. They said that if Victoria was to come across her, the redhead would not hesitate to rip her head from her body.

The warning was clear. Considering that it was Jasper who ripped apart James, Victoria would think it's only fair that she rips apart Jasper's mate.

Luna doesn't plan on dying anytime soon. So, she decided to be left behind in the empty house. Alice suggested that Jackie could keep her company since she and Alice had come to terms with the misunderstanding between them. But Luna refused it saying that she's not ready to act all friendly with her just yet. Though, avenging Luna did help her like Jackie.

Going up to Jasper's room, she sees a piano just sitting there, waiting to be played. After knowing that Luna could sing, Jasper decided to buy his own piano just so he could play while she sings. It was a scene that was so beautiful, it keeps replaying in Jasper's imagination.

To be seated in front of a piano, pressing the keys ever-so-gracefully as the woman he loves stood beside the shiny black instrument with her voice as captivating as a siren's, as beautiful as an angel's, as soothing as the ocean waves. Oh, what he would do for that dream to come true.

Even though she knew that it was only a matter of time before the Cullens can come home, she can't help but be drawn to the piano. It has been a while since she played one. It has been a while since she sang. It's been one of her favorite past times for so long. Why not do it again?

The raven-haired girl approaches the piano and seats on the leather-top of the seat. Lifting the lid of the piano, there she saw the black and white keys she is so eager to press again. Her fingertips brushed along the smooth surface of the keys.

Her fingers pressed the keys and a rhythm started to play in the air. Like riding a bike, she hasn't forgotten playing the piano. Her hand moved automatically to the keys that need to be pressed, as if her fingers have already memorized each and every chord.

Just as the rhythm started to fill the void in the whole house, the Cullens just came home after a frustrating turn of events. But their irritations towards Victoria lessened when the sound of the piano playing ringed their ears, and it completely vanished when the sound of Luna's singing voice echoed.

"There is no upper hand, I'm giving you mine." Luna sang. Her voice seemed to captivate everyone in the room. Their once annoyed expressions were then shifted into an amazed one as they stared up at where Jasper's room is.

"It doesn't have to end up wasting your time."

"She has the voice of an angel." Carlisle muttered, knowing that his family could hear him.

"There's things that I could say, but hear it my way..."

"She is an angel." Jasper replied with his smile representing how much he adores the raven-haired girl.

"I wanna let you know, that it's all okay." Luna finished.

She could've gone on for longer, but for her, it was enough sneak peek to the Cullens about her singing. Neither of them has really heard her sing. This was the first time. So, she was excited to see how their reactions were.

Based on the mutters of Carlisle and Jasper, she'd say they loved it.

Luna was changing. Her usual sarcastic and raging bitch self was still there, but her hidden affectionate and innocent side is coming out. The side of her that she keeps buried for the sake of not getting hurt. But now she's ready. She's ready to be just slightly vulnerable in front of this family.

If only she could be fully vulnerable to Jasper. That way, it would be easy for both of them. Even though both know that it would take longer for her to finally open herself up to him, she was definitely starting to get there.

Baby steps, Luna. Baby steps.

─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───

Jasper's wish to play the piano while Luna sings is so adorable, I can't----

Anyway, sorry for not updating for two days. School's been grilling me. Ugh. College life is definitely bringing the worst out of me. I hope you guys liked this chapter though.

Btw, how does Jaslene sound as their ship name? If y'all have other suggestions, please tell me. And the sneak peek of the next chapter is now posted on Luna's instagram! Go check it out :)))

xoxo Sammy

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