𝟏𝟕, revenge and raids

XVII. 1919

Vivian sat in her bed, back against the headboard, watching as the smoke escaped her mouth. She was getting sick of staying in bed all the time but she didn't want to see anyone. Talking to people was tiring and she was not in the mood for pity looks or questions.

It had been a few days and since she last saw Ryan — that's a lie. It had been a few days since she spoke to Ryan. It was meant to come by but Finn had told her that Kol told Isaiah to tell him that Ryan had been busy which

Her aunt checked on her less frequently than before and she was incredibly grateful for that. She mostly came in when there was news to tell. She mentioned some things about Ada and her worries and talk business.

Tom had came in and she didn't have enough to pretend to sleep. Luckily he kept the conversation light and mostly about business.

He mentioned Grace, and she knew the moment her name left his mouth, that he didn't mean to bring her up. But her duty as a sister had to be fulfilled so she annoyed him with his crush and the fact that she framed her.

That was enough to make him leave her for the rest of the day.

Now that Polly didn't stop by her room as often, Finn had spent sometime in her company, either coming in with sweets, cards or some gossip, which the girl always appreciated. He wasn't the best at picking up the right information though.

All of a sudden, she was interrupted when she heard his heavy feet running up the stairs, and she knew he was going to barge in to her room. And she was right. The door flung open and he ran up to the bed, looking at her, catching his breath.

"Finn, didn't even hear you come in." She said calmly, watching as bits of ash fell onto her, "what do you want?"

"Ryan is downstairs." He spoke, "And I heard something."

"Is he coming up, and what did you hear Finn?"

"I heard the sweet shop is closing down because the owner is having 'issues' — thats's aunt Pol said — but the reason he is leaving is because his daughter is having a baby. I thought he was leaving because his daughter and the baby and all that but then I thought Ada had a baby and she married Freddie so why can't she do that?" He spoke dramatically, "Until I heard someone in the den, saying the baby's dad is Benton's dad."

"and Ryan might be coming up, he was talking to Polly." He added.

She glanced at her brother, "Rory Benton's dad?" She asked but before her answer was confirmed, someone spoke up.

"Could I talk to Vivian, Finn?" The Jones boy interrupted drearily.

His hands were stuff in his pockets, probably to stop him from fidgeting but he shifted on his feet anyway. He didn't smile or make a little joke like he did often. He wasn't in his usually mood and it was rather unsettling for the girl. She guessed what he was going to say.

"Yeah, must be important. Called her Vivian and you asked me in that way? So definitely a serious conversation I want no part in." Finn hopped off the bed and walked out. Ryan patted him on the back on the way out.

The boy slowly walked over to the chair many had sat in the past few days and pulled it over close to the bed.

Taking his seat in front of her, she stubbed out her cigarette. She turned to face him, giving him her full attention. He kept his eyes down as he stared down at his hands.

Slowly looking up at her, he spoke to her quietly, "Polly told me what happened... I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"It happened, it's over." She reassured as best she could, "no need to say sorry for something you couldn't stop and had no part in."

"Kol said that you stopped by the other night. Was everything alright?" He asked, still quiet.

She stared at him for a minutes waiting for him to look her in the eye to answer, and at last he did, "yeah, just wanted to see ya, it's been a while."

Nodding, he whispered, "it has."

"What is it that you wanted to talk 'bout."

He stared at her, scanning her. He saw what everyone say. The bruises, the cuts, the marks. And Vivian was sick of it. "I can't remember." He said, "But who was it?" She shrugged her shoulders after a minute of no kind of reply.

Ryan stated quietly, "Your brother's have half the gang out of the streets looking for someone they know nothing about."

His friend nodded, "Hoping they'll hear someone bragging 'bout how they got the Shelby girl?" She lit another cigarette, missing the feeling in her hand, "Ryan? What did you want to tell me?" She asked, wishing he would just say it.

"I wanted to tell ya that Kol has asked you round for dinner 'whenever suits' he said. Isaiah 'swell." Ryan breathed out.

"That's it?" Say it.

"Yea. Welcome anytime."

"Alright." She took a drag, staring at him blankly. He sat there not knowing that she knew. She just wanted him to say it. She wanted him to say it so she knew he could tell her anything. She wanted to trust him.

Before the two could converse any further a knock interrupted them. She hoped it was Finn because she couldn't deal with Tommy or Polly right now.

But it wasn't Finn, and now she would have been grateful if it was her brother or aunt. Instead it was Janet fucking Greene. With her handbag on her wrist and her sickly sweet smile spread across her face. To say she was greeted happily was the biggest overstatement ever.

The young woman stopped like a deer in headlights and her smile dropped when she felt the tension in the room, immediately regretting coming in.

"Sorry, didn't know you had company." She apologised, "Just got you a few things." Vivian watched as she slowly stepped into the room. "Do you want me to come back later?"

Harshly, Ryan answered, "Yes. Leave." She didn't move and instead looked to Vivian.

Vivian stared down at the cigarette,"Ryan, anything else to tell me before you leave." She felt their gaze on her.

Ryan shook his head, although the girl did not see, "No, nothing."

"Great." She whispered. "I'll see you then, eh?" Ryan stared at her, waiting for her to look at him but she didn't. He didn't want to annoy her or anger her so he decided to leave, bidding a short and quiet goodbye to the two girls.

After Ryan left, Janet took his seat, "I just wanted to give you some things."

"That's nice of you."

Before Ryan visited, Vivian didn't know whether to tell Janet she knew or just play nice when she saw her. Now that Ryan decided not to tell her and Janet was sat in front of her with a shit-eating grin on her face, she wanted to be nice and kind and oh so grateful to the bitch.

"I got your aunt some flowers, and your little brother some sweets and a book." She said. Vivian couldn't understand why she was telling her this or even did this in the first place.

Finally looking at the Greene girl, a bright — false — smile appeared on her lips, "That was very kind of you, thank you."

Janet smiled back sweetly, "Oh don't thank me just yet, wait til you see what I got you." She pulled out a small box wrapped in red paper.

"It's not my birthday, what's this for?" Teasing the Shelby asked, "this isn't a pity gift, is it?"

"Of course not and also I don't know your birthday." she started, chuckling to herself quietly, "I thought you could use a good 'get well soon' present-"

"I am well." She smiled widely, her statement and expression confusing her friend.

This wasn't her usual 'state', Janet thought, maybe her concussion was worse that she thought. " well, sometimes people need something to make their day a bit better. So open it."

Her fingers picked at the tape that held the package together. It was heavy and hard. Tossing the scarps aside, she saw the silver shining when the light hit it.

As she pulled the rest of the wrapping off, Janet made herself comfortable putting her feet up on the mattress. She came to notice it was a cigarette case, with her initials on it. How lovely it would have been if it wasn't from her, she thought.

"Oh- this is... way too much, Jan, I can't accept it." Vivian said, running her finger over the engraving, 'V.L.S.'

"You will accept it because I don't know anyone with the initials 'V.L.S'." Neither did Vivian.

"Thanks. This is really great." She smiled. She saw the famous Janet Greene grin and wanted to punch her across that fucking face. She looked away before she decided to take a swing.

Her hair was in a half up-half down style. A daisy sat in one of her braids.

She wore a dark green skirt with a black blouse. The blouse was covered in a floral pattern barely visible against the black but she saw it.

Her skirt was nice and pretty but Vivian wasn't the biggest fan of the frills and decorations that the bottom but she knew Janet liked it.

Vivian went rigid. Her eyes were locked on her shoes. Maybe Vivian was going crazy but she was almost a hundred percent certain they were her shoes. Her favourite shoes too. She knew she didn't and would never give them to someone. She wore them everyday.

When did Janet get them? When did I last wear them? Did she steal them? Did I give them to her? Her mind was running a hundred miles an hour.

Janet talked to her or talked around, not taking notice to Vivian's lack of communication.

Maybe I should just check to make sure, she thought.

With Janet's feet up on the bed, the Shelby tilted her head to look at the bottom of the shoes and she saw her correct initials along side her mother's, 'M.B.S.' 'V.E.S.'

My fucking shoes.

Vivian finally torn her eyes away from them, looking at the smiling girl in front of her now. "I feel like I'm talking to myself. How are you feeling?" She chuckled.

"I'm great, really. Fantastic."

"That's great! We'll go out for a drink to celebrate."

Janet was met with a rather confused Vivian. "Celebrate what?"

"I got a job in your betting den. I told you this." Janet said, "Your brother gave me the job, Thomas." Fucking Thomas.

"That's brilliant."

"It is. I literally told you minutes ago, Vivian." She spoke, "Well I'll talk to you soon and we'll go out drinking as well. I've got to run a few errands."

And then she was gone with a quick hug and a 'bye'. Between the shoes and the job, the only thing she was feeling was anger.

After hearing the front door close again and seeing the girl basically skipping down Small Heath's dull streets, she stood up and quickly got dressed and made her way out her bedroom and down the stairs. She had stuffed her the new cigarette case in her pocket.

She didn't stop when she heard a few voices from the kitchen. The family heard her stomp down the stairs and soon saw her blank face as she stood at the door.

Pol, Tom and Arthur stood and sat around the table, and John stood near the open doors to the den. Vivian stood still at the kitchen door a moment, looking at no one in particular.

John spoke first, "Nice to see you awake."

"Do you want something to eat?" Polly asked the girl from the table.

Vivian shook her head before turning to her older brother, "D'ya give Janet a job?"

He nodded, "Yes-"

Her eyes landed on the fresh bouquet on the table and the book and sweets that Janet had left and before Tom could go any further with his answer, she had reached passed Arthur and grabbed the three things.

She chucked the book and the sweets in the fire in the corner beside the table and she strolled around her family to the bin. With a pair of scissors in her hand, she cut off every flower from it's stem.

The four were now all stood up and a few feet away from her, "You alright, love?" Polly asked, as she watched her niece carefully.

"Never better, Pol." She whispered after shoving the stem in the bin and she left the scissors on the counter, "I'll get Finn some sweets. And some flowers."

Yesterday, Vivian had made it up to Finn and Polly, getting her aunt some lilies and chocolates, and got Finn some sweets. She didn't want Janet or anything from her near family.

Vivian had yet to find a solution to an even bigger problem. The problem being Janet was working for her family. She would be working along side her. So first, Scott had to be a peaky blinder but now Janet needed to join the party.

Any other job. She had experience. She could have gone to a bakery, a bank or even the bloody Garrison with the Irish traitor.

Vivian hadn't even thought of the barmaid as often as before but it worried her — less than usual though. Her brother could be hung before next year but if Grace liked Tommy enough to not see him killed, all would be well — as long as he didn't marry her.

After storming out of the house the day before, she ventured to the Golden where she met Isaiah. He seemed his usual self. He didn't show her any pity, per her request, and they danced and talked the whole night. Vivian had managed to set him up with some woman that was gawking at him all night only for her fiancé to start a fight with Jesus boy.

The two had been kicked out later on as the pub was being locked up. Vivian and Isaiah spilt ways as they headed home. She stumbled down the Waterly Lane that night and when she got home she was faced with her aunt and Tom.

When she saw her aunt, her eyes were glassy, holding back tears. Tom and left but not before telling her that they had the whole of the Peaky Blinders searching for her. When she was left with her aunt, she just held the girl tightly before letting go and scolding her.

The seventeen year old was too drunk to make it up the stairs so this morning, she had awoken on the couch. Her aunt had got her up and helped the half asleep girl up the stairs to her room so the men didn't see the girl in such a state as they went to place their bets.

She had fallen face first onto her bed the first chance she got and had only started getting up and ready just after noon. When she went back down stairs, her aunt was making some tea, obviously in a sour mood.

Vivian sat at the table, where the bouquet of lilies sat, "Arthur's gone, Arthur Sr." Polly spoke, bring the tea pot over to the table beside her.

The girl wasn't surprised, she knew he'd be gone sooner or later. All she was worried about was her brother. Arthur worshipped their dad and he took it the worst when he first left, a decade ago.

"Where is he?" Polly knew she wasn't asking about her dad, knowing she didn't care much.

"Not sure, he'll get over it though... just like last time." Polly muttered the last part. Arthur was older now and maybe in the back of his mind, he knew the man was going to leave again, or at least Vivian hoped.

"I'll go look for him, he's probably of hiding away from Tom. Knowing him, he's gonna be no help, with the only thing coming out of his mouth being, 'I don't you so'." Vivian sighed, standing up from her chair.

She froze on the stop when she saw Scott fucking Gilbert outside the house. He stood there with his peaky cap placed on his head and a cigarette balancing on his lip.

"What the fuck is that?" She asked her aunt, who sipped her tea slowly.

Polly lifted her head slightly to look at her niece, "Safety, precaution."

"I don't need a bodyguard, Pol, can't you talk to Tommy 'bout this." Vivian gripped her chair.

"It was my choice, it's for the best. I spoke to Tommy, and we both agreed you wouldn't go out without a blinder near." Polly said.

"There're blinders everywhere!" She exclaimed.

"Vivian, either follow one simple rule or don't leave the house, I'm not changing my mind." She snapped.

Vivian was met with Poll's harsh glare, "Fine." Vivian stomped out the house, mentally preparing herself with each step she took toward the door. She didn't understand why she didn't choose to stay at home.

Stepping outside, she felt the the cool December breeze hit her and make her shiver. She looked to her right, seeing the boy, casually leaning against the wall.

Quickly turning left, she turned away from him, only for him to catch up with her. She tried to ignore him as he tried to get her attention, calling her name.

They were halfway down the street before she suddenly pulled him into an alleyway. The same alleyway he drunkenly tried to have his way with her and the same alleyway she ran into after he took advantage of her.

Now she had him against the wall with one of Polly's knifes. The blade pointed to his neck as he looked down at her. "Look Vivia-." Before he could finish she had brought her knee up, kneed him in the groin.

And as he doubled over, she lifted the knife up and stabbed him in the stomach. The knife stayed there as he held stomach. She pulled out the knife, pushing him over.

Blood seeped through his shirt as she silenced his cries. With two hands, she covered his mouth and nose, holding tightly. She felt as he screamed into her hands and tried to push her away.

She gave him a moment to breath, only for her to stab him in the thigh, just missing his crotch. She tried again and again until she hit her target. She pushed him away from her.

Now she stared down at him as he sat against the wall, holding his wounds.

She bent down to his level, "Ever... come near me again and I will do much worse." He watched the knife as she waved it around, "you won't die today, but I will be the one to kill you when the time comes." Ending her small speech, she jabbed the knife into his leg and pulled it out again.

She pushed herself up, ignoring his calls, and she walked out of the alley as normal as a person could act covered in blood. She marched down the lane, keeping close to the terrace houses.

She didn't expect her late morning to go this way but you have to expect the unexpected sometimes. With quick thinking, she decided to go to Isaiah's. His dad would be out preaching for while.

But before she turned of the lane and saw the Garrison, she knew to take a quick pit stop.

Taking the back door, to avoid any trouble, she slipped in quietly. There had been a phone put in. She did the best she could to sneak in to the back with no one knowing and she succeeded until she saw Grace hanging up the phone.

Grace stared at the girl, blood stained clothes. She was shocked at the sight and was speechless at the sudden appearance on the Shelby girl.

"Grace. I know about you and Campbell. And I know about Ryan Farrelly, the Irish man you killed, that I got the blame for." Vivian started, "No one believes me so you win. But I will slit your throat if my brother ends up dead. Now could step to the side, so I can make a call."

Grace saw the kitchen knife poking out of her pocket. "What kind of call?" The blonde asked, as if she was stalling.

Vivian sighed, "emergency." And she didn't wait for an answer before shoving the blonde away from the phone. The barmaid watched as she spoke to the operator. She was put through to the hospital.

"Hello? Hello? There is a man bleeding badly- he was attacked." Vivian cried into the phone, becoming frantic and distressed, "He's in an alleyway... On Water Street I think? Or Water Lane it might be. Just send help please-." She slammed the phone down before the woman on the other end would go on. She stopped the show, calming down a bit.

"Are you alright?" She felt Grace's hand on her shoulder.

"Yep. Now remember your job is making sure Tommy doesn't die. Can you remember that?" Vivian answered, returning to previous mood. Grace nodded in response.

"Good. Your new job also involves not telling anyone 'bout this. Not the inspector or Tom." She said indicating to the phone and herself, and Grace nodded again with a small smile.

Vivian stared at her a moment, "Don't smile like that, we aren't friends." The woman stepped back from the girl a little, turning to the pile in the corner.

"Here." Grace held a coat out to her, "Arthur left it here a few nights ago." She said, pushing the coat closer to the girl.

"Thanks." Vivian answered quietly and taking her one off and putting on her brother's, "I've got to go now but I'll be back at around six. One of my brothers should be here or Isaiah."

She hadn't spoke to Ryan nor spoken of him since he didn't tell her about Ryan and Janet. He had know for weeks and he never told her. Janet and Scott should have been the ones to tell her, yes, but he just stood back and never mentioned it.

    Vivian lay in bed attempting to get an early night after the day she had had but a certain spirit was keeping her up. Her mother sat in the chair in the corner, telling Vivian about her day, a day she never lived at all. A day where they were all out in the fields with a young Vivian, a toddler Finn and three boys and a teenage girl. Where their dad wasn't out drinking all day and night. Where Polly and her husband played with Micheal and Anna.

This never happened. But Vivian could picture it in her head. She saw the scene as if it was on at the pictures.

"Can you shut up and let me sleep?" She snapped at her mother's spirit.

"Now that's no way to talk to you mother." This was the spirit that was hinting Vivian to kill herself days before.

"Well I wouldn't know how to talk to my mother because you killed yourself." Vivian snapped again.

"It's the same thing, every time. You always find away to bring that up. I'm sorry but it's happened and well I'm here now." Maeve stated, but a smile stayed on her face. It was like each day she became more fake and bitter.

"For now." Her daughter muttered, " You're ever barely here." She commented sadly. She hated how she was constantly reminded of her mother every time she appeared but she did love and miss her. It was better remembering her as the kind and caring ghost mother that visited from time to time rather than the pale skinned woman who lay face down in the canal, abandoning her children.

"I can't be here all the time." She said. Vivian didn't reply. She couldn't reply when she heard someone break in. It wasn't just one person it was way more.

She pushed herself up and when she turned to the corner, she saw her chair left empty, leaving her alone again. She peaked through the thin curtains that cover her window and saw the police trucks.

It wasn't like the raids. The police didn't invade the Shelby household. Before, he wanted to make it seem like the gang was behind raids. He was smart that way. So this must be the final part of their plan. The inspector's plan.

The guns.

He's found them. Tommy's lost. And Vivian already knew it was the pretty blonde but she didn't know how. Vivian didn't even know where the guns were. But she didn't focus on the barmaid or the men rushing through the den and the kitchen, she focused on the fact that her brother lost. She felt pity for him but she did warned him.

As soon as the coppers cleared from her home she slid out and checked the streets. They were checking multiple house on the lane. She tried to think of where he would go. Somewhere, the coppers wouldn't look.

Her brother was smart, he had to be. The Garrison was where he was headed when he left her, but the coppers would been there and gone by now probably. She'd ask Harry.

Vivian ran down the alleyways, taking the back ways, out of sight from the police. When she left, the coppers had cleared the streets, so she hoped her brother wasn't picked up. As she ran, she imagined him and Freddie in a cell together, not killing each other for Ada's sake. Vivian laughed at the thought, trying to make the situation more bearable as she saw the Garrison in sight for the second time today.

Bursting through the doors, eyes went to her but the chatter didn't quiet down. Harry was stood at the bar serving customers as Vivian approached the counter.

"Harry. Where's Tom?" She hoped the answer would give her reassure but it didn't.

"Gone. Left with Grace." Harry sighed. Leaning on the counter, he lowered his voice, "That inspector came in. He had somethings to say-"

She stopped him, "Wait Grace."  Vivian asked. Harry nodded confirming it. "Where?"

"Her place." Harry answered as a couple regulars ordered there drinks. Her thoughts were interrupted by a body running into her.

Finn looked up at her, hugging her, "I couldn't find anyone, the copper came in looking for Tommy. He held a gun to Harry's head. But Tommy was already gone with Grace. They went in there first then she said she knew a place." Finn explained, rather quickly and out of breath.

"Harry, could I get some water?" She asked. Once served she gave the glass to Finn who downed it like Thomas would down a glass of whiskey.

"I don't know where they went." Finn clarified, putting the glass down.

Vivian knew were her brother could be. She also knew Grace had feelings for Tom. She may be seventeen but she saw her brother fall in love with the traitor and her fall for him. She wouldn't hand him over. And she hoped Grace believed in promises.

She had over heard a conversation between Polly and Thomas and although her aunt didn't say it she knew the woman saw Tommy's change. He was more soft and understanding. More like old Tommy.

Grace had saved Tommy the night the coppers came to the Garrison. Grace saved her brother. And for that she thanked her. But that wasn't a free pass.

Just because she knew Grace made her brother happy these past few months but it won't change what she did to her, to Ada, to Freddie, to nephew. It was Grace's fault that happened, she didn't blame it on her mission.

For now, Tommy was fine for the night.

Changing the topic, "where's everyone else?" Vivian asked her younger brother.

"Don't know." Finn answered, "I think John's home, Polly is out, maybe home now. Kol was over ages ago, said he wasn't working in the morning. Oh and Ryan really wants to talk to you." Finn listed

"What about Arthur?" Vivian asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe with John or Dad."

Dad. She hated that Finn called him 'Dad', she hated she herself called him that.

"Let's head home." Vivian said, pushing her brother toward the door. As she pasted the snug, she pushed the door open only to find some Blinders having a drink. She met Finn outside where he stood looking at ground, "come on then Finny." Ruffing his hair, she smiled.

They made it to Waterly Lane. Number 29 was in sight. No lights, no noise, no movement, no one inside. Vivian pushed Finn the other way toward John's door. It was better having Finn in a house with John. She had a key and opened it. Careful that the two didn't stand on any loose floor boards, she closed the door behind them.

She pointed to the couch, "Sleep here tonight, be quiet everyone's asleep. I hope" she said, making sure no one above woke. If someone heard John'd come down the stairs, guns ready to fire.

Finn lay down on the couch, as Vivian threw a blanket over him, "Night V."

"Night Finny." She whispered back. As he closed his eyes, she tiptoed her way to the kitchen. She fetched some whiskey from the top shelf and poured herself a glass or two. In the end she poured five glass. She tidied up after herself before falling asleep in the arm chair across from her younger brother.

    HEYY long chapter and an announcement. I wrote this chapter over the past two months and I've tried to edit it so it fits with the changes I've made with the past few chapters. So it is a bit confusing and I'll try come back to fix it.

My girl has been published since May and on Sunday the first proper chapter will be published. I was going to wait til September and then august 20 then august 10 but couldn't wait so next Sunday(or sooner🤭) xx

Starring Emma Mc Kay as
Margaret Gray, Polly Gray's daughter

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