𝟏𝟎, war or peace
X. 1919
"Hello sister" she said as she popped out of an alleyway. Vivian had waited outside the bathhouse for a while, well over an hour. She saw Ada sneak in wearily and decided she should let her be until after, giving her some peace.
"How the fuck did you find me?" Looking around as she dragged her sister into the alley again. Ada was heavily pregnant and all this worrying about getting found was not good for her or the baby at all.
"It wasn't that hard." She spoke. Ada looked at her to explain further, "How are you?" She asked the woman.
"I'm good- do the others know where I am?" Ada asked wearily.
The girls shook her head, "I'm not sure. I think Tom could know but I'm not sure. I just wanted to see what you were up to." She said to the nervous woman in front of her. Ada didn't speak as she looked at her younger sister with confusion spread across her face. It was obvious that she wanted to say something but no words came out.
"Want some tea? Kol and Ryan have been out of town for a few days, so I've been looking after the house." Vivian didn't give Ada a chance to answer before she cut down made her way to the gate at the end of the alleyway, which led to the back of a row of houses. She heard her sister sigh loudly as she followed her.
They didn't speak much as they made their way to the Jones residence. They hadn't seen each other in weeks and it was no lie that Vivian missed her. At first she hated the fact that Ada was distancing herself from the family but when she saw her sister head over heels with the Thorne man, she felt happy for her.
They were always there for each other, no matter what. Even when Ada would lock herself away from everyone, she would only let Vivian in and she'd do anything to make her older sister laugh. And when Vivian was upset, Ada would dance with her until she couldn't stop laughing.
"Stop walking so fucking fast." Ada hissed, still cautious of the people around, "my feet are killing me." Her sister added quietly.
"Well that's what you get for being pregnant." But she slowed down none the less, now walking beside her.
"If you're leading me to them-" she breathed out.
"Now why would I do that?" Vivian scoffed, her tone unreadable but kept looking ahead, making sure no blinder was in site, "In here." She said as they move down a side alley. Vivian pushed a gate open, holding it open for her sister. They made their way through the small garden and to the backdoor. Getting the key from her pocket, the door opened with a loud creak.
As Ada walked in first, her younger sister noticed the way she scanned the room and peaked her head down the hallway.
"Whiskey?" Vivian asked her sister, who now sat at the table.
"I'm pregnant." She stated, staring at her sister.
"And I'm 17, life goes on." She said, getting a plate and a tin, "tea instead?" She spoke, turning to her sister. Ada nodded, as Vivian got some biscuits out of the tin and placed them on the plate.
The girl put the kettle over the stove before she went to lit the fire, "So how's married life?" She asked.
"Normal." Ada replied in a low tone. Vivian sensed the tone and didn't push any further.
She spoke, "'M guessing the baby is normal as well. Gonna be here soon." As she rushed around the kitchen. Ada hummed in reply, more to herself, "must be excited, any names?"
All that could be heard was floorboards squeaking beneath Vivian before Ada finally answered, "No clue, actually" Vivian made her way over with two teacups in hand and a bottle of whiskey under her arm.
"That's a surprise, thought you had your names picked out since you were eleven." Vivian sat down, placing the drinks on the table, "I said it once, I'll say it again, Vivian. Best name going if I'm being honest. For a girl, for a boy; it fits for both."
Her sister laughed as she took a sip, "Well I think it is a girl, but Freddie thinks it's a boy." She saw Ada's smile as she said his name, and saw how happen she was.
She always imagined Ada being a mother, especially a mother to a daughter. Being her sister's dress-up doll growing up, and watching her take care of herself and Finn through war, she knew how lucky that child would be to have a mother such as her.
"I think one Vivian is enough. What do you think, boy or girl?"
"I hope girl, but with Shelby luck, it's gonna be a boy." She said, pouring some whiskey into her tea and taking a sip.
Changing the topic, Ada spoke, "What's happening Friday?" Vivian looked to her sister, wondering what is happening Friday. She waited for her to continue, "Before I went into the bathhouse, the barmaid from the Garrison handed me an invitation from Tommy, saying their was a family occasion." She pulled out the envelope, "she didn't explained, just that she was to deliver it no questions asked, which sounds right."
She slid over the envelope to her younger sister, trying to read her as she took in what she said. As she skimmed through it, her sister took the bottle and poured a bit into her tea.
"Why did the barmaid give it to ya?" Vivian asked. Grace wasn't exactly her favourite person, if it wasn't before. Tom trusted her, he didn't trust just anyone. And after what she found out that morning, Tom trusted this woman more and more each day, she knew it.
"Is it a trap?" Ada questioned, ignoring the previous question. Vivian read the letter inside, it was Tommy's handwriting, his emotionless phrasing. It felt like she was reading his war letters again.
It didn't sound like a trap and how would he even trap her. He wouldn't kidnap her and lock her away, he wouldn't do that to her, he wouldn't even do that to Freddie, despite their current relationship. But she wonder what the family occasion was, and why she wasn't told.
'Meet at Polly's on Friday at nine.'
It ended. So Polly knows and Grace might know. With the boys, you never know. But why didn't she know. Family occasion. "No, not a trap." She guessed, her mind running a million miles a minute, "I'll ask Polly or Tom tonight, but he wouldn't do anything like that." She smiled reassuringly.
Perhaps, if it wasn't a trap, Tom and Freddie could make a truce and maybe get on with each other and Ada wouldn't have to hide anymore.
The moment to opened the door she heard a loud exhale, coming from no other than her aunt. Tom was stood opposite her, just the people she wanted to see.
Pol turned to her, with one of her black cigarettes in her hand, "And where have you been?" She asked her niece. After meeting Ada and doing some work, she may have ended up at the Golden, where she found Scott and Ryan, and then the three stumbled along down the streets to a party to meet Isaiah. Falling asleep in a random house, she woke with a horrible hungover and was in need of painkillers.
"Went out, got drunk, fell asleep, woke up, came home." She groaned, collapsing into the chair at the table. Vivian shut her eyes, rolling her head back. She felt her brother's gaze on her but ignored it for a moment. Before her aunt could scold her, she cut in, "Small question, What's happening tomorrow?" She asked.
Tom and Pol glanced down at her, confused by the vague question. Vivian took note of the silence before her brother spoke, "Eh?"
"Just heard a rumour, that something's happenin' then. Just wanted to know because 'm kind of busy" She opened her eyes, looking up at him, "Or should I clear my schedule."
"Family day." Tom answered vaguely. She turned her head to Polly but she just smoked her cigarette, "You're not busy." He stated.
"Guess where I heard the rumour from?" She asked, looking back at him.
As the siblings had a stare off, her aunt was looking between them, thinking of person who spoke. "You were talking to Ada?" Pol asked, interrupting the two, but Vivian didn't blink when she shook her head no at her aunt's question.
"How am I meant to talk to my sister when my brother drove her into hiding?" For all he knew, she was telling the truth when she shook her head, "Guess, Tom." The girl spoke. She just wanted him to guess Grace so he'd know that she went talking about this. About family. 'She didn't explained, just that she was to deliver it, no questions asked, which sounds right' is what Ada said.
Before she visited her sister, she found something, a contact of employment. Miss Grace Burgess, it read. She read that Grace agreed to not ask any unnecessary questions concerning the company — which means the family —, among other things. She slipped it back into Grace's apron that it had fallen out of, before she left. Her brother had employed her.
Tom looked at her, his gaze softening ever slightly before he returned to his stoic expression. Vivian nodded as she saw the cogs turn in his head. She knew what he was thinking, and he knew she did, she was right. Grace. Although it was Ada, he didn't have to know. "Grow up." He muttered, turning to leave.
Polly watched the door until she heard the front door slam, to which she muttered a few curses under her breath. Her aunt now looked down at her as Vivian pulled herself forward, putting her elbows on the table, her head in her hands. "What is happening tomorrow?" She asked.
"You'll know soon." She answered calmly, exhaling the toxic smoke.
"Just tell-" Vivian groaned
"No. Now make yourself useful and start making the stew." Pol said, causing Vivian to groan louder. Everything was sore and she just wanted to collapse onto her bed and fall into a deep slumber, even if she only woke up an hour ago. She didn't even notice that Polly had left, leaving her by herself.
Later that night when she was up in her room, getting ready ready for bed, she stopped at the sound of Tom's door slamming open and John's voice spoke up. She put her ear up against the wall as her the two brothers speak. They spoke of Lizzie, it broke her heart, hearing John's voice come out all wobbly, even when he tried to hide it.
They spoke of their Grandad and what he'd say about the license. She smiled when she heard her brother's impression of him, it reminded her of before the war. The times she'd be upset and hide away in her room and then all of a sudden she'd hear, trying to make her laugh through the door. Doing voices of anyone, whether it be the boys or the old bat from down the street who hated children. Or the times he would read her stories and he's give a voice to all the characters.
And then the mentioned tomorrow, a big day, he said. John didn't seem to know either, but Tom filled in some of the blanks. "We finish the war with the Lees once and for all." He said, "be ready for anything." She had a feeling no one was ready for it.
The girl was stood away from the crowd, smoking a cigarette, watching as some of the Lees filed into the area, facing the make shift alter.
Polly had filled her in on the plan. John was to be married to one of the Lees. Her aunt had sent her on ahead before Ada had arrived. She hadn't seen her sister since Thursday and was a little worried she wouldn't show but stay hopeful.
She had heard a few protests coming from the vardo next to her. Polly also said it would be good for the woman to be introduced to one of the Shelby's before marrying one, and Vivian had no idea why she was the one introduce her future sister-in-law to her family.
Finishing the cigarette, she threw it away walking toward the small steps. She knocking on the door rhythmically. Only to be opened by a woman who was around Ada's age. She had tired eyes before they fell on the Shelby girl and she straighten up, "you're the sister." The woman stated.
Vivian nodded, "you're the cousin." Looking past the woman, she saw her future sister-in-law, "And you're the bride." Vivian smiled, catching her attention. The cousin walked past her after the bride gave her a subtle nod.
"I'm Vivian, the best of them all." The comforting smile remained on her face, per Polly's request, as put out her hand.
Vivian was pissed with Thomas for marrying John off with out his permission to some random woman, a woman who had no word in the matter either. She listened to her aunt's words but she wouldn't have taken it out on the bride, she had no say in the matter. She seemed kind and good for the mad kids John had back home.
"Esme." The bride said. She seemed nervous in front of Vivian but it was easy to tell that she wasn't really an anxious person. From what she heard, Esme was a bit wild, as her aunt had put it, that's why she was the Lee to be married, give her responsibility. But considering the situation she had every right to be on edge.
"Nice dress." The Shelby complimented, but no response came, just a small smile, "The day might turn out better than expected. After the whole ceremony and shit, it will be less hard than you think, apart from the part where you have to deal with a man."
"And kids." She added. Esme listened as she went on, "You'll be fine though, John's nice and kind. A good brother most of the time. When he's drunk, he tells jokes, it's best you laugh along, even if it's bad. Whiskey helps dealing with the boys."
Esme chuckled a bit, "How many kids?" She couldn't remember if she had been told or not. She had been throwing back a few shots this morning and couldn't wait til night fell, where everyone was drinking.
"Four, so good luck." She chuckled, thinking of the four demons, "there's James, the twins — Jack and Katie — and little Annie. They have the Shelby genes so they are a bit mad, but they're sweet." She smiled again.
After a moment of silence, Vivian walked closer to a small table where half a bottle of whiskey and a glass sat, "can I?" She asked, to which Esme nodded, looking past Vivian out the window, the nerves coming back.
Vivian noticed and poured Esme a glass too. She handed the amber drink to her soon-to-be-sister-in-law. "To peace." The girl toasted, raising her glass. She downed the glass quickly, putting it back down.
"Now, I'm not the sister to be helping with hair and clothes but she's not here." She smiled to the bride. She helped her with her hair, pulling it out of her face. The woman allowed the girl to help and actually enjoyed her company. They spoke a bit, about the members of the Shelby family, filling in the blanks.
As more voices were heard the more Esme began to worry. And looking in the mirror and over at the white veil made it more real. Vivian didn't know if she was actually helping. She didn't even know if she was a comforting person, but she tried.
Vivian nodded at her through the mirror and left hoping to see someone she knew before the day carried on. As she stepped down the steps, the cousin appeared at her side, going to see Esme again.
She could see the the boys making their way down the path. It wasn't soon before she heard some commotion, guess John just found out, she thought walked through the territory. Although she saw her brothers, they were a distance away and she was surrounded by Lees.
She lit another cigarette, having a look around the grounds. She watched as about fifteen blinders came up the side of the vardos. She was just exploring her surroundings by herself while her brother's came with their gang.
She looked at the alter, standing where a crowd will soon be gathered. Vivian ignored the cheer from the men. And soon she felt an arm around her shoulder, "what are you doing here?" John said, with a toothpick hanging out his mouth.
"I'm just here to put a good word in for you, give her a nice first impression of the family." she grinned at her brother, taking a drag, has Arthur's arm hanging over her shoulders.
"You met her?" He asked, looking to Tom before back to her.
"Yep." She said blowing smoke into his face, "so did you have a tantrum when you found out."
Arthur laughed from her side, "Had to hold him still and all. Calm him down like one of his kids." He answered for his younger brother. She laughed at John's face as it formed a frown.
"Fuck off." He spat, ignoring the looks from the blinders surrounding him.
"Oh don't worry John, you get a car at the end of the day and she gets to deal with you and your little devils." She joked a bit. She had heard about his little reward for this, and was a bit annoyed. Not that he didn't deserve it, but what about Esme.
Soon Tom spoke up, "why're you here, where's Pol." He didn't realised she'd be by herself, they weren't exactly at peace yet and she had probably been here for a while.
"She told me to go ahead, you know, be the family's spokesperson." She looked down at the cigarette between her fingers. It was a bit of a shock it hadn't been snatched off her, "She'll be here soon," she said seriously, "with Ada." She added, watching as his brother avoided eye contact until he looked at her. He nodded but didn't reply.
She watched the ceremony until she felt a presence appear behind her. "So, you think she'll be good?" Her aunt asked, keeping her eyes glued on the couple.
Vivian nodded, "the two are going to have to keep up with each other, that's for sure. She'll keep John on his toes." She joked lightly, "I think the kids will take to her well. Although you said wild, she seems kind." She added.
Turning her head, she saw her sister. The greeting each other with a small smile. She seemed happy but disappointed and she felt it had something to do with the conversation Tom and her were having about Freddie. She was stuck between the two as they spoke. She stood forward a bit giving them space, it was nice. Family day.
"There remains one more part of the ceremony." Johnny Dogs spoke, "thats the mingling of the two bloods. Where the two families become the one family." The both of the newly-weds dragged a knife over their palms and then clasped their hands together as Johnny Dogs finished the ceremony, "I now pronounce you man and wife." And everyone cheered. Not ever speaking a word to each other before, they smiled and shared a kiss and everyone cheered louder.
As the sky darkened, the more louder it got, the more people she realised were there. The Jones brothers made an appearance, along with Isaiah and Scott. She had invited Janet along. The family hadn't official met her, well apart from Finn.
Everyone was dancing and drinking and singing. They were enjoying themselves. The two families were united and at peace, thanks to Esme and John.
But Vivian was away from the rest, now dancing behind a few vardos with the Gilbert boy. She had been dancing all night with the her friends and some of the Lee boys in front of her family but she didn't want to risk it with Scott. She didn't want her family involved in her private life and she was keen on keeping their relationship hidden.
"So how's your night goin', Shelby?" He asked holding her close. The singing was muffled as well as the cheers for the couple.
"It's very good, Gilbert, you?" She smiled, "But I will be needed some kind of liquor tonight." They sky was a dark grey and the thick clouds made it more dull, but hearing the celebrations in the distances made up for the gloomy scene.
"I'm very well, but my feet will be sore by the end of the night with you stomping on them the whole time." He joked to which she hit him on the chest, pushing him away but he pulled her back in.
"Way to ruin it." She mumbled, as he played with a strand of her hair.
"How did you get so lucky?" He joked.
"Cheeky sod." She laughed quietly. But in the back of her head, she thought about the times when she didn't know if she could live without him.
They were always there for each other. Through the war, their bond got stronger and they caught feelings. "I love you." he muttered into her hair.
"And I love you." She replied, her face heating up.
Spun into another person, ending up with her newest friend, "Hello m'lady." Janet spoke loudly, smiling happily.
"Hello madam." She answered back loudly, but the music was louder. They both had drank way too much but didn't care. It wasn't everyday Vivian could drink and party around her family.
Jan twirled her around only ending up with them both toppling into a table. They landed on the bottles of all kind of booze. Some breaking and some shards scaring the skin, a little blood dripping down Vivian's arm and forehead. The laughter didn't stop and the alcohol made the pain less noticeable. Only when Janet saw the blood did she realised something was wrong yet they both giggled louder nevertheless.
"Alright up ya' get." Spoke a voice. The girls laughed as the oldest Jones brother, pulling them up to their feet, "You're both taking advantage of the night, eh?" He muttered to no one in particular. Tom stood near.
"I'm bleeding." She giggled to herself, looking at the back of her arm. She was dragged through the grounds before being put in a seat, Janet sat beside her.
"'Ello dearest brother." She shouted, seeing her brother looking at her head.
"No more whiskey, eh, done." He said, making it as clear as he could to his intoxicated sister. She looked at her brother and his new wife on a wagon, laughing. They seemed to be getting on.
She had barely realised Tom was checking her arm until she felt his grip tighten while he looked for any shards of glass. A cloth had appeared in his hand and he wrapped it around her arm.
"Alright, sit and drink." Thomas instructed, sitting beside her. Her friend had stumbled back onto the dance floor with one of the Lee boys. So the two siblings were sat watching the scene in front of them. He had her sipping water, sobering her up.
After about three glasses of water, she spoke, "You married John off to some random girl," she stated, "for business." She didn't turn but he nodded. "Your own brother." He said nothing. She sighed, looking at John again, she'd be good for him, she kept telling herself as she thought back to her first impression of Esme. "Better than letting the kids trampling him everyday." She said, more to herself than her brother.
By now Zilpha Lee had joined them, sat behind Thomas. Vivian turned quickly facing her as she smoked her cigarette. The girl just looked the woman up and down. She had nothing to say and she wasn't as sober as she would want to be talking to her. Vivian knew she held power, not just by what she heard but by the way she carried herself. When Zilpha looked at the girl, Vivian nodded before turning back to the party.
"So now that I'm fully sober, can I go dance?" She asked her brother. Her brother just looked at her with an annoyed expression. To be fair, she was still swaying in her seat and her head was pounding. The girl now wondered why she even bothered asking so she stood up but was soon pulled back down landing in the chair again.
Huffing in annoyance, her brother chuckled at her, something Thomas Shelby did more and more recently. The crowd cheered on John and his new wife, luring them off the wagon to dance. She smiled at the sight of her family. Her aunt Pol clapped for the couple that were dancing now, enjoying the night. She turned her head ever so slightly, seeing a genuine smile on her brother's face.
Her eyes found her sister who was seeing how fast Arthur could spin her. Vivian thanked god she danced with her before she got too drunk. Quite concerned, she kept an eye on her sister.
The fireworks started and the cheers got louder, "Oh come on Tommy." She whined. After a moment of thought, he gave her a subtle nod. And yet again she stood up but was pushed down, this time by Polly.
"One is enough." Polly muttered coming up behind Thomas. The four had their eyes on Ada as she laughed loudly, shouting over the noise, "and again, come on, spin me round again." Arthur was definitely going to throw up soon. "You should tell Ada to slow down."
"Y'think she'll listen to me?" Thomas scoffed
"Tried stopping her but she's been drinking. Been stuck in that little basement for weeks. What do you expect." Polly sipped her drink. "She's going off like a firecracker."
They watched in fear as Ada spun around trapping over her feet, "Oh fuck." Vivian muttered.
"Oh, Christ, Tommy, please.." Polly pleaded, Vivian gave her brother a push. The niece and aunt shared a worried glance.
After a moment, they heard some commotion "Come and look Esme! Look at the family you've joined." Ada shouted to which Vivian pulled her self and quickly made her way over to her sister, Polly not far behind.
"come and look at the man who runs it." Ada shoved Tom as the music got quieter and more propel surrounded her. "He chooses his brother's wives for them" Vivian and Polly tried pulling Ada back.
"Ada, Ada, sit down, come on." She spoke quietly, only for her sister to hear, trying to coax her away. She was worried for her sister and the baby.
But Ada continued, "he hunts his own sister down like a rat and tries to kill his brother-in-law." She began to hit Tom as he tried to shush her. It was now Vivian wondered what would have happened if Freddie was here tonight.
Vivian continued gently coax her away. Arthur brought his hand between them while Polly tried calming her down. "And now he wont even let me have a fucking dance!" John pushed himself forward, trying to help to which he failed. "Not even at a fucking wedding." She finished.
Ada was trying to catch her breath, gripping on to Vivian and Polly's arms. Ada looked up meeting her sister. The girl saw the stress over her face as she came down from her high.
As Ada's grip tighten around her arm, she rubbed her shoulder with her free hand, speaking quietly again. "Ada, breath. Sit down-"
She stopped as she felt something wet on her ankle and her shoe, and she had a feeling that it was what she thought it was, "Uh Pol." She said, still looking down.
"Holy shit, water. Right" Polly said. Thomas looked between the three of them. He seemed worried as Polly pulled Ada forward.
"Good thing they're your shoes, Ada." She muttered to her sister.
"Bloody hell Ada, you do pick your times." Arthur spoke over the chaos.
"Shut up Arthur and hurry up." Vivian shouted at him, before catching up with to Ada. She stood at the other side of her sister as the newly-weds were behind her. Ada found her her younger sister's wrist and gripped it tightly again, pulling her along with her.
Ryan was almost jogged along beside the sisters, "I'll bring Janet home." But Vivian shook her head. She didn't know why but she wanted him close. Janet was probably already gone home with her latest dance partner anyway.
"Just stay with your brother, one of the boys can take her. You, just stay close." She said quickly and he nodded as she turned to her sister.
"I'm here, just get in the car." She said. Ada held on to her wrist as she got in the car with Polly's help. She planned on getting in the car with Arthur, John, Kol and Esme but Ada grip turned her arm white as she dug her nails into her younger sister's skin.
Tom drove as the three women sat in the back. Polly soothed Ada as much as she could but Vivian just watched. She felt helpless. She saw her brother look in the mirror ever few seconds, speeding down the lane.
She couldn't be in the room. She didn't want to watch Ada fade away just like she watched four years ago when Martha passed. She remembered losing Martha minutes after childbirth and how the baby cried for her mother.
A knot had formed in her stomach, as if something was going to happen and it stressed her out, thinking the worst. The girl ran up the stairs, holding some towels and small cloths as well as some water. She stopped briefly at the door looking at the scene. Esme was at Ada's side and Polly was between her legs.
She snapped out of her daze and rushed to her sister's side. She dropped everything on the table next to them before turning to face Ada, who screamed loudly beside her. She pushed her hair out of her face.
"I think it might be the wrong way round." Esme spoke to Pol, feeling Ada's stomach. Vivian looked between the two, stressed, "I attended three sisters." With Ada's screams getting louder, she got nervous and the way her aunt looked at Esme didn't help.
"What do you mean wrong way?" She said to them, needing an answer.
"Yeah, I think you're right." Polly said, feeling her stomach. The knot in her stomach grew, "Come on, Ada." They all helped Ada lean forward. Polly's voice became muffled sounds as Vivian hand stroked her back. She tried to encourage her on but no words came out when she spoke.
She closed her eyes for a moment waiting for this to be over, she couldn't listen to her sister scream in pain any longer. She prayed and wished her and the baby would be okay and then suddenly they woman heard a cry and it wasn't Ada. Vivian's opened her eyes to see the baby. A boy.
Polly cleaned the baby up a bit, Esme got Ada some water but Vivian didn't move, her hand still on her sister's shoulder. Ada was catching her breath while Vivian watched to make sure she was fine, "You alright? Do you need anything?" She spoke quietly, with her voice breaking. Ada nodded, but the girl didn't move. She thought of Martha and how helpless she was that night.
She leaned front a bit, giving her sister a side hug. "Congrats." She said before pulling away. Ada smiled a bit and then there he was and her smile grew bigger. Polly placed him in his mum's arms. Vivian stepped back, giving not only her sister, but herself some space.
"Pol, can I-?" Vivian started quietly, but Pol knew and nodded. She needed fresh air, or whatever air that Small Heath had.
"Tell the boys the news if you see 'em." She smiled to her niece.
VIvian gave her sister another side hug, "I'll see you and him in a bit." She whispered, looking at the baby's boy as he began to settle. Ada nodded, leaning into the hug. And with that, the girl race down the stairs again, out the door and made her way down the lane.
HEYYY. How is everyone? It's been a while so i tried write a bit more. I will come back to edit this as well as other chapters soon. Ive given up pre-writing chapters so there will be irregular and slow updates. But anyway, the snow was here, in march!? The irish (+uk) weather is so unpredictable and shit.
I have posted a few edits on Tiktok the last month and I've have to books in my drafts and one, i hope to have ready to be published for the end of act one, nightmare.
Thank you for all the votes and comments and I hope you are enjoying the book. Please follow my tiktok and ig, vvioletneklace.wp, for edits, updates and more. There are playlists on my spotify for this book too if you like. Hope you all have a great day/evening xx
Story of Polly Gray's oldest daughter
where Emma McKay to play Margaret "Maggie" Gray,
Violet McGraw to play younger Carissa Gray
and Florence Pugh to play an older Carissa Gray
in My Girl.
(coming soon. . .)
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