𝟎𝟏, the beginning of her end
I. 1919
"Jesus Christ, Vivian, eight in the bloody morning and already this shit." Her aunt grabbed her shoulder, turning her around to face her as Vivian held her head in pain. It wasn't like she wanted to run into a fucking wall. Polly inspected her head, "you've grazed your head a bit, your hair will cover the scratch." She spoke, applying pressure of her head as Vivian winced at the pain, "fucking clumsy girl." Polly muttered.
Polly Gray was a women Vivian trusted with her whole being and looked up to her in life. She was a strong and confident woman and one of very few people that wasn't scared of Thomas Shelby. She was helpful, smart and caring to the Shelby kids she raised by herself for over a decade, but she wasn't appreciated enough as she should be.
"I'm not clumsy, I'm tired. Maybe because you woke me up at seven in the morning." She ranted as they began to walk again. "And it's Sunday and I think God would like me to have a nice sleep in." Polly didn't even bother to listen to her ranting.
It was like this every time. About once, every two or three months, on a Sunday, Polly would wake Vivian up and drag her to church, for a reason Vivian was still unsure of. They'd talk, light a few candles and then Polly would pray while Vivian analysed the murals on the ceiling. She remembered going to church almost everyday when the boys were away at war. Ada used to be dragged along, and Finn as well. But now it was Vivian, and she had decided it was a form of punishment.
"Walk faster." Polly spoke to her niece. Vivian looked at the back off Pol's head as she was only four feet behind the woman, "might as well put you on a fucking leash like a dog."
"And make me bark like one too?" She muttered her her breath but she knew her aunt heard her but she was still too exhausted to care. Why was it always the mornings she goes to sleep in the late hours of the night, that Pol comes knocking?
She watched as the women of Small Heath started their usual Sunday routines, going to the markets, doing the washing, getting their kids ready and so on. And the men at work or the ones that were late for it. Or the ones that spend their days at the pubs. She heard a dog barking down an alleyway, straining his throat. The thick air filled her lungs as she walked on beside her aunt.
They quickly approached the church. Vivian looked down, counting every step she took up. She already knew but it reminded her of the times she would jump down each step while her mother and aunt would talk to other locals after Sunday mass, while her and her siblings impatiently waited to go home.
As they entered the church, her aunt placed her fingers into the holy water, blessing herself. Vivian stood behind her looking at her laces that were untied. She felt Pol hit her shoulder, causing her to look up to Pol, gesturing to the blessed water. She sighed, doing the same actions as the woman had done moments before.
The two walked down the aisle, Vivian walking behind the Gray woman. She saw a woman at the top, whispering her prayers, hoping God was listening to her. Polly pulled her down, making the girl bow, before yanking her into the row. Polly proceeded to kneel down while Vivian sat back, laying her head back. Instead of Polly going on with her silent prayers, she spoke,
"Vivian you are a smart girl, and Thomas is aware of that, and the help you offered through the war," Vivian listened to her intensively, sitting up, now looking at the back of her aunt's head, not knowing where this could go.
She guessed there'd be a 'but' coming up soon, "and him and I are also aware that you have been doing other people's jobs, either doing it before them or telling them they get the day off. You were told that you were banned from the shop, which is stupid and will stop."
"But Pol, the job is still getting done" she spoke muttering the last bit, "and I'm not gonna stop 'cause I want a place in this family business."
"It will stop because it is bad for your reputation. Them knowing you, a Shelby, are desperate to do their job for them, is a joke to them. Shelby's doesn't beg. Besides it will be hard for you to do someone else's job when you have to worry about your own." Pol continued to whisper, nonchalantly. Vivian continued to stare at the back of her head waiting for her to continue but there was no sign of her going on.
"What do you mean? Is it that the ban has lifted and Tom is giving me a job in the den or is it John's kids again?" Vivian asked warily, not wanting to get her hopes to high. She knew that you can't expect to get what you want.
"Thomas is giving you a small job right now, just to see how you do. Any mistakes and you are out. And I mean that Vivian, he means that. You can't fuck this up." She warned her, quietly as Vivian leant back to staring at the ceiling. She couldn't believe that she annoyed Tommy this much that she was giving a chance.
"You're being serious?" She asked, just for conformation.
"I'm being serious." She stated.
The Shelby girl laughed to herself, the sound echoing through the church. The Gray woman finally, for the first time since the start of this conversation, turned around briefly, "shut up" speaking sharply, before spinning back around, but she couldn't stop laughing. She had finally worn Tommy down that he had to given up, after months. It was a simply job but it was something.
And, plus, she was happy with the news and grateful for the chance.
"Shush!" The older woman near the alter hissed to the Shelby girl, behind. The girl glared at the holy woman up ahead, mouthing, 'turn around'. And so she did, in an angry manner. Her small whispers that once filled the church were gone, and Vivians chuckles at quieted down, leaving a grin on her face.
"Get that smug look of your face." Her aunt muttered. She must of sensed it, due to the fact she didn't turn.
"I wasn't-"
"And shut up." Polly hissed. She leant back, looking to the ceiling. Polly prayed silently. She prayed for her nephews, her nieces and the company.
What the family didn't know was that Pol was getting these feelings lately, feelings that were not good and would result in terrible consequences. She had gotten these feelings before, like during the war, but these feelings were stronger. She had a feeling not everyone would live in the end.
She loved to be right ( and usually was ), but sometimes she wished she was incorrect. She couldn't tell the whole future but warnings that saved the family too many times than they knew. Polly Gray was their guardian angel.
She tied up her hair into a ponytail, and stuffed it into the back of her jacket, getting it out of the way. She hated the way it tangled so easily. Her hazel eyes scanned over the book, reading the odds of last week's race and comparing them to this week's. She saw there were a lot of bets on a new horse, Monaghan Boy. He was in favour.
It was odd and she knew why after hearing about a certain brother's trip to see the 'Chinese witch' and doing the powder trick. She had heard about her, good and bad, and seen her a few times around.
She had heard two women taking when she was at the market picking up some stuff for Pol. They gossiped about it and Vivian loved it. No matter what any Shelby does, the people of Small Heath always find out. Just because the Peaky Blinders had a reputation didn't mean it kept their mouths shut.
"What do you want?" She said, as a shadow covered the desk.
"There's a family meeting at eight. There's trouble coming." John explained, his eyes scanning the den.
"And?" She questioned.
"And what? There's nothing else. Meeting, eight, be there." He huffed. Vivian sighed and her eyes went back to the table, scribbling down numbers and tossing coins from one side of the table to the other. She knew he wouldn't piss off until he spit whatever shit he wanted, out of his mouth. He lingered beside her until he finally, to Vivian's pleasure, spoke, "Ok so I do want something."
"Shocker." She mumbled, but just loud enough for him to hear her over the usual noise, staring down at the table. He glared at her, but was faced with the back of her head.
"Could'y mind the kids tonight?" He asked, waiting for her to turn to him, to which she did at the question. "Let me guess, so you can get black out drunk and wake up next to one of our local whores?" She looked up at him. He rolled his eyes, sighing at her answer. "V—" he started.
"I know, you need a break. I'll do it but it'll cost ya." He looked down at her, seeing her creepy grin slowly creep onto her face. He knew she was gonna ask for something Polly or Tom would not approve of. "I want two— no three bottles of whiskey, the good kind not the shitty stuff. And . . . oh— get a bag of those really nice scones from the bakery." She smirked, listing her demands.
"Two bottles, no scones."
"Three bottles, scones."
"Two bottles, scones."
"Four bottles, scones and strawberry shortcake."
"Two bottles, a bag of scones."
"Deal." Vivian said. She shook his hand and he rolled his eyes before walking off. Idiot, she thought, getting back to work. It was pretty easy. Reading, writing, counting, reading, writing, counting. It was like counting those little blocks they gave you in maths lessons, when you were seven. She caught her brothers out the corner of her eye.
Arthur had stormed into his office, slamming the door, earlier. The family were avoiding his office, but it was obvious Tommy couldn't avoid him, as she heard Arthur call his name.
It wasn't soon until she was sat between Ada and John, waiting for the meeting to begin. She was already bored out of her mind. She knew Finn was outside the door, listening in, she knew because that used to be her, looking through the crack in the door. She was grateful for Pol putting a word in for her.
"Right, I've called this family meeting because I've got some every important news." Arthur started, as he stood at the top of the room. "Scudboat and Lovelock got back from Belfast last night. They were buying a stallion to cover their mares." Arthur pointed at the men stood behind him. Vivian glanced to her side, seeing Ada, who was looking as bored as she was.
He folded his arms, continuing, "There were in a pub in Shankhill road yesterday and in that pub there was a copper, handing out these." He held out sheets of paper out, Ada taking one. Vivian just about to lean in before a hand shot across her, taking the sheet. She looking to her left seeing John, reading the paper, "If your over five feet and can fight come to Birmingham."
"There recruiting Protestant Irishmen to come over here as Specials." Arthur said. Across the table, Polly was holding her hand out, muttering for John to pass it over, to which he did. "That's what you do, you don't snatch it out of people's hand, dickhead." She whispered to John and he replied with a simple, "fuck off."
"To do what?" Ada questioned.
"To clean up the city, Ada." Tom answered, bringing Vivian gaze to him, "He's the Chief Inspector. The last four year, he's been clearing the IRA out of Belfast." As Tom continued, Vivian followed his eye-line, leading to Arthur, who was not as leading as he was before.
"How do you know so bloody much?" Arthur growled. It was the same question she was thinking. It was known to everyone Tom was the true leader in the business, but this, this brought down Arthur's confidence and power he had over the room, and it was as clear as day.
" 'Cause I asked the coppers on our payroll." Tom answered. Vivian knew there was a something going on and had something to do with Arthur's annoyance earlier and Tom's lack of it now. And she knew she wasn't the only one that noticed as she looked at her aunt and other siblings.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Arthur asked, in his deep voice. Someone needed to remind them there are other people in the room.
"I'm telling you." Rest in peace to Arthur's ego.
"Why send him to Birmingham?" Polly interjected the brothers. She held the poster in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other. She looked at Tom, as Arthur took a swing from his flask.
"Well, there's been all these strikes at the BSA. And the Austin works lately." Tom answered Polly. Vivian didn't miss the way Ada's eyes shifted, glancing at their aunt then Tommy. Vivian was aware of her sister's secret relationship with a certain communist, but wasn't in any rush to tell her sister she knew. She didn't know if it was love, but she knew Ada had had a crush on him for years and she'd be lying if she said she didn't believe Freddie felt the same, but she kept quiet. Although, she couldn't wait until she could tease her and annoy her with it. She has Freddie Throne wrapped around her finger as well as Kol Jones.
"Now the papers are talking about sedition. And revolution." Tom spoke, "I reckon it's communists he's after." Vivian watched her sister, as Tom went on.
"So this copper is gonna leave us alone, right?" Pol said.
"There are Irishmen in Green Lames who left Belfast to get away from him. They say, Catholic men who crossed him used to disappear." Tom answered.
"Yeah, but we ain't IRA. We bloody fought for the King." John spoke, toothpick hanging from his mouth, "Anyway, we're Peaky Blinders. We're not scared of coppers." He was waving his hands arround, while Arthur gave a simple, 'He's right', looking at Tom, "If they come for us, we'll cut them a smile each."
"So, Arthur, is that it?" Tommy said, ignoring John and his little speech completely. John eyed him looking for some acknowledgment.
"What do you think Aunt Pol?" Arthur turned to her, for an answer. Everyone was fed up and wanted to go home, or in Vivian's case, the house of monsters.
"This family does everything open. You have nothing more to say to this meeting, Thomas?" Say no, say no, say no.
"No," Thank god. "Nothing that's women's business." He could have just said no, but of course not, Thomas Shelby has to go and dig himself a deeper hole. Idiot. Vivian quietly scoffed at her brother.
"This whole bloody enterprise was women's business while you boys were away at war." Polly quickly snapped back, "What's changed?"
"We came back."
She gazed out the window, looking out at the lane, not a person in sight, although she heard the distant shouts of intoxicated locals. The breeze hit her skin, sending shivers down her spine. Her chest rose up and down, slowly, as she fumbled with the covers. Her hair was spread across the pillow as she lay there peacefully.
She look up at the sky, staring at the crescent moon that shone in the darkness. The familiar and yet comforting smoke filled the room as he exhaled the fumes out, into the room, "alright, you win." They had been quiet for the past twenty minutes after having a tiny argument about something she had already forgotten about. He passed her the cigarette, letting her take a drag.
It was half past three in the morning. She had snuck out of the Shelby house five hours prior, making sure everyone was asleep, or at least in their respective rooms. She knew she would have to leave soon, but she was fine for now.
He pulled the covers up, putting his arm under Vivian's neck, pulling her in. She felt a soft kiss on her temple, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He apologised, his lips brushing against her head.
She had no clue what he was on about but she played on, not wanting to sound stupid for forgetting, "okay, but you should already know I always win," turning to look him in the eye, as she passed the cigarette back to him. She watch as she smoke left his lips
"You have no idea what I'm on about, do ya?" He smirked.
"No, Scott, no I don't but I am beyond tired and I forgot." She huffed, drawing shapes on his chest, with her finger. He laughed at her, as she drew a picture as if you could actually see it. "You are annoying and you said something shitty, I didn't forget that." She still didn't meet his eyes when she spoke in a child-like manner.
"Well you are free to leave, Miss." he spoke, mocking her tone. She didn't leave, which he already knew. He dropped his cigarette into a glass of water on his bedside, putting it out. Scott hugged her close, keeping each other warm. Silence filled the room again.
Her index finger followed a scar that went from his shoulder down his arm, about three inches down. She remember the day he earned this scar. It was almost three years ago, when the boys were at war. It was about one year after they began sneaking around, and he had been stupid enough to pick a fight with drunken gent that knew how to use a knife. Idiot.
She looked up at him seeing him with his eyes closed smiling. She leaned up, giving him a peck on the cheek. His once soft smile shifted into a cheeky grin as he leaned in, kissing her passionately. He brought his hand to her neck, his fingers getting tangled in her hair. She put a hand on his shoulder, as he pulled her up with him. They quickly moved, resulting in Vivian sitting on his lap.
His hands moved down to her waist as the kiss deepened. Her hands were tugging on his hair. She let out a soft moan as he applied pressure to her hips, bringing her closer. He peppered her jaw in kisses then her neck while his hands moved up, leading him to the straps of her slip, pulling them down her arms.
And just then, ruining it, "Oi, get away from my front door, you loud bastard.", a shriek came from a few doors down the street. They tried to ignore it but it seemed the man wouldn't leave the lady alone, her shouts getting funnier and louder every time.
Scott chuckled against her lips as he looked her in the eye, "Jesus Christ." He muttered, smiling. The woman went on and on and it didn't seem like this fucker would piss off. She fell on the bed beside him, laughing quietly. He wrapped his arms around her again as they listened to the dispute. She enjoyed their embrace, nosily listening, laughing.
After a while of listening to the neighbourhood drama and talking nonsense, she saw Scott's pocket watch open, quarter to five. She had to go. He had dozed off beside her, snoring. She got up slowly, letting him sleep. She shrugged on the heavy wool overcoat on top of her slip. She saw him twitch in his sleep, hoping she hadn't woken him.
She slip on her shoes and finished buttoning up the coat. Her hair a mess and lipstick smeared down her chin and mascara down her cheek. If her brothers saw her now, god help her, she'd be locked up in her room 'til she was eighty.
She step out into the hallway, keeping to the left, not wanting to step on the creaky floorboards. She made up way to the empty bedroom, that faced the back. As she stepped in the room, she got goosebumps and the hairs on her neck stood up. She quietly raced over to the window, pushing it open. The window was just above a garden wall, giving her a small drop before climbing down.
She pulled her leg over the ledge, one hand on the frame another holding her coat. She was soon sitting on the sill, legs dangling over the ground. She quickly shuffling along until she was closer to the stone wall. She pushed a leg off, trying to reach the wall. She finally felt the stone beneath her foot. She dropped down, both feet on the wall. She sat down, facing away from the garden, jumping down into the alleyway. When she landed, the souls of her feet stung, making her hiss in the slight pain.
She had jumped out that window onto the wall many times before and every time, her shoes did no good protecting her from the pain.
She stumbled out of the alley, seeing the tiniest bit of light peaking out behind the houses, along the street. The dark blue sky was now grey turning little orange. The sun rose slowly, starting the new day. The cold air gave her goosebumps as she approached the end of the street.
She quickly turned around the corner, checking behind every other minute. She always thought that she'd get caught, but never. She thought it would be harder to sneak around when the boys came back but it didn't stop her, she was just very careful.
She always heard someone up during the night, whether it was Polly up making tea at midnight, Tommy struggling to sleep or Ada sneaking out herself. Arthur lived next door to the family home, not that he was ever there, either at in the parlour or at the brothel. John had his own house too, living across the street, with his little army of children.
She always entered through the shop, easier to make excuses, not that she had to yet. Go out the window and in through the den, in was routine. She wandered around the den, scanning the place. She thought she would have her own office here one day, working alongside her family. She wandered to the back, over to the chalkboard. She took a piece of chalk that was small that her pinky, and walking over to an empty office.
The office had an old but appropriate desk and filling cabinets. There was no chairs, for a reason she was unsure of. She'd go behind the desk, imagining it being her own. She hunkered down. She wrote, 'VIVIAN SHELBY 1919', on the edge. She knew chalk didn't last forever but having her name on it felt good. The white stood out on the dark wood in the empty office.
The chalk would stay there for as long as she wants the desk as her own.
She exited the office, hands in her pockets, strolling towards the door. She pulled out the spare key and unlocked the green doors that led into the kitchen of the family home.
It's been a very long while . . . and i hope to update every Saturday. There were about ten different first chapters but I ended up deleting them by accident due to storage . . . So this is very bad and I wrote this when i was very tired and I haven't edited it yet, so I'm sorry for the sloppiness. Exams are coming up at the end of the month so I'm going to try pre-write those chapters. For extra updates go to my tiktok, vvioletneklace.wp. Please vote and comment, and let me know what you think. I appreciate all feedback <3. And I apologise in advances for slow updates.
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