𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. locked and loaded


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VIOLET WIPED her hand across her forehead as she walked back towards the cabin, getting rid of any dirt that lingered. She let out a breath, the events of this morning swirling around in her mind.

Taissa kept her promise of waking Violet up and helping her with the whole dead guy in the attic situation. The pair of them got up at the crack of dawn and got straight to work, wrapping up the body and carrying it out of the cabin as quietly as possible.

A few of the girls were already awake, and it's safe to say they were certainly stunned to silence when Taissa let them know what her and Violet were about to do, what had transpired during the night.

She figured it was best to pre-warn them that they'd be hauling a body through the cabin.

"I feel gross." Violet complained.

"Yeah, well." Taissa began, brushing the dirt of her jeans as she walked. "Burying a corpse will do that to you."

Violet's face scrunched at Taissa's words, it just being another reminder of how they spent their morning.

A few weeks ago, Violet would've considered a bad morning to consist of her alarm not going off, or the outfit she picked for the day looking crap. But now here she was, having spent the last hour digging a hole to dump a corpse in.

It made her feel sick to her stomach, that this, was something she had to do now.

That this was now her life.

And what was even more gut-wrenching to her, was the fact that compared to everything else she had been through since the crash, burying the body wasn't even the worst.

It was a harrowing experience, make no mistake on that, but when she weighed it in with all the other events, it simply couldn't take the crown for most traumatic.

"Well this was lovely." Violet spoke up, sarcasm evident in her tone. "We must do this again sometime Miss Turner."

"Oh, I'd love to." Taissa played along. "It was truly a splendid morning."

The pair both laughed softly, allowing the brief feeling of amusement to linger for as long as possible. They needed it after what they'd just done. Violet looked over at Taissa after a few seconds, nudging her shoulder.

"Seriously though, thanks Tai." Violet managed to work up a small smile. "For helping me with this."

"I wasn't going to let you do it alone." Taissa shrugged. "Besides, this makes us even now, yeah?"

Violet nodded, knowing Taissa was referring to the whole Allie situation and how it put even more strain on their friendship. Well, if you could even call it a friendship.

"Yeah, we're even." The Crawford girl agreed. She didn't want any more lingering tension between the two of them. They all had bigger things to worry about now.

"So no more trying to beat me up?" Taissa teased, raising her hands in surrender.

Violet raised a brow. "If I remember correctly, you tried to get a shot at me too."

"Um, yeah." Taissa stated the obvious. "In self defence."

"Touché." Violet chuckled. "But, yeah, yeah, fine. No more trying to beat each other up. For now."

Taissa rolled her eyes playfully at the end of Violet's sentence, the sound of quiet laughter erupting between the two once more.

They spent the rest of the walk back to the cabin in a comfortable silence, both glad that at least one good thing came from this morning. That being, them clearing the air once and for all.

Violet and Taissa were both two very headstrong people, two very stubborn people. It didn't take a genius to see it.

They were bound to clash at times, they both knew that. And they knew that because of their similar personalities, when they did clash, it could be vicious.

But they also knew that when you put that aside, there was a potential for a good friendship there.

It wasn't long before the pair reached the cabin, both of them letting out a simultaneous huff at the concerned looks they received from everyone who was sat outside.

Looks like the news of how they'd spent their morning had spread like wildfire.

"Hey." Shauna greeted gently, walking over to the pair with two cups. "We just boiled some water from the lake, figured you two could use some."

Violet smiled at the girl, taking the cup. "Thanks, Shipman."

Laura Lee suddenly approached the group, taking hold of Violet and Taissa's hand. She looked between the two with a sad smile, nodding to herself before she spoke.

"What is happening right now?" Taissa mumbled, side eyeing Violet.

"I have no clue." Violet matched her volume.

"The Lord recognizes what you've done." Laura Lee said. "Your bravery, in putting that poor soul to rest."

"Riiiight." Taissa muttered, not knowing what to say.

Violet hummed. "I wouldn't call it—" She was cut off by Laura Lee pulling her into a sudden hug. "Oh right, okay. We're hugging now."

Laura Lee pulled away after a few seconds, smiling up at Violet before turning to Taissa, hugging her too.

Violet turned to Shauna, giving her a look as she took a sip of water. The Shipman girl shrugged in response, biting the inside of her cheek to refrain from laughing before moving back over to her spot near the campfire.

The sight of Lottie exiting the cabin caught Violet's attention and she couldn't help but let out a relieved breath, now having a reason to walk away from whatever was happening right now.

She quickly excused herself and patted Taissa on the back as she walked past, grinning when she heard the Turner girl mutter a quiet "Traitor" under her breath.

"Hey." Violet greeted as she walked up the steps to the porch, briefly bending down while she put her cup on the ground. "How did you sleep?"

"You were gone when I woke up this morning." Lottie ignored her question, her expression sinking into a slight frown.

"I know, I'm sorry Lot." Violet scratched the back of her neck, thinking of how to word her sentence. "Me and Taissa were—"

"I know what you were doing." Lottie uttered, her guilt-laden eyes meeting Violet's. "I'm sorry you had to do that... I— I would've helped..."

Violet shook her head. "You really think I would've let you help after how you felt last night?"

"Well," Lottie began, thinking about it for a moment. "Well, no but... "

"Exactly." Violet chuckled. "So don't worry about it, okay?"

Lottie nodded, reluctantly heeding Violet's words. But in truth, she felt awful about the whole thing.

It was her who discovered the body, her who caused Violet to worry once again. Yet she managed to come out of the situation with her hands clean. Both literally and figuratively. While Violet had to deal with the brunt of it. It wasn't fair. And she hated herself for inadvertently putting Violet through that.

Because she knew for a fact that if anyone else had discovered the body, Violet wouldn't have bothered to get as involved as she had. Lottie knew that the only reason she did was to help her.

And it was the truth.

"Soooo." Violet spoke up once more. "Are you going to tell me how you slept now?"

Lottie couldn't help but smile at Violet's question, it prompting her to think about last nights sleeping situation.

She felt her body warm at the thought. Reminiscing the closeness between them both, the complete solace she felt in Violet's hold, the feeling of Violet's breath hitting the back of her neck...

"I, uh, slept really well actually. Despite what happened." Lottie answered before she could allow her thoughts to go any further. "How about you?"

Violet rubbed her lips together, attempting to stifle the smile she felt coming along. "I slept really well too."

The two didn't dare to look away from one another, seemingly holding their gaze to try and figure the other out. Each of them desperately longing to decipher the look behind the other's eyes.

Wondering if that deep down, they were right to allow their minds to drift to the question of what their friendship actually was.

If the other felt it too.

"Hey!" Jackie suddenly shouted.

Lottie and Violet both jumped slightly at the sudden yell, each turning to their right where Jackie sat.

The Taylor girl was glaring at Travis, who had taken it upon himself to claim the gun of the dead cabin guy. He was stupidly aiming the gun towards a tree, one eye closed as he had his sights set on a squirrel.

"You don't know what the hell you're doing with that!" Van scolded, rushing over to the boy and pushing the gun down to the floor.

"He's being fucking stupid." Jackie scoffed.

Travis rolled his eyes and ripped the gun from Van's grip. "No, what's stupid is the fact we have a gun and we're not fucking using it."

A laugh escaped Violet's throat. "Like you'd be able to do anything with that."

Travis shook his head at Violet's words, her taunting only pushing him more. He turned his attention back to the tree, quickly aiming.

The Martinez boy wasted no time in pulling the trigger and shooting at the squirrel.

He missed.

"Are you going to prove me wrong anytime soon, or..." Violet faked looking at a watch on her wrist.

"Shut up, Violet." Travis grumbled.

Lottie, and surprisingly Jackie, both jumped to Violet's defence, angrily cussing the boy out for what he said. Although Violet remained silent, her lips tugging up into a smug smile, watching as Travis rolled his eyes.

"Leave him, it's fine." Violet smirked. "He's clearly not a threat anyway."

"Like you could do any better." Travis challenged.

"I don't recall ever saying that I could." Violet shrugged honestly. "At least I can admit my faults, unlike you."

Coach Scott emerged from the inside of the cabin, leaning against the doorway and looking between everyone with an annoyed expression.

"What the hell is going on?!" He reprimanded.

"Don't look at me." Violet's face scrunched, pointing at Travis. "He's the famous gunslinger."

"Give me that." Coach Scott turned his attention to the Martinez boy. Although when he didn't listen he was quick to switch his tone to a harsher one. "Travis, give me the gun!"

Like a child who didn't get his way, Travis stood up with a huff and handed the gun to Coach Scott. The man emptied the barrel of the gun, readjusting his position with his makeshift crutches before talking.

"This is a dangerous weapon, and we will handle it as such." Coach Scott told them all, his voice unwavering. "We understand?"

Everyone nodded collectively, the seriousness in his tone being a reminder that the man still held authority over them. That he was still the adult in the situation.

"Alright." Coach Scott nodded. "That being said, Travis is right."

"Aaaand you've lost me." Violet muttered under her breath.

"We're out of food. We're all feeling it." He continued, ignoring Violet's comment. "The good news is, my father used to take me deer hunting every year as a kid. The bad news... yeah, I am down one to one fucking leg."

Coach Scott paused for a moment, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth as he looked down at his leg. He hated the fact that he wouldn't be able to help them, especially when it was something he excelled at.

"Which means, that if we want to eat..." He continued. "One of you is gonna have to learn how to use this thing."

His statement caused them all to look around at each other. Some wore the expression of distaste, some of indifference and some even of excitement.

Violet let out a sigh, yet she nodded nonetheless. Learning to hunt and kill hadn't exactly been on her to-do list for the year.

But if it's what she had to do in order to survive then so be it.


COACH SCOTT rounded up the group outside of the cabin, getting everyone in a line. After the previous conversation, he figured there was no need to waste any more time. It was better for them to learn sooner rather than later.

Because they needed food. And they needed it now.

He decided that the best way to figure out who would be the most equipped to handle the gun, was by placing a coin on the edge of the barrel. Whoever managed to pull the trigger without knocking the coin off would move up to the next stage.

It wasn't ideal. But it was the best they could do without unnecessarily using up ammo.

Violet had been the first to try. And also the first to fail. She had managed to keep the coin balanced while she positioned the gun, but didn't get further than that.

In all honesty, she didn't expect it to be as heavy as it was. Considering she had already put enough strain on her arm today with digging a damn grave, it proved to be too much.

And the quiver that rippled down her arm as a slight pain erupted from her stitches caused her to falter, making the coin fall onto the ground.

She was a little disappointed at her failure, but Violet knew it was just the competitive side of her that caused her to feel that way. So she didn't let it bother her too much.

"Slow breath in..." Coach Scott encouraged Taissa, who was currently taking her turn. "Full exhale... then go."

Taissa followed the mans advice, trying her best to keep focused. Although when she pulled the trigger, it evidently wasn't enough. The coin slipped and fell on the ground.

"Damn it." Taissa groaned.

"It's okay, you guys." Coach Scott assured. "It's not a competition."

"Uh, but there is gonna be a winner." Jackie teased with a grin, taking the gun from Taissa. "Right?"

"Alright Jackie." Coach Scott prompted for her to take her place. "You're up."

Jackie's attempt was even worse, to say the least. She knocked the coin off before she could even pull the trigger.

Laughter emitted from the spectators of the group, causing Jackie to roll her eyes.

"Okay, this is literally impossible."

"Let's keep it moving." Coach Scott waved over Travis. "Martinez, let's go."

Travis made his way over to the man, taking the gun for his turn. He turned to his brother and instead held the gun out to him.

"Uh, yo, Javi. Come try this." Travis offered.

The younger Martinez boy stood up, glaring at his brother as he stormed away. "Fuck you."

"Ooh." The group taunted.

"Nice going, Flex." Van remarked.

"Javi for president, guys." Violet pumped her fist in the air.

Travis ignored their comments, turning away from them and preparing himself with the gun. He gave Misty a nod, letting her know he was ready.

Once the coin was placed, Travis took a moment to focus. Unlike the others, when he pulled the trigger the coin remained balanced on the barrel.

Coach Scott nodded in approval. "Nice, Martinez."

Travis looked over his shoulder at them all, a smug look etched on his face. "And that ladies, is how it's done."

"Boo." Violet echoed, cupping her hands around her mouth. "Tell that to the squirrel you missed before."

Coach Scott sighed at the series of middle fingers sent towards Travis before taking the gun and holding it out to the next person.

"Nat, you're up."

They all watched as Natalie stepped up, ready to go. Violet started to cheer, egging the girl on. However as Natalie raised the gun, everyone's excitement soon faded.

Natalie's breathing suddenly quickened, it becoming erratic within the space of a few seconds. Her hands became shaky, rending the coin to fall on the ground.

Natalie was quick to give the gun to Van, who was next in line, practically shoving it into her arms. Violet couldn't help but frown at the sight, wondering what had spooked her all of a sudden.

"Aw, that's a shame." Travis taunted.

Violet found herself standing up before she could even think about it. Natalie was clearly uncomfortable. And the fact that Travis was in her ear, crowding her as he mocked the girl, wasn't helping.

Natalie had never been the type of person to take shit off anyone. So the fact she was stood there, completely frozen, caused alarm bells to ring in Violet's mind.

"Back off Travis." Violet warned.

Lottie found herself sitting up straighter, her gaze locked onto Violet. She took in the girls stance, knowing all too well that she was ready to pounce at any second.

"Next time, we can stick to something you're actually good at." Travis ignored Violet. "Like folding laundry... or sucking—"

The Martinez boy's sentence was abruptly cut off as Violet charged over, harshly shoving him. He stumbled at the force that was used, almost falling over.

"What the fuck, Violet?" Travis glared at the girl as he composed himself, ignoring the yells coming from the others in defence of Natalie.

Before Violet could respond, Natalie took the gun back from Van. "I'm going again."

"Uh," Jackie's face scrunched. "Can she do that?"

"Yeah, she can." Violet narrowed her eyes at the Taylor girl, who quickly deflated at the glare. She turned back to Natalie. "You can."

Natalie managed to work up a small smile at Violet's words, the look behind her eyes being one of silent gratitude.

Coach Scott nodded. "I'll allow it."

Travis scoffed. "This is bullshit."

Upon noticing Violet's body jolt towards Travis, Coach Scott was quick to speak up again before anything happened.

"That's enough!" He sent Violet a stern look. "Go sit down, Violet."

"Me?" Violet looked at the man, bewildered. "He's the one who—"

"Okay, come on cranky." Lottie approached the girl, gently tugging her back to the porch. "We're sitting down now."

Violet grumbled in disapproval as she sat back down. "I didn't start that, y'know."

"I know, don't worry." Lottie assured. "And you can carry on shouting at Travis later. But we're watching Nat now, okay?"

Violet huffed with a nod. "Yeah, okay."

Lottie couldn't help but chuckle at Violet's grumpiness. The Matthews girl linked her arm with Violet's, making sure she couldn't go anywhere without her knowing about it.

Misty picked up the coin from the ground and re-placed it on the barrel of the gun. Natalie closed her eyes briefly as she took a deep inhale, regaining the focus she had previously lost.

Everybody watched intently, suspense looming in the air as they waited. After a couple of seconds, although it felt like longer, Natalie pulled the trigger.

And this time, the coin didn't move an inch.

Cheers erupted from the group at the outcome and Natalie let out a breath, smirking in triumph.

"Nice job." Coach Scott nodded with a proud smile.

Unlike everyone else, Travis didn't share the same excitement. He shook his head in disapproval before storming off into the woods. Although no one seemed to care.

Violet smiled brightly at the girl, giving her a round of applause.

"Ladies and gentleman, we officially have our hunter."



i can't lie i'm finding it way too entertaining writing violet and travis' bickering matches. i know he gets better as the show goes on but MAN is he annoying at the beginning.

[currently unedited.]

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