It was quiet.
It was so quiet that I was losing my mind.
I couldn't stop making noise: turning on the fan, typing loudly, kicking my food against the table leg. I hated the sound of the radio but blasted the volume high to get rid of the thick silence filling the entire office.
I had initially thought physically being at work would be more enjoyable than being stuck in that empty penthouse, filled with misery. But the office was just as bad. I was even attending more unnecessary meetings just to pass the hours by without being stuck alone with all my ever-changing thoughts.
Sighing, I placed my head against my fist as I stared at the computer before me. All the words were starting to jumble again, which was a clear sign that I desperately needed a break. I had done anything and everything to distract myself for the last few days: working, exercising in a variety of ways, cooking, watching all sorts of movies, walking Bear, and cleaning. But not a single activity had stopped me from thinking about her.
Was she well? Was she safe? Was she still crying? Was she eating?
The penthouse was a complete void without her; there was no serene music playing anymore, the bedsheets didn't even smell of her sweet scent and had faded over the last few days, her stuff had completely been removed as if she never existed, and there were no signs of her little items that she used to leave hanging around. I could no longer hear her melodious laughter, the gentle sound of her peaceful humming, the sight of her heartwarming face. It all felt strange and unfamiliar.
I caught myself making meals for two too many times and had to feed the leftovers to Bear. It was weird to say that I was no longer used to living alone. It had all gone back to square one; I didn't need to share anything with anyone or think about the comfortability of someone else. I wasn't used to it.
My eyes stared at the gold bracelet with exquisite charms hanging off it. It was the only thing she had left behind; I had found it underneath the bed after she moved out. It never left my side; I carried it around with me wherever I'd go. She always looked beautiful with it on; she loved that particular bracelet.
"Fucking hell," I muttered to myself, rubbing my eyes as I exhaled. I needed to get her out of my head. What she did was wrongβsomething I would never forgive or forget if it was anyone else. It was an act that would call for an immediate death. But even associating that word with her made me sick to my stomach. I'd never hurt her. I couldn't stand it, seeing her cry so much, to the point of being ill, during our last encounter.
I clutched the bracelet as my heart clenched inside. What had she done to me? I was more sentimental than I thought.
My phone rang loudly through the silence, breaking me away from my thoughts of her. I glanced down, and immediately, my fingers fumbled to grab my phone and answer, bringing the device to my ear swiftly. "Luna?"
"Hi..." Luna began awkwardly with a mischievous chuckle.
My eyebrows furrowed, as I felt concerned. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing...nothing much." There was a hint of sadness in her bubbly voice.
I knew something was up straight away. "Are you sure?"
"I know you're really busy, but could you please pick me up from school? I finish in an hour... It's fine if you can't, butβ"
"I'll be there," I quickly interrupted, standing up.
She couldn't contain her sigh of relief and eagerly replied, "Thank you! I'll come straight out!"
By the time I had made it to Luna's high school, it had almost been an hour.
Seeing all the students walking out of the building reminded me of my younger days. I sighed, sitting back and realising how much I had grown. I felt old looking at all of them: laughing, running around, girls adjusting their hair and fixing their makeup, guys messing around with each other. Their youthful clothes, the bounce in their steps. They were all too happy for the capitalist world that was waiting for them.
Maria and I were close in high school.
I groaned as I exhaled, picking up my speed as I tried to get away from her. Her hand grabbed onto my arm, pulling me to follow her.
"Why do you keep running away from me?" She frowned, tugging my arm. I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands into my pockets with a deep sigh.
"Why do you keep following me?" I coldly questioned, hoping she'd go away. She slapped my arm, giving me her hardest glare. I scowled back at her, earning a laugh.
"You promised we'd go to the arcade after school!" Maria exclaimed excitedly, linking my arm with hers. I looked away, feeling awkward.
If only she knew what kind of day I had. My back ached, and I could already feel my eyes begging for a rest. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep. "I'm going home. I've got another essay due inβ" she snatched my phone out of my pocket and started running.
"Not without your phone, you're not! I'll see you there!"
A small smile broke out across my face as my eyes followed the petite girl run with her backpack wriggling down her shoulders and her hands frantically trying to bring the straps back upwards while moving. My feet quickly went towards her, and my arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her backwards to me.
She yelped and wriggled around, her foot moving to the side and crossing over with mine. I exclaimed as the two of us fell to the right, our bodies colliding with the ground as we began rolling down the hill, our bodies rolling over and landing onto the bottom with a thud.
The two of us laughed and laughed that day after school. I pushed Maria off me to the side, and she roared with giggles, pulling down her skirt that had flown up and sitting up with a wide grin on her cheeky face. Her sweet laughter was music to my ears. I smiled widely, sitting beside her as I couldn't help but join in with her happiness.
We were a mess; our hair was filled with grass, and our faces stained with mud. My white shirt clearly needed a wash, and Maria's bare legs were covered in brown and green stains. Our eyes met, and hers dazzled in the sunbeams; she looked beautiful despite the mess across her face. My hand reached out, and I quickly snatched my phone off her.
"Hey!" She couldn't stop laughing, taking her defeat.
"I'll go with you," I gave in, unable to restrain my happiness. Her grin extended to a smirk as she poked my shoulder, shaking her legs gleefully.
"I knew you would," Maria teased, taking her soft hair out of her bun, her loose curls sprawling out as she shook her head, trying to get all the grass out. She always looked more radiant with her hair down.
"No students on the field!"
Our eyes expanded as we scrambled to our feet and ran, recognising the familiar voice of the teacher who ran detention.
"Come on! The last thing I want is detention on a Tuesday! First one there has to buy ice cream!"
"Cazzo," I whispered, rubbing my forehead. All I could think about was her.
I noticed a familiar-looking girl walking out the school gates; her large, white headphones, which looked too big for her small head, were in, and her hands were attached to her backpack straps as she walked. She was wearing an A-line skirt matched with a hoodie and trainers. Her hair was in two space buns, and she looked like she had come straight out of a cartoon. Luna looked down on the ground as she moved; I had never seen her look so low.
Something was up. I unlocked the door and came out of my Aston Martin. My very few cars weren't as exactly as extravagant as my brother's, but they were vehicles that did the job and still managed to catch the eyes of common people. The door shut behind me, and I leaned against it, folding my arms as I watched Luna, waiting for her to notice me.
It wasn't long before eyes were on me and my black car. The students whispered to each other, their eyes wide at the sight. Some spoke louder than others, and there were some hands pointing towards me. It was slightly uncomfortable but more amusing to see how shocked the young people were.
Luna seemed to notice the difference in the atmosphere, how the attention had shifted to my direction. She pulled down her headphones, and her grey eyes slowly made their way to me. I cracked a friendly smile. Her eyebrows raised and her lips parted slightly as she looked at me, glancing between the car and myself. Her legs immediately moved quicker; it was as though she was desperate to leave as soon as possible.
She reached me, her large eyes blinking in surprise at the sight of me. "Did you have to bring this particular car?" She questioned in a hushed tone as if they could hear us. Her eyes darted around to see that everyone was still looking at us. I softly chuckled, pushing myself off the car. "Should I have brought a bicycle?" She rolled her eyes as I opened the passenger door, allowing her to quickly get in.
Moving around to the other side, I entered the car and turned on the engine; my eyes slowly went back to her, noticing her down mood. She placed her headphones into her bag and sighed, the backpack covering her legs, sitting on her lap.
I thought of a way to hear what was on her mind: "How was...how was school?" I almost cringed at how awkward I sounded. I wasn't used to being around a high schooler.
Luna shrugged before looking out of her window. "Fine." I went to start moving the car, accepting her answer, before realising her demeanour. My head moved forwards slightly, and that was when I noticed the tears.
"Luna, whatβ"
"No, actually, it wasn't fine!" The flood of tears began to pour out. My eyes widened, and I straightened my back, shitting myself inside. I already was panicking over how to deal with her sudden change in mood.
"My best friend likes my crush! I told herβI told her for so long that I was into him, and now!" Luna couldn't finish and started crying helplessly. I ran my hand through my hair and silently exhaled, realising I needed to tread carefully around a high schooler's situation.
"Okay..." I couldn't think. I needed to have ideas out of my own head as an adultβa boring adult who never experienced such. To Luna, it was the most heartbreaking experience of her short-lived life so far; she was still young and had no idea what else life could throw at her. I tried to think of something other than 'get over it.'.
"She asked him out. I really, really liked him!" Luna cried, burying her face into her hands. "I was trying so hard today to stay strong."
I carefully said, "S-So does he know that you liked him?" My face turned into a grimace at myself for stuttering.
"I don't know," Luna replied in a muffled voice, her tears subsiding as she took a tissue from her bag and wiped her mascara-stained face. I slowly nodded, swallowing roughly.
She started explaining to me that the boy and she shared a few classes together, that they had spoken a lot before, but she could never tell him how she truly felt, that her best friend was always there to listen to her and encourage her to be honest about her feelings for him. But that day, her friend showed her true colours, confessing to the boy during lunch in front of everybody and Luna.
"Okay... well..." I just couldn't do it. I couldn't be the sympathetic person she needed in that moment. I was furious at whoever the hell those people were and what they had done to Luna.
"She's a bitch," I simply told her, her head snapping towards me as her eyes widened at my words. "She's your best friend? Not anymore; best friends don't go after people you like. Forget her and him. He would've asked you out ages ago if he liked you, and he doesn't realise your worth. Go to school with your head high and move on from them. There are plenty of fish in the sea that'll be your friend and even more that will want to date you. Stop crying over pathetic people; they're not worth the tears."
Luna's jaw dropped. She initially couldn't say anything. Her doe eyes blinked rapidly, taking in all that I had just blurted out. She sniffed, nodding. "You're right," Luna slowly responded, "You're right! What a bitch!"
"I trusted her, and she betrayed me! She knew exactly what she was scheming!"
I chuckled at her rant, glad she was feeling somewhat better as I turned on the engine and began driving. "Don't allow such people in your life, Luna. Life is too short to waste your time on people you can't trust."
Luna glanced over at me before moving her eyes back to her lap. "And Ria...?"
I tensed up, my eyes glued to the road before me as I gripped onto the steering wheel. "Can I ask why I was the first choice to call?" I diverted slightly, curious to know why Luna thought of me. She sighed, averting her eyes from the window to me.
"Zia {aunty} would be too worried about me. But I'll tell her when I get homeβin a simplified way. I already spoke to my other friends and, well..." She paused, nodding slowly as she deeply inhaled. "Ria is the first person I thought of. But she's too sad right now. The last thing she needs is my problems. She keeps herself busy at Dream, and it works. I haven't seen her since..." Luna glanced awkwardly at me before clearing her throat.
She fiddled with her hands on her lap. Luna held a small but empty smile on her face. I swallowed, feeling the barrier between us. Maria had come back into my mind again.
"I know it's not my business, but..." Luna trailed off, hesitating. We reached a red light, and my eyes flickered over to her, braced for what she was about to comment on. She fidgeted with the cute keyring attached to her backpack. "Ria's a good person. She just is. She's someone you can trust and someone who really loves you and..." Luna sighed again, "I just want her to be happy."
"I know, Lu," I gently responded, turning a corner. It was hard; Luna was watching it all unfold with nothing she could do to help. "Thank you, but don't worry about it." I couldn't tell her what she would've liked to hear: that Maria and I would be fine, that it would all work out. I didn't know what the future held for the two of us. No promises could be made.
Luna unbuckled her seatbelt as we reached the house. "Are you coming in to see Zia and Amalia?" Her innocent question made me hesitate. I glanced up at the house and thought about it; I hadn't intended on going in that day. "Wellβ"
My phone started ringing, and it was Marco. Those days, whenever he called, it was important.
Luna knowingly smiled, as her eyes glanced at the screen, and said, "Anyway, thanks for picking me up. I appreciate it. I'll see you later." She left the car as I reciprocated a 'goodbye' and answered the call.
"Don, you need to come to the hospital now."
"Why?" I quickly questioned, turning the engine and driving away the moment Luna entered the house.
"Daphne White is awake."
We reached Daphne's room before her family was informed of her state. The medical team's lips had been sealed for the time being, allowing Marco and me the time to fully understand what happened to her. The hope that she remembered everything was great.
She looked a lot better compared to before; her bruises had faded and the swelling had reduced. Daphne finally looked like the beautiful young girl everyone spoke highly about in the papers. She had her bandages off, but her casts remained on the parts that needed healing the most. Her cheeks had finally gotten their colour back, and she seemed to have life in her eyes again.
Daphne lay there in her bed, semi-recumbent with her green eyes fixed on us as we walked in. Her room was filled with balloons and teddies wishing her well.
"You're not doctors," she wearily said. Daphne had a feminine and delicate voice. Her speech surprised me; I hadn't expected her to speak so easily yet. "Why are you the first two people to see me and not the police? What's going on?" She seemed slightly alarmed, her eyes darting between the two of us. Her thin hands gripped onto the side rails, her veins poking out of her pale skin as her face dropped.
"Daphne," Marco gently began, glancing between her hands and her defensive face. "I'm glad to see you're awake and feeling better. We're here to ask you a few questions." Daphne unexpectedly relaxed, her hands slowly drawing back to her side as she gazed up at Marco, her green eyes becoming warmer. It was like she knew us.
"I recognise your voice," she softly said, her eyes suddenly watering. She blinked repeatedly and softly let out a breath. She glanced between the two of us. "You've been here before."
The girl was observant. She must've heard us whilst in her coma. "That's right," I spoke, the two of us standing by Daphne's bed. She clasped her hands together, her eyes fixed on me as they studied my face intently. "I know you," Daphne slowly acknowledged, her eyes squinting slightly as she took in our presence.
"Aren't you the fiancΓ© of Maria Amante?" Daphne's eyes widened as she gasped, "Is she hurt? Is that why you're here?"
I sharply inhaled and responded, "No, she's not." She let out a sigh of relief as I looked at her in curiosity. She was already concerned, which led me to want to know more.
"Daphne, I'll get straight to the point: I have some questions to ask you. Are you willing to answer them?" I reiterated, my eyes sternly on her. Daphne sat back and exhaled softly.
"I'll answer to anything," Daphne honestly replied, her eyes filled with determination. "But... why? Why do you want to know? Who are you?"
"People who don't want this to happen to anyone again," Marco genuinely answered, his words filled with empathy. "People who will protect you even after you leave the hospital. Is it alright if we ask?"
Daphne looked down and wiped the tear that slipped out of her eye. She plastered a small smile on her face as though to help her feel more courageous. "I'll do anything to help," she tearfully told us, her cheeks becoming red as she seemed to unlock darker memories in her mind. She licked her lips and sniffed. Marco handed her a tissue that she used to wipe her cheeks. The poor girl had been through a lot.
"I'll also get to the point," Daphne strongly said, her eyes looking back at the television not too far away. "You don't have a lot of time."
"What do you mean?" I questioned, my eyebrows narrowing as I followed her gaze, noticing what was catching her attention. It seemed like a commentary or some sort of interview. A showing focused on ballet.
Daphne asked, "Don't you know what today is?" I glanced back at her, trying to think about the date. My eyes widened as a wave of guilt hit me.
"Tonight's the Grand Performance," Daphne revealed quietly, her eyes going back to her hands fidgeting on her lap. The Grand Performance, the night Maria had been preparing for diligently for months and months. The night that we both knew was a possibility for the revelation of the stalker. The same night I had managed to forget trying to get her off my mind. The night she needed me the most.
I let out a breath as my head snapped back towards her, feeling a sudden rush of energy within me. I became tense; my hand gripped onto the rail beside her as my heart began to thump harder and harder. "You know how important tonight is. Why? What do you know?"
"What is it that means we're out of time?" Marco probed, his stature becoming more alert and panicked. I focused on her, the blood rushing through my veins as I tried to maintain a level head.
"You don't need to know my story," Daphne said, managing to stay calm. "Not yet. But for now you need to know that the culprit and many other people are out there and plan to use that performance to their advantage." My breath hitched. Marco grew still, his whole body becoming stiff.
"You need to go there now if you want to stop this from happening to other girls," Daphne earnestly informed us, her serious eyes filled with sincerity.
I could feel my pulse radiating through my body. I swallowed roughly, straightening my back as I managed to ask, "Tell me who it was, Daphne. Who is behind all of this?"
She bit her bottom lip, her eyes becoming slightly fearful as she looked apprehensive to even utter the name. "Please," Marco pleaded, sensing the severity of the situation. "We need your help, Daphne."
Daphne exhaled and slowly parted her lips, a shaky breath leaving her. "You need to be careful," she practically whispered, her youthful eyes filled with panic. "It's not all as it seems." My eyebrows furrowed as I became more desperate to know the truth. The truth I had been seeking for so long.
"It's him, it's Mr. Adami. Giovanni Adami did this to me."
My breath hitched at her words.
"And someone else was there too, watching me, laughing at me."
"Someone who I don't know."
~ Author's Note ~
It looks like Leonardo is wobbling being without Maria, and by the sound of Luna, it seems Maria is too.
It's been revealed that Giovanni is the stalker and it looks like Maria could be in danger!
NEPENTHE is a long story so as a recall, Giovanni's JOY gala was the setting for where Maria and Leonardo met in the first few chapters. He also visited Daphne in hospital, he frequently visits Maria's events and quite recently, he visited Dream's last event and spoke to Maria backstage. He was always on Leonardo's radar but Maria disagreed.
As for the other person? Who could Daphne be referring to?
Will Leonardo manage to save the night?
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