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โ•ฐโ”ˆหš ยท ยฐ .  AFTER DOING THE SPELL THAT SHOWED US through a vision the next shifter and witch, Amelia and I walked back to my house. The silence stretched between us was uncomfortable, mostly because of the heavy emotions I was going through.

Because I was angry. Very angry.

And with my anger, my powers rose, and for once, I didn't push them down. At some point, during the walk, I had taken off my boots to not destroy them. The feeling of nature against my bare feet alleviated slightly my rage, but still, as I walked, my feet left charred footprints as I stepped until the burned ground transformed into full bloomed flowers and greener grass.

When we finally arrived in the backyard of my house, I started to pace back and forth, sparks now falling from my hands free of any restriction.

"Him. Why him!" I shouted left my lips with anger.

Mia meanwhile had sat down on the grass, silently watching my meltdown occur before her eyes. I continued to mumble words and insults out loud to the damn boy who seemed to only haunt me, when two wolves approached the tree line. They disappeared for a minute before coming back completely shifted back to humans.

"What is happening here?" Sam asked, eyeing me carefully as he and his beta walked forward. "Why did you call us back?" He then proceeded to ask to the air witch.

I snapped my head towards Mia, coming to the conclusion that she has apparently contacted them through the mind link to make them come back in a rush.

"We did the spell to know who the next pair will be. The witch, we have no idea who she is. The shifter on the other hand..."

"There are literally hundreds of different teenagers with Quileute blood but no, of course it had to be him. Literally anyone but him. Fucking hell!" I shouted out, a flame falling from my hand, almost burning jeans.

"I'm not following." Jared said confused, forehead furrowed and eyes shifting between us girls.

"Cameron, shift back to your wolf." I heard Amelia tell Jared but I was too immersed in my own anger to listen to them much more.


"Just do it"

Apparently Jared had listened to Amelia because just seconds later the boy walked out from the forest on four paws. He carefully approached me, his head tilted down until he was in front of me. It was instinctual to thread my fingers through his thick gray fur, and for some reason, I felt calmer the more contact I had with him.

"Take a deep breath, Trixy. C'mon." Jared said through our mind link, softening his words to not light my anger any further.

It took me a bit to decide to finally listen to him. Following his instruction, I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. It took a couple of minutes until I stopped feeling the urge to create a massive bonfire with my magic.

And when I was clameer, I sat down, legs crossed as Jared placed his huge wolf head in my lap. Rumble-like sounds echoing in his chest as I continued to stroke the place between his eyes.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Jar?" I asked amusedly, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he pushed his head against my hand.

"Very much so."

"This is weird." Sam stated, eyeing me as I petted his second in command like he was an oversized family dog.

"The bond between a witch and shifter goes both ways. It can help calm the shifter down but it works the other way around too." Mia explained. It was actually written in the section dedicated to the shifters-witches bond in the grimoire.

"Okay now that she is calm and Jared is pretty much falling asleep on my sister, can someone tell me why you called back and why Beatrice is so angry?" Sam asked. For a second, I felt my anger lit up at my brother's words until Jared started to make that sound in his chest once again, the vibration passing through me, simmering my anger to barely lit embers.

"You can shift back, I'm calm now. Thank you, Jar." I said, kissing the wolf's snout.

Jared left out a whine of disappointment making both Amelia and I laugh.

"Shift Jared." Sam commanded with a narrowed look, and even without using his alpha tone, the beta trotted back into the woods and walked out just a minute after in only a pair of shorts jeans.

The four of us then sat on the grass, taking a comfortable position for the talk ahead.

"Paul Lahote will be the next to shift." I said, a snarl forming on my lips as I spoke his name.

"Paul?" Sam snapped, his body starting to tremble from anger. "As in Paul Lahote, the asshole that gave you the name 'Arsonist ' ?" He turned towards Mia "The one that all at school use to make fun of her?"

Putting a hand on his arm, Amelia helped his anger decrease slightly in its intensity, even if her own jaw was clenched.

"It's fine Sam. You know that I don't care about it." I replied, waving my hand in a nonchalant way. I didn't, really, at least not most of the time.

"Then why are you angry at him?" Jared asked, his own fist clenched in the grass.

I rolled my eyes at the three, deciding to lay down with my head on Jared's lap the same way he had done when he was in his wolf form. "Because he is an asshole?" I questioned rhetorically. Chuckles falling from all our mouths. We all knew he was.

"The good thing about this?" Asked Mia with a dangerous smirk. Opening her palm, a mini tornado formed on it "I can beat the shit out of him and not get in trouble for it. Maybe strangle him with my powers. "

"That is what we are going to do." I high fived my friend with a similar smirk gracing my lips.

"Let's hope the other two witches will be calmer than you two." Sam commented with a pointed eyebrow raised in our direction.

"Yes, because I'm pretty sure no one would survive having four girls with such a high level of bitchiness." Jared said, following his statement by a snort.

"What are you saying Jared Cameron?" I asked, now sitting up from my previously laid down on his lap position. Sparks forming in my hand, dancing between my fingers. A fake threat that I knew would shut him up.

"Uh, nothing?" He replied, eyes dancing with raising nervousness.

"You better start running, Cameron." Amelia commented, adding a chuckle before she laid down, resting her back against Sam's arm.

Jared didn't waste another second to stand up and start running. Me following after him yelling profanities and curses at him as the same time laugh fell from my lips.

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โ•ฐโ”ˆหš ยท ยฐ .  The following day at school, just after the first period, I had gone to my locker to take some new pencil to draw knowing that I had spares in there. Who I didn't expect to stand directly in front of it, was Quileute boy with major anger issues.

"Move." I said not even sparing him even a glance as I directed my focus on my phone.

Of course, it didn't even work in the slightest. "What's up with you and your new friends?" Paul asked, amusement dripping from his tone. It could've worked if I didn't have unlocked the ability to sense emotions. I could feel the heavy annoyance radiating off of him in waves. "Did you four start a club for fire lovers freaks?"

"You are in front of my locker, asshole. Move." I said unbothered, not answering his questions still focused entirely on my phone. Giving him even the slightest satisfaction was the last thing that I would do.

"Set fire to something yet?" He continued, his infamous smirk plastered on his lips that I had the pleasure, or much more the displeasure to see since I had pocketed my phone. This conversation was starting to last a bit too much.

"Not yet, but we are planning our first group crime. Setting fire to your house is starting to sound better and better by the second." I deadpanned before adding with a spark of mischief lightning my mocha colored eyes "Or your car."

The anger in his blood started to simmer at the mention of his precious car. Paul Lahote had an unhealthy obsession with it. He came closer, so close to the point that I had to title my head back just to look at him.

"If I ever see you even in the vicinity my car with that fucking zippo of yours-"

"You what?" I challenged, raising one of my eyebrows. I could feel it, his anger brushing against my senses with every word I spoke. And I fucking loved it. Knowing that I could get under his skin with only a few sentences...

"Beatrice." he growled, rage seeping through each letter. He said my name as if it was a curse. He only ever said my name when he was very angry, like almost to the point of bursting.

It only fueled me more. The eye contact was intense, I don't think there will ever be something about him that would not be intense. I flickered my eyes down to my hand where I had taken from the pocket of my jacket the infamous zippo. The smirk on my face only widened as I raised it and flickered it open, making the light of the flame shine brightly between us. I didn't even notice how close we were when I looked up at him.

It was only for a second that his emotion slightly wavered. Too quick for me to notice why or how they had changed because rage quickly returned, his jaw clenching tightly, his glare piercing as he blew the flame out.

"Fuck you, Uley."

I titled my head back, laughing at the anger plastered all over his face "You wish, Lahote." I grinned before shoving him away from my locker. Maybe Mia's attitude was starting to rub off on me a bit too much.

He gave me a last heated glare before he stormed away, leaving me with plenty of satisfaction.

"Well, that was intense." The now familiar voice of Amelia Black came from my right.

I grinned at my friend "He is too easy to rail up. I couldn't help myself."

"I'm predicting very heated fights between the two of you after he shifts." Her smirk turned sly as the one of a fox "Maybe even without clothes on. I predict very hot angry sex between you two."

I widened my eyes at her insinuation. Never, not even in my wildest nightmares. "I would rather set myself on fire." I scoffed indignantly.

"Good thing you are immune to fire then." She laughed, smiling mischievously as she started to walk away leaving me a last wink as a parting gesture.

"Fuck you Mia." I yelled after her.

"Not me!" She shouted back, laughing her way to her second period.

At that moment, I didn't know who I wanted to kill more. Paul Lahote or Amelia Black.

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โ•ฐโ”ˆหš ยท ยฐ .  The school day had been fortunately uneventful after the unspectacular beginning. It wasn't until the first minutes of the last period that something strange happened. A bubbly feeling, a wave of pure happiness passed through me. I was calm and on my face rested a gentle smile. It took me probably half of an hour and some more to understand that those feelings were not mine. It was like I had been woken up from sleep abruptly. It took everything in me to not pant out loud trying to catch my breath. I was confused. Actually more than that.

My hand shivered with the need of creating fire with my hands. I couldn't. Not in class. So I took out my zippo insted. And it did the work, maybe not as fine as my own flames would have done. Again, in a trance-like state, the fire spoke to me. And it said only one word. Imprint. Over and over again like a broken disk, only stopping when I snapped close the lid of the lighter and successfully extinguishing the flame.

My eyes were wide as coins as I remembered the stories, the myths and legends of our tribe. An imprint was like finding your soulmate. It was an involuntary act made by a shapeshifter towards someone else when they first looked in that person's eyes after phasing. If this was true, and the imprinting was too a real legend, that meant that Sam had not imprinted on Leah. There were only two shifters as of now. Sam and Jared. And one of them had just been imprinted.

I quickly stood up from my desk, taking my things with me in a rush.

"Miss Uley? Where are you going?" The teacher asked confused, his tone steady but his emotions were bleeding with annoyance.

"Bathroom." I said, not even turning to look at him as I exited the room. As soon as I was in the hallway, I sent a message to Amelia. And then another one and another as she didn't answer the first. The door of a classroom two doors down opened and wide eyed Mia walked out with a startled look.

"Who the fuck imprinted?!" She whispered-shouted as soon as she was near me.

"So you know too?" I asked since I had not told her through messages.

"Duh. I felt like I was fucking cube of sugar for the last thirty minutes and then I snapped out and the wind started to whisper, imprint over and over again. Your messages snapped me out of the air trance, actually."

"Do you think it's true?" I asked, kinda dreading her answer. She gave me a deadpanned look, her eyes literally asking me 'Are you stupid?' "If it's true that means that Sam did not imprint on Leah." I sighed out feeling bad for my brother.

"Well he did it now on someone else. Or Jared did." Amelia commented before she grimaced "Let's hope that they will not act like I was feeling because..." She trailed off adding a fake gag.

I grinned at her "When I snapped out of it I felt like I was going to throw up from the sweetness in my blood." I snorted.

We both laughed making our way to our lockers to leave our books before we walked outside the school waiting patiently for the last bell to ring signaling the end of the lessons. We were really curious to see which one of the two had imprinted.

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โ•ฐโ”ˆหš ยท ยฐ .  Sam was the first one to get out of school, his lips were curled in a soft smile as he kissed goodbye to his girlfriend.

"Secret revealed. It's not him." Amelia said as we watched my brother with probably too much focus.

"He is still nauseatingly sweet with her." I added with a cringe.

Sam made his way down towards our truck. He was happy, at least that was what it looked like. Let's hope that the news of the imprinting would not make him feel differently towards his girlfriend.

"Why were you two not in class?" He asked with a stern look.

"Because something happened. Something uh- witchy" Amelia replied, pursing her lips.

"Guys!" Jared said happily as he skipped towards us in the parking lot

"What happened?" Sam asked us, completely ignoring his beta and questioning us with confusion, "And why is that damn kid so happy now?"

"I'm not a kid. I'm literally one year younger than you, Sammy." Jared said with the brightest smile I had seen him do, which I thought was not possible since he was a fucking ray of sunshine almost 24/7.

Hearing the nickname from his beta, Sam glared harshly. "What did you call me?"

Grinning like an idiot, Jared replied "Sam, I called you Sam. Anyway." I thought he couldn't grin any wider but I was proved totally wrong, again. "I met this girl today. She is gorgeous and smart and so sweet. And her laugh.... I think I'm in love with her. Is this how love at first sight feels like?"

"What did you smoke Jared?" Sam asked, confused at the love-sick look on the face of the second-in-command "Did you take something?"

"What? No!" Jared answered firmly still with a bright smile bringing his hands up "I swear."

"He is not high. He imprinted." Amelia explained to Sam who, just like Jared, was still unaware of the situation.

The two shifters widened their eyes, stuttering through a couple of words "Imprinted? How do you know?" Jared said, confused.

"We felt it. We went from our usual self to a chocolate and candy store. It's not something I would like to feel again, thank you very much." I said glaring at the two shifters.

"Are you sure that he imprinted?" Sam asked, his fists clenching at the thought.

My glare faltered and I could help but let a bit of sadness show on my face "Yes, he imprinted, and as the legends says-"

Mia then continued "The shifter imprints when first looking at the other person's eyes after phasing. Meaning..."

"I did not imprint on Leah." Sam finished. Sadness oozed off him so much that it was actually hard for us witches to not winch and take a couple of steps back. But our instinct to comfort the wolf was too strong to do that.

"That does not mean you love her any less, Sam." I said, trying to comfort him. I tried to place a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged me off.

"I need to run, let out some steam." He said not even looking up once from the ground. He passed me, opening the truck door to place his backpack, jacket, phone and wallet onto the seat. He threw me the keys before he quickly jogged away directed towards the woods.

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โ•ฐโ”ˆหš ยท ยฐ .  Amelia, Jared and I found ourselves seated in a boot at The Moonlight Diner cafe. It was the first time for them there, and I was actually happy to share the place, my hidden jem, with someone else. We had ordered a chocolate milkshake for Jared and two vanilla for Mia and I. A cherry pie to share between us girls and a big size of hamburger with fries for the shifter.

"I swear, she is like an angel." Jared said, he was literally seeping happiness and love from every pore.

"Alright Jar, you already said that. Probably five times already." I said, trying not to laugh as I sipped my milkshake.

"What is even her name? We know that she had the most beautiful eyes that remind you of the best chocolate bar you ever ate. Brown hair that is slightly wavy. Her lips look so soft and pink and whenever she looked at you she would blush a rosy shade." Mia said dramatically, repeating the Cameron boy's particular descriptive words about the girl's appearance.

I snorted at my friend's comment adding my own "And she is sweet like the sweetest candy, and she would bite her lips whenever she was focusing on something."

"And let's not forget how even if she would get all flustered, she would stand by her words and opinion and the most important thing, she laughed at all his jokes actually finding them actually funny."

Teasing Jared about his imprint was getting too funny to not laugh. Us witches burst into loud laughs as the shifter grinning at us, not even slightly offended or phased by our teasing.

"Alright, alright. Her name is Kim, well Kimberly Caldwell." Jared told us her name as his eyes took a dreamy look.

I snapped my head towards Mia, her lips already turning into a smirk. I took out my phone from my pocket, switching it on and opening the first social media that I saw. I scooted over more near Mia, so that she could see the screen too.

"What are you two doing?" Jared asked with a slight fear and confusion as his eyes narrowed down on us.

"Searching for the poor soul that is destined to be with you, of course." I said with a scoff as if it wasn't crystal clear.

"Oh for suck sake." Jared groaned, deciding to eat his hamburger opposite to watch us stalker his imprint.

Searching Kim's name, it didn't take much for us to find her page. And it took us just one second to look as we looked through her photos, for Mia and I to recognize the girl. We looked at each other before turning towards Jared.

"What?" he asked, confused, and perhaps a bit of anxiety.

"Is this the girl you imprinted on?" I asked turning the phone towards him

His eyes softened, even if his heartbeat skipped a bit, he was more relaxed the instant as they laid on the profile photo of his imprint. "Yes."

"It's her, Jared." Amelia said, making the boy snap out of his prolonged state of staring at the girl in the photo. "The girl of our vision. The one that we saw when we found out about Paul."

"Are you telling me that-"

"Yes." I said "Kim is the next witch."


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Hello everyone!

Big chapter here!!

We finally have some Paul in this. They are like fire and gasoline. And I already love them.

And the first imprint is here!!! Our Jared imprinted on Kim (His actual canon imprint but I will OCC her) and plus she is our next witch. Earth witch, actually!

One last chapter for this Act, guys!!!

Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter, I'll see you on Thursday!

หš ยท ยฐ . ๐”๐ฉ๐๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฌ๐œ๐ก๐ž๐๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ž . ยฐ ยท หš



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