Chapter 10
Jonathan pulled the car quickly up the driveway of the Byers' house. They all quickly hopped out of their seats and moving to the trunk where they gathered all of their weapons and supplies.
Olivia grabbed her bag full of the three lighters, a pocket knife and two gasoline cans before sauntering torwards the door, the other two following behind her. She swung the front door open before holding it for the two, then walked in after them.
They got to the center of the living room, ackowledging the open space on the ground. Olivia shrugged at her friends before the three of them all threw their stuff down on the floor of the room.
Olivia trailed her eyes around the room, noticing the christmas lights were no longer in tact, unlike before. She stared down at the huge, spilled pile of the small light bulbs on the table, sighing as an idea came to mind. She looked over at Nancy and Jonathan.
"Are we really gonna have to put all of those back up?" She muttered annoyed as she stared up at the light strands.
Nancy let out a sigh. "If we want this to work." With that, the trio began connecting each and every christmas light bulb onto the 'million' strands. Olivia felt her arms burning as they stood straight in the air for such long time as she continued to screw the light bulbs back in. She sighed every once in a while, even thought it was nothing compared to what she has already been through or is going to go through.
Once they had finished, Jonathan moved to the hallway, hammering large nails into the floor, bear traps chained to the nails. Nancy loaded the gun with bullets, while Olivia grabbed the bat that Nancy had brought before and held it down tightly against the table while hammering nails into the wood.
When finished with her task, Nancy poured a line of gasoline down the hallway and into Will's room. Nancy, Jonathan and Liv all helped each other put together the trap. They were all careful as they enabled the trap, fearful of it possibly snapping down on their ankles.
Once the plan had been completed, all was left to do was prepare the bait. Jonathan yanked the kitchen drawer open, then quickly returning with three knives. He looked Nancy and Olivia in the eyes before saying, "Remember..."
"Straight into Will's room. And-"
"Don't step on the trap." Olivia finished.
"Wait for the yo-yo to move."
"Then..." Jonathan held up his lighter before flicking it open and letting the flame fly into the air, signaling the next step. "All right. You ready?" He then closed the lighter before looking at Liv then back at Nancy.
"Ready." Nancy and Olivia both spoke in unison before the three all stuck out their hands, opening their palms.
"Okay, but why the hands?" Olivia looked up, changing the scared emotion in the room as they both sighed.
"Liv. Be quiet." Jonathan muttered before Olivia looked back down with pursed lips. "Right. Sorry." She cleared her throat quietly before bringing the knife to her palm.
"On three. One... two... You don't have to do this-"
"Jonathan. Shut up." Olivia muttered frustratedly.
"I'm just saying you don't have to-"
"Three." Nancy broke the tension as her words caused the two girls to quickly slice at their hands, then Jonathan following shortly after. Olivia winced at the pain as she observed how much blood started pouring from her palm. She was sure it would heal slowly and painfully, and she grew annoyed with herself for doing this.
The three quickly helped bandage eachother's hands, Nancy being the last one. Olivia stood up and stared at the blood stains on the rug, she was positive Mrs. Byers would be furious. The dark-haired girl looked down at her hand, slowly tracing her finger across the gauze, her face forming in slight pain when her finger pressed too hard against the cut.
All of a sudden, the three all turned their heads at the sound of faint creaking coming from outside. "Did you hear that?" Nancy questioned the two.
"Yeah..." Olivia muttered quietly, which Jonathan shortly after tried calming them down. "It's just the wind."
The boy turned back to see Nancy's feared expression. "Don't worry." His words caused Olivia to turn her head in concern, wondering why he was saying that, but when she noticed the light-haired girl's face, the dots connected.
"My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes." Jonathan told them. Liv moved torwards them before sitting on the coffee table across from the two.
"Speak?" Olivia repeated in confusion.
"Blink. Think of them as alarms." Jonathan and Nancy both sighed before the girl continued wrapping Jonathan's hand. Liv sighed before looking away in patience for the lights to start flicker, which they didn't.
"Is that too tight?" Nancy asked Jonathan. When he assured her it wasn't, she finished it off with surgical tape then put his hand down. Jonathan was going to begin talking to the Wheeler girl, but they all quickly turned their heads at the sound of loud banging on the door. Olivia quickly jumped up from her seat on the coffee table before saying, "That's not the wind."
"Jonathan?" Nancy and Olivia gave each other confused glances at the recognition of Olivia's best friend yelling from the other side of the door. "Are you there, man? It's... it's Steve!"
"What the hell.." The dark-haired girl muttered under her breath as she heard continuous pounding on the door.
"Listen, I just want to talk!" Steve continued to bang on the door before Olivia walked around the coffee table and quickly walking torwards the door. She heard Nancy and Jonathan telling her not to open it, but she assured them he wouldn't do anything to her.
She slowly opened the door, soon after Steve's face fell into shock and confusion. She quickly noticed how beat up and bloody her best friend's face was, and her face fell into worry.
"What- what are you doing here?" Was all the boy could ask when he saw Liv standing in front of him.
"Steve, I can't explain that right now, you have to go." She begged for him to leave because she wouldn't forgive herself if he got hurt and she let him stay. She knew it would be her fault and she would always blame herself.
"I'm not trying to start anything, okay? Liv, why are you here? Is he here with you?" Steve continued to spit out a ton of questions regarding his concern for her.
"Steve, you can't stay here." The girl knew she couldn't tell him why she was so urgent on getting him to leave, he wouldn't believe such a thing.
"No, no, no. Listen, I messed up, okay?" His words caused Olivia's facial expression to soften at his words. "I lashed out at you- and, and Jonathan-"
"And Nancy." Olivia stated, slightly angry with him still.
"Yeah, yeah, and Nancy. But mostly, I'm... I'm sorry that I yelled at you, and- and said that I couldn't trust you anymore. That was a lie and I was stupid- I was stupid and didn't mean that. I messed up. Liv. I messed up." She felt tears prickling the back of her eyes just at his words. God. She hated how quick she could forgive him just because she loved him.
"Steve... I appreciate that but you have to leave! Now." She wanted to forgive him. She wanted to hug him tightly and tell him she wasn't mad at him but it was too much of a risk right now. "Please."
"Liv, I'm trying to make things right. Why- do you even care?" Steve's face fell in hurt, wondering if she even cared about anything he was saying. He wanted to say that he loved her and wanted to be with her and him lashing out made him realize that loosing her was the worst mistake he ever made, but knowing where they were and who else could be in the house, he kept his thoughts quiet.
"Yes, yeah, of course I care. But it's really not a good time. Please, Steve." Her brows were upside down as she watched his eyes trail around her facial features, then slowly at her hand.
"Hey, what happened?" He slowly reached for her hand, but she quickly pulled it away before saying,
"Nothing. It was an accident." She stared into his eyes, hoping with everything that her best friend believed her, but that wasn't the case.
"What happened? Liv, tell me what's going on?" He questioned urgently, but before she could answer, he was pushing past her gently, questioning if Jonathan had did it to her.
His face quickly fell for what felt like the 20th time as his eyes locked onto Jonathan, and Nancy. He slowly looked around at all of the christmas lights and the bat with nails that Olivia put together. Nancy and Jonathan jumped up from the couch, looking at him in shock.
"What... What is all of this?" He stuttered.
"Steve, you have to get out of here, it's not safe." Olivia pleaded, but her best friend continued to stare at her and the house in worry. He spotted the trap in the hallway, making him even more confused.
"By the looks of it, you aren't safe either." Steve continued to look around with complete terror.
"You need to get out of here." Jonathan jumped forward, pushing Steve back but the taller boy shoved him back before regaining his stance.
"Whoa. What is all-"
"Listen to me." Jonathan interrupted him. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, get out of here!" Jonathan this time raised his voice, but Steve could care less about the Byers boy in that moment.
"What is that smell?" Steve questioned uncontrollably, the smell of gasoline obviously roaming the air. "Is that... is that gasoline?"
"Steve, get out!" All of the sudden, Nancy raised her arm, the gun in her hand and pointed right at Steve. Liv's eyes widened before yelling torwards Nancy.
"Nancy! Are you crazy?!" However, the girl wasn't listening. Instead, she continued to yell at Steve to leave, which only scared him more.
"Wait. What? What is going on?" Steve's voice was stammering shakily as he held his arms out in defense, watching at the gun barrel was pointed right at him.
"You have five seconds to get out of here." Nancy insisted.
"Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down." Steve begged, his arms still raised in the air out in front of him.
"I'm doing this for you." Her expression softened but Olivia could tell that the light-haired girl was still visibly angry with her boyfriend.
"Nancy, stop-"
"Shut up, Liv! Steve, you have to leave!" Before Olivia could bargain with Nancy, she silenced her, the gun still pointed at Steve. The sight of it made Olivia's blood boil and her heart beat to increase by thousands.
"Wait. Is this a... What is this?" Steve stuttered quickly.
"Nancy." Jonathan tried to stop the angry girl when he noticed the lights flickering behind her. The dark-haired girl quickly noticed it too, causing her to also yell at Nancy.
"Three. Two."
"No, no, no! No, no!" Steve quickly spat out repeatedly, backing up in fear.
"Nancy!" Olivia shouted her name, causing the girl to look away from Steve, causing the scared boy's heart to calm down, and Olivia's too. "The lights."
The light-haired girl quickly spun around, her mouth opening wide at the sight of the lights flashing over and over.
"It's here." Jonathan grabbed Nancy from behind, pulling her back.
"Wait, what's here?" Steve's words caused Olivia to turn her head, her eye's meeting his. They stared at each other in the eyes for a few seconds before Olivia quickly turned her focus back to the lights.
"Where is it?" Nancy spun around quickly, looking around the room at the lights.
"Where is what? Whoa!" Steve shouted at the sight of Olivia grabbing onto the bat with nails, swinging it over her shoulder quickly and putting her back against Nancy's and Jonathan.
"Easy with that!" Steve held his hands out once more, but somehow knew that Olivia wouldn't do anything to him except scold him if she needed to. "Steve, it's too much to explain right now! Please go!" Olivia tried reasoning with him but he couldn't stop looking at them in fear and shouting like he was going crazy.
"Where is it?" Olivia questioned shakily.
"I don't know." Jonathan stated. "I don't see it."
"Where is what?" Steve asked with scared eyes. "Hello? Will someone please explain to me with the hell is going-" Steve began yelling at them, but before he could finish rambling, they all turned to see the ceiling caving in, and the monster screeching through the hole in the ceiling.
"What the hell?!" Olivia back up quickly next to Steve, their hands barely touching as Nancy began shooting at it uncontrollably. Olivia squeezed the bat in her hands, turning her knuckles white.
"No!" Jonathan grabbed Nancy by the waist, pulling her before she began running with him. "Go! Go! Run! Go!" His words caused Olivia to grab Steve's hand and quickly pull him into the hallway and torwards Will's room, the other two following shortly behind.
The dark-haired girl looked over her shoulder to see the monster fall onto the living room floor, giving her instinct to run faster.
Steve continued to scream, "Oh, my God!" continuously as Jonathan, Nancy and Olivia ran in front of him. Liv's hand was still tightly laced with Steve's as she warned him to jump over the trap. They had then quickly rounded the corner into Will's room, Olivia slamming the door behind her.
The dark-haired girl quickly stopped running, her hands placed on her knees as her panting slowed down. She watched Steve pace around the room as he yelled, "Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that?"
She stood straight after catching her breath, the bat with nails still tightly in her hands.
As Steve continued to ask them what the thing was, they three all turned to him before shouting. "Shut up!" They all yelled in unison. They all then turned when they head the monster screeching, Olivia standing in front of Steve holding the bat with nails, Nancy holding the gun out in front of her and Jonathan holding the lighter.
Olivia began panting, her heart practically in her stomach. She knew that she was terrified after almost being killed by it in the place Mike called the Upside Down, so she knew how to fight it, but she couldn't help but think it would happen again.
"What's it doing?" Nancy questioned.
"I don't know." Jonathan muttered shakily. After a while, they heard the electricity jolt, Olivia slowly putting the bat down.
"Do you hear anything?" Nancy questioned.
"No." Olivia and Jonathan said in unsion before Jonathan flicked the lighter closed. Olivia slowly began walking torwards the door, ignoring everyone pleading her to stay.
"Liv, you aren't seriously going out there." Steve tilted his head.
"It's okay. Stay here." She whispered to Steve, who quickly trusted her as he nodded. With that, Olivia started reaching for the door handle, slowly pulling the door open. She felt her heart rate speed up as she walked out into the hallway, seeing nothing but the trap in the hallway.
When she gave them a small nod, they all walked out to her, Steve going first since he was so worried. Olivia stood in front of all of them as they gave each other looks of confusion.
Julia then began walking in front of the group, holding the bat out as she stepped over the trap. She walked into the living room, not even noticing how fast her heart was beating.
The dark-haired girl looked up at the hole in the ceiling, not understanding anything she had just seen.
She turned around to Steve talking to himself, shaking her head with a small smile. She didn't know how she could be smiling in a time like this, but she couldn't help it.
When he reached for the phone, however, Nancy jumped forward as he began yelling, throwing the phone to the ground as he questioned her. "Are you insane?" Steve shouted.
"It's going to come back! So you need to leave. Right now." Nancy demanded, watching as Steve's face fell.
Steve looked around before his eyes fell to Olivia, who nodded at him in agreement with Nancy. She could tell he wanted to run like hell, but he didn't want to leave them to fight alone. Suddenly, he ran out of the door, Olivia sighing in relief.
The three all looked up as the electricity began pulsing, flashing in and out repeatedly. Olivia sighed to herself. "Here we go again." She muttered under her breath before holding the bat up.
"Where is it?" Nancy stressed as the three kept turning around looking for the monster, this time more prepared.
"Come on. Come on, you son of a bitch."Jonathan muttered. "You see it?"
"No. Where-"
"Come on." Jonathan muttered eagerly.
"Where the hell is it?!" Olivia raised her voice, getting sick of the games at this point, wanting to kill this monster and be over with all of the horror.
"Where are you? Come on!" Jonathan shouted, and suddenly the lights turned off, leaving the three in the darkness, Olivia whimpering in fear. Nancy turned around when she heard low screeching, Olivia turning too. Their eyes immediatly widened as they both shouted. "Jonathan!"
Jonathan yelled as the monster tackled him to the ground, dropping a ton of slobber and liquids onto Jonathan's face, Olivia panting heavily.
Without waiting, Olivia immediatly lifted the bat, slamming it down on the monsters back. It turned around at her, just in time for her to hit it another time before it then threw her to the ground, her head hitting against the wall. Nancy began shooting at it while the monster seemed to ignore her, walking straight for Olivia. She began breathing heavily as she slowly stood up, clutching the side of her head, which was now bleeding down her forehead. She thought she would be prepared for it to be face-to-face with her again, but she wasn't.
Nancy then eventually ran out of bullets, cursing under her breath as she panted, now knowing what to do when she saw it getting closer to Olivia, who had tears in her eyes.
Suddenly, someone jumped in front of Julia, grunting as he smacked the monster in the chest with the same bat Olivia had been using.
"Steve!" Nancy called out, Olivia looking over at Steve who was directing the monster into the hallway. He twirled the bat in his hand before hitting the monster one last time until it fell into the trap, Olivia regaining her balance and walking over to Steve and Nancy.
"He's stuck!" Steve yelled.
"Jonathan, now!" Nancy shouted to the boy who was getting off of the floor. Jonathan lit the lighter before throwing it into the line of gasoline, it quickly catching fire and spreading to the trap where the monster was held. Everyone covered their faces as Olivia hunched over, covering her face with her arm.
After it continued to burn, Jonathan ran to the fire extinguisher, pointing at the fire. The room filled with smoke as Olivia began coughing, waving her arm around to try and clear the air, which did barely anything.
Once the room had cleared of smoke, they all walked up to the trap, only seeing slime and burnt flesh on the trap. "It has to be dead. It has to be." Olivia muttered as she panted, leaning on the wall.
Slowly, the lights began trickling, except not all at once, this time in a line. Olivia sighed, shaking her head as she held the side of her head which was now bleeding and had a cut on her forehead, which had a slow blood flow.
"God dammit." She muttered, knowing it wasn't over.
They began following the trail of lights, Olivia next to Steve while Jonathan and Nancy were behind them. They ended up near the door. "Is it still alive?" Olivia muttered.
"Mom." Jonathan murmured.
They all walked outside, their faces falling at the sight of the street light flickering. "Where's it going?" Nancy questioned.
"I don't think that's the monster." Jonathan said with tears in his eyes.
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