twenty three

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Weaving around the trees in the forest made Aleta feel content. This was the best she had felt within the past few days, despite everything that had happened. She smiled as she took in her surroundings, a knife tightly clutched in her hand. Though, she knew that she would have to get close enough to an attacker in order to use it. She didn't know how to throw a knife that would cause damage to the attacker. Either way, she hoped that she wouldn't have to use it.

Some of the delinquents were scouring the forest to make sure that there were no grounders. Why? Aleta wasn't sure. But Bellamy wanted to take precautions. Elijah opted to stay back at camp. Aleta would've stayed with him but she wanted to be able to explore Earth a bit more, seeing as she never really got the chance.

So, Aleta walked alone down a narrow path, her eyes moving in every direction. She kept a close eye on her surroundings, looking for anything suspicious whilst taking in the beauty around her. She could feel eyes on her as she brushed her fingers against a tree. She knew it was either Bellamy or Clarke, maybe even both.

The two were walking together, talking about who knows what. In this moment, Aleta wished that Elijah, or even Raven, had come with her. They would have been able to distract her from the impending thoughts that were beginning to surface. Her mind wandered to her parents. To Sarai and Freya. To Abby. To everyone on the Ark. That was, if there was even anyone left.

She knew that she shouldn't think about it. That thinking about it would cause her to break down. But, she couldn't help it. All thoughts of her parents somehow not being on the Exodus ship were gone. She knew that it was implausible. Her parents are on the council, of course they would be on that ship. Well, at least they were on the council. And Freya and Sarai, they were probably dead as well.

It would've been a horrible death too. Suffocation. She couldn't imagine what it was like. And she didn't want to. Something cold brushed against Aleta's hand and startled her out of her thoughts. Her eyes swept beside her to see Bellamy, his eyes filled with some sort of emotion. "Yes?" She inquired.

"We're uh, heading back to camp," he replied. She nodded and looked him over, realizing that his gun was what touched her hand. "Okay," she turned and began walking back in the direction that they had come from, Bellamy on her heels. "Have you talked to Clarke?" He asked in an attempt to make conversation with the girl. "No, why?" She responded, not sparing him a glance.

"I don't know. I was just wondering," he muttered. She stopped to look at him. He stopped as well. "Did she say something?" Aleta asked. "Like what?" Bellamy asked back. "I don't know, Bellamy. You're the one who was talking to her," she said, continuing to walk back to camp. "She didn't say anything," he assured. The two walked in silence, Aleta growing uncomfortable in it.

"Did you need something?" She asked next. He shook his head, causing a few curls to fall in his eyes. "I was just trying to keep you company," he said. Upon noticing the look on her face he quickly added, "I can walk somewhere else if you want." Aleta shook her head, "No, it's fine." Bellamy nodded, containing a grin.

By the time the two got back to camp, the campers were all awake and doing something. Aleta departed from Bellamy and walked over to a tent that she knew Raven would be in. She pulled back the flap and peered inside. As she entered the tent, she saw the brunette sitting at a table. "Making more bullets again?" Aleta questioned her friend, moving to stand next to her.

"You know it," Raven muttered. Aleta could see the sad and distant look in her friend's eyes, which caused her to sigh. "You know, moping around isn't gonna change anything, Raven," Aleta pointed out. "In fact, it'll just make you feel worse." Raven rolled her eyes. "What're you, my therapist now?" She questioned.

"I'm your friend who understands what you're going through. Break up wise not the whole boyfriend falling for another girl thing," Aleta said. Raven's angry stare caused Aleta to shift uncomfortably on her feet. "I know that things suck right now but it'll get better eventually," Aleta tried.

"Are things better for you?" Raven questioned, though she already knew the answer. "As a matter of fact, they are," she replied. Raven's eyes narrowed at the lie. "You already know the answer, why are you asking me then?" Aleta asked in annoyance. "To see if you would lie. Which you did," Raven replied with a small smirk.

"I did say eventually. Not right away," Aleta said with a frown. "Well, eventually needs to come sooner," Raven muttered. The two were immersed in silence and Raven placed the things she was holding onto the makeshift table. "I know now probably isn't the best time," she began, and Aleta looked over at her. "But I wanted to talk to you about something."

Aleta furrowed her eyebrows and nodded slowly. "Okay." Raven took a breath, eyes boring into Aleta's. "It's about what you told me on Unity Day. When you were drunk." Aleta's confusion continued and she wracked her brain to try to remember what Raven was talking about. "What did I tell you?" She finally asked. Raven took another breath. "You told me that you used to have a crush on me," she admitted.

Aleta's eyes widened for a moment before returning to their normal size. "Oh," she murmured before leaning against the table. "I didn't mean to tell you that," she informed. "I figured. Because in the middle of telling me you forgot that I was me and told me 'not to tell Raven,'" the brunette replied and Aleta rolled her eyes at herself. "You see, this is why I don't like to drink." The tent grew quiet.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to like, make you uncomfortable or anything. It was a small crush and it was a long time ago. And when you started liking Finn, I got over it. You're my best friend, Raven. And I don't want anything more than that, okay?" Aleta said. Raven rolled her eyes, a smile coming onto her face.

"You're my best friend too. And I wasn't uncomfortable. A little surprised, but not uncomfortable," Raven said and Aleta sighed. "But I must admit, I am a little flattered," the brunette continued cockily, causing Aleta to roll her eyes. "I mean, the Aleta Correia having a crush on little ole me, I can't believe it," she joked. Aleta pushed her shoulder whilst Raven laughed. "You're so annoying," Aleta groaned. Raven merely laughed harder and Aleta cracked a smile.

"So, are we good? Still best friends?" Aleta questioned after a moment. Raven rolled her eyes. "Always," she replied in a duh tone and Aleta's smile widened.

The flap on the tent's entrance pulled back and Octavia stuck her head in. She beamed at the two and then looked at Aleta. "Hey, Ali. You think you could help out in the smoke house? I'm feeling a little swamped," Octavia said.

Aleta looked to Raven who was now back to working on her bullets before tuning back to Octavia. "Yeah, sure," she replied. Octavia stuck her head back out as Aleta approached the exit. "See you later, Birdy," she said over her shoulder. Raven, whose attention was solely back on making the bullets, didn't look at Aleta as she sent her a wave and a quick, "Bye." Aleta walked behind Octavia who led the two toward the smokehouse.

When they entered, Octavia began giving Aleta instructions. Aleta nodded along to Octavia's words and glanced at the fire. "Isn't that fire a bit too much?" She questioned. Octavia looked over at it and sighed. "Yeah. I told Del it was too much but the idiot didn't listen. Can you go wet some leaves to knock it down?" Octavia said. "Aye, aye, captain," Aleta replied with a mock salute.

She exited the smokehouse and began doing what Octavia requested. When she arrived back to the smokehouse, wet leaves in hand, she made her way over to the fire. But before she knew it, flames had leapt out of the fire and were engulfing the wood of the smokehouse. Aleta attempted to use the leaves to put it out but it was no use.

The flames spread all throughout the smokehouse and she could hear the distant shouts of panic. Octavia latched onto Aleta's arm as the older girl attempted to save some of the food. Smoke quickly began to fill their lungs. "Come on," Octavia urged. Aleta coughed as she and Octavia quickly rushed out of the smokehouse. Bellamy was immediately at Octavia's side as soon as the two were out.

Octavia released Aleta's arm and the brunette stumbled away from the burning smokehouse. Her coughs filled the air but were drowned out by the crackling of the flames and the uproar of the campers. Hands grabbed either side of her face and raised it so that she can see who it was. Elijah's eyes were filled with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked before pulling her even further away from the smokehouse.

Unable to respond, Aleta just coughed some more before giving him a thumbs up. Clarke was the next one at Aleta's side and grabbed onto her face, looking her over. Concern was in the blonde's eyes as well. "I'm fine, Clarke," Aleta assured, her voice cracking. "You sure?" She asked, her hands not leaving the older girl's face. "Yeah," Aleta mumbled.

Clarke nodded and released her friend's face, taking a hesitant step back and beginning to survey the scene. Raven approached the trio next and wrapped an arm around Aleta's lower back. "You okay?" She asked. "Yes," Aleta repeated again. Raven continued to look at her in concern whilst Aleta's eyes moved over to Octavia, who's coughing on the ground.

Bellamy looked up from his sister and to Aleta who nodded, answering his unasked question. He nodded back before looking back at his sister. "This is all your fault. We told you that it was too much wood," John said, standing up from the ground and walking over to another boy. He must be Del. "Get the hell away from me," Del said right before John sent a punch to his face. Bellamy immediately went to go break up their fight.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, stop! Save it for the grounders," Bellamy said. "Well, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food," Octavia informed. Everyone looked at the burning smokehouse.


By the time they were able to put out the fire, the entire smokehouse was burned to the ground. All of the meat in it was ash and once again, they were screwed. Clarke had the idea that they go hunt for more food, seeing as what they had wouldn't last them very long.

So, Aleta once again found herself in the dropship. Bellamy was barking out orders to everyone, informing them on how this was going to happen. Aleta made her way over to Clarke who walked over to the where the spears were. "Hey, you going hunting with Finn?" She questioned. Clarke looked over at her with raised eyebrows.

"No. I'm going with him," Clarke replied, turning to point at the a younger boy behind them. He waved at the two and Aleta sent him a smile. "You wanna join us?" Clarke asked hopefully. Aleta was about to respond when Finn walked over to them. "You ready to go," he asked. Aleta rolled her eyes whilst Clarke scoffed. "I don't think so," the blonde replied.

"Come on. I'm a good tracker. You're lousy with a spear, but you're sneaky. We make a good team," Finn said. Aleta rolled her eyes again as the younger boy walked over to the trio. "Hey, partner, we're wasting daylight. Oh, Finn, you're joining the band?" He said. "Sure," Finn replied. The boy then turned to Aleta. "What about you, Aleta?" He asked. Aleta thought it over for a moment.

"Sure, why not?" She said. Clarke smiled slightly as the boy beamed. "Great!" He exclaimed. "I'm Myles by the way," he said and Aleta nodded again. "All right, let's go," Clarke said. Aleta grabbed a spear and followed the group out of the dropship. "Haven't really got a chance to hang with you guys much. Hey, do you even know how I got arrested on the Ark?" Myles began. "I'm dying to hear about it," Finn muttered sarcastically.

The four walked out of camp. Finn began doing his tracking thing and the other three followed after him. Myles clutched his gun close to his chest. "One of those scaly panther things?" Myles questioned Finn who was squatting on the ground and examining it. "Boar," Finn replied. He stood up and began walking, the three following after him.

"Good, because that panther meat is nasty, but I could eat a whole boar by myself, no joke," Myles said. "You know what the best part is of the boar? It's gonna sound gross—" Clarke cut him off. "Myles, quiet for a second," she said before crouching down next to Finn. "You're interested in my story, right?" Myles whispered to Aleta.

"Not really. Sorry," she replied, awkwardly patting his shoulder. She went to where Clarke and Finn were crouched and sunk down to their level. "These tracks..." Finn trailed off. Aleta observed the print in the dirt more thoroughly. "They're perfect," Clarke realized. "Too perfect," Finn replied. Aleta's face scrunched in confusion.

"We're the ones being hunted," Finn muttered in realization. "Fucking great," Aleta mumbled. "All right, back to camp," she said loud enough for them to hear. Myles stood up and pointed his gun in a direction before looking through the scope. "I don't see anything," he said. Aleta heard a noise before an arrow whizzed by her head and into Myles' leg. Aleta stumbled back and landed on her butt as Myles let out a cry of surprise and pain. Before anyone else can react, another arrow lodged itself into Myles' shoulder and he fell to the ground.

"Myles!" Clarke exclaimed. The three began to look around the forest as Myles coughed. "Guys, come on. We gotta leave him," Finn said after standing up. "What? No!" Aleta protested. Clarke moved to follow Finn but was knocked to the ground when a grounder came out from behind a tree and hit her across the face.

Aleta's eyes widened in shock. "Clarke," Finn said as he turned to her. The same grounder hit him across the face and he fell to the ground. The grounder then turned to Aleta who clutched the spear in her hand tightly. As the grounder approached her she quickly turned the spear around and hit him across the face. The spear broke in half as the grounder stumbled slightly.

She turned around too late as there was another grounder who smashed his weapon into the side of her head as she faced him. Aleta crumbled to the ground, her vision blurring. She closed her eyes and held her breath. She could hear a crunch as footsteps came near her body.

Air blew into her face but she didn't move. She felt a foot jolt her body. "Em stedaun," she heard a male voice say. "Ban em op," a female voice replied. "Em laik Natblida," the male voice spoke up again, surprised. "Nou na kom au. Du laik Skaikru," the woman replied. "Chek au—" But he was interrupted. "Noumou. Em stedaun, ban em op," the woman repeated.

Aleta could hear the grounders moving away from her and she breathed as quietly as possible. It wasn't long until she passed out.



Em stedaun. She is dead.

Ban em op. Leave her.

Em laik Natblida. She is a Nightblood.

Nou na kom au. Du laik Skaikru. Not possible. She is of the Sky People.

Chek au. Look.

Noumou. Em stedaun, ban em op. Enough. She is dead, leave her.


Hello everybody! How're you guys doing? I finally updated this book. Woo hoo! I'm almost done writing season one too so things she be getting good. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Have you guys seen the season 5 premiere yet? It was so good! Until the last 5 minutes or so. Anyway, don't leave any spoilers in the comments and I hope you have a good day.

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