πŸ₯𝟒,𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐚 𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐒𝐜𝐞

ΰΌ„ "NOW that is what I mean!" Thomas clapped in his hands when Minho voluntarily wrapped an arm around Sam, after practice, and the hugs she got because apparently they had missed her a lot.

Minho cocked his head to the left. "What?"

"You're finally appreciating your girlfriend!" Frypan gave Thomas an unnecessary high-five. "Like, it took you six months."

Six months. She'd met him six months ago. February would hit in two days. They'd survive six months of fake dating, and were now really dating.

"Before you go speak about my way of treating my love, know that I also heard your groans and whimpers while we were gaming last night, Thomas."

The boy's face turned bright red. "I told Newt not to! Could I help it? No! Blame him."

Sam chuckled. "You could've said you had to go."

"Wellβ€”" Thomas's mouth stayed open to say more, but he seemed speechless and then pulled a face. "I could've, but I didn't."

Minho laughed too, and butterflies rolled inside Sam's body. Those dimples, and the rough but cute sound of his laugh, and how his eyes squinted...

"Can we just go?" Impatient, Gally slapped Thomas on the back of his head. "We're going to your house, remember?"






Newt and Frypan watched their friends somewhat pull each other's hair out, calm compared to the rest.



Newt shared a glance with Fry. "Let's just quit playing Monopoly andβ€”"

"Give. Me. My. Money. Minho!" Sam elbowed him in his side as Thomas was about to jump on top of Gally, who was also angry at Alby for stealing his money.

Newt palmed his face. "Minho, give Sam her money. Alby, pay Gally. You landed on his hotel. And Gally, Thomas doesn't belong in jail. Thomas, you do have to pay me and Fry off."

"I'm done!" Dramatically, Thomas threw his money on the table.

Just don't play Monopoly with anyone at all.

Sam threw her head back, frustrated. "Me too."

Thomas pulled her up. "We're gonna go upstairs. See ya."

They walked out of the basement before Minho and Newt finished protesting about their partners leaving, and disappeared into Thomas's room.

"Now here..." He grabbed a box. "I stole this from Newt."

Instead of looking at that, Sam inspected his room. The dark blue walls, millions of posters, and clothes on the floor. "How much of the stuff in your room is Newt's?"

"Like half of it."

She shook her head, chuckling. "You're obsessed."

"Of course I am!" Thomas rolled on his bed. "He's awesome, you know? A very good kisser."

"Am I gonna get details?"

"If you want 'em." His cheeks caught a blush. "But I might need some updates on your relationship with Minho first. Give me the tea, girl!" He patted on his bed, signing her to sit down, which she did.

"Well... Minho and Iβ€”" She stopped. Hummed. "We haven't exactly... had our moment yet? I don't know!"

"Not even close?"

Embarrassed, she shrugged. "We've shared some kisses, if that's what you mean."

"What kind of kisses?" He urged. Sam pulled a face. "What? If you want my details, I want yours!"

"Just... a kiss." Her face turned bright red. "Like four of them."

"Four." Thomas counted whatever on his fingers. "Four kisses in six months of dating."

She couldn't hide it any longer. "Wellinthosesixmonthswekindoffakedated."

He was silenced. Then yelped. "Fake dated?! Oh my god!"

Sam groaned. "Look. I was supposed to get a forced wedding at the end of the year, but Minho suggest fake dating to stop it. And it worked! But now, we're really dating. Since yesterday."

"So that's why he's suddenly clingy!"

She smiled to herself. "Yeah. The rest was fake. But don't tell anyone, please! Not even Newt! You weren't supposed to know in the first place."

He hooked his pink with hers. "Promised. But wow, fake dating?"

"Yup. But my mother doesn't like Minho. She didn't want me to hang out with him, so this whole month, she kept me away from him after Jeff spilled something about how you guys thought Minho and I... did the... deed... you know, and thought I'd get pregnant while it was all fake!"

"Damn." Thomas sighed for a long time, his eyebrows furrowing. "How old was the man you were getting a forced wedding with?"

"I'm not sure. At least twenty years older."

He gasped. "She doesn't allow you to date a guy your age but wants you to marry a forty year old one? What the hell!"

Sam shrugged. "Yeah, well... I don't know. She wanted to expand the family and have someone to protect me."

"Expand as in...?" He asked, but Sam frowned, not understanding. "Expand as in, you have a husband so there's more family members, or expand as in... you know?"

Her face paled so fast she felt like throwing up. "No, noβ€” she's awful but she can't be that awful, right? She wouldn'tβ€” my mother wouldn't force me to do that with an old man. She even got angry when she thought Minho and I were doing things!"

Thomas rubbed his chin. "I don't know. It would be awful if she planned it so that man could be the pervert he is. But I'm glad you won't have to get married now."

"Yeah, me too." She gave him a light smile. "So... details on you and Newt?"

His face gained more color, especially red, again. "Uhβ€” I mean... what do you want to know?"

"Whatever you're comfortable telling," she encouraged, chuckling.

"Well, he always asks consent. Like, literally always. Can I take your shirt off? Can I kiss you? Can I do this? Can I do that?" He gave the examples in an accent that made Sam laugh. "And I always agree. So we've... had our moments. Which I refuse to share! My golden memories for real."

"Like the ones from Inside Out?"

"Boom!" Thomas confirmed it with a clap of his hands. "And we've kissed a lot of times. It'll be amazing once Minho takes some action, trust me."

She blushed. "I'm reading the most unholy things, but I feel like I'll be scared when things like that happen to me in real life."

"I've known Minho my whole life. He'll ask, and be careful, and stop the second you tell him to."

She couldn't help but laugh. "How do you know? Have you experienced it?"

"Nope. But ya know, I can tell by the way he treats you. Even when you were fake dating," he promised. "So he'll accept any of your choices, and won't rush at all. As long as you use your words too. A clap on his shoulder won't be enough to say you don't want to kiss or whatever."

"Yeah, I know." The two lay on their sides by now, facing each other with a few feet between them. She smiled. "Thanks, Thomas. Good advice you got there."

"Always listen to Papa T."


"And I should totally audition for Sex Education."

She bursted out laughing again. "Yeah, maybe."

"Also, we should totally have a sleepover next weekend. Not just us two, of course. Literally everyone."

"Oh, yes!" Sam nodded happily. "Good idea."

In the few seconds of silence, there was a knock on the door.


The two shared a glance.
Sam raised her eyebrows: are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Thomas nodded: I'm thinking what you're thinking.

He started moving on the bed, causing screeching sounds, with a big grin on his face.

Sam had to hold her laugh.
"Ohβ€” " she pretended to whimper, "Oh, fuck- Thomas~"

"F-faster, Sam." He let out an unnecessary deep groan. "Please, ohβ€”"

He moved faster. Luckily, that covered up her laughs before both Minho and Newt bursted into the room.

They froze.

"Seriously?" Newt asked, as dry as possible.

Minho pulled a face. "Not funny."

"What? Did you seriously think we'd cheat?" Offended, the two gasped, then laughed loudly again.

Minho sat down next to Sam with a roll of his eyes. "I don't even want to touch these sheets, knowing Newt and Thomas must'veβ€”"

Sam patted him on the leg. "Calm, calm, Minho! Don't get jealous just yet."

His frown deepened, and it nearly made her melt. "I never said I was jealous."

"I know. I'm just teasing."

"Mhm," he hummed, wrapping his arm around her. "What do you say? On Friday, a movie night? Just the two of us."

She raised her eyebrows. "At home or cinema?"

"Cinema," he confirmed. "You in?"

"Of course." A smile printed on her lips.

Newt crossed his arms. "Make sure to watch the movie. Not other crap."

"Sure, sure, Mama Newt," Minho mocked.


A/n: I hope you enjoyed!!

(Not me planning in a movie night but actually having no idea how that could go.

Just... talking? Making out during the movie is basic, tbh. Ideas?)

Have a good day/night!! β™‘οΈŽ

- Vera

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