𝟎𝟖: 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐭
Peyton Ellis
Yes, I'm going to therapy.
Who cares?
Mood = Annoyed 😤
It was not a good day. It was the three year anniversary of getting taken out of the hell that he grew up in.
It took Damian mentioning it that made Peyton want to scream to start his day, because Peyton now knew why roosters screamed to start their day.
So, the day was going to be sluggish. He just wanted to crawl back into bed and go to sleep. Beck and Jade noticed the mood that he was in and avoided asking questions.
At lunch, at least things seemed to be just fine, sort of, until Cat came over and set some machine down in the middle of the table.
And Peyton looked at the machine and went back to eating the sandwich his dad packed for him. He just wanted this day to be over with.
Sure it was a day to celebrate being taken out of the hell he and Damian were in, but for whatever reason he couldn't explain, he sank into a depression. His therapist suggested that it was because he was taken out of the only life he ever knew and placed into a wholly different life. Peyton doubted that.
Cat, confused by the lack of reactions, asked, "Don't you guys want to know what that is?"
Jade asked, "Is it a transporter from the future that can beam you to another table, 'cause if it is, what button do I press?"
"That's so hurtful," Cat told her and sat down.
"You know, you don't always have to be mean to everyone," Tori pointed out.
"See Tori's interested in my device," Cat said.
"I'm really not," Tori replied.
André put one arm around Cat, "Aww, come on Little Red. Tell us about your doohickey." He removed his arm from Cat's shoulders.
Cat smiled, "Okay. It's called The SnowBee. Watch." She pressed a button on the machine and fake snow started coming out from the top of the machine.
Cat was giggling as fake snow covered everyone at the table, until Jade got up and pressed a button to make it stop.
"It makes pretend snow," Cat said with a laugh and picked up her machine.
"I see that," André said.
Beck blew fake snow off his food. "It's all over my tostada."
"And my pizza," Tori said, holding her ruined slice of pizza.
"And I'm covered in toxic fake snow," Peyton said. He knew that because his mom ordered a machine like that and let him and Damian eat the fake snow, then rushed them to the hospital because she was a terrible mother and didn't want her punching bags to die.
Jade asked, "Toxic?"
"Yeah, it says it can cause abdominal bleeding," Cat said.
Everyone else dropped them food and pushed their containers to the middle of the table.
Tori asked, "So, what made you buy a machine that poisons people's lunches?"
Cat took out a catalog from the Sky Store, "This catalog."
Beck asked, "Sky Store?"
"Yeah, my mom bought a curling iron off that catalog," Peyton said, rather crankily. His mom then proceeded to use the curling iron to burn him and Damian with it when she realized how hot the damn thing got. He wiped fake snow off of him.
"I went to visit my uncle and uncle this weekend in San Francisco and they had these on the plane," Cat replied. She opened the catalog. "It's like, filled with all kinds of cool stuff you can find." She gasped, "Like this – a tree face." She showed them, "You can put it on your tree to give it a face."
Tori asked, "What if you don't have a tree?"
"It also works on bushes," Cat said excitedly.
"Unbelievable!" exclaimed Robbie as he came over to their table. "You guys have no idea how upset I am about—" He looked at the fake snow. "It snowed? In Los Angeles?"
"I told you global warming was bogus," Rex said.
"Stop watching Fox News," Robbie told his puppet.
"No," Rex said. "It's fair and balanced."
"Its fake snow," Peyton told him.
"But you can eat it," Jade said holding out a spoonful of fake snow.
"I don't wanna eat anything," Robbie said, sitting down.
"This time," Beck added, annoyed.
"The seniors, the ones who run the Slap," Robbie started.
"Dot com?" added Cat.
"No, dot gov, yes dot com," Robbie said. "They want to cancel my blog."
"Why?" asked Jade. She snapped her fingers, "Oh, wait, I don't care."
"Why?" asked Tori.
"'Cause it's boring," Rex said. "Ha!"
Robbie said, "It is not bore – do you guys think that my blog on The Slap is boring?"
"I use it to fall asleep," Peyton said.
"Hey, look, Damian's over there," Beck said with false enthusiasm.
"It is Damian," Cat said with false enthusiasm.
Peyton looked to see that it was just his brother, talking to Ashley and Kyle. Ashley was wearing a miniskirt that showed a lot of leg and holding a video camera. Damian got his backpack and they were moving like they were leaving.
André called out with equal false enthusiasm, "Wait up, Damian!"
André, Cat, Beck, and Jade took off.
"They're not going after Damian," Peyton told Robbie.
Peyton grabbed his backpack and followed after.
Unlike the others, he went to Damian.
"That looks like the fake snow that our mom tricked us into eating that actually put us in the hospital," Damian said.
Kyle and Ashley actually knew about the abuse and they were very supportive, because it was horrific.
Peyton just found it hard to even tell anyone what happened.
Damian ended up showing Peyton a video that Robbie uploaded of Tori squeezing a pimple. Peyton was disgusted and didn't get why Robbie thought that was news or why Robbie humiliated his friend like that.
He honestly felt a little bad for Tori and considered telling Tori about that. So he got up and went to the front of the school, but Tori ended up chasing Robbie down.
Well, it looked like he wasn't needed.
They ended up gathering in the Black Box Theatre to watch Robbie's The Slap video.
"Welcome to Robarazzi, starring Robbie Shapiro. Robarazzi up to the minute, tasty gossip about the students at Hollywood Arts, Robarazzi, starring Robbie Shapiro."
"Oh my god," Tori said.
In the video, Robbie continued, "Coming up on Robarazzi, Tori Vega's pimple: shrinking or growing?" There was a close up of Tori's face.
Beck reached out toward Tori's face and Tori slapped his hand, "Don't touch it."
Peyton was amused by that.
Robbie continued, "Also, does André Harris have a ketchup problem?" Robbie held up a normal sized bottle of ketchup, "Hmm."
There was a picture of André holding an overly large bottle of ketchup. Peyton leaned in to look at it. It looked fake to him.
"That looks fake," Peyton said.
Robbie asked, "Does Sinjin Van Cleef steal famous peoples' teeth?" There was a picture of Sinjin, "Probably."
Peyton nodded in agreement because Sinjin was pretty damn weird.
Robbie asked, "Is it splitsville for Peyton, Beck, and Jade?"
Peyton glanced at Jade, who's eyes were wide open
"All this and tons more on Robarazzi, starring Robbie Shapiro," Robbie said ending the video.
Tori pressed the space bar on the laptop, "He's a dead man!" She got up.
"Beck, Peyton, and I aren't splitting up," Jade said.
"Well..." Beck joked.
"Dude," Jade said.
"Kidding," Beck replied.
"I use an appropriate amount of ketchup," André said, sounding upset.
"Let's go fix this right now," Tori said, getting her bag.
They went to leave the theatre.
"You know, I didn't see anything about Cat in that video," Peyton said.
"Speaking of Cat," Tori started. She looked at Cat, who was sitting and reading a catalog, "Cat, you coming?"
"Oh my god!" said Cat, "Underwear that floats."
Doesn't all underwear float?
Beck looked disgusted,
They left Cat there.
They went down to the computer lab where Robbie was.
Tori burst in through the door, "Hey!"
"I don't use any more ketchup than the next guy!" yelled André.
Sinjin was recording it,
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Robbie started. "Come on you guys, we're in the middle of taping my show."
"Beck and I are not 'splitsville'," Jade said.
"Well..." Beck started.
Jade asked, "Is there something you wanna talk about?"
"Kidding," Beck replied.
Robbie spoke to his 'crew', "Uh, are you guys getting this? 'Cause this is really great stuff."
"Robbie!" Tori said, "You're not gonna have any friends left if you keep exploiting us for your dumb blog."
Robbie didn't seem to care, "Okay, we have Tori, f-ha-ha-reaking out."
"You've got to be kidding me," Peyton replied.
Tori said, "Yeah, is he serious?"
"Really?" asked Beck.
"This is ridiculous," Tori said.
They went over to yell at Robbie, who really didn't seem to care that he was being a dick to his own friends.
Tori yelled, "Stop!"
Everything got silent.
"This is your last chance," Tori told Robbie. "Are you gonna stop this Robarazzi thing or not?"
Robbie seemed to be considering his options.
It turned out that popularity, exploiting, and embarrassing his friends were more important to Robbie than friendship, because Damian showed Peyton a new video from Robbie.
In the video, Robbie said, "Come up on Robarazzi: Tori, André, Peyton, Beck, and Jade all caught on a psychotic rampage." There was a clip of them all shouting at Robbie in slow motion. "Is anyone safe?"
Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he went after other students too, but it was just them.
While at the beginning of lunch at school, Peyton's therapist called him. He was kind of confused at first, because she never called him at school. So, he went and took the call.
Peyton asked, "What's up?"
"I have to reschedule all my appointments, because something came up," Dr. Roth replied. "I need to squeeze you in. Will Wednesday at three-fifteen, work?"
Peyton had to think about it, "No. I have guitar practice at that time. How about five o'clock?"
"No, I have someone else at that time," Dr. Roth replied, "Maybe five-thirty?"
"I'm busy at that time." Peyton said, "How about Friday instead?"
"I'll be visiting someone in the hospital that day," Dr. Roth said.
Peyton asked, "Will Saturday work or are you busy that day too?"
"I think that can work," Dr. Roth said. "Hold on, let me look."
To be fair, he can go a week without talking to Dr. Roth, but...
Dr. Roth asked, "Will nine in the morning work?"
Peyton will be sleeping in at that time, "Will two in the afternoon work?"
"I have someone scheduled for that time," Dr. Roth.
Peyton groaned, "Of course they are. Three?"
"No," Dr. Roth said, "Three-thirty?"
"Yeah, that can work," Peyton replied. "I'll see you then."
"Yeah, okay," Dr. Roth replied. "Bye."
"Bye," Peyton replied, hanging up.
He went over to the table where his friends were at. He wasn't surprised to see that Cat was messing with some device that she had on the table. Peyton sat down.
"Ugh, I am so mad at Robbie," Tori said, sounding frustrated. "I feel like everyone's staring at my pimple."
"Everyone is," Jade said.
"That's because you keep harping on it," Peyton told her. "Everyone gets pimples. You're not that special, so shut up."
André asked, "How do you think I feel? Five people today have asked me about my 'ketchup addiction'." He used air quotes. "One kid called me 'Mister Ketchup.'"
Peyton was stunned at the lack of creativity, "That was the best he could do?"
"It's all Tori's fault," Jade said.
Tori asked, "Really?"
"They were about to kick Robbie off The Slap. You were the one who told him to start reporting on our personal lives. They you gave him ideas by letting him shoot video of you playing with your pimple." Jade said, "Gimme the salt."
André passed the salt to Jade.
"Hey, André, we thought you might need this," a guy said, coming up to the table. He set a gallon of ketchup down in front of André. "Save some for dinner."
Peyton was once again struck by the level of stupidity that some people had. That was the biting comment that he could think up?
André stood up, holding the gallon of ketchup, "I do not have a ketchup problem!"
Some kids ran over and snapped pictures of André.
After yelling at them to go away, the ninth-graders did.
Peyton should've chucked the gallon of ketchup at them, because that would've served them right.
André was confused, "Who were they?"
"Robarazzis," Beck explained.
"Robbie's little ninth-grade photographers," Jade added.
"Aw man." André said, "Now Robbie's got pics of me with this industrial-sized ketchup. We gotta do something." He set the ketchup down and sat down.
"Clearly," Jade said.
Tori said, "I think we just have to show Robbie that we're not going to be his friends until he stops embarrassing everybody."
"I don't think that'll work," Peyton said. Cat chuckled. "What did you get from the Sky Store this time?"
"It's the world's more powerful portable juicer," Cat explained. She used a mock deep voice, "For juicing on the go."
Jade said, "You're so screwed up."
"No, it's really cool," Cat said. "Look it..." She took Peyton's left-over spaghetti and meatballs and dumped it in the juicer. She proceeded to juice the left-overs and handed the cup over to Peyton.
Peyton looked at the liquid in the cup, "You juiced my spaghetti."
Cat asked, "Why chew what you can drink?"
Robbie came over, "What up my peeps?"
Peyton was speechless, because how can Robbie think that they want anything to do with them after embarrassing them?
Robbie asked, "How's everyone doin' this fine day?" He sat down at their table. Robbie noticed the ketchup, "Do you really need that much ketchup?" He chuckled.
André grabbed Robbie's backpack and threw it. Jade took Robbie's lunch and tossed it on the ground.
Robbie seemed confused, "What's wrong with you guys?"
"You're the one embarrassing us," Peyton said. "You don't get to act innocent."
Jade said, "Seriously, Rob, it's not funny anymore, okay?"
Everyone started in on him. Robbie said, "You guys embarrass yourselves. I just get it on tape and show the world."
"Well, we don't wannabe your friends 'til you stop," André said.
"Fine," Robbie said. "Lots of other people wannabe my friends – smart and attractive people."
"Hey, only my biological mother is allowed to insult me, not you," Peyton said.
"See ya on the web," Robbie said, getting up and leaving.
Cat asked Tori, "Do you want me to juice your bagel?"
"I really don't," Tori replied.
There was a new video from Robbie. Damian was the one who pointed it out because it was bad.
The video started off like normal, "Welcome to Robarazzi, starring Robbie Shapiro." It showed him in the computer lab.
"Remember that splitsville comment from a bit ago? I got evidence that there may be a third person on the side," a blond guy said.
There was a video of Peyton talking on the phone. The way the video was recorded, it looked like Peyton was calling up a side-piece, when in reality his therapist was the one who called him.
And yeah, maybe he should've told Beck and Jade about it sooner, because now Jade was yelling at him over text message, while Beck just sent him a simple message that said 'explain'.
While Peyton tried to figure out how to save his own ass, he was not surprised to hear a knock on the apartment door, then a furious pounding. Yeah, Beck and Jade were there.
"Open up!" yelled Jade.
So, Peyton opened the door and Jade threw it open and stormed in.
Beck gave Peyton an apologetic look.
"Who is she?" yelled Jade.
Peyton almost flinched. He never liked getting yelled at. It reminded him to much of his biological mother. He messed with the burn scar on his arm, "My therapist."
"Your therapist?" asked Beck.
Jade made an 'oh' sound, like she thought he was lying as she looked for a potential side-piece; like he stashed some girl in a cupboard.
"I see a therapist on Tuesdays and Thursdays," Peyton explained.
Beck asked, "What for?"
Peyton said, "Because my biological mother used to beat the shit out of me and Damian? What do you want me to say? She used to come up to me and Damian saying, 'hey, is that hot enough to use?' and proceed to burn us with the curling iron? For maximum pain, she slowly peeled off the scabs to make them bleed. That she used to make us dunk each other in the bathtub whenever she thought we were lying, which is apparently all the time?"
Beck and Jade looked horrified.
Beck asked, "Why didn't you tell us?"
Peyton asked, "You want me to one day say, 'My biological mother used to make me and Damian slow dance naked with the twelve year old girl next door when we were ten? It wasn't for sexual purposes, but just to humiliate us.' I just don't like remembering stuff like that every time I talk about it, okay?"
Beck had to make sure, "So, it was just a therapist?"
Thanks a lot Robbie.
Peyton nodded, "Yes, it was. Her name is Dr. Roth if you want to know. Something popped up and she wanted to reschedule our sessions, so she called me at school. That's all."
Jade asked, "So, there's no side-piece?"
Peyton sighed, "No, there isn't."
Beck kissed him and then Jade kissed Peyton when Beck pulled away.
The next day, there was another Robarazzi video.
The video started off like normal, "Welcome to Robarazzi, starring Robbie Shapiro." It showed him in the computer lab. "Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You got what?"
A blond guy said, "I got Beck and Jade in the front seat of Beck's chair and you need to see this."
Beck said, "Come on, let's just go, it'll be fun."
"No..." Jade replied.
"Why not?" asked Beck.
"'Cause I didn't shower this morning." Jade said, "And I had tuna fish for lunch and I—" She realized she was being recorded, "There's a dude in the back seat."
Beck replied, "What the – hey man! What are – what are—?"
"Get out!" yelled Jade.
"What are you doing? This is my car," Beck said.
"What's wrong with you?" yelled Jade. The guy got out of the car, "Yeah you better run! I'm gonna kill you! Do you believe this?"
At least Jade spotted the guy in the backseat, because whatever was going to happen would've been a lot worse.
Peyton did notice that there still wasn't anything about Cat though.
There was a new Robarazzi update that showed a series of pictures of Tori that had white cream on her armpits, "What up with Tori Vega's armpits?"
Peyton texted Tori: Were you using some Swedish depilatory cream?
Tori: Yeah, why?
Peyton: My step-mom uses that cream too.
Tori: Okay, TMI.
After a few minutes:
Tori: You see a therapist? I saw your Slap update.
Peyton: My bio mom used to abuse me and Damian. She intentionally burned us with a curling iron. Then she would SLOWLY peel off the scabs for maximum pain.
Tori: Sorry you lived through that.
Peyton: Me too.
Tori: Hey, I have an idea on how to get back at Robbie.
Peyton: I'm listening.
Tori's plan was either foolproof or going to get them arrested, but Robbie needed to be stopped.
The plan was for Peyton, Beck, and André to steal Robbie's clothes after gym and run through the school for Jade and Tori to take pictures and a video of Robbie in a towel to get him to stop embarrassing them.
Peyton really wanted no part of it. He didn't want to sink to his biological mother's and Robbie's level.
Beck and André came by with Robbie's clothes.
"He's right behind us," Beck said.
Robbie yelled, "It's not funny! You guys better give me back my clothes, or I swear I'll – Ah! Turn off the camera!"
People were watching.
"Why?" asked Tori. "You look so cute."
"Dance for us, Robbie," Jade added, taking pictures.
Robbie demanded, "Gimme back my clothes!"
Tori asked, "Should we?"
There were denials.
"No," Jade said.
"Yeah, I think we need to put this video online," Tori said.
"What? No," Robbie said.
"Sorry," Jade said.
"The people wanna see what the people wanna see," Tori added.
"You cannot put this video online," Robbie said.
"Why? You put my conversation with my therapist online and almost ruined my relationships," Peyton said. He hadn't forgiven Robbie for basically forcing him to dump his childhood trauma online for the rest of the school to read and watch.
"No problem," Beck said.
André started, "We'll kill the video..."
"As long as you kill Robarazzi," Tori finished
Robbie exclaimed, "What? No!"
"Then be embarrassed like the rest of us," Peyton said.
Robbie said, "I'm not killing Robarazzi, because it's a hit!"
Peyton never wanted to hit someone as much as he did in that moment. Maybe he was just like his mother.
"All right," Tori said. "Then I'm just gonna zoom in right here and—"
Robbie said no repeatedly, going to cover the lens.
Tori asked, "Are you gonna stop?"
Robbie was silent, "Well, if I don't do Robarazzi, what am I gonna do for my blog on The Slap?"
In the end, Robbie made a cooking blog called Low Carb-a-Robbie where he posted low-carb recipes. Peyton found himself thinking that someone should've made a cooking blog a while ago.
They had to hold an intervention for Cat's spending habits.
Cat was looking through the catalog.
"Come on, lemma have it," Beck said to Cat, holding his hand out.
"But maybe I can talk my parents into giving me my credit card back," Cat said.
"Cat..." Beck warned.
"It's time to say goodbye to Sky Store," Tori said.
"Especially since one of their products was used to hurt two innocent kids," André added, motioning to Peyton, who held out his arm for her to see the burn scars. "Don't you think that's the best thing to do?"
Cat looked at Peyton's arm and then at Beck, who held his hand out for the catalog. She squealed and handed Beck the catalog.
Beck ripped the catalog in half making Cat squeal once again.
Tori scooted closer to Cat to comfort her, "Look, I know it hurts now, but you'll feel better soon."
"I know," Cat said.
André asked, "Wanna come hang for a while?"
"Nah thanks," Cat said shaking her head. "I just wanna sit here."
"Okay," Tori replied. She got up, "Bye."
"See ya, sport," Beck said.
André patted Cat's knee.
"Yeah, don't feel too bad," Peyton told Cat. "You can find something less financially damaging." He followed after his friends, but Beck took Peyton's hand as they followed after their friends.
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