𝟎𝟒: 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝
Peyton Ellis
HA really needs to sort out their bee problem.
I've been stung three times in just three minutes.
Mood = Angry 😠
Peyton got stung for the third time, "I hate bees." He glared at the dead bee.
"It's dead," Beck told him.
"I know," Peyton replied.
Beck flicked the bee off the table. There was a third red mark forming on Peyton's arm. "Stop trying to kill the bee for a second time."
Where the hell did all these bees come from? Why can't Hollywood Arts deal with their bee problem? So, Peyton updated The Slap stating just that.
"Ouch!" exclaimed Jade.
Peyton and Beck looked at her.
Beck asked, "What? What happened?"
Peyton asked, "Are you okay?"
"No, I got stung by a stupid bee and I couldn't be happier," Jade said furiously. She was looking at a red mark on her finger.
Tori and André headed for a table.
"Hey, sit," Beck called after the two. He pointed at the other side of the table.
"Thanks," Tori said.
"Cool," André added as they went to sit down.
"Pey and I don't want them sitting here," Jade told Beck.
"At least André's cool," Peyton replied.
"You know, it's great that you two are so open with your bitterness," Tori told them.
"I don't like people who kiss other people's boyfriends," Peyton told her.
"They're just grouchy 'cause they got stung by a bee. Well, Peyton got stung by three bees," Beck told them.
André looked at Peyton, "Switch seats with me."
Peyton was confused, "Why?"
"So, I can get stung," André told him.
Peyton wondered if this guy was serious. "Why?"
"Everyone is getting stung but me," André told him. "And you got stung three times. Switch spots with me."
Peyton went to switch spots with him while Beck picked up his script pages for the movie Miss Fire.
"Ooh, script pages," Tori said, reaching over and taking the pages from Beck, without asking.
Beck took the script pages back from her, "Not for you."
Tori asked, "You're auditioning for a play?"
"Sort of," replied Beck. "It's a movie."
"That's go great." Tori asked, "What movie?"
"I'm taking your pickle," Jade said, taking the pickle and biting it. She gave Tori a smug smile.
André asked, "What movie?"
"A movie called Miss Fire," Beck explained. "It's about this woman cop who gets fired and then goes on this crazy rampage."
"That's so cool," Tori asked. "Who plays the woman cop?"
"Melinda Murray," Beck answered.
"Shut up!" said André.
"You're gonna star with Melinda Murray in a movie," said Tori, sounding impressed.
Peyton had heard stories from his step-mother, Marianne, about her acting days. She co-starred in a movie called Candy Apple Red with Melinda Murray when they were in their early twenties, pretending to be high school students who snuck into a closed amusement park to do a scavenger hunt which ended up with characters getting picked off. There had been three others they co-starred with. However, Marianne was that 'slutty' girl and Marianne had called it a living hell to work with Murray.
Murray had apparently 'corrected' everyone's lines for the better or worse because she didn't like them. Murray also threatened to fire people because it had to be her way or the highway and hated being corrected. She had them retake several scenes of Marianne getting chased by the masked murderer, to get the fatigue just right, before Marianne's character, Velvet, got her head smashed in with a weighted mallet from a Test Your Strength game as the first victim. Murray even fired actress Brenda Lewis for daring to stand up to Murray over her 'correcting' one of Brenda's lines.
Brenda's line was, "Yeah, she'll live once the doctors reconstructe Velvet's head" while Murray insisted the correct line was, "Yeah, if the doctors put her head back together, she'll live." They had to reshoot the scenes with the different actress who took over Brenda's part. Marianne described it as a 'mess' but Candy Apple Red still was good. The hatred Marianne had toward Murray made the hostility between Blythe and Velvet believable. And Marianne still won two awards for her role in the movie, while Murray seethed over not getting any.
The reason people allowed all that was because Murray's father owned the studios that they were working at, so whatever Murray said was the law.
Peyton had read some forums that had people wishing that Velvet was the final girl because Murray's character, 'Blythe' was just awful, an awful friend, awful person, and Murray was an awful 'scream queen' while Velvet was more interesting because Velvet really wasn't a slut, the nicest girl compared to the other three girls, Blythe included in that, and Marianne was a 'real scream queen' since Marianne had actual experience with making horror movies. Murray stuck to comedy/romance/drama/action roles after Candy Apple Red.
The thing was, Velvet was supposed to be the main character and the final girl because the movie was written specifically for Marianne to star in. Murray had bitch-fit after bitch-fit and had enough temper tantrums and threatening to fire people and to placate her, she ended up becoming the final girl and the star, while Marianne took Murray's spot as the first victim. Marianne was fine with the switch because she hated working with Murray, describing Murray as a 'she-beast' and a 'walking nightmare', especially since Murray stole her role.
The three Candy Apple Red writers were pissed at Murray for stealing the role and everyone else for allowing it to happen. The three writers wrote a different movie for Marianne since they understood what happened.
"Well, I'll be playing waiter number one, and I only have two lines," Beck told Tori. "That's if I get the part."
"You'll get it," Peyton told him. "How can you not?"
"So where's the script?" Tori said, "I wanna read it."
"You don't get the whole script unless you get the part. They only give you a few pages to audition with," Beck explained to Tori.
"Or they give you bits and pieces so you're acting in the dark," Peyton told her. "You know, not to spoil the twist ending or to get a genuine reaction out of the actors. That movie, Candy Apple Red, had done that. They didn't tell the cast who the murderer was, so when it was revealed at the end, Murray's shocked reaction was genuine."
"Ow!" cried a girl. "I just got stung by a bee." She was looking at her arm.
"Oh! Her? Really?" exclaimed André, standing up.
Peyton looked at him. He once stepped on a yellow jacket with his barefoot when he was around four and he got stung three times. It wasn't a fun experience.
Peyton Ellis
Going to watch Candy Apple Red tonight.
Can't wait to watch my step-mom get her head bashed in.
Mood = Excited 😃
Peyton and Damian watched Candy Apple Red while eating candy apples, because it was a thing to do while watching the movie. Apparently, every time 'candy apple' or 'candy apples' was said, you take a bite out of the candy apple. Someone from somewhere had started that and it turned into a thing. By the time the movie was over, you're supposed to be done eating the candy apple.
"I still can't believe that Murray stole the part," Peyton said, watching as a young Melinda Murray do a cringe-worthy scream of horror at the sight of Velvet's dead body.
The fun thing was watching people watch Candy Apple Red for the first time on the internet, because it's funny seeing the shock when Velvet gets killed and then it grows hilarious when they realize, with horror, that Murray was the final girl all along.
"All I saw was red. Candy apple red," Murray said, doing great heaving sobs. For a great actress, she sucked at that.
Damian and Peyton both took a bite out of their candy apples.
Peyton Ellis
Saw some police cars outside the parking garage of the apartment building.
Wonder what happened. Updates will soon follow once I know more.
Mood = Concerned 😟
Beck wasn't in Sikowitz's class because he had to go shoot the scene for Miss Fire and he had texted Peyton and Jade that there was a problem with lighting so he was going to be late and told them not wait up for him.
However, in Sikowitz's class, they were doing how saying dialogue in different ways can evoke different emotions. Sikowitz was using Tori as a demonstration.
Tori exclaimed, "What did you do to my pants?"
"Good," Sikowitz said, "Now terrified."
In a terrified voice, Tori asked, "What did you do to my pants?"
Sikowitz suggested, "Falling off a cliff,"
"What did you do to my pants?" asked Tori, dragging out the 'a' in pants.
"Excellent," Sikowitz said. To the class, he explained, "Now, as you can see, the same dialogue can evoke an infinite number of emotions, depending upon how the actor chooses to play it." He paused and pointed at Tori, "Like a robot."
In a robotic voice, Tori asked, "What did you do to my pants?"
"Wrong," exclaimed Sikowitz. "Robots don't wear pants. It a trick." He did a little dance. He got on the stage and said to Tori, "Tori, you may sit. I suggest using a chair."
"I'll give it a shot," Tori replied sarcastically. She went to sit down and Beck entered the class.
"Sorry guys," Beck told them.
Cat asked, "How was working on the movie?"
"You know," Beck replied with a shrug as if any of them have any movie acting experience. And the music videos that Peyton had been in didn't count.
"Beck, you're late," Sikowitz told him.
Beck got on the stage as he spoke, "I'm sorry. We're doing this scene and there was a problem with the lighting."
"Say it like a robot," Sikowitz ordered him.
"There was a problem with the lighting. I'm very sorry," Beck said in a robotic voice.
Sikowitz made a buzzer sound and said, "Wrong."
Beck seemed confused, "Wrong?"
"You said you were sorry and everybody knows robots don't have emotion and, therefore, cannot feel regret," explained Sikowitz. "You kids have got to do your robot research!" He stomped his foot a few times for emphasis, before saying, "Beck, sit."
Beck took his seat and Peyton noticed how everyone leaned towards Beck, having their eyes on him, probably because they wanted to know more about Miss Fire. Even Jade leaned forward to look at Beck.
Sikowitz started explaining, "Now, as we've clearly demonstrated, dialogue can impact a scene in many different way, depending upon – Dear Gandhi, I'm boring myself. Beck, tell us all about the movie." He squatted on the stage.
"Okay." Beck started, "Well, my call time was—"
Sikowitz got up, jumped over to Beck's seat and led him to the stage to talk about his part in the movie.
"My call time was this morning at five a.m," Beck started.
"Oh, that's early," Cat said, giggling.
"The only people I know that get up that early are roosters, serial killers, and Damian," Penyton said. "And I know Damian isn't part rooster." Maybe he shouldn't take about his brother's 'possible' crimes...
"Yeah," Beck replied. "Well, they did my hair and makeup and then the costume designer came to my dressing room and—"
"Wait," Jade cut in. "The costume designer was in your dressing room?"
"Uh-huh," Beck answered.
Jade asked, "Was she cute?" Peyton glanced at her.
"He was adorable," Beck stated with a smile, knowing that he had made Jade jealous.
Peyton looked at Beck, tilting his head at him and Jade narrowed her eyes at Beck for that comment.
Beck looked flustered, "Not as adorable as you, Peyton."
André asked, "Did you meet Melinda Murray?"
Peyton almost rolled his eyes at the mention of the she-beast.
"No, not yet," Beck replied.
"I bet she's been stung by a bee," André replied because apparently he was still on the 'get stung by a bee' thing.
"I wouldn't know," Beck replied. "You can ask her yourself."
Everyone seemed confused.
Peyton asked, "What are you talking about?"
"Yeah, what do you mean by that?" asked Tori.
"The assistant director told me they needed extras for a couple of scenes," Beck said. "So, if any of you guys wanna do it—"
Everyone rushed and started shouting, but luckily the bell rang.
"All right, everybody read chapter seven for tomorrow and study robots. Good Gandhi, I left my harmonica in the men's room," Sikowitz said, rushing out of the room.
Peyton shuddered at the thought of 'restroom harmonica'.
They picked André, Tori, Jade, Peyton, and Cat as extras.
André talked to some woman before he came over after she took off.
"Hey," Tori greeted him. "We saw you working that hot girl over there."
"Yeah, I think she's into me," André replied.
Peyton questioned Tori's taste in women, because that woman wasn't hot, no offense to the woman; she was just pretty, but not hot.
"Right," Jade replied. "We could tell by the way she ran screaming from you."
"Okay, people, people listen up!" called the director. "Melinda's on her way to set. First positions, please."
To the extras, Cat excitedly exclaimed, "First positions!" She got strange looks from them and they went to their 'positions.'
André, Tori, and Jade sat at a table behind the table where Murray and some other actor were going to sit at. Cat went to the bar to pretend to talk to a man and a woman. Peyton sat at the bar in between two men, which was rather uncomfortable. He was supposed to pretend to talk to the woman who was the bartender and make hand gestures, like he was telling her a story and the woman, and the two men he was in between with were supposed to be oddly interested in whatever Peyton had to say.
Melinda walked on the set with a few stagehands trying to prep her.
"All right," the director said, "Now in action, Melinda and Jeff will start their dialogue, and then our waiter, uh—" He pointed at Beck.
"Beck," he said.
"Beck," the director repeated.
"Our boyfriend," Jade said, motioning to her and Peyton.
"Their boyfriend," the director repeated, looking like he'd didn't care about knowing that information. "Their boyfriend will come in, do his line then move off to the left. Who's not ready?"
Nobody said anything.
"Good. Roll," the director instructed. He left the set and sat in his chair. He said, "Rolling. Speed."
The Second Assistant Cameraman got onset with the clapboard and said, "Seventy-four apple, take one." He clapped it and went off set.
"And action," the director called out. Peyton did some hand gestures.
"Why the disgusted look on your face?" asked Jeff.
"I'm having dinner with you," Melinda replied. She had her arms crossed.
"See, that's the kind of attitude that got you fired," Jeff responded.
"I got fired because I was set up," Melinda argued.
"Good luck proving that," Jeff argued back.
Melinda started, "I don't have to prove anything all I needed was—"
"I'm sorry, the chicken breast isn't available today," Beck interrupted.
"Wait," called Melinda. "What did you just say? Cut. Can we cut so this guy can learn his line?"
And Marianne was right, Peyton thought. Apparently Melinda Murray was still a brat.
"Hold!" a guy called.
"Melinda, please, only the director yells cut," the director pleaded.
"He said his line wrong." Melinda complained, "He's supposed to say 'we're out of the chicken breast,' not 'the chicken breast isn't available today.'" She used a fake voice to mock Beck.
Peyton had read the script that they had given the extras and if he remembered it, Beck had said his line correctly.
"So let the script supervisor tell him that," the director stated.
"You know what? She's right," Beck said. "It's totally my fault. I'll get it right this time."
"Hope so," Melinda spat, clearly not caring that she was bullying a child.
"Great, all right," the director stated. "Uh, let's do this again. Roll."
"Wait, excuse me," Tori said, holding up her hand. She got up, holding a script, "Um, actually, Beck got his line right."
The director seemed confused, "What?"
"No, no," Peyton cut in. "He got his line wrong. She's right, he got his line wrong. So, sit down, Tori."
"Yeah, Peyton's right, Tori. I messed it up and I'll get it right next time," Beck replied, chuckling nervously. He had heard some stories from Marianne about her time on Candy Apple Red because Jade asked once she realized Marianne played Velvet. Also, he had seen some tantrums that Murray had thrown.
"See? Waiter Number One's line is, 'I'm sorry, the chicken breast isn't available today," Tori explained, ignoring both of them.
"What?" the director asked.
"Sit down," Jade growled at Tori.
"Yeah, you're going to get him fired," Peyton hissed at Tori.
"Oh, yeah," the director said. "Kid, you got it right." He handed the script to Tori.
"Whoa, whoa," Melinda said rudely. "What are you?"
"Tori Vega," she replied. "Background player, big fan. Hi, Melinda Murray."
Melinda snarled, "Okay, an extra is correcting me on set?"
Tori started explaining, "I'm sorry, but you yelled at my friend and he was totally right—"
"She's your friend?" Melinda asked Beck, interrupting Tori.
Beck started, "Yeah, she's uh—"
"Go!" commanded Melinda.
Beck seemed confused, "Go?"
"I want you off this movie," Melinda explained.
The director started, "Melinda—"
"You want him here or me?" asked Melinda.
Nobody came to Beck's defense. It was easy to recast an insignificent waiter, harder to recast the leading actress, considering how famous Murray was. Even if everyone hated Murray, they can't exactly let her go.
The director looked apologetically at Beck, "Kid, I'm sorry."
"Nah, it's cool," Beck told the director. He took off the cloth that was on his arm and headed off the set.
Peyton followed him, because his step-mom was right – Melinda was a nightmare.
Beck looked at him once they got a bit away from everyone, "Don't you want to be an extra in the movie?"
"I would only if you're in it," Peyton told him truthfully. "It's stupid that she fired you because—"
Beck grabbed his upper arms and kissed him very hard, like he was thankful that he walked off the set. Message received.
"Uh, guys," Tori said. "I'm right here you know."
Peyton Ellis
Turned out someone was murdered in the parking garage.
All of the cars in there are covered in dust and cobwebs.
No one was killed in there. There was no tape and no blood.
Mood = Confused 🤨
Damian: Who else lives in our apartment building? There's just four of us in there.
"Oh, great, here comes Jade and Peyton," Tori muttered as the duo and Beck came to their table.
André played some song on his keyboard while the triad stood there. Jade seemed amused at first before asking, "Can we sit somewhere else?"
"Nope," Beck said, sitting at the table.
Peyton sat down with them.
Jade huffed and said, "Fine. We'll sit with the girl who can't keep her mouth shut and got you fired."
André played on his keyboard.
"My step-mom said that Murray was a brat, even doing Candy Apple Red, so he's not the first person she fired over some lines," Peyton said. He was annoyed.
"Beck, I-I swear if there was anything I can do to make it up to you, I would," Tori stated.
"I bet you would," Jade replied sarcastically.
André started playing his keyboard again for background music, Peyton guessed.
"You know, if you really wanted to help, you wouldn't just sit there like a bag of doorknobs," Jade snarled at Tori. "You'd do something." She grabbed her lunch and took off.
Beck asked, "Where you going?"
"Anywhere else," Jade replied.
André started playing his keyboard again.
Jade went to the table, "Okay, I'll open this..." She flipped the keyboard, removed the back, and tilted the keyboard to dump out the batteries, "And that's for you." She took off.
"I'd better hose her down," Beck said, getting up.
"I'm sorry," Tori told Beck.
Beck touched her head, "Stop saying that." He took off.
Peyton went to go sit with Damian and one of his male friends, Nikki.
Nikki was a scene guy with black hair and was a bassist. Peyton thought Nikki had pretty dark blue eyes and wore eyeliner that made his eyes pop even more.
Peyton and Jade spotted Tori and Beck hugging. Okay, Peyton trusted Beck a lot, because Beck wanted that trust, but Jade couldn't exactly give him that, due to her jealousy and possessiveness, but something about the way Beck treated Tori started to make Peyton a little paranoid. He had to shove the paranoia down.
"One, two..." Jade counted.
The two broke the hug, but still held onto each other.
"I wouldn't let her get to three if I were you," Peyton warned.
They finally separated.
"Better," Jade stated, going to Beck.
Peyton asked, "Why were you hugging each other anyway?"
"Tori got me my part back because an arrow went through Melinda Murray's hand," Beck explained.
Yeah, Peyton saw a picture on the internet from that. His step-mom had laughed and cheered over the she-beast getting an arrow shot through the hand. Marianne had felt some sense of justice and closure from that.
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