VII | The First Step (Part II)

Soaring through the air like a majestic bird, Cornelia began to dive bomb herself down toward the forest below.

With her training, especially since her abilities and her memories being kept from the previous world, she had been through worse. She's survived deadlier blows than plummeting to the ground at high speeds. As she descended even closer to the ground, she extended her hands out and grabbed a nearby branch that was sticking out. Controlling her momentum, she was able to maneuver herself and flip herself onto the branch and perch herself there, beginning to survey the area around her.

Scanning the area, she assessed her current situation on whether it was a dangerous one or not. Though, regarding the creatures of Grimm, she would argue that the Danger Beasts back home and humans were more terrifying and dangerous than the evil blackened creatures with white armor plating and sinister glowing red eyes. But even still, she would have to be careful.

Her assessment was that the coast was clear for now, but she couldn't stand idle, knowing she would have to head to the temple that was in the north while also being on the lookout for teammates. Jumping to the forest floor, she fled, treading silently and seemingly not leaving any tracks behind her.


Back on the cliff, both Ozpin and Glynda stood off near the edge. Both had tablets in their hands, displayed on them were cameras that were watching the students for their test.

The grey-haired man hummed, flipping through different footages. On one, moments after she landed, she encounters Guy, prompting them to be partners. He would soon watch their performance as they encountered the creatures of Grimm on their way to the north temple, watching as they effortlessly defeated them. He considered both of their methods to be a little unorthodox, considering they were just running up to the monsters with their leathered-gloved fists. However, it was the way they took them down, both of them targeting the weak points like it was a human-sized target.

Not only that, it was their abilities. Guy possessed an abnormal amount of superhuman strength, probably even greater than the average Huntsmen. The way he shattered a Boarbatusks hard white shell that served as protection in a single strike, which ultimately resulted in him also decimating the foe in one blow. Cornelia on the other hand, while not as powerful physically, she was quicker and nimble, even noticing the slight dislodging of her limbs from her sockets to extend the reach of her punches and kicks. If anything, these creatures of Grimm were nothing but cannon fodder to them, and most certainly, not many people would go with a direct approach like punching. Most would prefer to use swords, lances, and guns to keep them at bay.

Glynda was going through the other channels, watching as the remainder of the students get paired up. Yang paired herself up with the black-haired girl with amber eyes, the girl that had accompanied Taeko to the school. The red-haired girl with emerald eyes dressed in an attire that would be befitting of a spartan was Pyrrha Nikos, finding herself paired up with the nervous blonde knight, Jaune Arc.

"The last pair has been formed, sir," Glynda said, tapping her screen to show Nora and Ren. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's better off than Miss Nikos."

She scrolls through to another channel, showing live footage of Pyrrha and Jaune trekking through the forest grounds. Ozpin, however, merely let out an audible hum and continued to look through his own tablet, swapping through different channels and footages to look at the test examinees. But he kept focusing on two channels in particular.

Glynda shook her head and gained a disgruntled look. "I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat." She deactivated her tablet and walked up to Ozpin. "I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?" She received no answer. "Professor Ozpin?"

The Beacon Headmaster simply stayed silent.

His continued to swap back and forth from the live channels between Akira and Ruby. Ruby's partner, Weiss Schnee, continued to walk around, pacing about as if she wasn't sure where to go whilst the black-haired girl with red tips simply kept picking and messing with the stray leaves all over the ground. Truly, he figured that these two would make an interesting, dynamic duo.

However, his curiosity was piqued by Akira's teammate, Taeko. In fact, it has only been about five minutes since they encountered each other. They made no movements whatsoever, only continuing to stare at each other. But he examined the expression in their eyes.

Neither Akira or Taeko held hostile intent to attack each other, but that remained to be seen. While Taeko's held a more wary, neutral expression, Akira's expression was filled with nothing but hate and disdain, anger upon staring at the lime-eyed girl. The headmaster couldn't help but wonder what sort of relationship they had beforehand.

VII | The First Step (Part II)

They were at a stand still. It had been minutes now, and they still didn't move from their spot.

Both were on guard, even though they didn't show each other hostile intent to kill each other. But they knew their past, fighting against one another. It was their mission to do so, one of them also killing her for vengeance as well.

However, he knew that the path of revenge was something he should never fall down again. Another one of the things that had caused him pain and suffering.

But if anything, he knew better now. Going after something pointless now would mean nothing to him. He's killed her before in their previous world, but he has since grown tired of killing. After everything he's done, he knows that the path of bloodshed he walked was one he shouldn't walk again. The blood of the innocents stained his hands, and nothing could change that. He had to accept the actions of what he had done in the past and move forward.

With a sigh, Akira let go of his handle on his katana, his tight grip disappearing before he put his arms to his side. Taeko was confused a little, still watching him warily. She half expected for him to dash up to her and attempt to cut her down, much like the last time they met. But to her surprise, he just simply turned around and began walking north. Taeko furrowed her brow, soon beginning to quicken her pace and follow him.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I have better things to do than to chase after a pointless objective that has since been accomplished a long time ago," he briskly replied. "Right now, the important matter for me is to head to the north temple. So quit following me."

"Hmm? Were you not listening to the headmaster's explanation?"

He turned his head to her. "Huh?"

"The first person that you come in contact with will be your partner for the next four years." Taeko gained a teasing grin, "I hope we get along, 'partner.'"

He stared at her for a moment. Then looked away.

Gritting his teeth, fury began to build up within him as he subtly shook his fist. Taeko merely tilted her head in confusion.

'That damn headmaster...! When I get my fucking hands on him...' He thought, begrudgingly trying to shake away the thoughts of attempting to murder Ozpin.

Taeko brushes past him, "In any case, it is best we head for the temple. It is not safe to dawdle around here any longer than we have."

"I know that... Just don't slow me down."


He clicked his tongue. "You piss me off," he muttered.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" She peers at him with her lime-colored eyes, narrowed in suspicion.

"Just the wind," Akira sighed. "Pay no attention to me."


"...Stop looking at me like that."


"Heeeeyy, Corey."

Corey groaned in annoyance, "What is it now, Guy?"

"Are we near the temple now?"

"No, we are not," Corey says with a glare. "The same thing I have said five minutes earlier when you asked me that question."

Guy looked bored. "Auugghh. We've been walking for hours already—"

"We have been walking for only thirty minutes! Can you at least shut your mouth for ten minutes, at least!?"

"...Sheesh, you haven't grown at all since the last time we've met. Still stuck up like whenever you're on your per—"

The burly brown-haired teen was cut off by Cornelia punching him in the stomach. He coughed, recoiling in pain, almost feeling like his innards had been vomited up from his mouth. But that's just what he felt. Cornelia's fist seemed to be smoking slightly, having seemingly used quite the amount of power as the brown-haired teen dropped face first, foam leaving his mouth as he had been knocked unconscious. The blonde beauty then sighed in annoyance, shaking her head as she gained a slight blush and pouted to herself.

"Why couldn't I have been paired up with Akira..." She whispered to herself.

Guy quickly recovered and narrowed his eyes at her. "You still like him, huh?"

She blushed heavily and looked at him bewildered. "H-Huh...!? I-I have no idea of what you're talking about!"

"You know, you didn't really do a good job of hiding it, you know? I mean, it was quite obvious with the way you blushed every time he gave you attention or complimented you. Man, it was real annoying when—Ow! Why'd you hit me!?"

"S-Stop s-sputtering out nonsense already!" Corey exclaimed, her great red blush still persisting on her embarrassed face. "I-I don't like him that way!"

Guy deadpans at the girl. "What you're saying is totally the opposite of what you mean. Just stop trying to hide it and—Ow, quit hitting me already!"

"You stupid idiot! I already told you to shut up! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!" Cornelia kept bombarding him with punches.

"Ow! Stop it, you and your stupid strength at times! Gah, that was my nuts, stop it—Gah! Stop it!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"


"Did you hear that?" Taeko perked her head up, cautiously drawing her sword.

Akira merely waves it off. "Probably just your imagination. You Oarburgh have always been crazy."

"And you assassins have always been foolish as far as I'm aware," Taeko remarks."

"Huh?" A tick mark appeared on his head. "Did you say something?"

"Nothing. A mere slip of the tongue, is all."

"Tch. Annoying piece of shit," he muttered.

A crack of a branch was soon nearby. They both grew alarmed and looked toward it, Akira putting a hand on his katana with the other conjuring up a few ice daggers. Taeko herself got into a quick draw stance, a familiar move she had been taught and mastered during her time with the Oarburgh organization of assassins. An ultimate technique devised for her use and was proficient at it.

From where they heard the crack of a branch, they heard low growling, the glowing yellow eyes of a low creature coming into view. The two steeled themselves, thinking it could be some rabid animal, and if they weren't careful, they would come out of it with wounds. Maybe not a whole lot, but coming out unscathed would be most preferable if they were to continue their trek to the north temple. As the creature got closer, it revealed itself to be a grey wolf, having menacing glowing yellow eyes and a snarling face, creeping up at them with hostility. Akira eyed it for a moment before he began to relax his guard down, tilting his head as he continued to look at the wolf even more.

Letting his guard down and letting his daggers dissipate, Akira adopted a more relax manner of composure. Seeing this, Taeko looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Be quiet for a moment," he said to her, looking back to the grey wolf. "...Fenrir?"

The wolf tilted its head at the mention of the name. Before it eventually gained a smile, sticking its tongue out happily as it began to wag its tail sporadically. It seemed the grey wolf had recognized it's old master at the mention of the name it was given.

Akira's face lit up with a small smile. He didn't think he'd run into an old companion such as his old wolf friend. The grey wolf pranced up to him and jumped, using its weight to topple the black-haired teen and began licking his face, where Akira began to laugh and pet the wolf all over while also trying to get it off of him. Taeko merely looked down in surprise, never thinking she'd see the former assassin give such an emotion like this.

"Hehe, okay, boy, easy, easy! Alright, stop licking me already!" Fenrir got off its master and barked playfully, prompting Akira to scratch his companion's chin. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too, old friend."

"And this is...?" Taeko raised an eyebrow.

"An old wolf I had taken care of since it was a cub," Akira explained, ruffling and petting the wolf's head, who merely panted in happiness, thumping its foot. "A dear friend of mine that I didn't think I'd see again."

"Right..." She soon sighed and began moving again. "If you're done with that, then I suggest we begin moving back to our current objective. It would not bode us well to dawdle any longer."

He scoffed, "Always the mission with you, isn't it? Whatever, come on, boy."

Fenrir barked in reply before rendezvousing with his master.


Ozpin chuckled. "Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events."

Glynda didn't look amused. "Please don't tell me that we're actually going to let him keep it on school grounds."

"I don't see the harm in it, Glynda. He seems to be quite fond of the wolf, and they are companions."

"If that wolf ends up peeing in my office, I am throwing it out," the blonde teacher insisted.

"Very well. I will see to it that Mr. Makabe keeps his four-legged friend on a leash." Ozpin pushed his glasses up and took a sip from his mug.

Glynda simply sighed and shook her head. She soon regained her serious expression.

"Might I ask again, Professor Ozpin, what will be their relics? I believe we won't have enough for them."

"Do you remember those objects we found a few weeks ago?"

"Yes, but what does that..." She looked confused before her eyes widened. "You don't think..."

The grey-haired headmaster nodded. "Indeed. Something tells me that those items of interest we have found may pertain to their past. However, it is up to them whether they will accept them or not."

Ozpin's eyes then moved back to his tablet, which showed the live channel for Taeko and Akira, along with Fenrir in tow. From remembering Qrow's story, the boy held a dark past, one that he has harbored within him a great deal and greatly worries and troubles him. Especially if his sisters' were to find out.

He just wondered whether Akira will be able to accept that the person he was before is the same person he is now.

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