There was a slight bit of ambient sound in the background. It was... Calming. Relaxing, even.
Waves crashing onto the sandy beach, the seagulls chirping as they made landfall on some nearby trees, and indistinct chatter from some people nearby. Soon, groaning was heard.
Fluttering their eyes open was a young man with slightly tanned skin, his eyes an icy blue as it was met with the bright sun. He brought an arm over his head, shielding his face from the bright sun as it shined down upon him. The chattering soon morphed to that of bright laughter and joyful chats, the young man leaning up. He brushes some of his slightly wavy hair, which reached all the way down to the top of his neck, a few bangs in the way of his face.
His face weathered, his exposed arms showing healed cuts and marks that showed signs of battle. But he wasn't in any sort of conflict. Instead, he had cast his icy blue gaze down to the beach below him.
On the sandy shore, he could see many figures. One was a teenage girl with bright pink hair, holding onto a young girl, a toddler, which held almost the same features as him. Black hair with blue eyes like his own. And behind the two girls, a toddler, a boy, with raven black hair and red eyes chased after them, a gleeful smile as he laughed. Just seeing the three, he couldn't help but feel his lips twitch upward, a feeling of happiness welling up within him.
Watching the three were two women, one a year or two older than him with the other about a year or so younger. The eldest woman had black hair like himself, which went along down her back, her skin tanned with golden yellow eyes. The other young woman had short, chin-length, light red hair and cyan eyes, along with a white headband. The cyan-eyed girl brushed some of her hair behind her ear, watching the three girls with a smile, along with the yellow-eyed woman. Looking over to a nearby palm tree, resting under it's shade were two others. One of them was a girl with auburn hair and lime green eyes, her hair put into a ponytail as she looked down at the figure resting by the tree with a bright smile. The figure by the tree would sigh occasionally, his spiky blonde hair flowing with the wind, his golden yellow eyes annoyingly looking up at the auburn-haired girl. Although, his expression would soften up every once and a while.
Over by the shoreline, there was a group. One had green hair that stood next to a woman with silver hair, the two hand in hand as they stared off into the distance. Just a few feet away from them, a pink-haired girl with pink eyes was screaming and chasing after a auburn-haired woman, who had a lollipop in her mouth as she laughed cheerfully, running away. Watching the two was a young man with brown hair and green eyes, a young boy and girl sitting atop his shoulders as he sighed with a smile. And lastly, at the foot of the small hill the icy blue-eyed man sat upon was another couple and a child. The woman had black hair as well, styled into twin tails as she stood next to a blue-haired man, who had a arm wrapped around the girl's waist. Holding onto the girl's hand was the small child, presumably the couple's. They looked happy.
As the icy blue-eyed man gazed down below with a soft, fond smile on his face, he soon leaned back as his expression relaxed. He felt two arms silk around his neck, gently bringing his head back into their chest, the person's arm resembling to that of porcelain. He reached up, grasping one of the figure's hands, feeling it intertwine with his as soft, smooth, porcelain skin made contact. The figure then spoke, it having a soothing voice of a woman's.
He knew. He knew that every time he heard this woman's voice, his whole entire world would light up. His heart would flutter as he felt a certain warmth begin to well within his chest, the man sighing contently.
"What are you smiling for?" The woman asks in a whisper, her tone soothing and calming to his ear.
The man kept smiling, "It's just... This life of ours... I love it."
"Do you now?" She giggled. "I'm glad. That this life we have... I'm grateful for it."
"So am I."
The man looked up, his smile only lightening up even more as his eyes widen in happiness at the mere sight of her. The woman he sees.
Her kind, warm smile, seeing his blue eyes reflected in her own beautiful ruby red eyes, her cheeks being a rosy red as she stared down at him. Instinctively, and because he wanted to, he released his gentle grip off her hand and brought it up so he could touch her face.
It was so close, just mere inches away. But just like that, his hand touched air, his fingers unable to grasp and caress her cheek as she had just disappeared from sight.
Like he was in cold sweat, he shot up. He looked around the area, seeing the world around him had turned to that of a dark red, the ocean waves now a sea of blood. And looking at his attire, he remembers it vividly, it being the attire he wore when he was something else. Looking below, crashing onto the blood covered shore, he could see it all. Bodies.
The bodies of those precious to him.
Panting heavily, his breathing accelerated, he ran down the hill and began heading toward them. As he passed by them, he saw the familiar faces. Their eyes were lifeless, all devoid of the light of life, lying motionless on the blood covered sand. It was as if their eyes were staring dead into his soul. It was almost terrifying.
As he continued to run even further, his breathing continuing to accelerate, dark thoughts, fearful thoughts had filled his mind. It was like the thing he sought was wishing it wasn't true. He soon began to slow down, his run becoming a jog, which turned into a walk, and slowly into that of light treads... Before he came to a full stop.
His eyes wide, filled with shock, fear, disbelief... And sadness. Tears prickling at the end of his eyes, just begging to leave the ducts. His mouth hung agape, his feet beginning to slowly inch forward before he fell onto his knees.
The hands of his were shaking, emanating a slight chill as he would caress two faces, belonging to those of children. His children.
However, nothing had made him more shock, the sadness he was already feeling amounting to nothing he had felt before as he gazed down at her body. Those familiar, beautiful ruby red eyes that were now dull, staring back into his, her mouth agape as a small bit of blood trickled down her face. Her porcelain skin pale, as cold as a corpse as he brought his fingers closer, having them brush against her cheek. His arms would soon loop under her, his hands gently cradling her as he brought her close to his chest.
Using his fingers, he'd brush them over her face and closed her eyes. Those beautiful red eyes now lifeless as his lips quivered, the only thoughts were those of despair. He hugged her body tightly, tears streaming down his face as he heard a deep, sinister voice speaking to him.
One that he had always dreaded to hear.
"You... Could never save the ones you love..."
"Shut up," he muttered quietly, his voice seething with anger. "Just... Shut... Up..."
"You're a failure... You're weak... You can't protect them..."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up," he repeated, grinding his teeth.
"You're worthless... Nothing but a worthless existence... My vessel..."
"Shut... Up...!"
He exploded in anger, a chilling mist coming off of him as an explosion of ice occurs under him. But he soon calmed down, his crying becoming more prevalent as he held the body closer.
Ethereal fingers soon began to come out of the ground as it began to wrap around him.
"You... Are now... Mine... Submit."
And just like that, he woke up. The blue-eyed boy shot up from where he was lying, finding himself in a bed and in a room in a fairly large wooden home. His breathing began to slow down, returning to normal as he took in his surroundings. He was in a different place, unlike the previous one he was just seeing.
Previous one? The icy blue-eyed teen held his head... Just thinking about that place, along with the people he saw in that vision, if he were to call it that, made his head hurt. What was it? Ah, now he remembered. A memory. A memory of the distant past, one that he will never be able to head to ever again. It was so out of reach, the thought of it already painful in his heart as he wasn't able to grasp those people. The ones he called friends... His family.
With a sigh, he kicked the bed covers off of him, letting them messily fall to the floor. Swinging his legs over to the side, he plants them onto the wooden floor before he slips them into some house slippers. Exiting his simple, but homey and cozy looking room, he enters the hallway and began walking down it with a yawn. Already, he could hear chatter and talking as he drew closer, a small frown making it's way to his face.
Upon entering, he sees a family sitting over by the dining table, with a older blonde man by the stove, cooking. Over by the table was a blonde-haired girl with lilac eyes, happily talking away with a girl next to her. The girl next to the blonde had black hair with red tips and distinct silver-colored eyes, who smiled as she listened in on the girl's conversation. And lastly, there was another older man, drinking out of a flask. He sported the same black hair and red eyes as the woman he saw in his memory, already feeling a pang of pain well within his heart.
The girl with silver eyes was the first to notice him, the young girl gaining a bright smile as she waves him over. The lilac-eyed girl then looks over as well, gaining a slight scowl as she turns away. Soon, the man with a flask looks over his way, giving a small smile as he gestures for him to come over. The attention that was being projected over to him even caused the blonde man to look his way, his blue eyes lighting up in happiness, a smile soon appearing onto his scraggly and shabby looking face.
"Hey, there, champ," the man cheerfully calls. "You've been laying in bed for quite a while. Go on and join your sisters and uncle for breakfast. You must be hungry."
"Yeah, come on, big brother!" The youngest girl follows up.
The blonde girl huffed as she muttered under her breath. "Or don't. It was completely fine without you."
The man with red eyes flashes a disapproving glare at the girl before looking back to the icy blue-eyed teenager with a grin.
"C'mon, kiddo. Can't start the day on empty stomach."
He let out a small hum, his blue eyes casting themselves elsewhere. Rubbing his hand on his arm, he walked for the door. But not before saying something.
"Thanks, but... I'm not hungry. I'm... Just going out for a walk."
The blue-eyed teen placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door, walking out as he closed it behind him. As the door let out a shutting noise as it closed, the blonde man sighed as he turned off the stove, carrying the skillet he was using before placing whatever food he was cooking onto the platter that was placed in the middle of the table. The girl with silver eyes looked up at the man with a curious, but saddened gaze.
"Dad... Is there... Something wrong with big brother?"
He wryly chuckled. "Honestly, Ruby... I don't know... I don't know what's running through your brother's mind."
"He's more like a stranger if you ask me," the blonde scoffed, muttering what she said to herself.
"Yang..." The red-eyed man gives her another disapproving glare. He sighed as he looked to Ruby, "He's probably going through some... Issues, pipsqueak. Just give him some time."
"O-Okay..." She meekly replied. "B-But is there some way to help him, Uncle Qrow?"
"Honestly, kid? I don't know. I really don't know," he said, drinking out of his flask.
The blonde man, Taiyang, looked at the door with a conflicted expression. Something was telling him to go after him, but at the same time, another thing was telling him not to. He could tell there was something conflicting the young teen, the boy he calls his son. But he wasn't sure what was wrong and wasn't sure how to help him.
It was like he had said. He didn't know what was running through the boy's mind. After all, they were unaware of the secret he held... And the pain he hides.
The boy kept walking. He didn't know how long for, all he knew is that his destination was up ahead.
He had heard some slight growling nearby, but paid no attention to it. But it soon grew closer, leaping from the side was a strange bear. It was colored black and had white armored plating, along with these red veins all over it. As it lunged forward, the boy turned to it with a cold glare.
Stepping to the side, the creature misses it's pounce. With a scoff, he placed his hand on it, a misty chill coming off his hand as the creature was then frozen entirely. Once frozen completely, the blue-eyed teen reeled his fist back, soon thrusting it with all his might as he struck the side, the creature then shattering into icy particles and dust. He then looked to his hand. He thought he used all of his strength, but he had involuntarily held back.
He closed his eyes. 'Figured. Nothing changed. Well, from back then, at least.'
Continuing his walk, following the path that was covered with orange and yellow leaves, he soon comes out of the woods. He soon finds himself on a cliff overlooking the ocean below, his gaze soon following a grave. He then read what was on the tombstone, reading it to himself.
'"Summer Rose. Thus kindly, I scatter,"' he read. He sighed sadly as he dug into his pocket, then pulling out something.
It was a black ring, with small gold inlays in them. The most distinct feature was the darkened blue gem that rested on top. He still remembered those deep voices speaking to him.
"If that sentiment is not false, perhaps you are worthy."
"We will grant you our Light. But know it will set when the sun rises."
"And the price for it will be your life."
Remembering those words spoken to him caused him to grunt as his other hand held his head. Flashes of that familiar red-eyed woman appeared in his mind, remembering her smile. The way she smiled at him was obviously one that brought him great happiness. He loved it... Just like he loved her.
Opening his eyes, his gaze were set on the rising horizon, slowly turning from orange to blue as the birds chirped in the early morning. A strong wind blew from behind him, a single tear falling down his cheek as he opened his mouth to speak.
So this little idea had stemmed ever since I had asked a question about writing a RWBY story and who the love interest was. Of course, this was way before my AGK series had come to turn, but I had always thought of this. However, I was also inspired by another writer that did a book like this, as well as a good friend/follower had asked for this as well.
Instead of it being a male reader, I decided to build it off of an existing series I have up. So this story is a spin-off of my AGK trilogy. However, at the current moment, the third book in the trilogy isn't finished due to certain circumstances. So you're probably wondering, readers of that book, why I'm making this when it hasn't been finished. Well, this story doesn't necessarily spoil what will happen in that book as this story happens in it's own alternate timeline. So, whatever happens in the Hinowa ga Yuku! story may differ from how it happened in this timeline that's happening for this book.
Anyway, so this is how chapter updates will work. This story will be on a low priority, meaning, this is not a book I will heavily focus on. This will get chapters whenever I decide to update it and because of my current relationship with RWBY still, I'd rather take things slow with this story. So again, this book will be a low priority book and will not heavy updates to it. Updates will inconsistent. They may happen weekly or monthly, it will get updates whatever I decide to do.
And secondly, I will say that you don't have to read my AGK storyline, I do not require it. But if you would like to see things happen, as the first and second books in the trilogy will remain the same in both timelines. When I do get around to finishing the third book in the AGK trilogy, I may do some chapters that will dictate how events lead up to the alternate timeline and how the MC of that book ends up in the world of RWBY.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask and I will respond asap.
Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and await for future updates. Thanks for reading, any sort of feedback is much appreciated.
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