IV | Familiar Faces (Part II)

Her name was Cornelia, or Corey, for short. A beautiful teenage girl, just about a year or two older than them. Then again, everyone in the group were roughly around the same age.

She was regarded as the "big sister," and in a way, she was. She was kind to everyone, looking out for them, especially when it came to their dietary. Corey and Akira were the two that would advise Akame to eat more things other than just meat, but in the end, it was something that not even they could stop her at.

But if there was anything he did regret about her was not giving the chance she so wished. He always kept chasing a girl he knew wouldn't accept his feelings at the time, failing to see a certain girl hold the same feelings he had for him. And when he finally did acknowledge them to give her a chance, he lost her. He remembered how it went. It happened right after they made a delivery to a few friends in the mountain, and when they arrived back in town, she asked him. He contemplated the decision for quite a bit, but realized that if the girl he loved didn't accept his, he might as well try with another.

And he did, accepting her request of taking her out. And he remembered how elated she looked, how her cheeks turned into a rosy red and a bright smile appearing onto her face. She was so happy.

But she was then taken away from him, finding her body in an abandoned square of a building, murdered. 

And now... Here they were now.

 IV | Familiar Faces (Part II)

The two stared at each other for what felt like a long time. And it wasn't necessarily wrong, they hadn't seen each other in such a long time. They knew each other since childhood.

He couldn't help but be mesmerized by her visage again. How her long, golden blonde hair would flow in the wind and those sparkling blue eyes of hers. And to add onto her easygoing appearance and charm of hers was her personality. So kind and gentle, having a small shy side of wanting to be doted on because she was constantly playing the role of a big sister. And Akira would sometimes indulge in her in such a thing.

But that all felt so long ago... And now they were reunited.

She looked the same, but her attire was different. Same could be said for him, as well. Her attire was somewhat the same as her appearance from when he last saw her. Combat boots, black skintight leggings, but this time wearing a white long-sleeved coat, a bit suitable for mild weather. But all in all, she was still the same old Cornelia.

Corey smiles at him again. "You've... Gotten a little taller."

"You're making it sound like I was shorter than you," Akira says, stifling a small laugh. "But, yeah... I guess you could say I did."

"And you're certainly a lot more... How to put it... Lively?"

"Really?" He looked at her puzzled.

"Yeah. The last time we were last together, you were a lot more... Well, I wouldn't say gloomy, but quieter and less talkative. But... It's a nice change of you, you know?"

"...I-If you say so, Corey," the boy said, a small red hue appearing on his cheeks.

He couldn't help but feel awkward at this interaction at the moment. Yes, he was quite happy to see her, but he didn't think he'd be able to. The last interaction they had was quite a saddening one, especially since after what happened with that one person he killed after avenging her death.

"Listen--" The two began to speak at the same time. "You first--"

They halted once more. Cornelia merely laughs at the exchange, albeit awkwardly, Akira mirroring the same thing. Ruby and the posh, snotty rich girl, whom Cornelia identifies as "Miss Schnee" watch with slightly wide eyes. They didn't know that they knew each other, especially Ruby. As far as she was concerned, her brother rarely ever left the house and socializes with anyone. So seeing him interact with someone, especially since it's also a girl, was real surprising to her.

However, it was even more surprising to Ruby was it seemed that her brother seemed to know this person as well. She could feel the affectionate way of him saying "Corey," which she presumes to be her name, and the way he smiled at her. That kind of smile was quite rare to see.

"So, a little sister, huh?" She made a glance at Ruby, who made a squeak.

"U-Um...!" The girl bowed. "R-Ruby Rose, and it's... I-It's nice to meet you!"

Cornelia chuckled. "Nice to meet you, too. There's no need to be nervous."

"Sorry, it's just... You have the aura or a feeling of an angel or something!"

"R-Really?" Cornelia shyly tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "W-Well, I have gotten that a lot."

The posh, screeching girl cleared her throat. "C-Corey...!"

"Yes, Miss Schnee?"

"How do you know this brute!? And I told you to call me Weiss when we're out of the house!"

Akira hummed quietly to himself, making a small glance at the white-haired girl. Her name was Weiss Schnee, apparently. If he recalled correctly, she's the current heir set to inherit the Schnee Dust Company, unlike her older sister, Winter Schnee, who's an Atlas Specialist. He's heard all kinds of complaints regarding her from his uncle, especially during his drunken nights.

Cornelia merely nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I do know him. Let's just say... For a long time now."

"Right..." Akira confirmed, nodding slightly.

"W-Well, how can he be so rude!? Did you see the way he grabbed my wrist!?" Weiss exclaimed.

Cornelia patted her head. "Calm down, Weiss. That's just how he is. Trust me, once you talk and get to know him, he's a real softie."

Akira rolled his eyes. "Sorry, but I don't play nice with brats."

"Why, you...!" Weiss looked at him irritably while Cornelia chuckled.

"Anyway, we'll have to get going Weiss. Anymore we wait, we'll be late for the opening ceremony."

"I'm not going anywhere until I get an apology from... This brute and this idiot for being so rude!"

"Hey, I didn't do anything!" Ruby retorted.

Weiss scowled at her. "Yes, you did! You walked right into my luggage carrier!"

"Miss Schnee, please--"

"No! I'm not moving from this very spot until I hear an apology straight from their mouths!"

She kept waving her arms so much that she had forgotten she was holding onto the luggage containing the Dust vials. She waved them around so much that she ended up dropping them and it popped open, plumes of Dust being flung into the air as Ruby got a good sniff of some good old Fire Dust. Getting a good whiff being inhaled up her nose, she sneezed, literally causing an explosion to occur that it made a loud booming noise, with crackling of ice and electricity being heard as she had also inhaled a good bit of ice and lightning Dust as well.

Quite the powerful explosion, you could say.

A Fire Dust bottle could be seen bouncing along the cobblestone road, clinking as it bumps up against a black-haired girl's feet. She notices it, picking it up as she looks away from her book temporarily before looking to where the commotion was being caused. Once it cleared, Weiss could be seen berating Ruby, who was embarrassingly touching the tips of her index fingers.

"Unbelievable!" Weiss screeched. "This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

"I'm really, really sorry!" Ruby apologized.

"Um, Miss Schnee--" Cornelia tries to calm her down but was interrupted.

"Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here!? Aren't a little young to be attending Beacon!?"

Again, Ruby tries to speak, "Well, I-I--"

"This isn't your ordinary combat school! It's not just just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... Watch where you're going!"

"Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!"

A new voice then spoke, "It's heiress, actually."

The four pause and look to where the source of the voice had come from. Upon looking, Akira had frozen, something Cornelia had noticed. Corey had furrowed her brow, gaining a slight unnoticeable frown as she had turned back. Two girls had appeared, both of them having black hair. One of them had amber eyes with the other having lime-colored eyes. But the sight of the girl with lime eyes was the very reason Akira had froze. He knew who this girl was. Something he wasn't very delighted to see. Just thinking about her made his blood boil, but he kept his neutral demeanor on his face, showing no sign of any hostile intent.

The girl who had spoken continued, the girl with amber eyes and a black bow on her head. "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellent in the world."

Weiss smiled smugly. "Finally! Some recognition!"

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Hearing that escape the black-bowed girl's mouth, Weiss instantly became angered. That usual hoity toity and pompous attitude that most people would usually perceive of a rich girl came kicking in.

"Wha--How dare--The nerve of... Ugh!" Huffing in the girl's face, Weiss snatches the Dust bottle that was in her hands, most likely from her supply. She then marches off, "Come on, Corey!"

"Coming, Miss Schnee!" She yells after, sighing in exasperation. But she soon stopped, turning to Akira. "It was nice seeing you Akira. We should talk more," she said, giving him a warm smile.

He returns it. "Yeah... It was nice seeing you too. And about back then... I--"

"Hey, save it. It's okay. I'm past it now." She began to walk away before stopping and turning around. "One more thing, Akira."


"You still owe me a date."

His eyes widened temporarily before they relaxed. That's right, he still did. 

Lifting a hand up to his face, he began to scratch his cheek awkwardly. In fact, a small, but light red hue appeared on his cheeks, Ruby even noticing the blush. Already, a plethora and multitude of questions filled her mind, wanting to ask her older brother for the details.

"I-I'm surprised you still remember that."

She giggles. "You should know that I was never a forgetful person."

"Yeah, you really weren't," he said with soft laughter. He soon smiled again, "Yeah, sounds... Nice. Just tell me when."

"I'll be waiting," Cornelia says with a smile.

Walking off, the blonde girl follows after, soon disappearing off. He felt happy, knowing that someone he knew was here in this world with him. Though he loathed the fact that he wasn't with his family in the other world anymore, he was quite content with the new family he found here, even more elated by the fact that an old friend was here as well. Those feelings of happiness, usually appearing when he's with his friends or his family, had returned for just a small moment.

He soon looked down toward his younger sister. Ruby had frowned, saddened by the fact that black-haired girl and the other had already begun walking away. She thought it was an opportunity to make a couple of new friends, considering the opportunity to make friends with Weiss had ultimately shattered. 

She soon sighed, "Welcome to Beacon..."

Akira sighed. "There are other people to be friends with, Ruby..."

"You don't know that," she droned. However, her despair was short lived when she sees a shadow looming over her, a hand stuck out to her.

The two look over, seeing it was the same blonde boy on the ship. He put on an awkward smile.

"Hey... I'm Jaune."

"Ruby." She took his hand, getting to her feet and then snickering. "Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?"

Jaune only laughed nervously. He then notices Akira's cold stare. "Uh... Is he always like that...?"

Ruby only slaps her brother's shoulder. "He's always like that. Don't worry. You'll get used to it."

"Hehe... Right..."

Akira simply sighed internally. 'This... Is going to be a long day...'

Why did he feel like he was going to reject his choice despite coming here already?


Sorry if it was a short one, but mainly wanted to just do a few introductions of some characters that'll appear. Though, next chapter, I'll probably make it a bit more longer than this one. In any case, hope you guys enjoyed it.

Until the next one.

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