027 | Homecoming (Pt.2)

To Riverdale and Back Again

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FP smiled as he walked down the steps to see Isabella leaning against her father's car, he chuckled as he remembered Alice's face at the young teen's words. He leaned against the car beside her as Christian spoke with Jughead and Betty leaving Hal and Alice to argue. "I was banking on you and my boy to get together but I didn't expect that snap," FP told her as she sighed. "I was trying not to snap but she was just getting on my nerves and I didn't want to risk her starting on Dad about Mom or him being a Serpent too," Isabella told FP before smiling at Jughead.

"You handled it, Bella. You looked out for your own," FP told her and Isabella knew what he meant, she smiled at him. "I always will," Isabella told him as Jughead walked over. "Everything all good?" FP asked his son, Jughead nodded. "Yeah. Your dad's heading off," Jughead told Isabella, she looked at her dad and waved; he waved back before leaving in hopes to escape the Coopers. But what shocked Isabella was when a familiar car pulled up to the house, Noah Sinclair climbing out and smiling at Betty. "Noah?" Isabella questioned, FP tensed slightly at the boy who smiled sheepishly.

"I asked Betty to the dance," Noah told Isabella who smirked at him with a raised brow. "You look after her, Noah. You know what I can do if you don't," Isabella warned him making FP and Jughead laugh at the fear that showed in Noah's face. "Completely understood," Noah said before looking towards Betty who smiled at him. "But, uh... I've been into Betty Cooper for years..." Noah told Isabella before walking towards Betty ignoring the disapproving looks from Alice and Hal Cooper. "That's an interesting duo," FP spoke up while Isabella shrugged. "I think it's what he needs. Now let's go before Alice annoys us more," Isabella told them.

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FP pulled the truck up to the school steps, Isabella sent him a smile as Jughead climbed out of the truck. Jughead held his hand out for Isabella, she put her own in his and climbed out of the car before brushing her skirt down trying to ignore the cold air. "You be a gentleman tonight, okay?" FP told Jughead while Isabella smiled. "He always is, FP," Isabella assured him with a grin on her face. "Isa, you mind just giving us a minute?" Jughead asked Isabella who nodded before stopping, "Oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to invite both of you over after the dance. It'd be nice for Mom." FP smiled at her, "I'll be happy too." She nodded and waved before walking up the steps to the doors.

Isabella smiled at Betty and Noah as they walked in, Kevin stopping the blonde and her date considering he didn't expect the new face. "Ready?" Jughead asked Isabella pulling her attention away from their friends. "I think so," Isabella answered as they headed into the school and towards the gym. "After the dance, I'd like to talk to you about something. It has to do with my dad," Jughead told Isabella, grabbing her hand and leading her toward a table. "Is everything okay?" Isabella asked him, worry shining in her eyes. "Yeah. Actually, things are great. Better than they've been in a while," Jughead told her as they stopped.

"I just kinda wanna figure something out together," Jughead added, Isabella smiled and nodded. "Of course. But you will owe me a dance tonight, that's my condition," Isabella teased him. Jughead smiled before the two sat down, Isabella noticed Betty approach Cheryl while Noah walked towards the couple. "Betty sent me to reserve seats," Noah spoke as he sat down, Jughead raised a brow still unsure about who this guy was. "Right, introductions," Isabella said as she noticed Jughead's expression. "Jughead, this is Noah Sinclair. A friend I made in the Southside. Noah, Jughead Jones," Isabella smiled at both males who shared a nod.

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Isabella approached Betty and watched as Cheryl walked away, "No Polly then?" Betty shook her head at Isabella's question before sighing. "I'm sorry about my mom," Betty told Isabella who shrugged. "It's technically Jughead and FP that need the apology but you aren't the one responsible for it. It's all good," Isabella assured Betty before the two looked around. "I haven't spotted Veronica or Archie anywhere," Isabella told Betty. "I'll ask Kevin. You get back to your date," Betty assured Isabella who raised a brow. "Are you ditching your own date?" Isabella asked though she hoped that wasn't happening.

"No, I'm not. I just wanna check in with Veronica and Archie who is supposed to be singing tonight," Betty told her, Isabella laughed and left Betty to find the missing duo. Noah had left the table and found himself at the snack table while Isabella sat back down with Jughead. "He's not too bad," Jughead told Isabella. "Yeah, Noah's pretty chill," Isabella replied to Jughead before noticing Betty staring towards an entrance where Archie and Veronica were talking to Alice Cooper. That's a bad mix, Isabella thought to herself before Jughead turned her head to him. "Have I told you how glad I am that we worked us out?" Jughead asked her before quickly kissing her; he would never grow tired of the taste of her lips.

Isabella had managed to convince Jughead to dance with her as a slow song came on, the familiar tune made Isabella smile to herself. "What's the smile for?" Jughead asked her softly, she grinned at him. "Whatever may come, your heart I will choose. Forever I'm yours, forever I do..." Isabella sang along with the song, Jughead swooning at the words. "I'm just happy," Isabella told him as she rested her head on his chest, the two swaying lightly on the spot not caring about dancing across the floor but being in each other's arms.

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Archie and Veronica walked over to Jughead and Isabella just as they reached their table, Isabella noticed the dazed expression on Archie's face. Betty approached them before the two new arrivals could say anything to Jughead or Isabella. "Where have you two been?" Betty asked causing Veronica to look at Betty with wide eyes. "We... We stopped at Pop's," Archie answered Betty but Isabella picked up on Archie's nervous stutter. "What were you talking to my mom about?" Betty inquired next as Noah walked over and stood by Betty's side, his hand resting on the small of her back.

"Betty-" Veronica's soft tone was interrupted by Archie, "Guys, can we table this?" Isabella furrowed her brows as she shared a look with Noah who seemed to also pick up on the nervous and hesitant behavior of Archie and Veronica. "We gotta get ready. Come on," Archie pulled Veronica away while Betty and Isabella shared a look. Isabella leaned into Jughead's side, his arm resting around her waist while Betty let herself lean closer to Noah; the respective duos watching the stage as Mayor McCoy stepped up on the stage.

"Friends, students, and alumni, I hope you bought your dancing shoes. Please join me in welcoming to the stage Riverdale High's very own Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge," Mayor McCoy announced before moving aside for Archie and Veronica to step up on the stage. "Archie's nervous about something and it's not performing on stage," Isabella told her blonde companion, Betty nodded at Isabella's words. "And I plan to find out what it is," Betty told her brunette companion before Noah sighed, "Well until then, I'm taking my date to the dancefloor." Isabella laughed as Noah dragged Betty to the large crowd.

Isabella smiled as Archie started singing "Kids in America" before laughing at the way the two became playful on stage causing the crowd to go wild. Isabella noticed the look on Betty's face as she watched Archie and Veronica, it didn't take long for her to see the jealousy on the blonde's face; something that Noah took notice of too. Isabella frowned at Noah's crestfallen face, "He's into Betty but she's still hung up on Archie." Jughead rubbed Isabella's back as he looked at Betty and Noah, "They'll work it out." Isabella laughed and kissed Jughead's cheek.

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"Hey, I'm gonna head off. Betty ditched me, her mom's gonna take her home with her," Noah told Isabella as she and Jughead were people-watching and creating stories. "She just disappeared?" Isabella asked Noah who shrugged. "She headed out to the hall with Veronica, I think. But she told me that I should just go," Noah told her before looking at Jughead, "Nice meeting you, Jughead. Look out for this one, aye?" Jughead nodded as he shook Noah's hand, Isabella gave Noah a hug before watching him leave.

"You wanna go find her?" Jughead asked Isabella knowing she was intrigued. "Yeah, I'm worried... Something is really off," Isabella told him before grabbing his hand and heading out of the main gym and into the hall. Jughead and Isabella walked around the corner to see Betty standing in front of Veronica and Archie, "Hey guys, what's going on?" Archie looked at his cousin as she held Jughead's hand, the couple were looking at the trio expectantly. "Why do I feel like we're suddenly left out?" Jughead asked as he noticed the trio's expressions, Betty's held hurt while Veronica and Archie were worried.

"Do you wanna tell him or should I?" Betty asked Archie and Veronica, Isabella tensed as she realized whatever this was, it would affect Jughead negatively. "Tell me what?" Jughead asked as he tensed up, his grip on Isabella's hand tightened. Archie and Veronica walked around Betty and stood in front of Jughead and Isabella, Archie took a breath. "We went to your dad's trailer to..." Archie was interrupted by Veronica, "To search it, Jughead." Isabella immediately glared at the two, she now understood why Betty was tense and upset with their friends. "Why would you guys do that?" Jughead asked them.

"My mom... put them up to it," Betty answered as she stepped closer, "She was convinced he was hiding something about Jason." Isabella could see Jughead's trust in his friends fading as he listened to them. "We were wrong, all of us. We didn't find anything," Veronica defended quickly. "We were only doing it to prove that--" Archie was cut off by Jughead, "That my dad wasn't a murderer? You went behind my back, Archie?" Jughead let go of Isabella's hand as he looked at Archie in betrayal. "Jug..." Archie trailed off due to not knowing what to say to him or to Isabella who was beyond upset with Archie's actions.

"How did you--? When did you guys know to go to my dad's trailer?" Jughead asked them. "We knew he'd be at dinner with--" Veronica's response was interrupted by Jughead who looked from Betty to Isabella before turning to walk away. "No..." Betty breathed out before moving closer to Jughead. "That's why your mom invited my dad and I? So these two could break in while she interrogated him?" Jughead asked Betty while Isabella stepped back letting Jughead handle this how he needed to, she'd deal with them after he had his chance to get answers.

"No, I didn't know what they were doing. But yes, that is why she invited you guys," Betty told him, her eyes watery as Jughead stood before her. Everyone knew that Jughead and Betty had developed a sibling connection, Betty looked up to Jughead and she didn't want to lose him; not for something she had nothing to do with. "Did you...?" Jughead asked as he turned to look at Isabella, the brunette tilted her head and fought the hurt at his accusation knowing he was just hurting right now. "She had nothing to do with it. She wouldn't have let us do anything," Archie spoke up hoping to smooth things over as much as possible.

"Jughead, I believed FP when he said he didn't do it. I believed in you and him. I would never do this to you, JJ. Never..." Isabella swallowed the break in her tone, she refused to allow any feelings of hurt to show itself because Jughead was reacting naturally. His best friend, sister figure, and friend betrayed him in some form and it was painful for Jughead who spent so long as an outcast loner. Isabella and Jughead stared at each other for a moment, he hated to accuse her but he needed her words; he should have known better than to think that she would ever do something like this behind his back.

"To think I was gonna pass on moving to Toledo for all of you," Jughead spoke causing everyone to realize just how much they really meant to the boy. Isabella's heart clenched as she realized what he had wanted to talk about, the fact he was ready and willing to leave his family behind to be with the friends he made, and as he looked at Isabella; she realized he was ready to stay for her. "When we went to my dad's trailer, you asked me if I believed him. I said I did," Jughead reminded Betty, the blonde tearing up as he spoke. "Wasn't that good enough for you?" Jughead asked her while Isabella moved forward.

"It was. It was good enough," Betty answered him as Isabella cautiously interlocked her fingers with Jughead's, he accepted the move which reassured Isabella. "I tried to stop her," Betty tried to fix whatever she could out of the friendship they held. "You could have told me. You could have warned me," Jughead replied to her. "We didn't want to hurt you, Jughead," Archie said as he and Veronica stepped closer to them. "So you lied? Instead, you lied to me?" Jughead asked them. "There they are," Kevin's voice interrupted the group of teenagers. Isabella noticed her uncle Daniel standing in the back as Alice called her daughter and approached her.

"No, you have to listen, all of you," Alice spoke sternly after her daughter tried to shut her up, Isabella was beyond worried at their faces. "What's happened?" Isabella asked as Alice looked from Jughead to Isabella. "My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead," Kevin spoke up causing Jughead to look at him in confusion. "What about my dad?" Jughead asked Kevin though it was clear he wasn't gonna like the answer. "He was just arrested," Fred told him truthfully, "For the murder of Jason Blossom." Jughead was frozen for a moment before he ran out of the hall, Isabella moved to follow him when Fred and Daniel stopped her.

"I need to go with him, he needs me," Isabella told them but Fred shook his head. "It's important, Bella," Daniel spoke while Fred told Archie to go after Jughead. "Need us to stay?" Mayor McCoy asked but the two men shook their heads. Mayor McCoy led Alice and Kevin out of the hall leaving the trio behind. "What's going on? My boyfriend needs me!" Isabella told them before noticing the tears in Fred's eyes. "Uncle Freddie... What's--" Isabella stopped as the worst to came to mind, "--No, no, no, no... She's fine, right? Just a small--"

Fred pulled his niece into his arms as Daniel looked down. "I'm so sorry, Belle. Annelise is gone," Fred whispered to his niece causing the girl to freeze, tears fell rapidly down her face but not a sound left her lips. The room felt like it was closing in and she felt dizzy, her whole world felt off center, and like any minute, she'd wake up from this nightmare and she'd be in the arms of her boyfriend. Her Boyfriend. Jughead needed her right now, his father was just arrested for something he didn't do and she knew better than to leave him behind knowing how distraught he'd be. So she ran.

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Rosemary Here!

Uh oh! Troubles are afoot.
But my favorite ship #JugBella will remain unharmed.

The next chapter is gonna be sad-ish. This is my longest chapter yet.
Basically, listen to 'Carry You' by Ruelle and Fleurie on repeat if you wish because the next chapter is inspired by it.

See you next chapter!

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