026 | Homecoming (Pt.1)

To Riverdale and Back Again

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"He shaved, Isa! He hasn't been drinking and he hasn't missed a day of work... I think it's time to go live with him," Jughead expressed to Isabella as the two sat together in the Andrews household. "That's amazing, JJ. Maybe it is time," Isabella told him as she rested her head in his lap looking up at him. "Belle," Mary Andrews walked into the living room smiling at the two, "We should get started on your look for the dance." Isabella nodded in agreement, she wanted her mother to help but unfortunately, she had an important hospital appointment so Mary volunteered. Isabella kissed Jughead before making her way upstairs with Mary, the two giggling as Jughead smiled, things were starting to look up for him.

Isabella sat still as Mary did her make-up as natural as possible per Isabella's request before letting her curl her hair and tie half of it up leaving the rest down. "I have to say that I'm proud of you, Bella. Through everything, you've come out the other side strong," Mary told her niece with a smile on her face. "Thank you, Mary, it means a lot to me," Isabella replied with a smile of her own. "Well, time for the dress," Mary told her before moving toward the door. "And Bella?" Mary turned to her niece. "Yeah?" Isabella raised a brow as she held her dress. "No matter what comes your way from today, just remember that you are never alone," Mary told her, leaving her to put on her burgundy dress.

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"I never really thought I'd see Alice Cooper being nice but--" Jughead trailed off as he noticed that Fred was no longer looking at him. He turned his head towards the stairs and felt his world spin for a second before all he could see was her. Isabella wasn't the girl who dressed up and wore formal makeup every day, she was more laid back with her style. But as Isabella walked toward the boy who wore a tux, he felt his heart racing. Jughead was so focused on Isabella, he hadn't even noticed that Fred and Mary had left the room.

"You look good, Jug," Isabella told him once she stood in front of him, and despite her heels, she still had to tilt her head slightly to look him in the eyes. "You look breathtaking, Isa," Jughead breathed out as he placed his hand on her hip and pulled her closer to him. Isabella swooned as Jughead lifted her hand and kissed it lightly, the action was sweet and it made Isabella's heart melt. "Ready for tonight?" Isabella asked her boyfriend. "Not completely," Jughead told her with a smirk, Isabella laughed before smirking herself. Isabella leaned forward and kissed Jughead slowly, the boy melted against her as she took control.

Isabella trapped Jughead against the counter as his hands rest on her hips, Isabella held Jughead's face in her hands as she kissed him in a way she hadn't before. After a few more seconds, Isabella pulled away from Jughead who leaned forward to chase her lips. "We don't want to keep everyone waiting," Isabella whispered to Jughead, a teasing glint in her eyes that almost made Jughead groan. He never thought a day would come when he'd rather make out with a girl than do dinner with his dad. "You're a tease," Jughead whispered to his grinning girlfriend. "You love it," Isabella teased back before walking towards the door.

Jughead smiled to himself before clearing his throat and following behind his girlfriend as she opened the door and the two headed over to the Cooper house where FP was climbing out of his truck. "Hey kids," FP greeted the two, Isabella smiled up at him. "How have you been, Mr Jones?" Isabella asked making FP laugh. "Just call me FP, Bella. But I'm doing pretty well, how are you?" FP asked the brunette. "I'm doing really good these days. A few tough moments but hey, you do what you can, right?" Isabella answered making FP nod in agreement while Jughead watched fondly as Isabella and FP spoke.

The door opened to reveal Christian, "I didn't come to this dinner only for you all to leave me to suffer. Get in here." Isabella laughed at her father and made her way up the stairs and towards her father who smiled fondly at his daughter. "You look beautiful, Belle," Christian complimented his daughter before the two headed into the house, smiling kindly at Alice and Betty. "Betty, you look amazing!" Isabella complimented as Betty walked toward her. "So do you!" Betty replied with a grin, the two hugged each other before they began talking about the dance and the fact that Betty had a surprise date.

Meanwhile, FP turned to Jughead who had watched Isabella head inside, a pure smile on his face that FP had never seen before. "So you two are officially together then?" FP asked his son taking the chance to have a decent conversation with his son. "Yeah, we are," Jughead answered his dad, looking up at him, "Like you said, I got something good. I'm not letting her go." FP smiled proudly at his son, a look Jughead hadn't seen before but made him happier than he had ever been. "I'm happy for you, kid. Always had hope that you and Isabella would get together, I remember all the times Gladys and Elise would talk about you two getting married," FP teased making Jughead blush lightly.

"I don't quite know if it's love yet, Dad... But I do know I can't see my life without her in it," Jughead told his father truthfully. "That's how you know she's a keeper," FP told his son before placing his hand on his son's shoulder. "You two need to stick together no matter what happens, Jughead. You two are at your strongest when you have each other, that's something we all knew even when you were just friends," FP told him while squeezing his son's shoulder. "You two done?" Christian asked as he stuck his head out the door, "I can only handle so much girl talk and Isabella's skills are failing us." FP and Jughead laughed as Isabella slapped her dad's arm.

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Jughead was seated next to FP with Christian and Isabella seated across from them leaving Betty and Alice sitting at the heads of the table. Jughead and Isabella shared a look, both were preparing for Alice's motive to show itself. "Super delicious, Mrs. C," Jughead complimented with FP agreeing. "It's been a while since we've had a proper cooked meal," Christian added with Isabella nodding in agreement. "I'm not the best when it comes to cooking and neither is Dad," Isabella told Alice while the others laughed at Christian's look of offense. "You know I love you Dad but your version of cooking is ordering a pizza or bringing home Pops," Isabella told him, he huffed before nodding in defeat.

"So, FP..." Alice started as she sat down again, Isabella shared a look with Betty who sighed immediately. "Betty tells me that you're working for Fred Andrews now," Alice continued once she had FP's attention. "How do you balance that with all your other responsibilities?" Alice asked causing FP and Christian to share an amused look, they both were expecting Alice's prying questions to appear; she never could help herself. "You mean like being a father?" FP asked her as he continued eating his meal. "And being a part of the Southside community," Alice added causing Betty to interrupt.

"Funny... you asking about that," Christian commented on behalf of his best friend causing FP to smirk while Alice seemed to shrink for a moment. "You can say Southside Serpent, Alice," FP told her, Christian sighed as he looked at Isabella; the girl smiling in reassurance. "Nothing bad about being a Southside Serpent, Alice," Christian added as he leaned back in his seat, they all watched as he showed his wrist where his Southside Serpent tattoo still sat. "We're not ashamed," FP continued for his best friend while Isabella winked at Jughead who tried to hide a smile knowing she was a Serpent child too.

"And it's not just me. There's a bunch of us working on Fred's site," FP jumped back to her initial intrigued in his responsibilities. "So, if you don't mind me asking... I'm just curious... how did you make your living before that?" Alice asked him causing Isabella to bite her lip, Jughead's eyes trailed from his father to Betty then to Isabella who looked like she wanted to say something. "I scraped by. Odd jobs," FP answered as he noticed the tension building. Alice turned her attention to Jughead, "I know that you worked for the drive-in, Jughead before it was closed. Did you find work there, too, FP?"

Betty and Isabella looked at each other with unamused expressions. "Well, I hung out there a bit. What can I say? I'm a movie buff," FP said causing the others to chuckle lightly. "So, tell me... were you upset when Hiram Lodge bought the drive-in?" Alice asked FP. "Stuff happens," FP answered her but anyone could tell Alice wasn't happy with the answer. "Let me rephrase that, were you surprised?" Alice corrected causing everyone to look at her, it wasn't hard to tell that FP was getting fed up with Alice's prying. The doorbell rang and Betty got up to get it, Isabella leaned back in her seat. "Wow, Mrs. Cooper, you don't know when to stop," Isabella spoke up.

Christian and FP tried not to laugh at Isabella's words, Jughead smirking proudly while Alice looked at Isabella bemused. Betty led her father, Hal into the dining room with a smile on her face and Isabella had to look away as she snorted due to Alice's disapproving expression seeing her husband. Hal shook Christian's hand while Isabella smiled kindly at the man, she stepped up next to Jughead and leaned onto his shoulder. "That was exactly what I was expecting," Isabella whispered to him, he huffed a laugh before wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Good thing you're here to fight back," Jughead told her before kissing the side of her head. "I'll always be here to fight back," Isabella told him while Christian and FP shared a happy look. Things got heated when Hal questioned FP about a vacancy at Sunnyside Trailer Park due to living in the Registry where Alice threw a brick through the front window. FP challenged Alice's words with his own story before Isabella finally stood up from the table, "Alright, we get it. Alice, you're a stubborn bitch with a nosy personality but leave FP alone. He's done nothing wrong and everything he does is for his son, so do a favor for your own kid and learn to shut up!"

The room fell silent at Isabella's words, Alice was flushed red in anger and embarrassment while the three men were heavily amused by the teenagers words. "I'm just saying what everyone is thinking. Instead of spending all this time talking shit, why don't you look in a mirror, Alice, cause even I know for fact that you're far from innocent," Isabella added hinting at her knowledge about Alice Cooper being a Southside Serpent too, no matter how far she tried to run from the past, it was bound to catch up to her. "Well, what an evening," Christian added as he smirked with pride towards his daughter, the others amused excluding Alice who was glaring.

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Rosemary Here!

We love an OC that gives no shit.
Had some fluff before shit goes down though.
So be prepared for what's gonna happen next!

See you in the next chapter!

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