012 | Promise

🖤 Heart Of Darkness 🖤

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Every town has one. The spooky house that all the kids avoid. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom family's mansion, with its very own graveyard.

And trapped within its walls like some gothic heroine was Cheryl Blossom. Still grieving for her beloved brother, Jason. Linked in death even as they were in life.

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Isabella refused to talk things out with Jughead, she was closing in on herself after he witnessed her panic attack and Jughead decided to let her have some time to herself before he'd bring it up. The duo and Betty stood in the Blue and Gold with Kevin setting up the "murder board" that Kevin's father, Sheriff Keller had in their home before someone broke in and took all of the evidence while they were out. "This is how my dad had his Jason Blossom murder board before it was trashed," Kevin spoke as he stepped back from the board, Isabella leaned against the desk and Jughead and Betty stood by the board looking it over.

"Any leads on who did that? Or what they were looking for?" Jughead asked Kevin who had sighed. "Nope. No fingerprints. But they stole a bunch of files, background checks, and all the video and audiotapes of police interviews," Kevin explained to them. The door opened gaining the four occupants' attention to see Trev Brown step into the room. "Hey, Betty..." He spoke as he looked around before focusing his attention on the blonde. "Trev, hi!" Betty greeted him with a wide smile, she stepped toward him. "Sorry to interrupt..." Trev apologised.

Jughead naturally gravitated closer to Isabella while Kevin focused on Betty and Trev. "Oh, no... Uh, it's okay. We're just, uh, working on..." Betty trailed off as Jughead spoke up, "Our murder board." Trev's eyes widened for a moment as he looked from Jughead to the board before focusing back on Betty. "Well, I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tomorrow?" Trev asked her. "Absolutely, it's a date," Betty spoke before clearing her throat, "I mean, I'll... I'll see you there. Bye." Isabella smirked slightly at Betty's flustered state and found herself admiring the potential between Trev and Betty.

"Going on a date with Trev? Does Mama Cooper know about that?" Kevin asked after Trev left the room, Isabella raised a brow at Betty who flushed pink. "Kev, I'm not on house arrest," Betty defended with a small smile. "But really?" Isabella asked with a knowing grin. "Okay, she's out of town at a Woman in Journalism spa retreat," Betty corrected leaving Isabella with a satisfied smirk on her face. "Anyway, it's not a 'date' date," Betty told them. "You just called it a date. You literally said, "It's a date"," Jughead told her.

"That's just my cover. Really, it's an intelligence-gathering mission," Betty explained as she walked toward Isabella and linked their arms before approaching the board. "We should focus on the one thing we access to that your dad doesn't," Betty told Kevin. "The kids at Riverdale High," Isabella added with a nod of understanding. "You know, maybe Trev knows something about Jason he didn't think was important," Betty told the others while Isabella laughed. "I know this "date" is for information but honestly Betts, I'd say take the chance of something new. I mean, look at what's happened... life is short," Isabella encouraged with a sigh, Jughead watching her and taking in the words.

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"Betty, you're positively radiating Nicholas Sparks. Tell me everything about this Trev," Veronica spoke as the group walked along the bleachers outside toward Archie. "Oh, there's nothing to tell. Just one of Betty's sources, there's nothing romantic in the offing," Kevin replied to Veronica who turned to the teen instantly. "Why is everything weird here? Why can't a date just be a date?" Veronica asked in annoyance. Betty sat next to Archie with Veronica sitting a step up between them while Kevin and Jughead sat a step up from Veronica.

Isabella debated where to sit but choose to sit on the other side of Archie, which didn't go unnoticed by Jughead who had frowned immediately, he wished she'd just talk to him. "What about you, Archie? How's life in a PG world?" Veronica asked gaining everyone's confused expressions. "PG. Post-Grundy. What, too soon?" Veronica asked them, Isabella bit back a laugh and focused on the book in her hands. "Coach Clayton says I have a shot at being varsity captain. So I'm not thinking about anything else right now," Archie replied to her as he looked at the book in his lap.

"And you're back to being boring. Belle, what about you? Any boys, girls or other?" Veronica asked the brunette who shook her head and continued reading. "Are you, maybe, throwing yourself into football as a way to avoid your feelings?" Betty asked Archie pulling the attention off of Isabella and checking in on Archie at the same time. "I'm not avoiding anything, Betty, I'm trying to get my life back on track," Archie replied to her. "I can help with that," Valerie spoke as she squeezed in between Archie and Isabella, "I know Ms. Grundy was tutoring you."

"Understatement of the year," Veronica commented. "But there's this amazing songwriter from New York, who's an adjunct at Carson College? Incredible mentor. He does some coaching on the side and I told him about you. You wanna meet him?" Valerie asked Archie who perked up. "Yeah, yeah I'd love to, but football..." Archie was cut off by Betty, "No, Archie can. And he will." Isabella looked up from her book to look at Archie with encouragement before looking back at the book. "Call him if you want, but do it soon. His spots fill up fast," Valerie warned him before he thanked her and watched her walk away.

"Hey, now you have zero excuse for avoiding music," Betty told Archie as Cheryl approached the group. "Sorry to interrupt Sad Breakfast Club, but I'm here to formally invite you to Jason's memorial at Thornhill this weekend. To my surprise and chagrin, mother added you to the guest list," Cheryl spoke as she handed formal invitations to each of the group. "In case you're tempted to steal our silver candlesticks, don't. We'll be searching bags," Cheryl told them before stopping by Isabella and placing her hand on her shoulder, squeezing before walking away.

Isabella got up from the bleachers and moved to walk away from the others. "Bella, wait!" Betty called out with a worried expression. "Yeah?" Isabella asked softly. "Are you okay?" Veronica asked with a similar expression to Betty. "I'm fine. I'm... perfectly fine," Isabella told them with a smile that eased the two girls but concerned the three males. Isabella nodded before she turned and walked away from the others, her phone buzzed and she pulled it out to see a message from her dad saying that her mother would be returning home that day; but she wasn't eased.

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"Bella!" Archie's voice pulled Isabella from her dazed moment, she had been leaning against her car reading her book as she waited for Jughead to drive them back to her place; she may have been distant with him but she wasn't gonna leave him without a roof over his head. "What's up?" Isabella asked Archie as she put her book into her car. "That's what I wanted to ask you. I know I'm clueless on a lot of things but I know you, Bella. What happened?" Archie asked her, he had taken notice of the distance between Jughead and Isabella, and the more reserved nature that Jughead had during the day.

"Nothing, Archer, I'm fine. Really," Isabella told him but it was clear that he wasn't buying her words as he crossed his arms and raised a brow. "I had a panic attack in front of Jughead and... I feel embarrassed that he saw me that way. You, dad and Uncle Fred, are the only ones besides Kevin and Pop Tate who have seen me during a panic attack," Isabella explained while taking careful breaths. "It's just easier if I push him away... that way when he leaves, it won't hurt as much," Isabella added, her voice cracking with the words.

"You think I'd leave?" Jughead's voice startled Isabella, she turned her head to see him standing there. "You wouldn't be the first," Isabella replied to him while Archie looked between them. "This is something that you two need to talk about so I'll leave you to it but text me if you need," Archie told them before hugging Isabella. "Give him a chance," Archie whispered to her before he did a small handshake with Jughead and walked away. "Jug..." Isabella breathed out as he walked around and got in the passenger seat of the car.

The ride was silent as they drove to the Larkin household, Isabella's hands gripped the steering wheel so tight that her hands went white while Jughead just looked out the window. Isabella didn't know what Jughead was thinking and it sent her mind into overdrive, she consistently blamed herself for the attack and it potentially being the reason she was about to lose the one person who she could finally let past her walls. The moment they got into the Larkin household and walked up the stairs, Isabella put her bag on her bed and turned to look at Jughead prepared to lose him.

However, Isabella was stunned when Jughead wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him, she was hesitant at first before wrapping her arms around his torso. "I want you to know that no matter what happens, Isabella Larkin, I'm gonna be right by your side. Your panic attack didn't scare me off, it was a response to something that has been affecting you for a long time. It doesn't change anything," Jughead expressed to her, his eyes closed as she tightened her hold on him. "You're my best friend, Isa. You're a fighter and nothing would tear us apart," Jughead told her before kissing the top of her head.

That night, Christian had returned home with Annelise and she had fallen asleep quickly and peacefully. Isabella noticed the exhaustion on her father's face so she sent him off to bed in hopes he could get a few extra hours before he had to return to work in the morning. Jughead smiled up at Isabella as she padded her way back into her room and closed the door behind her, she yawned before falling back on her bed next to Jughead. "Thank you, JJ. For everything," Isabella spoke as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"Always, Isa," Jughead replied to her with a small smile before turning back to his laptop. Isabella nodded to herself before moving to lay in her bed, ensuring there was space for Jughead before she switched off her side lamp and curled under her blankets. She focused on the keys of Jughead's keyboard and let the light taps lull her into a calm sleep, her eyes closed and within a few minutes, her tired body let the dreams take over. Jughead turned his head to the light snores and smiled before moving back against the headboard in case she woke up. Jughead Jones promised himself that night that no matter what happened, he'd protect Isabella Larkin with his life.

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Rosemary Speaks

Honestly, I missed writing Isabella and Jughead. They are so damn cute!

Should I pair Betty with Trev (like in the comics) and bring him into the main group?
OR should I bring in an OC in season two for her to be with?

Also yes, these chapters are a bit shorter than the former ones.

See you in the next chapter!

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