A/n: so this is a nice short chapter to finish off Goblet of Fire.
"Do you remember what I asked you at the end of your second year, Johnny?" Dumbledore asked Johnny three days after the events of the Third Task, and after Harry was dragged off by the fake Moody, who turned out to be Barty Crouch Jr, and the real Moody was found.
"You wanted me to join the Death Eaters," Johnny answered, taking a Lemmon Drop from the bowl if sweets on Dumbledore's table. "I'm not doing it, I can't."
"You can, Johnny!" Dumbledore said in exasperation.
"I can't!" Johnny said more firmly. "My girlfriend is Muggle-Born, Dumbledore, and besides, as soon as I rock up to wherever Voldemort is hiding, he or my father will kill me!"
"Johnny, you don't understand-"
"I think I do," Johnny spat. "You need someone to take the fall for you if this goes south, surely the Ministry wouldn't imprison a teenage boy who hasn't even had his sixteenth birthday yet? In case you've forgotten, Dumbledore, my last name is Grindelwald, I don't mean jack shit to anyone in the Ministry besides Mr. Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black and maybe a few Aurors close to my mother."
"That is most certainly not the case," Dumbledore assured him.
"Onto more pressing matters," Johnny said, ignoring Dumbledore's last remark. "What's happening with Harry and I this summer? Are we staying at Potter Manor?"
"Harry will go back to the Dursley's," Dumbledore said, holding his hand up to stop Johnny's outburst. "This was not my preferred option, but the Ministry didn't deem Gellert sane enough to look after two teenage boys, therefore Harry will return to Privet Drive, and under my supervision, you will return to Potter Manor where Ms. Granger is most welcome to stay."
"We're going to France for two weeks," Johnny told him. "For our anniversary which I missed because I was kidnapped in your school. It seems you've got a bit of a security plus a health and safety problem, Professor."
"I wish you would refrain from your spiteful remarks, Johnny," Dumbledore sighed, showing his age.
"I think I have every right to say such remarks," Johnny spat, glaring at his Headmaster. "Since I've been here a Troll has been let in, so has six Death Eaters under the names of Macnair, Lucius Malfoy, Barty Crouch Jr, Jakob Grindelwald, Peter Pettigrew and Quirinus Quirrell, a giant Basilisk petrified people, Dementors have roamed the grounds, a dangerous Tournament has happened and I died in it even though I wasn't even apart of said Tournament. Shall I go on?"
"You've made your point," Dumbledore said calmly. "I am very sorry this all happened to you and your friends, Johnny, it was never my intention to bring my students into harm. I was doing it for the greater good."
Johnny froze at his grandfathers motto.
"Can I leave now?" Johnny said through gritted teeth. "I'm having dinner with Hermione and her parents before we catch our flight to Paris."
"Yes, yes you may go," Dumbledore said quietly, motioning towards the door.
Later that night, Johnny stood outside the Granger's household in a casual blue suit, holding to bouquets of flowers in his one hand, and his other hand carried his bag for their trip away to Paris. This was the first time meeting Monica and Wendell as Hermione's boyfriend, and he was absolutely bricking himself. At dead on seven pm, Johnny rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" Johnny heard Hermione yell, and he let out a big sigh of relief that she was answering the door and not Wendell.
"Merlin, you're hot," Hermione groaned when she opened the door to see Johnny in his suit. She herself, looking incredibly hot in Johnny's opinion. Hermione was wearing a white denim skirt that stopped at her knee and a royal blue blouse.
"And you look incredible," Johnny smiled charmingly, pecking Hermione on the lips. "I don't remember agreeing on matching colours though?"
Hermione giggled as Johnny placed his bag down in the porch and handed Hermione her flowers. Red roses and sunflowers, just what she liked.
"Mum, dad, you remember Johnny," Hermione said as she and Johnny walked into the living room where Monica and Wendell was sat.
"Lovely to see you again, Mrs. Granger," Johnny smiled charmingly, handing Monica a bouquet of tulips.
"How many times dear, Monica is quite fine," Monica said as she thanked him for the flowers, giving the boy a hug. "Wendell, dear, say hello to Johnny."
Wendell grunted, his eyes focused on the game show that was on the TV.
"He's just a little grouchy," Monica whispered to Johnny and Hermione. "Time for dinner! Wendell, shift your bum over to the table."
Wendell once again grunted and moved himself to the table. He took his time to glare at Johnny as he passed.
"Daddy, stop glaring at him!" Hermione scolded her father.
"You still call your dad, daddy?" Johnny whispered into Hermione's ear.
"I had to make my parents think I had some innocence left," Hermione whispered back.
"It's weird though," Johnny quietly groaned, noticing Wendell looking at them suspiciously.
"Why, because I call you daddy, daddy?" Hermione whispered in Johnny's ear, noticing her boyfriend tense. She smirked to herself as Johnny sat down on her fathers left, and she sat next to Johnny, her eyes full of amusement as she watched Johnny all tense.
"What were you two talking about?" Wendell asked, twiddling a butter knife between his fingers as though he was ready to throw it at Johnny.
"Sport/homework," Johnny and Hermione answered in unison, there eyes widening at their mistake.
"We were discussing wether or not sport was more important than homework," Hermione saved both of their lives. Thankfully, Monica walked through the kitchen door carrying a freshly made spaghetti bolognese and thankfully breaking the awkward tension.
It was silent a few minutes later, the only sound being the scraping of knifes and forks, until Hermione cleared her throat.
"Can you pass the salt, daddy," Hermione said, clearly to her actual father, but their eyes widened when both Wendell and Johnny reached for the salt in the middle. Both men turned red, one in sheer embarrassment and one with pure rage. Hermione was biting down on her knuckles to keep herself from bursting out laughing, but Monica made no effort to keep her laughter hidden as Johnny withdrew his hand.
"I-I t-thought she said, D-Dobby?" Johnny said, but it came out more of a question.
"Dobby?" Wendell asked, his face burning with rage.
"U-uh, that's m-my friends n-nickname for me a-at s-school," Johnny stuttered, not looking up to meet Wendell's eyes. "H-Hermione s-some times call me it, s-so I thought s-she asked me to p-pass it her."
Johnny groaned later that night when he got into his pyjamas and flopped onto Hermione's bed front first.
"I hate you so much!" Johnny groaned, his face still red with embarrassment. Hermione giggled as she sat down on Johnny's hips, running her hand comfortably up and down his spine.
"I'm sowwy," Hermione said in a fake baby voice, laying down on Johnny's bare back and kissing his collarbone. "I'm sure my father will love you again before our wedding comes about."
"Your father will probably kill me when I ask for his consent," Johnny muttered, kissing the palm of Hermione's hand. "And now our kids and you can't call me daddy, tonight has officially ruined the word for me."
"Aw, why's that?" Hermione asked with a grin.
"Because every time I hear it, I'm going to either think of Dobby the fucking House-Elf or this awkward arse fucking dinner."
"Well a two week romantic trip to France will give us plenty of time to forget about it."
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