ᵒ⁹. ˡᵉᵗ'ˢ ᵍᵒ, ᶜˡᵃˢˢ ʳᵉᵖ!

༉˚*ೃ ᵒ⁹. 𝐋𝐄𝐓'𝐒 𝐆𝐎, 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐏!

𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 early. Willingly. It wasn't the first day she'd done so, because she'd dragged herself out of bed those first two times. But for the first time in, like, forever, Tsubame woke up because she was just excited. Somehow, even dreams seemed to pale. Last night, she'd stayed up extremely late studying with her friends. Her friends. And today Ashido had promised that the five of them would work together on the last mathematical problems that had been plaguing them, in the library.

          So, sure, she was tired—but the fact that she chose to climb out of the warmth of her bed with time to spare and pulled herself into her clothes without internal complaint about the early hour proved that something had changed. She grinned as she packed her bag, freshly-washed face shining as her hands leafed through her in-depth and noted animal encyclopaedia before she shoved it into the backpack. Tsubame also threw in a manga that Ashido had mentioned she wanted to read during their phone call that night.

          Everything she did was with a small skip in her step. Packing up her English and Maths notes—most of which were illegible—had never been so exciting. She had friends. Friends who seemed to like her, actually matched her energy rather than being put off by it. And after her first real dose of hero lessons the day before, Tsubame was eager for more. She wore her pigtails extra high and voluminous today in order to show just how happy she was. Pulled on high fluffy grey socks with a hop. Ate breakfast with extra enjoyment and when Miki commented on how hard she was smiling, simply replied with, "Friends!" Nothing could drag her down.

          It was interesting how most days started out that way. You had no idea what they were going to bring.

          Happily, she waved goodbye to Tomomi and Miki, kissed her father on the cheek, and said, "I'll catch you later!" as she left the house, skipping down the street jovially with her backpack thrown over her shoulder. It was a delightful temperature—it seemed the sky was reflecting her contentment—, sun shining down to glow over her skin, lighting up her butterscotch eyes with shades of gold and orange. She grinned at the blue expanse above her. Her brown shoes padded along the cobble. She just... loved everything today.

          Tsubame took her now-usual route to school, and this time got mango oolong boba, which she drank on her walk up the subway U.A. entrance steps. It was extra delicious. Man, Tsubame thought, groaning internally as she fished the straw around for the pearls, this is going to destroy my bank account. Tsubame still had her lips around the straw as she emerged out of the subway into the light, happily draining the unhealthy drink, and immediately had a microphone pushed into her face.

          Blinking her eyes and unwillingly shifting back, before her gaze flickered up in surprise, Tsubame came face to face with a brunette woman. "You! You're a U.A. student, right?"

           "Uh..." She had, indeed, exited the subway at the right spot—which she had wondered to herself for a very brief moment—, as behind the woman were the high school gates reading, 'U.A.'. Unfortunately, also behind the woman, was a massive crowd of press, each with microphones and cameras either tilted Tsubame's way or at the other students who'd had the misfortune of being wrapped up in the reporters' crowd.

          The microphone shoved closer into her space, but Tsubame held her ground, a confused expression pressing its way across her face. "All Might, the Symbol of Peace, is one of your teachers, correct? How are his lessons?" continued the female reporter.

          Tsubame blanched, and blinked. There was no way around the group of cameras and notebooks, dozens of pairs of eyes trained expectantly on her. Was she going to be on the news? It was a bit nerve-wracking, but Tsubame adopted one of her wide grins. Sharp canine teeth shone. "Well, I've only had one class with him, but he's been great so far! Really nice." Her gaze darted around as she spoke, trying to spot a way through the mass. Some other students from the subway were crawling between their legs—clearly not wanting to be held up like Akatsuki Tsubame had gotten herself caught in. Wasn't the press against U.A.'s rules as a school, anyway?

          "Will you tell us a little about what like Japan's Number One Hero is like in person?" interrogated the same woman.

          "Er..." Tsubame watched Asui Tsuyu, who must have been on a carriage of the lilac line train too, hop over several reporters' heads about fifty meters to her right. The group of press were blocking the school's entrance. "He's... really cool! Strong. Encouraging. An inspiration. Y'know, why don't you ask him yourself...?" she attempted, pushing her way into the crowd of reporters. "I'm going to be late for class." There were everything from Canon cameras to smartphones pressed in Tsubame's face as she made an effort to get to the gates. If she didn't show up to Aizawa's homeroom on time he was going to crucify her. She'd already had a rocky start with him. Tsubame didn't want to add a tardy to her list of crimes.

         "Please, miss, just indulge us with a moment of your time!" They wouldn't get out of her way. A bit of agitation was starting to build within her. "Are there any inspiring quotes he's said to you? What about lesson plans? Any interesting personal facts about the Number One we should be aware of?" What the hell? Tsubame wasn't All Might's PA. She'd had a single lesson with the hero. She kept trying to shove her way through the crowd as the voices sounded around her, but their close quarters to catch the biggest scoop was making it rather hard. This was irritating. Another camera lens right in her face. "The world wants to know!"

          Turning back to face the group, Tsubame flashed some of the reporters her dazzling, enthusiastic smile. It was a bit wild at the edges. Most of it was forced. "I'd love to answer your questions, and I'm sure many other students would too, but homeroom begins in just a few minutes so this isn't the best time. I'm sure if you show up after school then people would be more willing to, uh... participate in interviews." She said all this while pressing backwards, towards the salvation of the grounds' gates. Surely they wouldn't actually follow anyone into U.A., right? Tsubame was pretty sure that the school had automatic security systems that didn't let anyone not part of the student or staff body within the grounds. "Um, thanks for the questions, though." Heroes had to take advantage of the press all the time. Even if paparazzi were basically leeches on humankind, it was important to get the news outlets and reporters on your side. The idea of getting a head-start as a headline name was enticing, but Tsubame would much rather not being on the other end of Aizawa Shota's red eyes and scarf-like capture weapon. "Sorry, but I really am going to be late!"

         She gave a quick wave goodbye, ignoring how mildly daunting it was to be such a short figure amongst a crowd of adults—honestly, the press should have been ashamed for cornering high school students—, and pressed backwards again. Lightly elbowed a man with an audio recorder out of the way so she could finally reach the stretch of space between the group of press and the school gates. Freedom.

         Just as Tsubame thought she was saved, making a straight line towards the U.A. archway—as the reporters continued to shout questions at her—a firm hand clasped around her left wrist, halting the girl in her tracks.

          Tsubame almost dropped her bubble tea. A flash sparked in her yellow gaze, body stiffening at the person who'd so rudely grabbed hold of her. No manners. If a person wasn't a potential friend, classmate, or family member, they could forget all about stopping her from going anywhere.

         She turned robotically, slowly tilting her head to glance at the male reporter who'd halted her in her tracks. His fingers were laced around her arm. "Sir, kindly remove your hand from your wrist," she said with a bright, dangerous smile that should have been anyone's first warning. Her sharp teeth might have been pulled into a grin, but her eyes read threat. How dare a random person just take hold of her like that? That was incredibly rude by any standards, especially towards a high school student.

          Rather than comply with her instructions—that's what it was, a commanding threat rather than a request—, the man held his microphone out in front of her. His fingers gripped her wrist even tighter to stop her from escaping. "Is there any way we'd be able to speak directly with the Symbol of Peace?"

          Clicking her tongue—irritably, now—and recognising the time she was losing, Tsubame forced another smile. This one was more tight-lipped. She was about seven seconds away from breaking the man's fingers. Let's not, Tsubame, she told herself, that isn't what a hero would do on camera. Is this what All Might dealt with on the daily? It's not like they were even interviewing Tsubame for her. "Well, you'd have to ask a member of staff—" her stiff, stumbling words were interrupted.

          "Akatsuki, don't indulge these people." The voice of her homeroom teacher directly behind her startled the female student, jumping a little in her skin. Before she could turn to catch a look of Aizawa-sensei's scruffy appearance, his hand grasped the nape of her uniform collar and dragged her back out of the swarming, eager press. It pulled the reporter's grip off of her. The dark-haired teacher looked even more displeased than usual. When she was at Aizawa's side, in the entrance of the gates, he spoke to her in his usual drawl, "Reporters aren't allowed inside the school grounds. Go along, now. Don't miss the start of class." Tsubame was staring up at him, about to speak, but then Aizawa-sensei gave her a short push towards the school building. "Being late will earn you a detention."

          Tsubame had never moved quicker. She grabbed the straps of her backpack and took off towards the main building, only sparing a glance back for Aizawa-sensei, who looked like he was telling the press to go away or something. Is that going to be a daily occurrence now that it's public news that All Might is teaching here? She sighed, straightened out her pigtails, and went back to drinking her boba, thankful she hadn't snapped the rude male reporter's hand and caused a scene.

          She was in the middle of climbing the U.A. staircase when a loud crashing sound from outside interrupted her walk. Tsubame turned on her heel just in time to watch as metal barriers slammed all of the gates' entrances shut, and raised the ground's walls by a meter or so. A confused sound left her mouth, "What's—?"

         Some male student with unruly purple hair, who was a few steps in front of her, droned, "That's U.A.'s security system." He spoke it with a bit of a lazy grin. "I hear that anyone who tries to get into the school without a pass or student ID activates the barriers. It's impenetrable." His hands were tucked in his pockets, and Tsubame barely caught sight of the boy's face because she was already turning back and looking through the glass to see the high barrier that had extended the school walls. Thank God I've never left my school ID at home, she sighed internally, pinching at the sides of her skirt with her fingers.

          "U.A. really is amazing," she breathed. At least they were safe from the reporters descending on them during lessons. Smiling, Tsubame turned back around to thank the purple-haired boy, but he was already gone. Dammit. Oh shit—am I late?! Suddenly glancing at the on her phone and panicking, Tsubame ran up the U.A. steps in record time, sliding into 1-A with a sigh of relief. Salvation. It was much to her luck that Aizawa-sensei hadn't arrived yet, likely held behind by the press. Not all of her class was present either. Maybe the media had gotten to them too.

          Tsubame made a beeline towards the lockers, ready to deposit her bag. She passed several desks and classmates on her way, one of whom was Iida Tenya, while she finished off the last of her bubble tea. "Isn't it improper to drink sugary beverages on school grounds?" asked Iida, staring at her intently.

          Tsubame blinked a few times. "I like sugar," she replied with a shrug, continuing to sip at the boba. Her foot struck out antagonizingly and kicked the side of Bakugou's desk clearly deliberately, sole of her shoe rocking the table where he was sat. "Hey, Bastard," she greeted with a shit-eating grin, wondering if he was going to try to follow through with his promise of blowing up her throat. The guy was an asshole, but it was kind of fun to piss him off. "How are you going with your loss to Midoriya-kun yesterday?"

          Holy shit he looked furious. Tsubame swore his hair increased in both size and spikiness as he snapped his head towards her, eyes screaming murder. "What the fuck are you talking about, you shitty extra?!" His words were raised in an angry shout, that came out all in a few breaths of pure, feral anger, as Bakugou stood up with his hands planted on the table. It scooted his seat back. Backing up out of his danger zone with a shit-eating grin, Tsubame watched with amusement as the boy's eyes flamed and he gnashed his teeth at her. "Shitty Kitsune, I'll kill you!" Kitsune. That was a bitter nickname. Tsubame wouldn't entirely consider herself an evil fox yokai, but he'd gotten the shapeshifting part more or less correct, and there was something about being compared to a hundred-year-old malicious spirit that made Tsubame grin, despite the negative connotations.

         "Cut off all my tails, ya bastard," she shot back, mouth stretched into a cocky grin and eyes lidded with arrogance. Getting on Bakugou Katsuki's nerves was incredibly fun. She watched as his face scrunched into an even further mask of unbridled rage, teeth gritting and grinding together. Tsubame turned away from him with a cat-like smile and went to go focus on more important things.

          He shouted after her. Spat in a rabid yell, "Stay out of my way, Nogitsune!"

          Snickering to herself, Tsubame hopped over to where some of her friends were sat around Kaminari's desk, grinning. "You've got a death wish! That guy's got the anger management skills of an active volcano," Kaminari exclaimed with his high voice—a lopsided grin twisting up his mouth, eyebrows raised high—when she stopped at their side. It was him sitting atop the table, with Sero standing off to the side. Both were smiling wide.

          Tsubame sighed dramatically and rolled her head atop her shoulders. "As if—the least he could do is actually go through with his promise on killing me. He's just a repressed ball of pent-up anger." She cradled her cheek on her palm and smiled. "Anyway, Kaminari-kun, you get enough beauty sleep last night?" Sero snickered.

         Kaminari looked devastated that she'd bring it up. "I woke up and you'd all hung up on me!" he whined, dropping his forehead on the desk theatrically. Both other students laughed at his misfortune, Tsubame's giggle high and jovial compared to Sero's lower and amused chuckle.

          "You were asleep," the dark-haired boy pointed out with a wide grin.

          Pouting by sticking out her lower lip far, eyes lidded with playfulness and her palm squooshing her cheek up by her eyes, Tsubame teased, "It was kinda cute, though." That answer didn't seem to please Kaminari, as he groaned once again—clearly wanting to be more of the 'badass' type than 'adorable'.

          "Did you guys get interviewed by the press?!" Ashido Mina's loud exclamation broke through the classroom's momentary calm as suddenly she was springing at them, her typical excitable self. Grin stretched wide. When her friends nodded enthusiastically along, she coupled it with a groan, "It was all All Might. They didn't even ask about me at all." Ashido dragged a hand down her cheek so her finger pulled at the skin beneath her black eye, stretching the lower lid downwards in an exaggerated expression of theatrics and gloom.

          "Some guy grabbed hold of me to try to do an interview," Tsubame drawled distastefully, thinking about the audacity he'd had to clutch her by the wrist. Her, a fifteen-year-old student. For what, a stupid All Might interview? The three students surrounding her looked mildly shocked. Cockily, Tsubame's calf slammed down atop Kaminari's desk, shaking the entire piece of furniture. "He's lucky I didn't kick his ass." It was spoken with a grinning snarl, both confident and irritated. Grabbing hold of a random person was incredibly overfamiliar and insulting. He'd had no right.

          "You should have," Sero grinned lazily, and Tsubame was suddenly aware that she had a group of enablers who would probably encourage, and do so themselves, things that weren't quite of the standards of a Hero Course student. She smiled back. It sounded fun.

          "Sit down." The ice-cold tone of Aizawa-sensei's voice cut through the classroom and everyone—a survival instinct, at this point—immediately snapped into their seats, Tsubame sliding into her chair with as much speed as she could muster. It almost tipped the piece of furniture totally sideways. "Good work on yesterday's combat training." The tall, gangly teacher held a clipboard with notes as he crossed the room to the lecture podium, shaggy black hair hanging in front of his face. "I saw the video and the results. You're all talented but each of you needs major work." Tsubame supposed that was a compliment coming from the sleep-deprived teacher who still scared her a little. He looked positively done with the world standing at the front of the classroom. "Now, let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you..."

          Tsubame gritted her teeth in anticipation, holding her breath. Another specialist test?!

          "... decide on a class representative," finished Aizawa Shota. A wave of relief crashed over Tsubame instantaneously. That's a totally normal school activity! Then, she was hit with a rush of excitement. A class representative!? Tsubame had never been a class rep before—back in her old schools, she was pretty much the opposite of a desired candidate. Too hyperactive and intense. Here, in U.A., most of her class seemed to have the same energy. And suddenly the role of representing her class to the school and possibly leading 1-A activities seemed absolutely thrilling.

         Instantly, Kirishima jumped up in the air, arms raised towards the ceiling. "I want to be class rep! Pick me!" he shouted enthusiastically.

          "No, me!" joined in Tsubame, also hopping to her feet. She craned over her desk with a wide grin.

          Kaminari raised his hand, "Me too!"

          Beside him, Jirou Kyouka's hand also flew up. "I want to do it, too," the girl said seriously.

          "It's a job made for me!" glimmered Aoyama Yuga.

          Ashido Mina was jumping out of her seat and hopping into the aisle. Her arms were waving excitedly. A grin spread across her face. "I'll be the leader!" The rest of the class went leaping out of their desks to do the same. Tsubame wasn't sure if there was a single member of 1-A who wasn't campaigning for their own place as class rep—perhaps except for the quieter students, like Shouji, Todoroki, or Tokoyami. Even Uraraka Ochaco was up out of her chair and waving enthusiastically.

         Tsubame joined the crowd. "If I was student rep my first decree would be no classes except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays!" shouted Tsubame above the rest, her hand waving high in the air to garner attention.

          Iida Tenya looked aghast, "That's not what the U.A. student representatives have jurisdiction over, Akatsuki-san!" His voice was stern, hand chopping as the light glinted in his glasses. He was out of his seat with the rest, attempting to calm the chaos that Aizawa stared out over with silent dread.

          Grinning, Tsubame jumped up higher. "No classes except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays!" she yelled again, in her now campaign slogan.

          "That claim is not on any grounds of proof or authority!"

          "You get five days a week off!" she crowed with her hands cupped on either side of her mouth. "No more Maths for anyone! I'll give you full marks on all your assignments!" No one was listening to her anyway, but she really was giving it her all.

         "That's not permitted! You're advertising your qualities falsely!" continued Iida, much to Tsubame's ignorance.

         "All Lunch Rush's food will be free for 1-A!" At this point, she was just doing it to annoy the polite, clean-cut student who seemed to follow so strictly by the rules. "Also, I'll expel Bakugou from U.A.!"

          Other students were shouting their campaign pitches as Aizawa sighed, suddenly looking as if he wished all children would simply cease to exist. Perhaps Tsubame's ridiculous spiel was the final straw for Iida Tenya, because with intensity, he shouted to the class, "Silence, please!" His loud, proper exclamation made everyone stop, even Tsubame. They all turned to stare at his tall figure as he stood in the seating aisle. "Being the class representative is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you." Tsubame's mouth had been pulled into a pout upon his first words, but now that fell, as she blinked along slowly in listening. He was right, of course. Being a class representative sounded lots of fun, but in a hero school, picking the wrong one could be disastrous. Would the rep be leading missions or training sessions? "If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

          Kaminari looked surprised, "Why do you suggest that?"

          From her own table, Tsuyu croaked, "We haven't known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?"

          "If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves..." contemplated Kirishima with his hand outstretched, awaiting Iida's answer.

          The class waited with bated breath as Iida stared at them. "Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?" He had a point, that the rest of the class seemed to begrudgingly accept.

          Tsubame slammed an enthusiastic hand down against the desk, hearing it creak beneath the force of her muscles. "That's a great idea, Iida-kun!" She pointed wildly at him with a grin. He looked only slightly surprised at her support.

          Then, he turned to their teacher at the front of the classroom. Their teacher, who had begun to climb back into his yellow sleeping bag. Apparently this much energy at 8:30 in the morning was enough for him. "What do you think, Sensei?"

          Aizawa Shota had zipped the sleeping bag all the way up to his chin. "I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over." He then lay backwards on the ground behind the lecture podium, out of view. Tsubame couldn't figure out if it were to sleep or to contemplate the futility of existence.

         "Thank you, Sensei!" exclaimed Iida in response. "Everyone, write down the name of someone in class on a slip of paper. Then we'll count the results!" He sent them back to their desks, even when it seemed obvious that Sero and Ashido wanted to discuss their possible candidates.

          Tsubame thought it was a pretty obvious choice when on the slip of paper she wrote down '飯田' ('Iida') in messy handwriting, and folded it in half. He'd mostly just told her off so far, but as far as a student representative went—with her yellow eyes glancing around the room from Kirishima to Bakugou to Aoyama to Jirou to Midoriya—Iida was the most appropriate candidate for the job. He would certainly be serious about it.

          However, when everyone had turned in their papers and Iida counted them at the front, the results he wrote out on the chalkboard were clear. At the top of the board, Midoriya Izuku had come first with three votes. Yaoyorozu Momo had come second with two. It was much to Tsubame's surprise that she was Iida's only vote—she'd assumed he was the clear decision—, but she was surprisingly happy to see that her own self had gotten a single vote as well. Tsubame had been anticipating zero.

          "Aw," cooed Tsubame, "someone voted for me?" Kaminari raised his hand proudly in the air, smiling wide. She smirked at that. "Was it the two classes a week thing?" the girl grinned sharkishly, tilting her head to the side. Pigtails fell over her face.

         Kaminari's lazy grin smiled right back and her. "That and the expelling Bakugou," he offered, and cocked his head in the same way, side-fringe flopping dynamically. She shot him a thumbs up in return, sliding her eyes shut to beam.

          Bakugou shot out of his seat and had apparently luckily missed Kaminari's comment in lieu of glaring in disbelief at the results. "Why Deku?! Who voted for him?!" What was with people calling Midoriya Izuku 'Deku'? The word for 'useless' in Japanese was considered an insult, so how had that become the green-haired boy's apparent nickname? If Tsubame could take a guess, she'd put her money on Bakugou. Who currently looked like he wanted to murder Midoriya in the seat behind him.

          Sero, grinning apprehensively, turned towards Bakugou from the next desk over, and said, "Well, it's better than voting for you."

          Tsubame made the mistake of laughing out loud, a choked sound half between a cackle and a snort bubbling up out of her throat. She didn't even try to cover it with her hand. Just laughed right at Bakugou from across the room. "What did you say, Tape Face?!" yelled the blond bastard, his eyes alight with anger. "What're you laughing at, Worms for Brains?!" That last nickname was apparently directed towards her as his eyes bore into Tsubame through the distance spanning them. She just kept giggling aloud.

          From behind the lecture podium, Aizawa sat up, still in his yellow sleeping bad. "Then, the class rep is Midoriya, and the deputy class rep will be Yaoyorozu," he announced in a tired drone as the two students walked up to the front of the class.

          The latter walked confidently, her dark ponytail bobbing as her tall figure stood to address her peers. Midoriya Izuku, on the other hand, was shaking—trembling in his anxious footsteps while he forced himself to keep moving. Once he was there, looking out at the eighteen other students staring back, he looked absolutely shit scared, like being actually picked as class representative was the last thing he'd expected. "S-s-seriously?" he said, voice wavering. Again, "Seriously?" His teeth were chattering.

          Tsubame, closest to them at one of the front desks, raised a casual hand. "You've got this, Midoriya-kun!" she lightly cheered. A smile was pressed across her features.

          The poor boy looked terrified. Compared to the smart and composed demeanour of U.A.-recommended Yaoyorozu Momo, he looked totally unprepared. Yaoyorozu sighed softly, hands folded in front of her lap as her head bowed with light exasperation, "How vexing..." It was murmured to herself, but Tsubame caught it from the close proximity.

         The rest of the class murmured amongst themselves in affirmation of Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, who they all thought were appropriate student representatives. Midoriya, on the other hand, looked a hairline of stress away from passing out. "Pretend we're all not here, Midoriya-kun," Tsubame hissed in suggestion, as someone who'd never really had an issue with public speaking. "You were really cool in combat training, remember?" Her words of encouragement seemed to not help with the shaking of his nerves. "It's alright, Midoriya-kun, I'm sure you'll do great!" Poor Midoriya Izuku—Deku?—shook like a green leaf of broccoli, and nothing said by Akatsuki Tsubame helped.

          The sun through the large glass windows just right, casting a heavenly glow over the classroom as Aizawa Shota broke down the student representatives' duties as leaders of 1-A, and all Tsubame could think through her smile was, what a lovely day.




i despised that when i googled 'nogitsune', to see what readers would find if they looked it up, that all of the first results were from teen wolf. that's so cursed. (if you want to actually know what nogitsune are, in brief: http://yokai.com/nogitsune/ )

tsubame running into canon characters that yet to be introduced yet, like hado nejire, and shinsou hitoshi (yeah that was shinsou <3) is so fun

the best thing about creating characters is seeing how they are in everyday circumstances and then throwing them into life-or-death situations to see how they handle it

short chapter because  👀

i cut this and chapter 10 in half, seeing as there won't be many chapters left in act 1. very excited hehe



♡꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱  BEBIES

꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱

tomomi's (and tsubame's) biggest role model, rabbit hero: miruko

word count: 5,010


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