SPOTTEDSONG FROZE IN place, unsure if she should leave the den or stand by. But Badgertooth didn't seem to care, because he jumped into action, immediately taking a herb bundle in his jaws and hurrying to Mousetail. Spottedsong crouched beside her friend's nest, ready to help however she could, even though she had no idea what she could do. "The first kit is coming. Spottedsong, go fetch a good, sturdy stick for Mousetail to bite down on when it comes," Badgertooth instructed.
Spottedsong nodded, rushing out of the den, her heart racing. She desperately hoped that Mousetail and her kits would be fine. When she found a good stick, she turned back to the den. Skystorm padded alongside her. "What's happening?"
"Your kits are coming!" Spottedsong replied, not waiting for his response and running into the den.
Badgertooth took the stick from her quickly and gave it to Mousetail. Spottedsong returned to where she was beside the nest. She watched, suspense heating up her pelt. But she didn't want to look away-what if something happened and Badgertooth needed her help?
The first kit slipped into existence, and Badgertooth gently nipped the sac that enfolded it. It began to mewl loudly; "Spottedsong, keep it warm. Lick its fur the opposite way," Badgertooth told her. Spottedsong nodded and began to lick the kit's fur the wrong way to keep its blood flowing. Then she let it return to Mousetail, urging it to begin to suckle, and it did. Affection surged through her; this was Mousetail's-one of her best friends-kits. Mousetail murmured something lovingly, gazing at her kit with shining blue eyes.
"You're doing great. Three more," Badgertooth encouraged, though Mousetail's eyes betrayed mingling excitement and fear.
She's having four kits? Spottedsong mused. But this is her first litter . . . she's bound to be scared.
Mousetail let out a groan, clenching her jaws around the stick, as her body convulsed. The second kit came a bit slower than the first. The stick began to crack as the second kit slipped into the world.
We'll need more sticks, Spottedsong thought with a glimmer of amusement.
The same thing happened two more times, but when Badgertooth released the fourth kit from its sac, it was still and noiseless. Cold dread washed over Spottedsong. "Why isn't it moving?" Mousetail asked, her voice quiet. "Is it dead?"
Badgertooth didn't answer; he began to lick the kit fiercely. Spottedsong watched, eyes wide and feeling helpless. The kit couldn't die! This was the first litter of kits in so long. Time to stretch out, and Badgertooth tried multiple things, until finally the kit began to move and mewl weakly. Its flanks heaved and it let out a weak mewl. Badgertooth gave it a couple more licks, then gently guided it to Mousetail's belly where it began to nurse silently. Mousetail looked at Badgertooth gratefully. "Thank you," she whispered.
Badgertooth opened her mouth to respond, but he was interrupted when Skystorm came into the den and rushed to his mate's side. "Mousetail," he breathed. Badgertooth dipped his head in greeting and stepped aside to let him embrace his mate. He pressed her flank against hers and laid down beside her, looking at his newborn kits, his green eyes full of love. "They're beautiful."
Mousetail only responded with a tired sigh. She rested her head on her mate's shoulder, her eyes closed. Skystorm purred softly and licked her forehead lovingly. Then he turned his attention to Badgertooth. "Thank you so much," he mewed.
Badgertooth dipped his head. "You'll make a wonderful father."
Spottedsong's heart swelled with love for her brother and his family. He would make a wonderful father. He was a marvelous mate, but Spottedsong could only imagine how much his kits would look up to him. "Congratulations," she murmured.
Skystorm looked at her gratefully. "Thank you."
Spottedsong didn't want to leave; she loved watching her brother greet his kits and comfort his mate. She felt blessed to have a brother like him, and Mousetail must've felt blessed to have a mate like him. But Spottedsong couldn't help but hope that this could be her and Gorseberry someday. She felt immediately guilty thinking about it when this was Skystorm and Mousetail's special day, not hers. But she couldn't push away the thought.
Paw steps outside of the den made Spottedsong, Skystorm, and Badgertooth look up. Lynxstar was nosing her way into the den. Her eyes lit up when she saw the kits and their parents all huddled up together. Mousetail opened her eyes when she heard her mother. "They're perfect," Lynxstar mewed, nuzzling her daughter warmly. "You both must be proud."
Mousetail nodded. "They are. And we are." She looked at Skystorm, affection glittering in her eyes.
Warmth flooded through Spottedsong. Hope. Affection. Love. Maybe there is hope for this Clan after all.
Spottedsong was just leaving the elder's den after giving Hareleap his fresh-kill, specifically the sparrow she caught on her hunting patrol. The old cat was quieter than usual ever since Brownfur died; the old tomcat had died just a day before. This moon is full of hope, life, and death, Spottedsong thought with mingled feelings of sadness and happiness. But when Dovesong and Blizzardpelt came back, things would be different. Lynxstar never clearly explained why they left, but all she said was that they left for more answers and hopefully a way to defeat MoonClan once and for all.
It was three days after Mousetail kitted. Every day had been sunny since then. The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. The first leaves were beginning to fall, and the breeze was getting stronger and colder. It was nearly leaf-fall. Spottedsong had volunteered to help Badgertooth take care of Mousetail, so everyday Spottedsong could see the kits. Their names were Honeykit, Violetkit, Leopardkit, and Snowykit. Two she-kits and two tom-kits. Mousetail and Skystorm's excitement was contagious; Spottedsong and maybe even the rest of FrostClan seemed happier now.
Spottedsong headed toward the fresh-kill pile to finally satisfy her rumbling belly. To her contentment, Gorseberry had beat her there. "Hi," she greeted him, sitting down beside him. He looked at her, his eyes lighting up with surprise and pleasure. "Is it just me or does the camp seem . . . happier now?" she asked.
Gorseberry nodded, his eyes shining with content. Then he nudged a half-eaten mouse toward her with a paw.
"Are you sure you don't want the rest?" Spottedsong asked. "There's plenty of prey to go around."
Gorseberry shrugged as if to say I'm not hungry.
Spottedsong shrugged in response. "If you say so." She took a bite of the mouse, grateful for the warm, mouthwatering morsel. "Thanks," she meowed.
Gorseberry dipped his head, pretending to be formal. Then he gestured with a paw to the nursery.
Spottedsong purred and looked toward the nursery, puzzled. "What about it?"
Gorseberry's eyes betrayed his frustration. Then he flicked his tail to the medicine den, then back to the nursery, then to Spottedsong. He looked into her eyes, urging her to understand.
Realization hit Spottedsong, quickly followed by sympathy. Gorseberry was struggling so much with the inability to speak. "Oh! How is volunteering going?"
Gorseberry sighed in relief and nodded.
"It's going all right. I don't really know how to do much, since most of it is herbs and treatment-you know, medicine cat things. But I do love checking on the little ones. Have you heard what their names are?" Spottedsong asked.
Gorseberry nodded eagerly.
"Well, Mousetail had two she-kits, and their names are Honeykit and Violetkit, and she also had two tom-kits, Leopardkit and Snowykit. Badgertooth and Mousetail say that Snowykit has had some trouble breathing. When he was born, he wasn't breathing," Spottedsong explained solemnly. "Badgertooth says it'll get in the way of his training when he becomes an apprentice."
Gorseberry's eyes darkened. He looked toward the nursery sadly.
"It is really sad. But Snowykit is already so active like Violetkit and Leopardkit. Honeykit joins in sometimes, but she likes to keep to herself most of the time," Spottedsong put in.
Gorseberry looked thoughtfully at her, then he nodded approvingly. Then he gestured with a paw to Spottedsong, his gaze glittering. Then, slowly and hesitantly, he leaned forward to lick her forehead. As if triggered by his touch, Spottedsong's mind began to whirl. What was that gesture supposed to mean? I like you? I love you? And sometimes it even meant . . . Will you be my mate?
Spottedsong stared back at Gorseberry in utter disbelief. "Did you mean . . ."
Gorseberry nodded, his gaze sparkling. He gestured to himself as he pretended to talk, then he gestured to Spottedsong, then to the rest of the Clan.
"I'm the . . . only one who understands you?" Spottedsong asked. "Hollyfern and Rosefeather understand you. They're your kin. And Lynxstar and Owlheart understand you, too. They understand what you've been through."
Gorseberry rolled his eyes.
". . . But they can't be your mate," Spottedsong concluded. "Right. I'm mouse-brained."
Gorseberry purred hoarsely and stretched out a paw to put it over hers. He looked into her eyes imploringly as if to say Please.
Spottedsong gazed back at him, suddenly longing to be with him forever. She did love him. She loved him very much. But she thought that with all of this going on, she couldn't have a mate. It would get in the way of her duties. And if she had kits, she would have to stop being a warrior and move to the nursery with Mousetail and her kits. It wasn't like she had a problem with Mousetail and her kits. She loved each and every one of them equally. But she wanted to fight and hunt for the Clan. Lynxstar needed all the warriors she could get.
Spottedsong took one more look at Gorseberry and made up her mind. "Of course I'll be your mate, Gorseberry. I love you more than anything." She purred and nuzzled him gently, happiness making her heart swell. She never thought this day would come, after everything that happened to her, but now she had a mate, and everything seemed to have hope. Gorseberry must have felt the same. You don't need to speak to be loved.
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